
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    If you are a praying person, I am asking for some right now. If not a praying person, maybe send some good vibes. My sister's sister-in-law is 30 weeks pregnant, after 5 attempts at IVF. On Sunday, she was having issues with her kidneys, so yesterday they decided to go and put in some drains. While under anesthetic, she vomited and aspirated. Due to lack of oxygen, she is now in a coma and has been placed on life support. The family was all called last night and the Dr's basically admitted they were keeping he alive as long as they can for the baby's sake, but there is little to no brain activity. Now a baby that was wished for, for so long, is likely not going to have a Mama. Miracles do happen, and we could really use one today!

    @ladybuggnorris how is your sister's SIL & baby doing?

    SIL has some swelling on the brain, but it is going down. She has a long road to recovery, but they think she will make it. Unfortunately, she had some blood clots in her brain and they had to give her blood thinners in order to save her life and the baby did not survive. We are all feeling very blessed, though, that the wisdom and quick thinking on the Drs' part saved the SIL's life. If they hadn't acted quickly, they would have likely lost both of them. We will all help her on the road to recovery and some day, when the time is right, they can either decide on a surrogate or adoption. One step at a time. Thank you for your continued well wishes!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    If you are a praying person, I am asking for some right now. If not a praying person, maybe send some good vibes. My sister's sister-in-law is 30 weeks pregnant, after 5 attempts at IVF. On Sunday, she was having issues with her kidneys, so yesterday they decided to go and put in some drains. While under anesthetic, she vomited and aspirated. Due to lack of oxygen, she is now in a coma and has been placed on life support. The family was all called last night and the Dr's basically admitted they were keeping he alive as long as they can for the baby's sake, but there is little to no brain activity. Now a baby that was wished for, for so long, is likely not going to have a Mama. Miracles do happen, and we could really use one today!

    @ladybuggnorris how is your sister's SIL & baby doing?

    SIL has some swelling on the brain, but it is going down. She has a long road to recovery, but they think she will make it. Unfortunately, she had some blood clots in her brain and they had to give her blood thinners in order to save her life and the baby did not survive. We are all feeling very blessed, though, that the wisdom and quick thinking on the Drs' part saved the SIL's life. If they hadn't acted quickly, they would have likely lost both of them. We will all help her on the road to recovery and some day, when the time is right, they can either decide on a surrogate or adoption. One step at a time. Thank you for your continued well wishes!

    Thanks for the update- still in my thoughts!
  • timetochange2015jks
    timetochange2015jks Posts: 23 Member
    I just ate donner kebab meat and chips AND mayo to top it off then found the lowest option out of the kebabs on the add food part just so I dont feel as bad ! Will do and hour of zumba when I can move again lol
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    I'm glad my friends succeed with MFP, but I get bummed when they leave and secretly wish they'd fail just a bit so they'd come back. (my friend list is down to barely a single page).

    I love what MFP has done for me and some day (in the very far future) when I reach my goal weight, I will never leave MFP. It will still be very important for maintenance!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love that so many of you are on board with my quiet salon idea. And I agree that I'd love the concept at a dentist's office too. I'm not antisocial or anything, but I don't warm up to strangers quickly.

    My confession today is that I am kind of freaking out about my wedding, even though it's teeny-tiny and there's not much at all to be done now. It's just the whole idea of having to do it. I would have been happy to skip straight to the "married" part and skip the wedding, but we decided we couldn't do that to our parents so I'm suffering through a 25 person event and hoping I don't hyperventilate walking down the aisle or say something stupid or trip or start laughing or something. For the past week I've been absolutely fixated on it and it's not for another three and a bit weeks. It sucks. I'm practically hyperventilating now just typing this, haha.

    And it's probably exacerbated by the fact that I'm hangry as hell because I ramped up the deficit in hopes I won't look at my photos and just see fat arms and too much cleavage. I really hope I can lose five pounds, which makes a pretty big difference at my size, but it definitely means three more weeks of being hungry a lot. Ugh.

    I'd love the quiet anywhere idea...I'm not shy or anything but sometimes I don't feel like small talk or talking in general. The thing I can't handle the most is going into department stores and employees immediately asking if they can help you find something- NO, if I need help I'll ask. I apologize if this is anyone's job and are required to do this but really it iritates the crap out of me :|

    I don't necessarily mind small-talk. I'd prefer that over listening to the person doing my hair gossiping with all of the other girls working in the shop. I'm in there every 6-8 weeks for 2 hours, so I get to know these people a little bit.

    The department stores, I'm torn about. I hate being hit by 3 or 4 people with the "Can I help you find something?" when I just want to browse. On the other hand, I also hate it when I'm LOOKING for somebody to help me and they are nowhere to be found.
  • crissycerny
    crissycerny Posts: 1 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Not a judgement but why didn't you just make the hot chocolate? Not sweet enough?

    i've eaten spoonfuls of hot choco for years. there have been times i even mixed it vanilla ice cream or cool whip or even cold milk. when you want something, you'll figure it out.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I just ate donner kebab meat and chips AND mayo to top it off then found the lowest option out of the kebabs on the add food part just so I dont feel as bad ! Will do and hour of zumba when I can move again lol

    I don't know what this is, but my mind went immediately to cannabalism. Donner? Party of one?
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    If you are a praying person, I am asking for some right now. If not a praying person, maybe send some good vibes. My sister's sister-in-law is 30 weeks pregnant, after 5 attempts at IVF. On Sunday, she was having issues with her kidneys, so yesterday they decided to go and put in some drains. While under anesthetic, she vomited and aspirated. Due to lack of oxygen, she is now in a coma and has been placed on life support. The family was all called last night and the Dr's basically admitted they were keeping he alive as long as they can for the baby's sake, but there is little to no brain activity. Now a baby that was wished for, for so long, is likely not going to have a Mama. Miracles do happen, and we could really use one today!

    @ladybuggnorris how is your sister's SIL & baby doing?

    SIL has some swelling on the brain, but it is going down. She has a long road to recovery, but they think she will make it. Unfortunately, she had some blood clots in her brain and they had to give her blood thinners in order to save her life and the baby did not survive. We are all feeling very blessed, though, that the wisdom and quick thinking on the Drs' part saved the SIL's life. If they hadn't acted quickly, they would have likely lost both of them. We will all help her on the road to recovery and some day, when the time is right, they can either decide on a surrogate or adoption. One step at a time. Thank you for your continued well wishes!

    Glad SIL is going to be OK, sorry about the baby. :(
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Not a judgement but why didn't you just make the hot chocolate? Not sweet enough?

    i've eaten spoonfuls of hot choco for years. there have been times i even mixed it vanilla ice cream or cool whip or even cold milk. when you want something, you'll figure it out.

    Oh no! 7 pages too early!!!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love that so many of you are on board with my quiet salon idea. And I agree that I'd love the concept at a dentist's office too. I'm not antisocial or anything, but I don't warm up to strangers quickly.

    My confession today is that I am kind of freaking out about my wedding, even though it's teeny-tiny and there's not much at all to be done now. It's just the whole idea of having to do it. I would have been happy to skip straight to the "married" part and skip the wedding, but we decided we couldn't do that to our parents so I'm suffering through a 25 person event and hoping I don't hyperventilate walking down the aisle or say something stupid or trip or start laughing or something. For the past week I've been absolutely fixated on it and it's not for another three and a bit weeks. It sucks. I'm practically hyperventilating now just typing this, haha.

    And it's probably exacerbated by the fact that I'm hangry as hell because I ramped up the deficit in hopes I won't look at my photos and just see fat arms and too much cleavage. I really hope I can lose five pounds, which makes a pretty big difference at my size, but it definitely means three more weeks of being hungry a lot. Ugh.

    I'd love the quiet anywhere idea...I'm not shy or anything but sometimes I don't feel like small talk or talking in general. The thing I can't handle the most is going into department stores and employees immediately asking if they can help you find something- NO, if I need help I'll ask. I apologize if this is anyone's job and are required to do this but really it iritates the crap out of me :|

    It's even worse when they do it at Walgreens and the grocery store. Do you know how many bazillion times I've shopped here?! If I need help, I'll ask! Yes, this bothers me too, but I also realize employees are instructed to do this. Sorry.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I'm glad my friends succeed with MFP, but I get bummed when they leave and secretly wish they'd fail just a bit so they'd come back. (my friend list is down to barely a single page).

    I love what MFP has done for me and some day (in the very far future) when I reach my goal weight, I will never leave MFP. It will still be very important for maintenance!

    I've counted calories on and off pretty much since I was 12. I've never really been overweight, my weight has gone up and down a few pounds when I go through emotional garbage. I just don't understand the idea of getting to goal and quitting...
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love that so many of you are on board with my quiet salon idea. And I agree that I'd love the concept at a dentist's office too. I'm not antisocial or anything, but I don't warm up to strangers quickly.

    My confession today is that I am kind of freaking out about my wedding, even though it's teeny-tiny and there's not much at all to be done now. It's just the whole idea of having to do it. I would have been happy to skip straight to the "married" part and skip the wedding, but we decided we couldn't do that to our parents so I'm suffering through a 25 person event and hoping I don't hyperventilate walking down the aisle or say something stupid or trip or start laughing or something. For the past week I've been absolutely fixated on it and it's not for another three and a bit weeks. It sucks. I'm practically hyperventilating now just typing this, haha.

    And it's probably exacerbated by the fact that I'm hangry as hell because I ramped up the deficit in hopes I won't look at my photos and just see fat arms and too much cleavage. I really hope I can lose five pounds, which makes a pretty big difference at my size, but it definitely means three more weeks of being hungry a lot. Ugh.

    I'd love the quiet anywhere idea...I'm not shy or anything but sometimes I don't feel like small talk or talking in general. The thing I can't handle the most is going into department stores and employees immediately asking if they can help you find something- NO, if I need help I'll ask. I apologize if this is anyone's job and are required to do this but really it iritates the crap out of me :|

    I don't necessarily mind small-talk. I'd prefer that over listening to the person doing my hair gossiping with all of the other girls working in the shop. I'm in there every 6-8 weeks for 2 hours, so I get to know these people a little bit.

    The department stores, I'm torn about. I hate being hit by 3 or 4 people with the "Can I help you find something?" when I just want to browse. On the other hand, I also hate it when I'm LOOKING for somebody to help me and they are nowhere to be found.

    I'm more entertained by listening to the hairdressers talk than trying to fill the silence myself. My life is boring, I work from home, my hobbies aren't really social, and I've outgrown the going out drinking every weekend stage, so I don't have lots of little stories to tell. Depends on who else is there, though. They censor themselves when some of the older clients are there.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: it drives me absolutely nuts (ie. totally jealous) when ppl whine about NOT being able to eat 1,000 calories in a day. i never say anthing out of fear of being destroyed in the forums, but it's mind boggling to me. are you living on cotton-balls soaked in vinegar? what am i missing?! tell me how to not be hungry all the time!
    This is me very rarely, when I'm super super stressed. Yesterday I only had an iced cappuccino from Tim Hortons and did not feel an ounce of hunger, just nausea. Not recommended :P

    A while back people were talking about Tim Hortons and feeling like the only Canadians who didn't like it. I'm American, but I agree that they don't have very good donuts. I CRAVE KRISPY KREME UP HERE! I do, however, like their iced capps. Mmm.

  • Momakanga
    Momakanga Posts: 122 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    If you are a praying person, I am asking for some right now. If not a praying person, maybe send some good vibes. My sister's sister-in-law is 30 weeks pregnant, after 5 attempts at IVF. On Sunday, she was having issues with her kidneys, so yesterday they decided to go and put in some drains. While under anesthetic, she vomited and aspirated. Due to lack of oxygen, she is now in a coma and has been placed on life support. The family was all called last night and the Dr's basically admitted they were keeping he alive as long as they can for the baby's sake, but there is little to no brain activity. Now a baby that was wished for, for so long, is likely not going to have a Mama. Miracles do happen, and we could really use one today!

    @ladybuggnorris how is your sister's SIL & baby doing?

    SIL has some swelling on the brain, but it is going down. She has a long road to recovery, but they think she will make it. Unfortunately, she had some blood clots in her brain and they had to give her blood thinners in order to save her life and the baby did not survive. We are all feeling very blessed, though, that the wisdom and quick thinking on the Drs' part saved the SIL's life. If they hadn't acted quickly, they would have likely lost both of them. We will all help her on the road to recovery and some day, when the time is right, they can either decide on a surrogate or adoption. One step at a time. Thank you for your continued well wishes!

    I missed your original post. How heartbreaking. I am glad to hear SIL is going to make it. So sad that baby did not. I will keep them in my thoughts.
  • Momakanga
    Momakanga Posts: 122 Member
    I just ate donner kebab meat and chips AND mayo to top it off then found the lowest option out of the kebabs on the add food part just so I dont feel as bad ! Will do and hour of zumba when I can move again lol

    I don't know what this is, but my mind went immediately to cannabalism. Donner? Party of one?

  • Wasatcher
    Wasatcher Posts: 40 Member
    A couple of weeks before I came back to MFP I was supposed to go to a party but bagged it. I'd bought a large German Chocolate cake for the party. My confession is I ate it. It took me about a full day but I got most of it down.

    I have no regrets other than now I get the occasional urge to do it again.
  • timetochange2015jks
    timetochange2015jks Posts: 23 Member
    I just ate donner kebab meat and chips AND mayo to top it off then found the lowest option out of the kebabs on the add food part just so I dont feel as bad ! Will do and hour of zumba when I can move again lol

    I don't know what this is, but my mind went immediately to cannabalism. Donner? Party of one?

    lol no its different crap parts of meat that chip shop does sooo tastyy but awful for you !

  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: it drives me absolutely nuts (ie. totally jealous) when ppl whine about NOT being able to eat 1,000 calories in a day. i never say anthing out of fear of being destroyed in the forums, but it's mind boggling to me. are you living on cotton-balls soaked in vinegar? what am i missing?! tell me how to not be hungry all the time!
    This is me very rarely, when I'm super super stressed. Yesterday I only had an iced cappuccino from Tim Hortons and did not feel an ounce of hunger, just nausea. Not recommended :P

    A while back people were talking about Tim Hortons and feeling like the only Canadians who didn't like it. I'm American, but I agree that they don't have very good donuts. I CRAVE KRISPY KREME UP HERE! I do, however, like their iced capps. Mmm.

    see, i'm the total opposite, i'm a stress eater. a massive stress eater...omnomnom

    i actually....hate krispy kreme *hides*
    i think the glaze is gross.
    we have a regional (i'm in northeast PA) donut chain called curry donuts. they are made of yum, and unlike dunkin, you don't end up with that later of grease goop on the roof of your mouth. woot!
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I'm mad at my husband, and I feel bad about it, because it wasn't something he did intentionally. My good leg is down a few inches since I switched meds. My bad calf is still 22", and has only moved a half inch one way or the other. This morning I hit the 50 lbs down mark, and I'm trying to be happy about that, but realistically, if I've lost 50 lbs and my leg hasn't shrunk, that means it's actually gotten worse, and the fat loss is making it even out.

    I was explaining all this to my husband, and he basically ignored all the things I'm worried about, and took it to mean time to play let's compare weight loss. I'm happy for him that he's lost more and is on the last notch on his belt, but seriously, was not the time.

    Men are seriously in another world sometimes. I swear mine doesn't listen to half of what I'm telling him. So frustrating.

    Sorry, what?

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited April 2015
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: it drives me absolutely nuts (ie. totally jealous) when ppl whine about NOT being able to eat 1,000 calories in a day. i never say anthing out of fear of being destroyed in the forums, but it's mind boggling to me. are you living on cotton-balls soaked in vinegar? what am i missing?! tell me how to not be hungry all the time!
    This is me very rarely, when I'm super super stressed. Yesterday I only had an iced cappuccino from Tim Hortons and did not feel an ounce of hunger, just nausea. Not recommended :P

    A while back people were talking about Tim Hortons and feeling like the only Canadians who didn't like it. I'm American, but I agree that they don't have very good donuts. I CRAVE KRISPY KREME UP HERE! I do, however, like their iced capps. Mmm.

    see, i'm the total opposite, i'm a stress eater. a massive stress eater...omnomnom

    i actually....hate krispy kreme *hides*
    i think the glaze is gross.
    we have a regional (i'm in northeast PA) donut chain called curry donuts. they are made of yum, and unlike dunkin, you don't end up with that later of grease goop on the roof of your mouth. woot!
    I'm actually a stress eater too, so usually when I don't eat anything it's to the point where the stress is absolutely massive (well, I have also done nothing BUT eat in severe stress). I think I might have depressive phases... I keep thinking I need to get this checked out but I never go.

    Curry donuts sounds delicious for some reason. Just the mix of "curry" and "donut" sounds unique. Do they actually experiment and create some wonky flavors? I want to go to that one place in New York: