

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    My favorite thread today, and it's EARLY!

    OJ's Favorite Thread of the Day, now with Iced Chai

    I only read the OP and then skimmed a couple of posts. I'm more surprised that someone that age doesn't know about Starbucks or that they have a multitude of options. Or maybe it's the simple fact that someone old enough to have a job cannot figure this out on their own and has to ask a public forum??

    That's what surprised me. Order water if you don't like anything else.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    roland9765 wrote: »
    I went on an all inclusive vacation to Cancun last week. I had a goal of staying on track. Totally failed, between awesome food, deserts and alcohol...gained 9 pounds in 7 days.

    I have an all inclusive in Bahamas in June, I worry I will do the same.
    Same here! All inclusive resort to the Dominican Republic in June. I'm hoping that all the walking I'll do around there will at least help to balance things out... a bit. I joined a Bikini Body group just so I can feel comfortable walking around in a bikini there!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    roland9765 wrote: »
    I went on an all inclusive vacation to Cancun last week. I had a goal of staying on track. Totally failed, between awesome food, deserts and alcohol...gained 9 pounds in 7 days.

    I have an all inclusive in Bahamas in June, I worry I will do the same.
    Same here! All inclusive resort to the Dominican Republic in June. I'm hoping that all the walking I'll do around there will at least help to balance things out... a bit. I joined a Bikini Body group just so I can feel comfortable walking around in a bikini there!

    Yea, I probably won't be wearing a bikini, it has been about 35 years since I could do that. but I'm a lot older than you and have been a lot heavier too I assume. I will just be glad to be able to wear a swimsuit and not feel like I need to be covered up.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    My favorite thread today, and it's EARLY!

    OJ's Favorite Thread of the Day, now with Iced Chai

    Heh, I saw the title and was like "no, the Starbucks one is the best one." Then light dawned and I realized that it was the Starbucks one. Good choice!
  • agorski82
    agorski82 Posts: 3 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Not a judgement but why didn't you just make the hot chocolate? Not sweet enough?

    Good question! I think I just wanted a quick fix? I don't even know, in hindsight.

    lol okay.
    Try it.
    I double dog dare you.

    When I was younger I would eat packages of swiss hot choc mix all the time. I have no shame in reaching for that if its the only sweet thing around LOL
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited April 2015
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    My favorite thread today, and it's EARLY!

    OJ's Favorite Thread of the Day, now with Iced Chai

    I only read the OP and then skimmed a couple of posts. I'm more surprised that someone that age doesn't know about Starbucks or that they have a multitude of options. Or maybe it's the simple fact that someone old enough to have a job cannot figure this out on their own and has to ask a public forum??

    This is what I find puzzling. That they didn't just come up with the solution "I will get water." I think there's sometimes a desire to dramatize things, which, granted, I can totally understand from time to time. The same, kind of, with the thread about how chicken and fish are super fattening because they can't be purchased without extra oil and (mind boggles) sausage, which I'm writing off to being in another country, I guess.
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I've never watched any of the shows being discussed.

    Me neither! I'm sure they are all really good shows, but I don't like to sit in front of the TV for very long. I only watch sports, really. In the evenings (while my husband binge watches all of these series mentioned on Netflix) I prefer to listen to music and read in the other room. Much more relaxing for me.

    Yep, that's me, too. Other than football season, I'd rather be buried in a good book!

    Yes! We don't even get any channels on our TV. I have super fast internet, so I can stream the CFL (Real Football - longer field and one less down than NFL) games. I also LOVE listening to the games on the radio...the announcers are SOOOO exciting! Go RIDERS! /=S=/

    I got into football watching the Esks with my ex. We were season seat holders. Then I started watching NFL and fell in love with the fame when we drove 18 hours to see Favre play in MN (hubby's dream to see him play). CFL doesn't compare to NFL. I can't even watch CFL anymore... btw, have the riders learned to count yet :p (to those that don't know the Riders lost the Grey Cup twice b/c of a too many men call!) ...sorry Ladybug...I couldn't resist

    We can never be friends! ;) I was at the Grey Cup game when the Riders won at home and it was one of the greatest experiences I have had in my whole life! The Riders have the best fans of any sports team in the entire world!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    My favorite thread today, and it's EARLY!

    OJ's Favorite Thread of the Day, now with Iced Chai

    I only read the OP and then skimmed a couple of posts. I'm more surprised that someone that age doesn't know about Starbucks or that they have a multitude of options. Or maybe it's the simple fact that someone old enough to have a job cannot figure this out on their own and has to ask a public forum??

    This is what I find puzzling. That they didn't just come up with the solution "I will get water." I think there's sometimes a desire to dramatize things, which, granted, I can totally understand from time to time. The same, kind of, with the thread about how chicken and fish are super fattening because they can't be purchased without extra oil and (mind boggles) sausage, which I'm writing off to being in another country, I guess.

    I legitimately had to choke back a laugh on that. I have no idea.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    roland9765 wrote: »
    I went on an all inclusive vacation to Cancun last week. I had a goal of staying on track. Totally failed, between awesome food, deserts and alcohol...gained 9 pounds in 7 days.
    I did that last month - 5 days, 5 pounds. However, once it had all 'cleared through' and all the sodium was flushed away, I was hardly up at all. Maybe you'll be the same?
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I'm getting back into running after an injury and have been doing jog/walk intervals - the jog part never stops until a car passes me, though. Can't be seen to be whimping out and walking, nosirree :D

    Hey, now, walking is NOT a wimpy workout! I'm a speed / incline walker. I can't jog or run due to an ankle and neck issue. Just giving you a bad time! Whatever keeps you out there and active, go for it!
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    In the past, I've eaten an entire jar of White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter. It's my drug of choice. Literally.

    My store was out (said some was supposed to be on the delivery truck scheduled to arrive the next day), I couldn't wait, so I drove to 3 other stores in town with no luck, then drove 45 minutes to the next store that carried it!

    I've never heard of this stuff before now and certainly haven't seen it in any stores... but of course now I'm going to be on the hunt for it, probably my next trip to the US.

    I see BZAH10 has put up a new shoulder/arm avatar to taunt inspire and motivate me. Lol. I'm glad she posts so often in this thread so I get to see my Dream Shoulder regularly. :)

    Hahaha! Thanks for noticing! I only posted a new picture because I was really white and pale in my other picture. Been outside recently and have a bit of color, so I thought I'd update it.

    I've been toying with the idea of posting my own shoulder pic just for laughs (which will be totally meaningless to anyone outside of this thread) but it would definitely out-pale your old one as we're on our fifth month of winter here... snowing outside as I type.

    I get confused when people change their avatar lol. Someone had your llama pic in a Facebook group I'm in, and I was like "you can't use that picture! That's @ythannah! ".

    In other news, we're supposed to get a bit of snow tomorrow too.

    Lol! That's what I get for putting up a pic poached from the net.

    And if I'm not mistaken, somebody recently changed her avatar from a masked purple-haired girl to a very pretty brunette...

    Thanks... The picture is actually a year and a half old, but I haven't changed much lol

    It is a great picture of you!

    And snow? Where do you live? I live in South Carolina and it is 76 here today.

    Northern -ish Alberta. It's supposed to be +16 today (about 60F), then we might get a couple centimetres of snow tomorrow. The weather changes quickly here lol

    Where in AB... I am in Edmonton

    I grew up 95% in and around Edmonton and my folks and sisters (plus brothers in law and 2 nieces and 3 nephews) all still live in the area. Watching the Oilers on Center Ice right now.

    Admitting that you actually watch the Oilers play hockey is a condession, indeed!
  • dimplz1965
    dimplz1965 Posts: 105 Member
    I wish I had ALL day to read all the comments! It's nice to know we all do these things, I just wish I would learn from my own mistakes. Telling my husband to buy the Big Bag of Peanut M and Ms from Costco because it's cheaper probably not the best thing. He can take a handful and much on them all day long. Me, I take the entire container and mindlessly eat - while I tell myself I shouldn't be doing it, and I DON"T STOP!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Confession: I have a 3 day weekend starting tomorrow and up until this thread existed I did not get online at all on my days off. Now I sign on here at least once a day to keep up! I'm already factoring in my online time over the next few days so that I can keep up but still be on as minimally as possible.

    I don't have the MFP app and I'm thinking I should probably keep it that way.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession: I have a 3 day weekend starting tomorrow and up until this thread existed I did not get online at all on my days off. Now I sign on here at least once a day to keep up! I'm already factoring in my online time over the next few days so that I can keep up but still be on as minimally as possible.

    I don't have the MFP app and I'm thinking I should probably keep it that way.

    Last weekend was the first time I'd ever come into the forums on here on my days off. I figured if I was caught up, I would be more productive on Monday (it didn't really work).

    I installed the app, with the intention of not using my work computer for MFP as much, since they can track it. I decided to use my work computer for today, then decided I needed to close it to get some work done. Less than 5 minutes later I had my phone in my hand and was on the app.

    I think I have a problem.
  • losingles
    losingles Posts: 147 Member
    I also do not have any idea what Minecraft is, I have never played CandyCrush or any of those other games, I am paranoid about putting apps on my phone, and I do not have a Facebook page. Joining MFP was a big deal for me. I am a technological dinosaur.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Whenever I buy treats for my kids, I only buy them stuff they love that I don't (peanut butter granola bars, butterscotch and vanilla puddings, banana cream pie and cinnamon roll flavored yogurts, marshmallow peeps, etc). This way I'm not tempted to plow through their good stuff. I hate when people send my kids treat boxes full of treats I love because I have no self control. I don't want it in my house!
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Cornmuffin wrote: »
    Whenever I buy treats for my kids, I only buy them stuff they love that I don't (peanut butter granola bars, butterscotch and vanilla puddings, banana cream pie and cinnamon roll flavored yogurts, marshmallow peeps, etc). This way I'm not tempted to plow through their good stuff. I hate when people send my kids treat boxes full of treats I love because I have no self control. I don't want it in my house![/quote]

    Same here. Halloween, Valentines Day... any holiday where they come home with tons of delicious candy guarantees I'll be eating it. I started making my partner take it to work.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Cornmuffin wrote: »
    Whenever I buy treats for my kids, I only buy them stuff they love that I don't (peanut butter granola bars, butterscotch and vanilla puddings, banana cream pie and cinnamon roll flavored yogurts, marshmallow peeps, etc). This way I'm not tempted to plow through their good stuff. I hate when people send my kids treat boxes full of treats I love because I have no self control. I don't want it in my house![/quote]

    Same here. Halloween, Valentines Day... any holiday where they come home with tons of delicious candy guarantees I'll be eating it. I started making my partner take it to work.

    OMG, I keep my 3 1/2 year old grandson on the weekends so his parents can work and on Valentine's day I got him some treats, and he kept saying "Nana, will you chair (that is how he says share) wif me pwease?" I had so much junk that day! How can I turn him down?
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Not a confession, but rather a pat myself on the back: I finally surpassed the 60 lbs lost mark, after over a month of bouncing back and forth between 56 and 59. (side note: MFP does not say 60, I started a week before joining here last July and input the weight I was at when I joined)

    Woot! Great job!
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    I am a vegan and buy nonvegan candy for son ( who is veg) and hubby who eats anything anytime I am losing weight / trying to get fit
    Cornmuffin wrote: »
    Whenever I buy treats for my kids, I only buy them stuff they love that I don't (peanut butter granola bars, butterscotch and vanilla puddings, banana cream pie and cinnamon roll flavored yogurts, marshmallow peeps, etc). This way I'm not tempted to plow through their good stuff. I hate when people send my kids treat boxes full of treats I love because I have no self control. I don't want it in my house!

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    My facebook is blowing up from that Indiana thing too...I mean, I live -in- Indiana, but nowhere near that city, so it's like...don't give them more publicity guys. -_-

    South Bend news said they shut their doors already. Not sure how they didn't see that coming?

    Tonight's confession: my dinner is a sandwich made on pancakes. I'm trying to figure out how to make it more often, except it takes a huge chunk of my calories for the day.


    cream cheese pancakes, to be exact. Ratio is 2 oz cream cheese, 2 large eggs, and if you want them sweet, 1 packet stevia, dash of vanilla, pinch of cinnamon (or whatever flavor/spices you want). You can also go savory and just add a pinch of salt. Throw in a blender or food processor and hit it til the chunks are all gone, let the mix sit for 5 minutes so the bubbles rise, then make like regular pancakes, med heat, flip when the first side has a few bubbles.

    There was a post on reddit using them to make monte cristos in place of french toast. I'm sure you could use regular pancakes, too. A lot of people use them to make ketofied McGriddles, too.