Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.



  • angelred4kids
    angelred4kids Posts: 13 Member
    Yesterday's goal was met, however I'm not happy with what I ate as a whole.

    Today is a new day! B)

    Just for today February 9th Monday I have 3 goals
    1. No eating after 8pm
    2. Eating Lunch out with my mom and I don't know where yet, so my goal is to be mindful and choose the healthiest option available.
    3. Control the snacking.
    4. Hi All!
      Just for today-I want some accountablility. So here I am.

      30 minutes cardio, 30 minutes Yoga
      Stay within my calorie goals.

      Today's weight 184.
      Goal 134.
      50 lbs. to go. One day at a time!
    5. vicky177mfp
      vicky177mfp Posts: 3 Member
      Purity4all wrote: »
      I'm in! sounds great!

    6. paba40
      paba40 Posts: 10 Member
      Today get outline written for class instead of avoid it by eating.
    7. sherbear702
      sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
      This thread sounds amazing! I know I'm a late, but I would love to join this.

      Just for today, Feb 9th - Walk on my lunch break, even it it's raining.
    8. ruby70
      ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
      Monday 2/9/15
      Just for today
      1.) walk on the treadmill for cardio
      2.) work on my attitude, I am not feeling very happy at work today. I need to change my outlook :)
    9. got2go2concerts
      got2go2concerts Posts: 132 Member
      edited February 2015
      I'm new to this thread, love the idea, just joining.

      Goal for today Mon 2/9

      Go to gym after work. Get at least 1 mile on eliptical and 2 miles on treadmill (have been doing 1 on each)

      Stay within my calories and try not to eat my extra calories from the workout.

      Short term goal get under 200 by end on Feb.
      Overall goal loose down to 150.
    10. loveby30
      loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
      Made my goals today :) And even got in a little yoga, because my lower back and hip flexors are just a tight mess
    11. I would love to join
    12. kegofstout
      kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
      edited February 2015
      Well yesterday was not a success, I did get in my cardio but didn't log my food at all, just for today I will log everything and stay within my calorie goal and I already got my 30 minutes cardio in so off to a good start!!
    13. rdvorak
      rdvorak Posts: 17 Member
      I met my goals yesterday!

      Just for today, I will track all my food and stop eating when I'm full.

      I will get at least 5k steps in :)
    14. jabrams1955
      jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
      joan6630 wrote: »
      I am not perfect. Had all intentions of trying a new exercise class last night, but it was at 6:40 PM & once I got home I didn't want to go out. I should have known better. I think I will try it again though another time -- see if that keeps me from snacking at night.

      I don't belong to a gym, but I find that if I can get out for a long walk at nite it does help. My hubby wants me to join a gym because many times it is too cold to get out and walk. But I know what you mean about going back out. Have you thought of b ringing your workout clothes with you instead of going home first?

    15. jabrams1955
      jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
      I usually do that but this class is later in the Pm. That will just not work for me!
    16. got2go2concerts
      got2go2concerts Posts: 132 Member
      edited February 2015
      I'm new to this thread, love the idea, just joining.

      Goal for today Mon 2/9

      Go to gym after work. Get at least 1 mile on eliptical and 2 miles on treadmill (have been doing 1 on each)

      Stay within my calories and try not to eat my extra calories from the workout.

      Short term goal get under 200 by end on Feb.
      Overall goal loose down to 150.

      Got one of my goals in today, got over 1 mile on eliptical and 2 miles on treadmill.
    17. taxmom9093
      taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
      edited February 2015
      So much craziness at work and then I caught a nasty cold. :'( The last few days if I was not working, I was home trying to get some sleep. I'm still not 100% but I am getting better anyway. Now I'm trying to get back into a more stable routine. So for tomorrow February 10 I will

      1. Be aware of how I feel. I need to take care of myself until I am completely well.
      2. Stay as calm as possible and enjoy my work
      3. Drink! Water, orange juice, or tea, the more I drink, the faster I will get well. And it makes me feel better too!
    18. Tiso2
      Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
      edited February 2015
      I'd love to join in! Just For Today.....

      2/8 First day of MFP; what an eye opener to see my calorie consumption. Big fail.
    19. loveby30
      loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
      Goals met yesterday! I think I'll stay with simple for now and say
      workout (no more trouble zones if I can work from home - 30 day shred if I have to go to the office), stay within my calories

      Good luck everyone!!
    20. azulvioleta6
      azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
      edited February 2015

      1. Really need to catch up with my steps--had to rest due to leg pain, but now I feel really behind--10,000 absolute minimum. :)
      2. Do some healthy grocery shopping and WALK to all stores. :)
      3. Do leg stretches. :)

      Arrrrgggg...having car trouble, which kept me from getting to my workout. I did get in a lot of walking. I am hoping that tomorrow will be less crazy and I will set fresh goals.
    21. Tiso2
      Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
      New day, new opportunity!
      2/9 was successfully completed; feeling very motivated today!
      2/10 Strive for less carbs, more water & continue w/ cardio
      Good luck everyone
    22. rdvorak
      rdvorak Posts: 17 Member
      Yesterday I met my goals and exceeded my steps.

      For today, I will stay within my calorie range and track all food. I will log at least 6k steps today.
    23. cnadiger
      cnadiger Posts: 168 Member
      Yesterday I finally got in over 10K steps for the first time in a month...I've been a slacker.

      J42D - I will log everything I eat at the chef tasting event I'm going to tonight. But I don't want to see that number! :'(
    24. kegofstout
      kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
      2/9 was a huge success I can't believe I was under calorie goal!! Just for today 2/10 I will not have a beer after work and I will go for a walk on my lunch
    25. sherbear702
      sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
      Just for today
      2/9 - Walk on my lunch break, even it it's raining. - Check!
      2/10 - Stay slightly under my daily calorie goal.
    26. loveby30
      loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
      I just very barely made my goals today :( I had to do 5 min of jumping jacks to get there. I worked out but did 30 day shred instead of no more trouble zones (still better than nothing) and I just barely stayed with in my offical calories, but way overtook my personal calorie goals. I had to go to an embassy even for work and I succumbed to tasty american food (mainly guac) and wine...eh. Well at least I didn't go over. Tomorrow is a new day
    27. Pretty good day. I was a little high on my calorie intake, but made up for it with 35 minute interval walk/jog. Registering for my first 5K. Can't believe I'm even considering that!
      Tomorrow- go easy on the calories and and at least 30 minutes of exercise.
    28. Tiso2
      Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
      2/10: Good day today; met my goals & feel really good. My goal weight is 136 / currently 146lbs. Need to get light for OC 1/2 Marathon. No record breaker here - just for the fun, accomplishment & a medal!
      2/11: Goal to stay on track
      Good luck everyone!
    29. loveby30
      loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
      Good morning/Evening!! Good job to everyone who met their goals yesterday :)
      Today's goals are:
      1) exercise (45 min)
      2) stay within allotted calories
      **3) extra credit goal: don't eat back exercise calories**
    30. angelred4kids
      angelred4kids Posts: 13 Member
      edited February 2015
      I didn't make a goal yesterday. How easy it is to get distracted! :\

      Wednesdays are a long day out of the house for me so, just for today focus on eating my planned foods only.
      No mini candy from my co-worker's candy bowl.
    31. rdvorak
      rdvorak Posts: 17 Member
      edited February 2015
      I blew my step goal out of the water yesterday! Feels so good

      For today, my step goal is 7k. I will stay within my calorie goal, track everything and eat mindful.
    32. lindsmayf
      lindsmayf Posts: 16 Member
      lindsmayf wrote: »

      Trying to lose weight on the night shift is no joke! I slept most of the day yesterday, which was great for not over-eating... not so great for exercise.

      Just for today, Monday:
      -Go to yoga :D (I did this, even though I was NOT feeling it. Proud of myself!)
      -Stay under my calorie goal :D

      I missed Tuesday, so...
      Just for today, Wednesday:
      -Go to yoga
      -Make grilled chicken for dinner (I am NOT a good cook, so this will actually be a challenge to see if I can pull it off)