Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Dance for fun! :D:D:D
    2. Get new PCP arrangements taken care of :)
    3. Eat under 100G carbs :| Not totally sure about this...had a tiny bit of champagne which was not measured...probably still under goal.

    1. Dance for fun and remember to wear Fitbit! (lost out on likely 8000+ steps yesterday by forgetting it.
    2. Work on leg stretches
    3. Stay on track with eating
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    edited February 2015
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Goals for today were:
    - to go to bootcamp rain or shine ☺ AND I really pushed myself. Under calorie target again

    And am just coming to that time of the month when I crave chocolate.

    So tomorrow's goal (14th) is simply to stay within net calorie goal.

    Not so good today. Over target due to biscuits and Nutella. Time of month means my body is screaming for sugar.
    So goal for 15th:
    - new day, so refocus
    - do some exercise and eat under calorie target to compensate for today
  • carollott543
    carollott543 Posts: 9 Member
    Just for today
    1. Complete today's workout on The Daily Burn
    2. Reach my 15 step goal by walking around the house (it's snowing again)
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water.
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Well, I made it to the movie and didn't get buttered popcorn! Yea me!
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    Well, I made it to the movie and didn't get buttered popcorn! Yea me!

    Way to go!!! :D
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    Yesterday was a mixed bag. I stayed under my calories (yay), i did a very very small/short workout (boo) and failed at doing work...blerg.
    so I need to refocus today! back to simple goals -
    1) stay under calorie goals
    2) exercise for at least 30 min

    good luck everyone!!!
  • Just_say_jess
    Just_say_jess Posts: 19 Member
    Tiso2 wrote: »
    Jess - thank you for your post. Please have a good day & don't give up the good fight

    oh thank you for taking the time to post to me! I appreciate it. You do the same!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,755 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just for today 2/14
    1. Get a morning run in :)
    2. Healthy food choices :)
    3. Water water water :)
    4. No eating after 7 :)

    Just for today 2/15
    1. Don't weigh myself
    2. Morning run
    3. Start with protein drinks again
    4. Lighter carbs @‌ after lunch
    5. More fruits / veggies

  • I have done a lousy job keeping up here every day, but....as we all know well, today is a new day !!!

    Just for today 2/15
    1. Fearless forward
    2. Lotsa water
    3. At least 2 hours of exercise
    4. Write in my daily journal
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »

    Now, It's Saturday! And I still have to work so I am going to repeat my goals again. Just for today I will.

    1. Log or keep track of all food. I was perfect until about 10pm. Tired eating is a big uh oh for me. :\
    2. Take a walk, Short or long, this makes me feel better. No. And I'm sorry I didn't :(
    3. Drink water. Keep a full glass of water on my desk at all times. Well one out of three isn't bad anyway. :)

    So I'm starting out fresh today. Just for today I will.
    1. Get at least 10000 steps. I will get a long walk in.
    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water.
    3. Relax and enjoy the day with family. I do not want to go to a birthday party but....spending time with the family is something I can enjoy.

    Yesterday is over. Now all I can do is focus on today's goals and move forward.

    Have a beautiful Sunday
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Jess hang in there. I finally realized that if I am tired and trying to keep going anyway I tend to snack the whole time. So now if possible I just go to bed. And if that isn't possible I at least make sure most of my snacks are healthy fruits and veggies and stuff like that. Late shifts are hard on us.

    Joan I hope you are doing OK. Be gentle on yourself for now.

    And everyone.....you are making progress. Perfect? No but being aware of our slips is also progress. Keep going!
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for the support Jess! Today I am at work from 7a-7p- I'm always going in the kitchen and getting snacks-chips, ice cream, pudding

    So my goal today is to eat what I brought- peaches, grapes and turkey hotdog with low fat bread. Stay out of that damn kitchen!!!

    Drink 8 glasses of water

    Good luck everyone!! Have a great day and stay on task!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Dance for fun and remember to wear Fitbit! (lost out on likely 8000+ steps yesterday by forgetting it. :)
    2. Work on leg stretches :)
    3. Stay on track with eating :)

    Had a great Valentine's Day...my goal today is to rest and recover!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone!!! I am sorry I have missed posting the last few days! Super busy and need to make this a priority again :)
    I have been reading the posts and about how some feel like they have failed when they do not meet their goals. I get it but you have not failed. When we keep setting our goals we are challenging ourselves to be better & by setting goals that are hard shows we are serious about this. The only way we will fail is if we give up and stop believing in ourselves. Every day you come on here and post your goals you are that much closer to achieving them and you are successful already by doing the best you can.
    Take a breath be thankful our minds are in this and know if we continue to try we will be better than that if we stop. I believe in ALL of us <3
  • ruby70 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!!! I am sorry I have missed posting the last few days! Super busy and need to make this a priority again :)
    I have been reading the posts and about how some feel like they have failed when they do not meet their goals. I get it but you have not failed. When we keep setting our goals we are challenging ourselves to be better & by setting goals that are hard shows we are serious about this. The only way we will fail is if we give up and stop believing in ourselves. Every day you come on here and post your goals you are that much closer to achieving them and you are successful already by doing the best you can.
    Take a breath be thankful our minds are in this and know if we continue to try we will be better than that if we stop. I believe in ALL of us <3

    Great post....well said !!!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,755 Member
    Just for today 2/15
    1. Don't weigh myself :(:(
    2. Morning run :smile :):)
    3. Start with protein drinks again :):)
    4. Lighter carbs @‌ after lunch :):)
    5. More fruits / veggies :smile: :smiley:

    Just for today
    1. No eating after 7
    2. Morning run / evening walk
    3. Make time for myself
    4. Water, water, water!

  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    Congrats for everyone on their goals and on keeping on posting and challenging themselves. @ruby70 Said it best in her last post!

    I made my goals yesterday! Did better then my goals actually, and added a run to my exercise :)
    Perhaps I need two rest days a week (I'll have to watch this and see)

    Today is going to be a light day as tomorrow (mardi gras) will be a night out with friends so I will need energy and time to workout HARD tomorrow. Goals

    1) Stay under my calorie goals

    2) Workout for at least 30 min

    3) Buy body revolution!*

    *has anyone done this? I am getting a little off track with workouts as I am just doing random videos and running very occasionally, I think I need a plan to keep me on track :)
  • Just_say_jess
    Just_say_jess Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the support Jess! Today I am at work from 7a-7p- I'm always going in the kitchen and getting snacks-chips, ice cream, pudding

    So my goal today is to eat what I brought- peaches, grapes and turkey hotdog with low fat bread. Stay out of that damn kitchen!!!

    Drink 8 glasses of water

    Good luck everyone!! Have a great day and stay on task!

    I'm on 7p-7a and they are brutal! My main goal for today is eat the healthy dinner/snacks I brought instead of hitting vending machine.
    I also go my "long run" in before work! I was tempted to let it go because I was tired for night shifts, but I would only be even more tired tomorrow and didn't want to get too behind. 7 miles. And I'm dead now. LOL

  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    Good evening everyone, hope you had a positive weekend.
    2/14 & 2/15: Learning portions & balance while staying within goals. Happy to have this community & new friends for support.
    2/16: Will do my 1st weekly weigh in; I'll be OK with whatever it is, knowing that I just need to stay on track to see results.
    1)So for today I'll stay under calories & protein & get at least 8 cups of water
    2)Get my 30 min treadmill workout in
    3)Stay positive & grateful
    Have a great Monday! (*)
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    Cheers, all. I am not new to MFP, but I've never gotten involved much with the community. I have been gaining for months, at my highest weight ever, and I have to try something different! I like the idea of posting small manageable goals and one day at a time. I feel overwhelmed with anything else right now. My longer-term goals are to lose 100 pounds by 2016, graduate from grad school in August, and go to Japan in celebration!

    Monday 2/16:
    1. Get up on time, no snooze button.
    2. Resist eating out - eat packed lunch, and dinner with Mom. :)
    3. Cleaning and schoolwork complete in the evening!
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    After realising I was not eating 20% under my daily calorie limit, I have adjusted my math and considered exercise calories. So my goal for today is just to get the math right! B)
  • Bemah
    Bemah Posts: 13 Member
    Just for today I will:
    - Keep track of my food
    - Go to kettle bells
    - Take time to understand why I emotionally eat, learn from it and not beat myself up
    - Take time to congratulate myself on successes
  • Just for today, February 16th -

    1. I will exercise at least 2 hours
    2. I will take time to meditate
    3. I will eat more veggies
    4. I will journal
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »

    1. Get at least 10000 steps. I will get a long walk in. :D Over 13000 steps
    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water. :)
    3. Relax and enjoy the day with family. I do not want to go to a birthday party but....spending time with the family is something I can enjoy. :D Even found the time to visit my younger daughter at work, since she could not make it to the party. :D

    It looks like we are getting a very snowy Monday here. Beautiful but it will make my trip to work a bit challenging. So, just for today I will

    1. Take a walk. I hope to have a chance to bundle up and get outside.
    2. Keep track of my food and water intake.
    3. Stay positive and be patient. The weather may get in the way today, but I can adapt.

    Let's have a Positive Monday Everyone!
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Good morning everyone! Looking at some great goals for the day. I've had a very stressful am so far been up since 4:30a, it's 7:30a now. It's sleeting here in Memphis and I am a Director of Nursing for 12 long term care homes for developmentally delayed adults and I'm feuding calls and trying to maintain nursing staff for all the nurses calling in due to weather. Going to try and go out later to the homes.
    Just for today:
    1) take deep breaths and take it one indicated thing at a time.
    2) make it to the fitness center sometime today and do 55 minutes on the treadmill
    3) stay at/ under 1200 cal
    4) drink 6-8 glasses water

    Well I'm a positive natured person and my motto at work is always. "We are going to have a good day! And "this too shall pass!"

    Everyone have a great day and remember that every day is a new day so if yesterday you didn't meet your goal, you still have today. My other quote I like is "You only fail if you quit trying"
  • I would love to join in as well!!!
  • angelred4kids
    angelred4kids Posts: 13 Member
    I got off focus last week. It's a new day.
    Just for today Monday Feb 16th
    1. Work out (done!)
    2. Log my food (I lost my streak, seriously I'm too worried about that!!)
    3. No eating after 8pm
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    snow flurries here today too, and weather is going to turn brutally cold, Wind chills tomorrow of -35 to -45..... :#

    Just for today Monday Feb 16th
    1.) walk on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes tonight
    2.) watch my dinner size portion
    3.) be positive about my dentist appointment
    4.) post my "just for today goals" for Monday :) DONE
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited February 2015

    Had a great Valentine's Day...my goal today is to rest and recover! :D

    1. Do at least an hour of intentional exercise (Zumba or swimming) plus an hour of walking.
    2. Get at least 12,000 steps.
    3. Stay within diet goals.
  • Just_say_jess
    Just_say_jess Posts: 19 Member
    Day off from work, and a rest day from my 1/2 marathon training. I'm focusing on logging my food and enjoying the rest my body needs!