Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.

I started a thread in late October, and another one in January, to try to stay on track, "JUST FOR A DAY". We have had over 500 replies last month, so I am going to restart this each month. This has helped me tremendously, to start each day new. It has kept me going, and to keep on trying, one day at a time. And, I've met some wonderful friends along the way! Reading others goals for just one day has given me so much inspiration and goals to set for myself.

If I can do this for JUST ONE DAY, well, maybe that one day will lead to another day, an entire week, an entire month, and this will help me to develop better habits for my life, taking this one day at a time.

So each day I am going to post what I would like to accomplish. While I post my "Just for today" list, I am also going to post how I did the day before, so I am accountable to you guys as well.

Would anyone like to join me!! I am always so encouraged reading others goals, and together, we can all reach our goals for 2015 and beyond. I hope to keep doing this, starting a new thread each month.


  • Sounds great, I'll join in for February !!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    Yesterday, 1/31
    1. Get out for a walk, no matter how tired :) Went on a long 5.15 mile walk today, which felt great
    2. Drink more water :)
    3. Keep a positive attitude. Look at the big picture of how I want to feel next summer :)
    4. Get on here and log every bite I eat. :'( Got into some ice cream tonite.

    Jan 1 - weight was 200 lbs
    Feb 1- weight is 194.6 lbs

    My goal this month is to lose another 5 lbs. I am still trying to get back to where I was before Halloween - which was 186.2! I get so upset with myself, I was only about 10 lbs from my goal weight. But, each day can be a new beginning.

    So if you guys posting would like to also post your goals here, it might be fun to look back at the end of the month to see if those goals are met?

    Just for Today, Feb 1st
    1. Drink water - minimum of 8 glasses
    2. Drink water in the evenings, as this is my hardest time
    3. Focus on the positive, not the negative. 2 years ago I was close to 220 lbs.
    4. Go for a walk, or if snowing, get on my ellipitical.

  • jaja2517
    jaja2517 Posts: 31 Member
    I would love to join. Thank you for your support & let me know what I need to do.
  • jaja2517
    jaja2517 Posts: 31 Member
    My goal for Superbowl Sunday Feb. 1st is to not eat more than 1,830 calories. I have to have hernia surgery. My goal for the month is to lose 6 lbs.
  • I would love to join you
  • yolondamichele
    yolondamichele Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. How do I join this group
  • SkFarmMom
    SkFarmMom Posts: 46 Member
    Count me in too! Since it's getting late and I've been getting bad about staying up waaaay too late:

    Just for today I'm going to switch off the electronics (now) and get to bed before 10:30

    Good night! See you all in the am. :smile:

    (I went for a 2 mile walk today...it was -26°C/-15°F but for the first time in months I didn't let that stop me. :smiley: )
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,755 Member
    1. Morning run :smiley :):)
    2. Just eat what I've logged :(:(
    3. Afternoon walk! :):)
    4. No, no, snackin after 7 :(:(

    1. Morning run
    2. Just eat what I log
    3. Remember how got here, consistecy with diet / workouts
    4. Remember, take one day at a time!

    Goals For Feburary
    1. Get to my goal weight
    2. Consistecy with diet!
    3. Limit eating after 7
    4. Working on portion control

  • lorddoit4me
    lorddoit4me Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in!
  • lorddoit4me
    lorddoit4me Posts: 44 Member
    log all that I eat
    workout before noon
    not beat myself up I don't achieve my goals <3
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Sounds good, I need the accountability.

    1/2 goals:
    1. Run 8km or elliptical for 60 minutes
    2. Stay within calorie allowance
    3. Plan tomorrow's meals
  • souri4nte
    souri4nte Posts: 4
    edited February 2015
    I'd like to try this month!

  • lakemouse
    lakemouse Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just for today I will stay within 200 calories of goal! Its Super Bowl which is really hard...
  • lakemouse
    lakemouse Posts: 12 Member
    All you have to do to join is post a reply at the end of this page with your "just for today" hopes.
  • Sign me up as I just started in Jan, but I all ready hit some hurdles. My goal today is to keep my calorie intake under 1400 or on.
  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    My daily goal is to burn 3000 calories;
    Walk 14,200 steps (about 11 km).
    I want to weigh 190 by March 1 (8 lbs loss).
    Run 5k at least 5 times per week (OK, right now I can't run 5k, but my 5k "run" is a mix of 3k running and 2 k walking...I'm gradually increasing the running component, so by the end of the month I hope to be able to run 5k non-stop.)
  • I'm in! sounds great!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    Just for Today 02/01:
    1. Do elliptical for 30 minutes
    2. log everything I eat

    My goal for February is to actually log everything, everyday and not falter when things are bad. Even if I overeat or make poor choices, I will log it.

    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!
  • Just115Pounds
    Just115Pounds Posts: 81 Member
    Just for today: February 1st, 2015
    1.) 30min jog (5-6mph) on treadmill, 3 incline
    2.) Catch up with my two 30 day fitness challenge apps!
    3.) Daily Blogilates from February calendar
    4.) DON'T EAT THE SUPERBOWL SNACKS! Gonna be hard, but worth it :)
  • That sounds great! I'm going to the gym at least twice a week to get fit and I usually do the elliptical. With work and classes it gets busy so I usually take long walks. Just hoping for the best with a positive attitude :)
  • Carol_Magee
    Carol_Magee Posts: 69 Member
    I can be doing everything right all day and then binge if I'm up too late. "Just for Today" I will get out of range of the kitchen at 10:00 P.M. or shortly after and forget about food.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    I can be doing everything right all day and then binge if I'm up too late. "Just for Today" I will get out of range of the kitchen at 10:00 P.M. or shortly after and forget about food.

    Carol - this is the same problem I have. I do so good all day, only to give in and eat too much in the evenings.
  • Just for today: February 1st, 2015
    1- Do at least 60 minutes of exercise
    2- Focus on how far I've come
    3- Drink lotsa water
    4- Complete my daily journal
  • Shaybihi
    Shaybihi Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in. Had terrible binging weekend- new start Monday-
    - Gym before work
    - Log EVERYTHING I eat
    - And pray that I can avoid snacks in the evening.

    Pray for me
  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    I can be doing everything right all day and then binge if I'm up too late. "Just for Today" I will get out of range of the kitchen at 10:00 P.M. or shortly after and forget about food.

  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    Same problem here! Eat reasonable all day, work out at the gym, then just too much at night. Do i go to bed at 8pm then! No! Im going to watch the Superbowl now & enjoy. Tomorrow is a new day and a new month.
  • Im in. Workout for 50 minutes and love it. Goal for today is to eat 1900 calories.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Joan, yes I am in this month too. Thank you for all your encouraging words and for doing this with me. My goal this month is to lose 5 lbs, get serious about strength training. Need to lift 2-3 times per week. We can do this!!!

    Just for today...
    1.) Be thankful today was better than last 2 days
    2.) Come up with a work out schedule for the week so I am prepared & committed :)
  • lakemouse
    lakemouse Posts: 12 Member
    Wow I wanted to stay within 200 calories of my goal but wound up with 300 calories... Could be worse. I see lots of you have the same problem as me. I do good all day but in the evening after dinner I eat too much! Hummm, for tomorrow my "just for today" commitment will be to eat nothing (not even drinking wine) after dinner!!!
  • EllyKann
    EllyKann Posts: 27 Member
    Love this! I'm going to take one goal each day and make it happen.

    Just for Today, Feb 1st
    Healthy snacking..Superbowl Sunday. (I made cauliflower bites and homemade baked potato chips with coconut oil)

    Monday, Fed 2nd
    Workout...no matter what.