
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Saaay, how 'bout our local sports team..?

    You think that won't get judgmental or contentious?! ;-)

    My confession: I was supposed to go to the dentist for a cleaning yesterday, but lied and claimed a conflict had come up when my dentist called to confirm/make sure I was willing to see a different person than I normally do, since I think they had doublebooked. The call gave me the idea, so I was like "oh, I don't mind, hmm, but if it's more convenient for you I can change." She said: "oh, no, let's keep it, we don't have any appointments available 'til August." I all of a sudden found myself saying "but tomorrow will be really stressful as it happens, I have a conflict that came up, August is okay," and so I moved it.

    I was originally supposed to go in January but did basically the same thing.

    I have stupid dentist fear (in part due to a terrible childhood dentist) that I need to get over already.

    When you figure out how to do that, please let me know. I'm TERRIFIED of going to the dentist. I know I have cavities and I don't want him to hurt me by drilling and filling them.

    I had two cavities filled last month and honest to God, it doesn't hurt. The worst part is just keeping your mouth open the whole time. I still hate the dentist, but it's not anything like it used to be. Please go.

    I know I'm making it way worse in my head than it actually will be, I'm sure. I have insurance and I need to use it.

    I haven't be to the gyno for several years either. I'm talking more than 10 probably. I am thinking of going before my vacation in June/July just so I can get on BC so I won't have my period while down there.

    I sure have my priorities in line, don't I?!

    If that's the case, GO NOW! The last two times I stopped taking BC and then restarted, I spotted on and off for the entire first month back on the pill. You want to get that out of the way before your vacation.
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    I've mentioned in this thread before that I suffer from anxiety. Well, it's usually bad to the point that I can't leave the house alone. So, today I have a two-step confession; one is AWESOME, and one is.... You be the judge.

    The Good: I left the house ALL BY MYSELF and walked 20 minutes to the grocery store and back, picked up the stuff I wanted, went through the check-out, and did it all without panicking! <--- So proud!

    The erm... Not So Good: I did ALL that just to buy ingredients to bake cookies... Which I didn't have the calories for. Oops?

    That's fantastic! :) I don't have anxiety about leaving the house, but I've got anxiety about other things so I can understand what an accomplishment this is. Good for you!

    As a fellow baker, you'll probably understand this: yesterday, I spent almost six hours crafting a realistic-looking sneaker out of fondant for the top of a kid's birthday cake. I'm peeved that there isn't an exercise listed in the database because it was totally exhausting! ;)
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    I've mentioned in this thread before that I suffer from anxiety. Well, it's usually bad to the point that I can't leave the house alone. So, today I have a two-step confession; one is AWESOME, and one is.... You be the judge.

    The Good: I left the house ALL BY MYSELF and walked 20 minutes to the grocery store and back, picked up the stuff I wanted, went through the check-out, and did it all without panicking! <--- So proud!

    The erm... Not So Good: I did ALL that just to buy ingredients to bake cookies... Which I didn't have the calories for. Oops?

    Good for you!!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Guys. We're almost to 600 pages. We've been at this for 3.5 months.

    I hope Agent OJ comes up with something good...

    Noted and contemplating ;)
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I had Chipotle today for first time ever, and... eh. Was fine, nothing to write home about.

    I am not a fan of the cilantro. The chicken and steak seasoning is great though. With that said, I haven't visited them myself in close to a decade. lol (my employer has catered from them a few times)

    I don't like cilantro either which is why I get plain rice for my order.

    I thought I was the ONLY one that did this. I hate cilantro and I think it tastes like feet. I don't want my food to taste like feet.

    Cilantro is always controversial. Some people just don't taste it properly. My sister claims it tastes metallic and won't eat anything with it in there (she also won't eat anything spicy).

    I love cilantro.

    I love it too! My sister thinks it tastes like soap. It's weird how people either love it or hate it.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Saaay, how 'bout our local sports team..?

    You think that won't get judgmental or contentious?! ;-)

    My confession: I was supposed to go to the dentist for a cleaning yesterday, but lied and claimed a conflict had come up when my dentist called to confirm/make sure I was willing to see a different person than I normally do, since I think they had doublebooked. The call gave me the idea, so I was like "oh, I don't mind, hmm, but if it's more convenient for you I can change." She said: "oh, no, let's keep it, we don't have any appointments available 'til August." I all of a sudden found myself saying "but tomorrow will be really stressful as it happens, I have a conflict that came up, August is okay," and so I moved it.

    I was originally supposed to go in January but did basically the same thing.

    I have stupid dentist fear (in part due to a terrible childhood dentist) that I need to get over already.

    When you figure out how to do that, please let me know. I'm TERRIFIED of going to the dentist. I know I have cavities and I don't want him to hurt me by drilling and filling them.

    Have you guys thought about a sleep dentist? I don't know if they have them everywhere, but my kids go to a dentist who regularly uses varying degrees of anesthesia to help people who are afraid of the dentist get the work they need. He can do a twilight sleep where you're only just under, all the way to a full knock out if that's what you need. He also does non sleep dentistry - my kids haven't needed to go under yet. It's really nice to have the option though. I know my kids would not sit nicely if they needed a tooth out or drilled.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Move4Abs wrote: »
    Pregnant...feeling sad/blah...the fix? Pop-Tarts. This is one of my few binges and was a binge. 4 poptarts...30 mins....delicious. Donating the rest to the office. Did you know those suckers have 200 cals/37 g of carbs EACH?!?!? I just inhaled 800 cals and obliterated my daily carb goal. Why the hell do they come in a pack of TWO?!?!? All said, feeling better....may need more sleep :)

    My drug of choice is currently dry roasted peanuts. I've eaten a LOT of dry roasted peanuts over the past few days. They stop me feeling sick is my excuse. This peanut is going to love peanuts. Oh and the NHS reckons it's fine to eat peanuts during pregnancy before anyone starts, the guidelines keep changing!

    When I had my kids, it was 1993 and 1994 and I was only 19-20. I never thought twice about what I ate/didn't eat whilst pregnant... Methinks I should be thankful I'm not planning any more, I don't do well eliminating things from my diet.

    I was 20 when I had my first child, and I had no idea what the restrictions were. I think I ate my weight in Caesar Salad, only to find out later that I wasn't technically supposed to eat that at all. Oh well. My kid is fine! lol
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Could someone on here post an explanation of how I get an image in here? Preferably a picture and through the app? I'll start there. Thanks!
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I had Chipotle today for first time ever, and... eh. Was fine, nothing to write home about.

    I am not a fan of the cilantro. The chicken and steak seasoning is great though. With that said, I haven't visited them myself in close to a decade. lol (my employer has catered from them a few times)

    I don't like cilantro either which is why I get plain rice for my order.

    I thought I was the ONLY one that did this. I hate cilantro and I think it tastes like feet. I don't want my food to taste like feet.

    I must confess I have never tasted feet so can't compare but I do like cilantro...
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    Move4Abs wrote: »
    Pregnant...feeling sad/blah...the fix? Pop-Tarts. This is one of my few binges and was a binge. 4 poptarts...30 mins....delicious. Donating the rest to the office. Did you know those suckers have 200 cals/37 g of carbs EACH?!?!? I just inhaled 800 cals and obliterated my daily carb goal. Why the hell do they come in a pack of TWO?!?!? All said, feeling better....may need more sleep :)

    That is a disappointment to me as well! I'd have some if I could eat two, but 400 cals isn't worth it to me. The new flavors do look tasty though!

    It's not QUITE the same, but the Special K Pastry Crisps actually remind me a lot of Pop-tarts, but they're 100 calories per pack. Much more limited flavor selection, of course, but good in a pinch!

    i LOVE the brown sugar cinnamon ones!!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here. I made brownies. Let's all get along...and eat brownies....with ice cold milk....MMMMMmmmmmmm!


    I'm sad I missed out on brownies because I had to take my daughter to the orthodontist yesterday. I would have much rather had brownies. :(

    Yep, and you know there are none left...not around me! LOL

    You should put M&Ms in good. The last time I made brownies, about a month and a half ago, I put M&Ms in them and drizzled them in a home made caramel sauce.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I put my photo into This I pick up this ~~> from the photobucket site. Add [ img] before the http and [ /img] after the jpg. I had to put a space into the brackets so it wouldn't try to make it into a picture. Do not put the space when you are really posting the pic.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here. I made brownies. Let's all get along...and eat brownies....with ice cold milk....MMMMMmmmmmmm!


    I'm sad I missed out on brownies because I had to take my daughter to the orthodontist yesterday. I would have much rather had brownies. :(

    Yep, and you know there are none left...not around me! LOL

    You should put M&Ms in good. The last time I made brownies, about a month and a half ago, I put M&Ms in them and drizzled them in a home made caramel sauce.

    I confess - I don't like M&Ms and would never ruin my brownies with them.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here. I made brownies. Let's all get along...and eat brownies....with ice cold milk....MMMMMmmmmmmm!


    I'm sad I missed out on brownies because I had to take my daughter to the orthodontist yesterday. I would have much rather had brownies. :(

    Yep, and you know there are none left...not around me! LOL

    You should put M&Ms in good. The last time I made brownies, about a month and a half ago, I put M&Ms in them and drizzled them in a home made caramel sauce.

    I confess - I don't like M&Ms and would never ruin my brownies with them.

    Me neither! They don't make sense to me.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I had Chipotle today for first time ever, and... eh. Was fine, nothing to write home about.

    I am not a fan of the cilantro. The chicken and steak seasoning is great though. With that said, I haven't visited them myself in close to a decade. lol (my employer has catered from them a few times)

    I don't like cilantro either which is why I get plain rice for my order.

    I thought I was the ONLY one that did this. I hate cilantro and I think it tastes like feet. I don't want my food to taste like feet.

    I love you, Mo, but BLASPHEMY! Cilantro is God's gift to tastebuds!

    I am not a fan of the cilantro. The chicken and steak seasoning is great though. With that said, I haven't visited them myself in close to a decade. lol (my employer has catered from them a few times)

    I don't like cilantro either which is why I get plain rice for my order.[/quote]

    I thought I was the ONLY one that did this. I hate cilantro and I think it tastes like feet. I don't want my food to taste like feet.


    I love you, Mo, but BLASPHEMY! Cilantro is God's gift to tastebuds![/quote]


  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I had Chipotle today for first time ever, and... eh. Was fine, nothing to write home about.

    I am not a fan of the cilantro. The chicken and steak seasoning is great though. With that said, I haven't visited them myself in close to a decade. lol (my employer has catered from them a few times)

    I don't like cilantro either which is why I get plain rice for my order.

    I thought I was the ONLY one that did this. I hate cilantro and I think it tastes like feet. I don't want my food to taste like feet.

    Cilantro is always controversial. Some people just don't taste it properly. My sister claims it tastes metallic and won't eat anything with it in there (she also won't eat anything spicy).

    I love cilantro.

    I love it too! My sister thinks it tastes like soap. It's weird how people either love it or hate it.

    The soap taste is an ACTUAL thing. It's genetic, like the litmus paper thing most people do in high school biology. I don't have it so I love me some cilantro rice, but my better half does and is disgusted by it.
  • aburningkiss
    aburningkiss Posts: 2 Member
    I cry so easily and I hate myself for it and I constantly embarrass myself because of this. I wish I could control it.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    edited May 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Saaay, how 'bout our local sports team..?

    You think that won't get judgmental or contentious?! ;-)

    My confession: I was supposed to go to the dentist for a cleaning yesterday, but lied and claimed a conflict had come up when my dentist called to confirm/make sure I was willing to see a different person than I normally do, since I think they had doublebooked. The call gave me the idea, so I was like "oh, I don't mind, hmm, but if it's more convenient for you I can change." She said: "oh, no, let's keep it, we don't have any appointments available 'til August." I all of a sudden found myself saying "but tomorrow will be really stressful as it happens, I have a conflict that came up, August is okay," and so I moved it.

    I was originally supposed to go in January but did basically the same thing.

    I have stupid dentist fear (in part due to a terrible childhood dentist) that I need to get over already.

    When you figure out how to do that, please let me know. I'm TERRIFIED of going to the dentist. I know I have cavities and I don't want him to hurt me by drilling and filling them.

    Have you guys thought about a sleep dentist? I don't know if they have them everywhere, but my kids go to a dentist who regularly uses varying degrees of anesthesia to help people who are afraid of the dentist get the work they need. He can do a twilight sleep where you're only just under, all the way to a full knock out if that's what you need. He also does non sleep dentistry - my kids haven't needed to go under yet. It's really nice to have the option though. I know my kids would not sit nicely if they needed a tooth out or drilled.

    That's kind of what I opted for, sedation. They give you an injection in your arm and it's like you are drunk, you are awake but don't remember anything afterwards. Sure if you do it before noon you may get some funny looks from your neighbours when your husband/partner must walk you to the door but it is worth it!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Friday is my weigh in day. I logged yesterday's weight because I knew I would be eating out twice yesterday (including sushi for lunch- all the sodium). As I expected I weighed 2.5 lbs more this morning than yesterday morning, dang water weight.

    I mentioned I have been wanting bacon lately. Last night I ate the most delicious BLT ish sandwich I have ever had. It was actually called BLAT- Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado, Tomato, only mine was only BLA, because I don't do tomatoes. It had a red onion aioli sauce. When paired with Mother's Brewing Company MILF Imperial Stout, it was heavenly!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Guys. We're almost to 600 pages. We've been at this for 3.5 months.

    We are going to hit 600 today for sure. By the way it's 5-15-15 we should all stop for a moment at 5:15.