Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.



  • eandrus
    eandrus Posts: 45 Member
    Just for today, I will
    1. Log everything.
    2. Stop trying to lose 2lb. a week and go for 1.5.
    3. Avoid the elevator; climb the 44 stairs. Twice.
    4. Do not skip the exercise class today.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Woo hoo. Lost 7.5 lbs so far this month. I know it's only the start as I have 23 lbs to go... and I'm making progress!

    Congrats! That a terrific weight loss for the month!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Just for today, Monday, Feb 23
    1. Drink water all day. Carry my glass with me so I remember
    2. Log every bite that I eat
    3. Stay positive. This is a lifestyle change - one day at a time. It is a mindset change, one small change at a time. New habits need to take the place of those old habits.
  • texasfarmer
    texasfarmer Posts: 483 Member
    Just for today.......

    Drink at least 8 glasses of water (already have 6 done!!!)
    Log everything
    Stay focused

    I have gained 5 pounds this past week. Combination of several things I think. I hurt my lower back and Doc has me on steroids, muscle relaxers and pain meds. No exercise in over a week. I'm a runner and in the process of training for a half marathon, so this is NOT good. I row and lift also but not in over a week. I tossed the steroids as of last night, but still taking the two other meds. I am hoping to at least go to the gym tomorrow and get on the treadmill and see how the back does. I know without the exercise, I need to lower my calorie intake and pay attention.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    hello everyone, great positive posts. I don't mean to be a a buzz kill but just need to vent and get this off my chest.

    I am really struggling right now. I was tracking all my food in January and then it became so hard to keep tracking I decided to not track in February but really focus on the exercise. I also decided not to weigh for one month since the scale has a way of making me give up when it does not move. I have really increased my exercise for January and February... I weighed last week and I was up 2 lbs from last weigh in. It was basically the same number I started at the beginning of January. I felt so deflated. It even made me not want to keep exercising anymore. Where is the balance? I find it hard to live on 1300 calories a day. I know that is what I have to do but I do not like what I have to do to achieve what I want. I do not need to be model thin either but I just don't want to continue to keep going up in weight. I just want to be around 150... I have like 25 lbs to lose :'(

    Just for today 2/23/15
    1.) do not give up on me
    2.) get on the treadmill and do my exercise
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,415 Member
    Just for today: 2/23
    1. Remember my protein drink before my bike ride
    2. Water water water
    3. Get strengh training done
    4. No late night snack
    5. Remember to come back tonight

    "Stay positive. This is a lifestyle change - one day at a time. It is a mindset change, one small change at a time. New habits need to take the place of those old habits." Thank you Joan! I love YOUR attiude! You are helping so so many people, It's because of peple like you that makes MFP a success, ****hugs****

    It seems like life has some what slowed down. My husband and I bought bike yesterday. So today we're be trying them out! It's been years since I've owned one but with the trail right next door! I'm sure the bikes will come in handy! I've been able to get to an Aqua Fit class at the gym. Tomarrow, I've planned a different class. Since it's extremely cold here, having the gym had helped out!

    My daughter should arrive this weekend from her relocation! I hope her drive is easier than my was since she has the kids!!!

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Grandma Jackie - love your pic of your new grandbaby, precious :) That brings a smile to my face. Keep us updated on the bike adventure!!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 2/22
    1. log, log, log :)
    2. drink 8 glasses of water :(
    3. get in 30 minutes of exercise :( I made the choice not to exercise yesterday since both of my compression socks were in the laundry. I felt one day not exercising was better than furthering my injury and not being able to exercise for months again

    Just for Today 2/23
    1. log
    2. get in 30 minutes of exercise

  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Ruby70 I feel your pain it's so discouraging to get on the scale and not see a lower number. I also struggle with only eating 1300 calories, I am always STARVING!! Just remember when you are working out you are building muscle and losing fat so it's not what the scale says but how you feel. It takes time for the body to change but if you keep it up it will.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Any day that you don't see a HIGHER number on the scale is a good day.

    At least for me, with the medical issues that I have--I am thrilled any time I don't gain.
  • laurahickman14
    laurahickman14 Posts: 84 Member
    One step at a time - looking to make more friends and share lots of motivation and tips with you all - the more friends the happier!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. REST :)
    2. Around 10,000 steps and not much more :D
    3. Eat good stuff :)

    I went WAY over on (healthy) carbs yesterday and am very surprised that I did not gain. It will probably show up on the scale tomorrow. :(

    1. 15,000 steps
    2. Do super-intense Zumba class
    3. Stay below 100 G/carbs
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    ruby70 wrote: »
    hello everyone, great positive posts. I don't mean to be a a buzz kill but just need to vent and get this off my chest.

    I am really struggling right now. I was tracking all my food in January and then it became so hard to keep tracking I decided to not track in February but really focus on the exercise. I also decided not to weigh for one month since the scale has a way of making me give up when it does not move. I have really increased my exercise for January and February... I weighed last week and I was up 2 lbs from last weigh in. It was basically the same number I started at the beginning of January. I felt so deflated. It even made me not want to keep exercising anymore. Where is the balance? I find it hard to live on 1300 calories a day. I know that is what I have to do but I do not like what I have to do to achieve what I want. I do not need to be model thin either but I just don't want to continue to keep going up in weight. I just want to be around 150... I have like 25 lbs to lose :'(

    Just for today 2/23/15
    1.) do not give up on me
    2.) get on the treadmill and do my exercise

    Why focus on one or the other? Do both!

    What kind of exercise are you doing?
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Well I am pretty down on myself today, I am noticing a pattern since I have been posting each day. Weekends are BAD news!!! I guess I am glad it's Monday so I can focus on eating right.
    Just for today:
    1) water and lots of it
    2) go for a walk on my lunch break
    3) eat some veggies
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Well, I didn't walk the stairs yesterday, got busy at work.

    So just for today
    1) Increase my treadmill time by 5 minutes, now at 55 min with a 5 min cool down, increase my walking on treadmill to 3.6 and my jogging to 4.3. Done!
    2) Drink more water, which right now is sucking because I didn't bring my water in from the car and we have bad water here in the building I work in.
    3) Stay under my calories.
    4) Keep warm! My hands are freezing! I will be so glad when it warms up. I know there are a lot of states that are alot colder than here in Memphis, TN, but I am frigging freezing and want to come see that rodent in PA who predicted 6 more weeks of winter and flog him!
    OK that was my rant!

    Everyone have a great day and keep trying!!!!

  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Woo hoo. Lost 7.5 lbs so far this month. I know it's only the start as I have 23 lbs to go... and I'm making progress!

    Congrats! That a terrific weight loss for the month!!

    Thanks for encouragement Joan.
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »

    So Monday's goals:
    - push myself at bootcamp to burn max calories ☺
    - stay within calorie count eating back max 25% of exercise calories ☺☺ Didn't eat any back.

    A good day. Actually REALLY tuned into my stomach, sinking beneath the initial feeling of "I'm hungry" and discovered I wasn't. Sometimes the initial feeling is something else.. I'm focusing on tuning in more rather than trying to make the feeling go away. Can really help.
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Tuesday's goal:
    - Stay within calorie goal. A real challenge as I'm having lunch and possibly dinner out. Hmmm....
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    ruby70 wrote: »
    hello everyone, great positive posts. I don't mean to be a a buzz kill but just need to vent and get this off my chest.

    I am really struggling right now. I was tracking all my food in January and then it became so hard to keep tracking I decided to not track in February but really focus on the exercise. I also decided not to weigh for one month since the scale has a way of making me give up when it does not move. I have really increased my exercise for January and February... I weighed last week and I was up 2 lbs from last weigh in. It was basically the same number I started at the beginning of January. I felt so deflated. It even made me not want to keep exercising anymore. Where is the balance? I find it hard to live on 1300 calories a day. I know that is what I have to do but I do not like what I have to do to achieve what I want. I do not need to be model thin either but I just don't want to continue to keep going up in weight. I just want to be around 150... I have like 25 lbs to lose :'(

    Just for today 2/23/15
    1.) do not give up on me
    2.) get on the treadmill and do my exercise

    Ruby70. Keep going. And I know logging can be time consuming ... and... what it does is keep you true to yourself on how much you're eating. I know when I don't log for a while I start kidding myself and end up eating more than I should, especially when I exercise as I make up that the exercise will cancel it all out. And then I put weight on.

    It's great you're exercising regularly. And you do need to pay attention to what you're eating too.

    And to whether you really really really are hungry, of if you're just not stuffed full. I'm starting to learn the difference and it's taken me a while to stop fearing 'not being full'.

    Keep courage.... think medium term and congratulate yourself for every small success and good choice you make on the way.
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member

    1. REST :)
    2. Around 10,000 steps and not much more :D
    3. Eat good stuff :)

    I went WAY over on (healthy) carbs yesterday and am very surprised that I did not gain. It will probably show up on the scale tomorrow. :(

    1. 15,000 steps
    2. Do super-intense Zumba class
    3. Stay below 100 G/carbs

    Hey I'm loving your exercise success. Well done.

    And... weighing yourself daily can be really dangerous for motivation. .. your weight is quite volatile within a pound or so. A weekly weigh in at same time might work better and you can enjoy seeing progress that way and not beat yourself up over a single day.
    Smiles and keep going!