lets debate MFP's so called heavy lifting trend



  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    Butthurt.. me no never.. talk poop, joke around.. always. Calm down girlie
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Op, if you want to get butthurt, do it here instead of via PM. :cauliflowerforyou:

    Girls shouldn't deadlift.


    Your uterus will fall out.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Lifting heavy does really little for physique composition. Lower reps under 6 is mostly for strength, doesn't build much size.

    Way to give half information.

    A person new to weight lifting will see some initial muscle mass gains. On women, especially, this is very noticeable. And since most people on here are trying to lose fat mass, heavy lifting makes sense as a way to preserve LBM and build strength at the same time while increasing your TDEE.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Since you referenced Stronglifts, I would suggest actually reading up on it before making remarks.

    Stronglifts is a great progra, for beginners because it starts them off with an unloaded bar and works them up by 10lbs per week. This allows them to learn proper form and also prepares their body for heavier weights.

    And who are you to claim to know what you are doing?
    did i say it was a bad program??? Nope.. I said don't try to push them to lift heavy.. and strong lifts on mfp is very often reffered to as lifting heavy .

    Now who am I??? Well three gold medals for world powerlifting championships and two bronze for the pan am games for oly lifting.. three different heavy weight titles in MMA and also a member of team USA for MMA.. pretty much means I know a thing or two about fitness.

    No, but you referenced it and in the same post talked about the dangers of lifting heavy on a newbies body. No one here is telling people to go in and, on Day 1, insisting that they load uo several hundred pounds on any given exercise and lifting. In fact, most people, and programs, suggest they start out light and focus on form form form. Which is exactly what they should be doing. Weight needs to be increased gradually in order for their bodies to adapt and most people know and accept this.

    Excellent, sounds like you are quite accomplished in the world of weightlifting. Now tell me where I am wrong on anything I said above.


    you had a typo on the word "up".



    Damn you tablet!!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Op, if you want to get butthurt, do it here instead of via PM. :cauliflowerforyou:

    Girls shouldn't deadlift.


    Your uterus will fall out.

    I expect my balls to drop any day now.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    haha...do the cardio to get thinner. then u up your calories gradually and lift and come out looking bomb. I have done this several times in the past 20 years.
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    So as the night goes on people lack the ability to read?? The post I clearly quoted several times said "if you aren't going to lift heavy find a new hobby".. now again. This is advice we shouldn't be giving and it is a trend on here to tell people to lift heavy
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Op, if you want to get butthurt, do it here instead of via PM. :cauliflowerforyou:

    Girls shouldn't deadlift.


    Your uterus will fall out.

    I expect my balls to drop any day now.

    I assumed you were a guy all along or else I never would have FR'd you!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    So as the night goes on people lack the ability to read?? The post I clearly quoted several times said "if you aren't going to lift heavy find a new hobby".. now again. This is advice we shouldn't be giving and it is a trend on here to tell people to lift heavy

    ...but you created a thread to call out the whole site just because of one idiotic comment that somebody made on a thread. if it's who i think it is, that guy has serious anger issues and needs to chill out. but he's only 1 angry guy and doesn't speak for this whole site.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Lifting heavy does really little for physique composition. Lower reps under 6 is mostly for strength, doesn't build much size.
    your not allowed to say that here!!!

    Wait! I thought anything over 3 was not heavy lifting. Make up your mind!

    I suppose the number of sets has nothing to do with it either?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    So as the night goes on people lack the ability to read?? The post I clearly quoted several times said "if you aren't going to lift heavy find a new hobby".. now again. This is advice we shouldn't be giving and it is a trend on here to tell people to lift heavy

    So to clarify, as my reading and overall English skills are obviously horrible, your issue is not with lifting heavy but rsther with advice that suggests "Lift Heavy or GTFO!"?
  • mdearmond
    mdearmond Posts: 76 Member
    Op, if you want to get butthurt, do it here instead of via PM. :cauliflowerforyou:

    Girls shouldn't deadlift.


    Your uterus will fall out.

    I expect my balls to drop any day now.

    i think i love you.
  • genchan
    genchan Posts: 28
    From what I've understand that the more muscle mass you have, the more energy you're gonna need to make it function. I guess that means that it will burn fat faster? O.o But cardio should never be thrown out. It always helps to add 30+ mins of cardio per workout session if you have a lot of time on your hands. I have to agree with you OP, everyone's body is different and certain things that works for someone may not work for others. What works for me may not work for others.
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    Since you referenced Stronglifts, I would suggest actually reading up on it before making remarks.

    Stronglifts is a great progra, for beginners because it starts them off with an unloaded bar and works them up by 10lbs per week. This allows them to learn proper form and also prepares their body for heavier weights.

    And who are you to claim to know what you are doing?
    did i say it was a bad program??? Nope.. I said don't try to push them to lift heavy.. and strong lifts on mfp is very often reffered to as lifting heavy .

    Now who am I??? Well three gold medals for world powerlifting championships and two bronze for the pan am games for oly lifting.. three different heavy weight titles in MMA and also a member of team USA for MMA.. pretty much means I know a thing or two about fitness.

    As a fatty who was always told 'JUST RUN, YOU FATTY' I call giant BS on this. Sure, one dilweed got a little bit over-zealous and said "IF YOU DON'T LIFT YOU'RE A WASTE OF SPACE" or some crap, but that doesn't mean the few thousand people 'lifting heavy' on MFP are all twats. I wish someone had screamed that at ME 5 years ago, so I could've started sooner. I started morbidly obese, ridiculously unfit and pathologically averse to exercise... I'm now deadlifting more than most of the big burly guys in the gym and I have serious fkn muscles. Obviously, when I started I wasn't lifting much, but the more I do the heavier it gets. I'm not sure where you've set the universal bar for what legitimately constitutes *heavy*, but quite frankly sir, I don't give a toss! I lift *HEAVY* for me, and often do 1RM style workouts. And I, too, will recommend lifting heavy to ANYONE who'll give me 20 seconds to tell them about it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So as the night goes on people lack the ability to read?? The post I clearly quoted several times said "if you aren't going to lift heavy find a new hobby".. now again. This is advice we shouldn't be giving and it is a trend on here to tell people to lift heavy

    And then you continued with the ranty mcranterson off topic rantiness.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Op, if you want to get butthurt, do it here instead of via PM. :cauliflowerforyou:

    Girls shouldn't deadlift.


    Your uterus will fall out.

    I expect my balls to drop any day now.

    I cant wait to hear them hit the concrete.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Op, if you want to get butthurt, do it here instead of via PM. :cauliflowerforyou:

    Girls shouldn't deadlift.


    Your uterus will fall out.

    I expect my balls to drop any day now.

    I thought mine did when I PR'd on my deadlift. The I realized that I was just getting this weird lady boner.
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    So as the night goes on people lack the ability to read?? The post I clearly quoted several times said "if you aren't going to lift heavy find a new hobby".. now again. This is advice we shouldn't be giving and it is a trend on here to tell people to lift heavy

    And then you continued with the ranty mcranterson off topic rantiness.
    that's the whole topic.. dont tell new people to lift heavy.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    So as the night goes on people lack the ability to read?? The post I clearly quoted several times said "if you aren't going to lift heavy find a new hobby".. now again. This is advice we shouldn't be giving and it is a trend on here to tell people to lift heavy

    And then you continued with the ranty mcranterson off topic rantiness.
    that's the whole topic.. dont tell new people to lift heavy.

    And now please explain why.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So as the night goes on people lack the ability to read?? The post I clearly quoted several times said "if you aren't going to lift heavy find a new hobby".. now again. This is advice we shouldn't be giving and it is a trend on here to tell people to lift heavy

    And then you continued with the ranty mcranterson off topic rantiness.
    that's the whole topic.. dont tell new people to lift heavy.

    Don't tell them to do 5 x 5 or don't tell them to lift heavy according to your definition?

    And that wasn't the rantiness I was talking about btw.
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