

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I know- their reactions are priceless! Confession: sometimes I do feel guilty saying no :neutral_face:
  • sarahdant22
    I never log my cheat day/meal because I know I'll be too ashamed of myself seeing how much I've gone over my calorie goal.
  • kirstinlee
    kirstinlee Posts: 152 Member
    I've lost anywhere from five to eight pounds in the last week (new scale) but it's still not good enough for me. I know I basically couldn't have possibly lost any more in that amount of time, but I'm still beating myself up over it for literally no reason.
    Also, my husband likes me overweight and tells me that every day, and I'm afraid he's going to leave me once I hit my goal weight. I know it's just his deep rooted self esteem issues rearing their ugly head, but it still hurts.
  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I know- their reactions are priceless! Confession: sometimes I do feel guilty saying no :neutral_face:

    Lol! Confession: I never feel guilty saying no. And if people start getting pushy I get mean. It's shocking to people that don't know me (keep in mind I'm talking about complete strangers that ask me to do things for them).
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    Words don't come out correctly or make sense at all. It's awful. So then I stay fairly quiet and people take that as me being rude, standoffish, or just a general b!tch.[/b]
    Once I get to know you, I am so friendly, flamboyant, and crazy.

    Those two combined, I'm surprised I have any friends at all.[/quote]

    This is me. Strangers/acquaintances think I'm quiet, my close friends and family can tell you I never shut up!

    I have people tell me they're intimidated by me, and I can look b*tchy but really I'm just incredibly self-conscious. I also tend to operate under the assumption that most people don't like me. [/quote]

    Yes, all of this. :/ It sucks. I've had people think I'm stuck up, when really I'm just quiet around new people. Sigh. Makes it difficult to make friends, and my hubby is so outgoing so he doesn't get it.
    (Somewhere along the line my phone cut up what I tried to quote, so I don't know who originally made all these posts, sorry!)
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »

    I still am, actually. I force myself to be extroverted because that's who I want to be.

    If this makes any sense, I am a shy extrovert. I am shy until I get to know someone, but then, I am the least shy person ever...and sometimes have no filter at all. By definition, though, I am definitely an extrovert, in that I like to be with people. Most people really enjoy their "alone" time, but I don't care if I am ever alone again. Sometimes when I am home alone with my 2yo, I want to wake her from her nap so we can play!

    I don't know what to call myself. I'm sooooo awkward around strangers, new acquaintences, etc. I wouldn't even say shy, just extremely awkward. I don't know how to use my body correctly. Words don't come out correctly or make sense at all. It's awful. So then I stay fairly quiet and people take that as me being rude, standoffish, or just a general b!tch.
    Once I get to know you, I am so friendly, flamboyant, and crazy.

    Those two combined, I'm surprised I have any friends at all.

    This is me. Strangers/acquaintances think I'm quiet, my close friends and family can tell you I never shut up!

    I have people tell me they're intimidated by me, and I can look b*tchy but really I'm just incredibly self-conscious. I also tend to operate under the assumption that most people don't like me.

    Yes, yes, yes. All so true for me. What's that thing my mom passed down to me and my sister? Resting B!tchy Face. Yes.

    Yep, that's what I have too[/quote]

    I wish I had that. I have resting tell me your life story and will do favors for strangers face.
    Confession: I'm not nearly as nice as people assume. [/quote]

    Me too. Yet I'm actually really quite awkward and pretty cold. Though no one believes it because they all think I'm cute!
  • tiona83
    tiona83 Posts: 99 Member
    Confession1: My sister asked me to send her this link but I don't know how from my phone app so I'm catching up reading it instead.
    Confession 2: I found a peanut butter m&m in my coat pocket. It had to be at least a month old. I ATE IT. and I'm not ashamed because I can't get them here and it was left over from a 48oz bag my grandma spent 40 US dollars to mail to me.
  • metermaid11
    metermaid11 Posts: 31 Member
    Words don't come out correctly or make sense at all. It's awful. So then I stay fairly quiet and people take that as me being rude, standoffish, or just a general b!tch.[/b]
    Once I get to know you, I am so friendly, flamboyant, and crazy.

    Those two combined, I'm surprised I have any friends at all.

    This is me. Strangers/acquaintances think I'm quiet, my close friends and family can tell you I never shut up!

    I have people tell me they're intimidated by me, and I can look b*tchy but really I'm just incredibly self-conscious. I also tend to operate under the assumption that most people don't like me. [/quote]

    Yes, all of this. :/ It sucks. I've had people think I'm stuck up, when really I'm just quiet around new people. Sigh. Makes it difficult to make friends, and my hubby is so outgoing so he doesn't get it.
    (Somewhere along the line my phone cut up what I tried to quote, so I don't know who originally made all these posts, sorry!)[/quote]

    YUP! If I had a nickel for every time someone has told me that they thought I was "so stuck up" when they first met me, I would have a lot of nickels. Not stuck up, just really really shy with resting b*itch face.
  • 2tew
    2tew Posts: 6 Member
    I have what my mom calls an "go eat S*%! and die!!!" look that I never seem to know I am giving, it has gotten me in trouble so many times with my bosses.

    Confession: I stood in the shower this morning trying to think of a confession I could share or witty comment to post..... NADA came up with NADA :# ! I suck at social media
    interaction (all social media-can't even figure out my freaking not so smart phone) Judge away, I hang my head in shame. :'(
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I know- their reactions are priceless! Confession: sometimes I do feel guilty saying no :neutral_face:

    Lol! Confession: I never feel guilty saying no. And if people start getting pushy I get mean. It's shocking to people that don't know me (keep in mind I'm talking about complete strangers that ask me to do things for them).

    You're better than me! Strangers are definitely easier to say no to since I'll (fingers crossed) never have to see them again! I don't mind confrontation but sometimes I'm just too lazy to deal with it..
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member

    YUP! If I had a nickel for every time someone has told me that they thought I was "so stuck up" when they first met me, I would have a lot of nickels. Not stuck up, just really really shy with resting b*itch face.

    Seriously. I'm not mad, this is just how my face looks! Lol
  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    2tew wrote: »
    I have what my mom calls an "go eat S*%! and die!!!" look that I never seem to know I am giving, it has gotten me in trouble so many times with my bosses.

    Confession: I stood in the shower this morning trying to think of a confession I could share or witty comment to post..... NADA came up with NADA :# ! I suck at social media
    interaction (all social media-can't even figure out my freaking not so smart phone) Judge away, I hang my head in shame. :'(

    Don't feel bad I don't have much to confess to either so I'm either a very good person, or I don't feel bad about the things I do. I'll let others decide which it is.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Confession: I get annoyed and will deny people who make friend requests to me with no note, but then I do the same thing with others. I guess I think people should know how awesome I am and say "yes!!" immediately. Or, I'm just lazy half the time.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I wish you could "like" comments on here

    When I first started posting I wasn't really paying attention and thought the flag meant "like", yeah, sorry! People were probably like WTH?
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Totally didn't feel like the gym tonight, but here I am on the triceps press.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    I had two baked potatoes (small ones) with sour cream and chives, and a bowl of low fat granola with milk for dinner. I feel satisfied.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Confession: I am sick as a dog, but I am going to a concert anyhow...because it is a once-in-a-lifetime thing and I already have tickets.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I have one of those "Never says no" faces. I also never say no. I'm a total pushover. I waste so much of my life doing stuff for other people and putting myself out because I'm a total wuss and cannot bring myself to say no. I also hate conflict and will avoid it at all costs. You know what's crazy though? In my professional life, I'm a lawyer. What's more - I'm a litigator. And a bloody good one. Apparently I can't say no or argue unless I'm being paid in 6 minute increments.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    Totally didn't feel like the gym tonight, but here I am on the triceps press.

    This is kind of anti-climatic after the big 666 :)
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    I have one of those "Never says no" faces. I also never say no. I'm a total pushover. I waste so much of my life doing stuff for other people and putting myself out because I'm a total wuss and cannot bring myself to say no. I also hate conflict and will avoid it at all costs. You know what's crazy though? In my professional life, I'm a lawyer. What's more - I'm a litigator. And a bloody good one. Apparently I can't say no or argue unless I'm being paid in 6 minute increments.

    Hire me to be your paralegal, and I'll do your "resting b-ch face" for you!