
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: My views on religion and spirituality are vastly different from those of my parents and what they raised me to believe. My family has no idea who I really am in many ways.

    I'm a chronic people pleaser and confrontation avoider. It has caused me a lot of unhappiness over the years as you can imagine. Only recently became aware of it and am really trying to break the habit.

    I can relate, except it's my in-laws. Our politics and religious views are totally different. I feel like they hang it over my head and things must be 'this way or that way' because I don't see things how they do. Basically they're fairly extreme in their views, I'm not.

    Heh. Both my parents & my in-laws.

    When they get a buzz on & start wanting to talk politics, (like our Middle Eastern strategy, for example), I'll whisper to my wife ("time to drop a bomb"), and say something like "Pops, we haven't "won" a "war" since WWII!" or "Well, too bad we don't have time machines." That usually allows us to go home for the rest of the evening.

    ...and yes, I use "air quotes" when I say it!

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: My views on religion and spirituality are vastly different from those of my parents and what they raised me to believe. My family has no idea who I really am in many ways.

    I'm a chronic people pleaser and confrontation avoider. It has caused me a lot of unhappiness over the years as you can imagine. Only recently became aware of it and am really trying to break the habit.

    I can relate, except it's my in-laws. Our politics and religious views are totally different. I feel like they hang it over my head and things must be 'this way or that way' because I don't see things how they do. Basically they're fairly extreme in their views, I'm not.

    Heh. Both my parents & my in-laws.

    When they get a buzz on & start wanting to talk politics, (like our Middle Eastern strategy, for example), I'll whisper to my wife ("time to drop a bomb"), and say something like "Pops, we haven't "won" a "war" since WWII!" or "Well, too bad we don't have time machines." That usually allows us to go home for the rest of the evening.

    ...and yes, I use "air quotes" when I say it!
    Because of a couple tiffs, I don't see my in-laws much at all these days (keeps me sane) but man, the tension all the time when certain topics came up. I always felt like I should have been in an interrogation room and I picture myself sweating under the hot lights. LOL
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Confession: I am seriously socially awkward. When people go in for a hug I freeze because I don't know how to react, also I really don't want to hug people. This behavior carries over onto the internet. I have noticed the people who commented upon my previous comments with sympathy, but I don't know how to express my thanks for that in a direct response (I'm afraid this is the best you're going to get). I just hope that you know I do appreciate it. Also, I may be drunk and that is why I can post this in the first place. :*
  • sporttabasco
    sporttabasco Posts: 7 Member
    I set up my husband's MFP and showed him as sedentary so he would not have as many calories to consume as if I had put that he was active. I didn't think that he would be as accountable as he has become, and now I cannot make the adjustment to show that he is active. On a positive note, I think that he is finally losing weight.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Confession: I am seriously socially awkward. When people go in for a hug I freeze because I don't know how to react, also I really don't want to hug people. This behavior carries over onto the internet. I have noticed the people who commented upon my previous comments with sympathy, but I don't know how to express my thanks for that in a direct response (I'm afraid this is the best you're going to get). I just hope that you know I do appreciate it. Also, I may be drunk and that is why I can post this in the first place. :*

    Your name is now Raj Koothrappali! (Any Big Bang fans here?)
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    Got back from a business trip that had me out of the office the past 48 hours...spent the first 3 hours back at my desk catching up with this thread.

    Yesterday was my one year MFP-versary but I'm scared for my weigh in tomorrow because of how much drinking/eating my group did on this trip.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: My views on religion and spirituality are vastly different from those of my parents and what they raised me to believe. My family has no idea who I really am in many ways.

    I'm a chronic people pleaser and confrontation avoider. It has caused me a lot of unhappiness over the years as you can imagine. Only recently became aware of it and am really trying to break the habit.

    I can relate, except it's my in-laws. Our politics and religious views are totally different. I feel like they hang it over my head and things must be 'this way or that way' because I don't see things how they do. Basically they're fairly extreme in their views, I'm not.

    For me it's only a few inlaws, and the rest of us just smile and nod. I'm very much live and let live, as long as they're not trying to indoctrinate my son, and so far, they respect that boundary.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    I set up my husband's MFP and showed him as sedentary so he would not have as many calories to consume as if I had put that he was active. I didn't think that he would be as accountable as he has become, and now I cannot make the adjustment to show that he is active. On a positive note, I think that he is finally losing weight.

    After many years of never saying anything about my husband's weight, I lost my temper one night and told him I didn't dare to ask him to mow the lawn because he would probably have a heart attack and die, then I would be screwed with the kids and a mortgage. He has never said anything to me about it, but he has been exercising and trying to make better food choices ever since.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,747 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I'm getting back into running after an injury and have been doing jog/walk intervals - the jog part never stops until a car passes me, though. Can't be seen to be whimping out and walking, nosirree :D

    Hey, now, walking is NOT a wimpy workout! I'm a speed / incline walker. I can't jog or run due to an ankle and neck issue. Just giving you a bad time! Whatever keeps you out there and active, go for it!
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    In the past, I've eaten an entire jar of White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter. It's my drug of choice. Literally.

    My store was out (said some was supposed to be on the delivery truck scheduled to arrive the next day), I couldn't wait, so I drove to 3 other stores in town with no luck, then drove 45 minutes to the next store that carried it!

    I've never heard of this stuff before now and certainly haven't seen it in any stores... but of course now I'm going to be on the hunt for it, probably my next trip to the US.

    I see BZAH10 has put up a new shoulder/arm avatar to taunt inspire and motivate me. Lol. I'm glad she posts so often in this thread so I get to see my Dream Shoulder regularly. :)

    Hahaha! Thanks for noticing! I only posted a new picture because I was really white and pale in my other picture. Been outside recently and have a bit of color, so I thought I'd update it.

    I've been toying with the idea of posting my own shoulder pic just for laughs (which will be totally meaningless to anyone outside of this thread) but it would definitely out-pale your old one as we're on our fifth month of winter here... snowing outside as I type.

    I get confused when people change their avatar lol. Someone had your llama pic in a Facebook group I'm in, and I was like "you can't use that picture! That's @ythannah! ".

    In other news, we're supposed to get a bit of snow tomorrow too.

    Lol! That's what I get for putting up a pic poached from the net.

    And if I'm not mistaken, somebody recently changed her avatar from a masked purple-haired girl to a very pretty brunette...

    Thanks... The picture is actually a year and a half old, but I haven't changed much lol

    It is a great picture of you!

    And snow? Where do you live? I live in South Carolina and it is 76 here today.

    Northern -ish Alberta. It's supposed to be +16 today (about 60F), then we might get a couple centimetres of snow tomorrow. The weather changes quickly here lol

    Where in AB... I am in Edmonton

    I grew up 95% in and around Edmonton and my folks and sisters (plus brothers in law and 2 nieces and 3 nephews) all still live in the area. Watching the Oilers on Center Ice right now.
    It's too bad there isn't much to watch 5-1 Anaheim... here is my shocked face :o (stupid never ending rebuild...)

    McTavish needs to go, ffs. He is the common thread here.

    Though they are playing better under Nelson, last night was just ugly.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Confession: I hate when someone on "my side" in an argument is irrational and/or uninformed, and from that point on, no point anyone makes matters, because everyone acts like their points are the only ones anyone makes.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,747 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I'm getting back into running after an injury and have been doing jog/walk intervals - the jog part never stops until a car passes me, though. Can't be seen to be whimping out and walking, nosirree :D

    Hey, now, walking is NOT a wimpy workout! I'm a speed / incline walker. I can't jog or run due to an ankle and neck issue. Just giving you a bad time! Whatever keeps you out there and active, go for it!
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    In the past, I've eaten an entire jar of White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter. It's my drug of choice. Literally.

    My store was out (said some was supposed to be on the delivery truck scheduled to arrive the next day), I couldn't wait, so I drove to 3 other stores in town with no luck, then drove 45 minutes to the next store that carried it!

    I've never heard of this stuff before now and certainly haven't seen it in any stores... but of course now I'm going to be on the hunt for it, probably my next trip to the US.

    I see BZAH10 has put up a new shoulder/arm avatar to taunt inspire and motivate me. Lol. I'm glad she posts so often in this thread so I get to see my Dream Shoulder regularly. :)

    Hahaha! Thanks for noticing! I only posted a new picture because I was really white and pale in my other picture. Been outside recently and have a bit of color, so I thought I'd update it.

    I've been toying with the idea of posting my own shoulder pic just for laughs (which will be totally meaningless to anyone outside of this thread) but it would definitely out-pale your old one as we're on our fifth month of winter here... snowing outside as I type.

    I get confused when people change their avatar lol. Someone had your llama pic in a Facebook group I'm in, and I was like "you can't use that picture! That's @ythannah! ".

    In other news, we're supposed to get a bit of snow tomorrow too.

    Lol! That's what I get for putting up a pic poached from the net.

    And if I'm not mistaken, somebody recently changed her avatar from a masked purple-haired girl to a very pretty brunette...

    Thanks... The picture is actually a year and a half old, but I haven't changed much lol

    It is a great picture of you!

    And snow? Where do you live? I live in South Carolina and it is 76 here today.

    Northern -ish Alberta. It's supposed to be +16 today (about 60F), then we might get a couple centimetres of snow tomorrow. The weather changes quickly here lol

    Where in AB... I am in Edmonton

    I grew up 95% in and around Edmonton and my folks and sisters (plus brothers in law and 2 nieces and 3 nephews) all still live in the area. Watching the Oilers on Center Ice right now.

    Admitting that you actually watch the Oilers play hockey is a condession, indeed!

    It's like self-flagellation, since I live out of market, we actually pay for the Center Ice package every season (my husband is a Caps fan, we don't live in that market either).

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Confession: I hate when someone on "my side" in an argument is irrational and/or uninformed, and from that point on, no point anyone makes matters, because everyone acts like their points are the only ones anyone makes.


    On the family/politics thing, it's funny because I have lots of friends and co-workers who have very different politics than me, and yet who think I am reasonable and who I enjoy talking/debating with, and yet I cannot talk to my father about politics at all. (We kind of officially stopped talking about politics in the summer of '08, but he keeps trying to get back into it. My sister complains about crazy conversations she has with him, and I always say "why would you even talk about that with him.") My dad is smart and we talk about plenty of other things, but I think it bothers him that my sister and I have different political views than he does, so he gets more personally offended by us -- especially me -- disagreeing, which makes conversations go downhill. Although I'm sure it's my fault too.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Confession: I am seriously socially awkward. When people go in for a hug I freeze because I don't know how to react, also I really don't want to hug people. This behavior carries over onto the internet. I have noticed the people who commented upon my previous comments with sympathy, but I don't know how to express my thanks for that in a direct response (I'm afraid this is the best you're going to get). I just hope that you know I do appreciate it. Also, I may be drunk and that is why I can post this in the first place. :*

    I suck at being sympathetic too. I want to be able to express it, but I haven't figured that out yet. The funny thing is I am actually very emotional. (I don't mean mood swings, I mean I feel things very deeply ).

    I am not a hugger. Don't need them, don't give them. (the exception would be if I were in a serious relationship with someone). They don't make me feel better when I'm upset, if anything it makes me more uncomfortable. My friends' families are all big huggers and honestly it kind of weirds me out when they all hug to say goodbye. I don't think it's bad it's just very very different from my family.

    I'm like a cat. I will accept affection on my terms only :smiley:
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I've been trying for weeks to cut back on sugar (mostly chocolate) and the cravings are a lot more controllable now. That said, i've already pre-logged my white chocolate pistachio Easter egg :heart_eyes: for Easter Sunday, a half split over 2 days so I don't go over sugar goal. But who am I kidding? I know i'll probably devour the entire thing in one day.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Fassopony wrote: »
    For the past few years I seem to have been developing allergies. This year, a spring cold plus allergies knocked me on my butt. I finally caved and got some daytime allergy medicine, daytime 24 hour Allegra. Not only am I less sneezy congested itchy but I also noticed a very interesting side effect. I have a normal appetite. It has literally killed my wanting to eat 24/7 as much as possible, never feel full no matter what cravings. I could care less about sugar! I feel normal :) I get hungry like normal, can eat a normal meal and be completely satisfied, no wanting to binge out or overeat or anything! I have had to purposefully leave room for "desert" (I like a Qwest bar some days) otherwise I am too full!

    THIS IS AMAZING. No more lethargic over eating to make me sleepy all day! I have lost 5 pounds.

    I think I like taking Allegra LOL!!

    Maybe I should switch from Zyrtec to Allegra.

    Switch to butterbur. Organic plant extract taken thrice dialy works as well as any allergy medicine and has no extra crap
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    edited April 2015
    1) Everything religious annoys me no end.

    2) It drives me crazy when people stress out, worry, or get angry about the most trivial things.

    3) I feel inadequate in nearly every aspect of my life.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Too intense? My brother recently posted on Facebook I could take the fun out of a circus act in something I posted I thought was funny. (Yes I am not talking to him now). So maybe I should just follow whomever takes the lead on establishing the group. ;-)

    Meh, his vote doesn't count obviously. I mean, the guy thought there was fun in a circus act to begin with.

    Good point!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Not a confession, but rather a pat myself on the back: I finally surpassed the 60 lbs lost mark, after over a month of bouncing back and forth between 56 and 59. (side note: MFP does not say 60, I started a week before joining here last July and input the weight I was at when I joined)

    Congratulations! That is awesome!
  • Cool idea! I have the waist trainer and OMG it hurts.. and it's a 3XL :)

  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Confession: I am seriously socially awkward. When people go in for a hug I freeze because I don't know how to react, also I really don't want to hug people. This behavior carries over onto the internet. I have noticed the people who commented upon my previous comments with sympathy, but I don't know how to express my thanks for that in a direct response (I'm afraid this is the best you're going to get). I just hope that you know I do appreciate it. Also, I may be drunk and that is why I can post this in the first place. :*

    I suck at being sympathetic too. I want to be able to express it, but I haven't figured that out yet. The funny thing is I am actually very emotional. (I don't mean mood swings, I mean I feel things very deeply ).

    I am not a hugger. Don't need them, don't give them. (the exception would be if I were in a serious relationship with someone). They don't make me feel better when I'm upset, if anything it makes me more uncomfortable. My friends' families are all big huggers and honestly it kind of weirds me out when they all hug to say goodbye. I don't think it's bad it's just very very different from my family.

    I'm like a cat. I will accept affection on my terms only :smiley:

    Yup. Me, too. When someone cries around me, I want so badly to give them some comfort, but I panic. I'm just like, "', okay. Don't cry. Or...uh, cry...I guess. Whatever you want, uh, okay? Here's a tissue?" *awkward pat on the back* Then I feel awful because I've basically been no help whatsoever.

    And if I can, I actively avoid people who hug. :/
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Confession: I am seriously socially awkward. When people go in for a hug I freeze because I don't know how to react, also I really don't want to hug people. This behavior carries over onto the internet. I have noticed the people who commented upon my previous comments with sympathy, but I don't know how to express my thanks for that in a direct response (I'm afraid this is the best you're going to get). I just hope that you know I do appreciate it. Also, I may be drunk and that is why I can post this in the first place. :*

    I suck at being sympathetic too. I want to be able to express it, but I haven't figured that out yet. The funny thing is I am actually very emotional. (I don't mean mood swings, I mean I feel things very deeply ).

    I am not a hugger. Don't need them, don't give them. (the exception would be if I were in a serious relationship with someone). They don't make me feel better when I'm upset, if anything it makes me more uncomfortable. My friends' families are all big huggers and honestly it kind of weirds me out when they all hug to say goodbye. I don't think it's bad it's just very very different from my family.

    I'm like a cat. I will accept affection on my terms only :smiley:

    So much of what you said is the same for me. I also think that describing it like a cat is probably the best way ever. I will probably steal and use it in the future, unless you object strenuously. I love cats even though mine is currently trying to sit in front of my monitor.