Don't read this if brutal honesty (or profanity) offends you..



  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited February 2015
    Packerjohn wrote: »


    idk but that is exactly the right thing for a guy with a handle like FatOldManMN to say
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Kind of a useless article. The only people who will get anything out of it are those who've already figured it out.


    <3 the article!!
  • zenaxe
    zenaxe Posts: 203 Member
    edited February 2015
    Interest read. I enjoyed the article and agree with his fundamental message.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    I tried to click on the link but I'm at work and it was blocked for being "obscene and tasteless" ROFL.
    OK managed to read it at home
    What a great article and 100% true. I'm about to post it to Facebook because I'm bored and could do with a good s***storm
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    I tried to click on the link but I'm at work and it was blocked for being "obscene and tasteless" ROFL.
    OK managed to read it at home
    What a great article and 100% true. I'm about to post it to Facebook because I'm bored and could do with a good s***storm

    LOL so this is the rationale for those kind of posts, haha, nice
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Azdak wrote: »

    Hmmm... really? A narcissist?

    I wouldn't call this guy a narcissist based on this blog post. He's just calling it like it is.

  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    I actually had to stop and read his bio before commenting. I am amazed that someone with a BA in Sociology can describe human nature in such a simplistic fashion.
    1. The two minute rule: is a true evidence of genius when it comes to evaluating success. It's the number one reason why he is successful. It does take our brain about 10 seconds to evaluate another human being and match them with predetermined criteria based on our experience.
    However, this evaluation is purely based on his experience therefore it will only tell him if a client will succeed based on his program and under his training programs.
    Unlike the author I will get personal, when I got my first fitness evaluation with a trainer I told her that I'm fat because I live in WI ( can't go outside half the year, I'm a stay at home mom, basically I'm sedentary). By this rule, I shouldn't even be here 265 days and 64lb later. I have slowly changed how I feel about my own predicament and now I enjoy cold snowy days when I put my daughter on the sled and pull her for miles. I also fell in love with lifting and got addicted to power!

    2. Sacrifice. This one is a big problem. I was heavy my entire life by choice, I was silly in thinking that only with sacrifice can you actually succeed. I always said to myself that I prefer to be heavier and healthy and happy rather than be one of those people who hate themselves, walk around starving, are afraid of chocolate and jog themselves to exhaustion. Guess what, my weight never stopped me from having an extraordinary life that I'm proud off, having a great education, professional success, an amazing marriage and a perfect daughter. Sorry, but the size of my waist line never stopped me from anything including outperforming my skinny friends in gymnastics and doing the splits while at 250lb. Sacrifice is required for elite performers, for professional athletes but for the rest of us, when it comes to physical conditioning, it takes a great deal less than what the fitness industry will have you think. Yes, I stand here proud to tell you that you can loose weight in a healthy, slow and steady way while eating 2000 calories a day :) without killing yourself and without sacrifice. It's all in keeping things in balance, having a small deficit and regular enjoyable exercise. Track it on here and let time pass. I am animate about loving ones body and feeding it good, healthy, real food. If you must have junk, that must be the exception to the day not the rule. The 80/20 rule is perfect: be 100% perfect 80% of the time or in my favorite way 80% perfect 100% of the time. Because perfection is freaking boring.

    Drastic changes??? Well that's a perfect recipe for disaster. Hate it as you might, your brain has developed extraordinary mechanisms over time to make us crave homeostasis. Small changes turned into good habits is the way to go. If someone quit those challenges before 3 weeks it only proves they are intelligent and have a remarkable insight into their own body works. If I were to throw you in prison or an actual battle field how long before you would change who you are and how you behave? Not very long!!!! For those who know MR Zimbardo and the "Stanford prison experiment" you will understand this. It might seem extreme, but that is how your body reacts when you make sudden changes. It's a 50/50 chance you'll make it, better find a plan with better odds.

    3. Freak much???
    I cannot understand how one human being is telling others that they need to get isolated, live in weightloss bubble and ignore everything. We are complex individuals who are intertwined with our environment, this relationship is codependent and becoming savage is not the way to go. If anything, I believe most people with weight issues have problems socializing so let not encourage them to cut all ties to society. Let's tell people it's ok to be themselves and just do their best.

    4. Immediate results? Yep, this is the fitness industry doing; people see infomercials with paid fake models and expect similar results. I want to tell you with love that those people want you to fail because otherwise they couldn't sell you more crap down the line. All those paid actors and models work their butt off for years to look like that and it doesn't happen overnight.
    youre not doing anything wrong you are constantly misinformed.

    5. Gym commitment? Really? Not signing a yearly financial agreement over goods or services is considered a sound decision. Yes, mr trainer, I like to evaluate, compare and switch gyms when ever I feel like it. Besides, who needs gyms? You can walk, do bodyweight movements, eat good and look great without ever smelling the inside of the gym.

    Dear beginers, don't let anyone bring you down. Find your path, take it easy, love yourselfs and be happy.
    Please search the EM2WL group here( eat more 2 weigh less) and get good information on how to plan the right path.
    Some people enjoy a good spanking and for those of you this article is perfect.
    I find it that it only throws blame without providing any positive solutions! It's always the clients fault, it's always your fault!
    When ever we are presented with such guilt, such enourmus weight on our shoulders, I recommend throwing that sack of crap down and just walk away without looking back.
    Wake up tomorrow like your life just started and take it one step at a time.

    I Belive In YOU!!!!
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited February 2015
    I actually had to stop and read his bio before commenting. I am amazed that someone with a BA in Sociology can describe human nature in such a simplistic fashion.
    1. The two minute rule: is a true evidence of genius when it comes to evaluating success. It's the number one reason why he is successful. It does take our brain about 10 seconds to evaluate another human being and match them with predetermined criteria based on our experience.
    However, this evaluation is purely based on his experience therefore it will only tell him if a client will succeed based on his program and under his training programs.
    Unlike the author I will get personal, when I got my first fitness evaluation with a trainer I told her that I'm fat because I live in WI ( can't go outside half the year, I'm a stay at home mom, basically I'm sedentary). By this rule, I shouldn't even be here 265 days and 64lb later. I have slowly changed how I feel about my own predicament and now I enjoy cold snowy days when I put my daughter on the sled and pull her for miles. I also fell in love with lifting and got addicted to power!

    All he is doing here is making an assessment of success based on internal vs external locus of control, which is hardly genius and pretty much well known to anyone who has studied psych past first year. It's not even as cut and dry as that since there are strategies that are available to help people with external locus of control to deal with things but it's just a lot harder. It's certainly easier to deal with those who have an internal locus of control but it doesn't mean they will always succeed nor that the those with an external locus of control will always fail. Such black and white thinking is just plain wrong.

    ETA although I certainly agree you must own your problems!
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Wheelhouse15, I truly appreciate you bringing the internal vs external locus distinction into play. Focusing on this one argument at hand, would you agree that it is erroneous to dissect human beings to their most basic system components, analyze them out of context and offer certainty conclusions?
    Relashionship doesn't prove causality!
    My biggest issue was the futile information, blurred out from a place of anger, without serving a real purpose.
    We post here because we try to support, encourage, help one another and provide helpful information. Throwing blame is the opposite of working towards a solution! It actually resembles bullying and it's never productive! If something isn't productive what is the point of throwing it at the world ???
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wheelhouse15, I truly appreciate you bringing the internal vs external locus distinction into play. Focusing on this one argument at hand, would you agree that it is erroneous to dissect human beings to their most basic system components, analyze them out of context and offer certainty conclusions?
    Relashionship doesn't prove causality!
    My biggest issue was the futile information, blurred out from a place of anger, without serving a real purpose.
    We post here because we try to support, encourage, help one another and provide helpful information. Throwing blame is the opposite of working towards a solution! It actually resembles bullying and it's never productive! If something isn't productive what is the point of throwing it at the world ???

    To dissect into such components is generally a bad thing to do since locus of control can shift within an individual over time and even between subjects. A highly successful business person can still be dominated by their spouse, for instance, and there is also interplay with attribution bias, learned helplessness, etc. A person might normally have a good internally focused locus but feel helpless when it comes to their weight. It would be better to focus on shifting their focus back to their own actions and triggers in such a case.

    Other issues may be that a person feels out of control because they lack basic information rather than inability to control behaviours and in that case education is essential and might be all that is needed for the person to assume control.

    It seems to me that this person prefers a specific type of client and that's his prerogative. Some may react well to this approach of "tough love" but other will require a different approach. To me I wouldn't want him as a coach because if I'm paying I want someone who offers more respect than he seems willing to show to his clients. Others may appreciate the kick in the butt approach he offers and that's fine for them.

    As for people on the forums, well they are many and varied and I think you have to be aware that sometimes what seems like rude or bullying behaviour isn't meant that way. Some people offer support in different ways and you just have to expect that you will disagree and that's ok too even if we don't always appreciate the message sometimes it's something we need to hear or at least should examine.

    TL;DR: we are rather complex and not so easy to classify. We need to accept that we might not always agree with others but that's just the way the Net, and life, is. :sunglasses:
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Wheelhouse15, lovely way to end a controversial debate. I think you proved a point in elegance: balance on the forums and in life is achievable through presenting different and sometimes opposing arguments.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    He's making some big assumptions that are not always going to lead him to the correct conclusion.

    That having been said, I LOVE his take on treats.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    BA in sociology=least rigorous undergraduate degree available
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    Oohh I'm going to post this on one of my fasting groups, as there's so many whiny cry babies there.
    My whole post got deleted once because I said the word "damn". I'll probably get banned after posting this :o

    I read a post by a woman who's doing a PSMF and has lost only a couple of pounds after a month. She's clearly doing it wrong, but all she did in response to other people's comments was make excuses. I wish I could send her this blog post.
  • iheartdinosaurs
    iheartdinosaurs Posts: 45 Member
    "Remember earlier when we talked about being a grown *kitten* adult? Take that to heart again."
    I might need to frame that and take it out on Mondays and Tuesdays when I am cranky and I just don't wanna do anything (get out of bed, log all my calories, go to work, be professional, exercise, handwash my laundry, etc).
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    Awesome is all I have to say about this blog. Good points and I agree that it all falls on the individual to get their *kitten* together.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wheelhouse15, lovely way to end a controversial debate. I think you proved a point in elegance: balance on the forums and in life is achievable through presenting different and sometimes opposing arguments.

    Must say I agree with you on most points.

    My own comments were primarily related to the "habitual" whiner and excuse maker - not beginners or people "really" doing the best they can. I know people that for lack of a better word - refuse to grow up. They have been whining for "years" - and no matter what the topic - weight, marriage, relationships, career etc - they play the victim.

    I'm not a fan of this "trainers" approach to people in general. I actually took the post, as an opportunity to vent frustrations more than to help another person.

    I must have been a bit tired when I made a couple of my own comments.

    I do believe in "tough love" - but only after an extended period of time - sort of like the alcoholic; some people need to hit bottom before they look inward. I love trying to encourage sincere people that are "fighting" the battle. Heck -- I was a weight-loss failure MANY TIMES!

    Sometimes, message boards can be a difficult method of clearly communicating all thoughts.

    Have a great day! :)