Processed foods

Anybody have any good tips as to how to cut out processed foods?


  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    shop the outside asiles of your grocery store first. Lots of veggies. I also buy the big bag of birds eye frozen veggies from Wal mart.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    shop the outside asiles of your grocery store first. Lots of veggies. I also buy the big bag of birds eye frozen veggies from Wal mart.

    And how do the veggies get frozen and bagged? Processing...
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    Try to eat perishiable foods as often as possible. fresh is best. :)
  • weali
    weali Posts: 37 Member
    frozen veggies are still a better alternative than boxed/canned meals
  • Kellihulst
    Kellihulst Posts: 140 Member
    follow a Clean Eating diet!!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    how to cut out processed foods?

    Well what unprocessed foods do you like?
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    shop the outside asiles of your grocery store first. Lots of veggies. I also buy the big bag of birds eye frozen veggies from Wal mart.

    And how do the veggies get frozen and bagged? Processing...

    My hero.
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    look up! have a look at many different recipes according to your taste and you will see how you can cook using many different types of food,for example how to make a pizza from base to sauce to finish.I never thought I could do it and now I wouldnt think of buying one,thats just one example!best of luck!
  • MensEtSalvere2013
    MensEtSalvere2013 Posts: 230 Member
    how to cut out processed foods?

    Well what unprocessed foods do you like?
    Good idea, I should make a list of them :)
  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    Add more fresh fruit and veggies to your daily diet! Eat organic as much as possible. When I want a treat ie cookies, cake, I bake it myself (from scratch) that way I control what goes in it..
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    look up! have a look at many different recipes according to your taste and you will see how you can cook using many different types of food,for example how to make a pizza from base to sauce to finish.I never thought I could do it and now I wouldnt think of buying one,thats just one example!best of luck!

    How long does it take to mill your flour for your pizza?
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    A good place to start is to keep in mind that you want to control everything you're eating. If someone else put something into the food you're eating, then it's out of your control. Don't let it overwhelm you and think you have to change everything today! Start slow. Pick a couple of your go-to items to swap out. Then add another item or two after you're comfortable with the original swaps. My big problem wasn't the fruits and veggies - I already bought them fresh, but I was buying a lot of canned stuff to add to my meals. Black beans, tomato sauce, etc. Soaking fresh beans is just as easy, it's just not as convenient and takes pre-planning. Tomato sauce is easy in a food processor. Stay away from microwavable meals or frozen meals as much as you can. These are so chemical heavy.

    But keep in mind that switching over doesn't have to happen all at once and having to use a can of black beans once in a while isn't the end of the world. Go with low sodium and organic if you can, or frozen veggies if fresh isn't an option right this moment. And processed foods are often deceptive. Deli meat, for example, is usually loaded with stuff that's not meat. Chemical preservatives, sodium, etc.

    Good luck! Even making small changes will start to make you feel better. Control as much of what is in your food as possible and you'll be fine.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    look up! have a look at many different recipes according to your taste and you will see how you can cook using many different types of food,for example how to make a pizza from base to sauce to finish.I never thought I could do it and now I wouldnt think of buying one,thats just one example!best of luck!

    How long does it take to mill your flour for your pizza?

    so are you like a sour patch kid......?

    are you sour and then sweet ever? or just sour always?

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    A good place to start is to keep in mind that you want to control everything you're eating. If someone else put something into the food you're eating, then it's out of your control. Don't let it overwhelm you and think you have to change everything today! Start slow. Pick a couple of your go-to items to swap out. Then add another item or two after you're comfortable with the original swaps. My big problem wasn't the fruits and veggies - I already bought them fresh, but I was buying a lot of canned stuff to add to my meals. Black beans, tomato sauce, etc. Soaking fresh beans is just as easy, it's just not as convenient and takes pre-planning. Tomato sauce is easy in a food processor. Stay away from microwavable meals or frozen meals as much as you can. These are so chemical heavy.

    But keep in mind that switching over doesn't have to happen all at once and having to use a can of black beans once in a while isn't the end of the world. Go with low sodium and organic if you can, or frozen veggies if fresh isn't an option right this moment. And processed foods are often deceptive. Deli meat, for example, is usually loaded with stuff that's not meat. Chemical preservatives, sodium, etc.

    Good luck! Even making small changes will start to make you feel better. Control as much of what is in your food as possible and you'll be fine.

    You make your tomato sauce in a food processor without cooking it first?

    And lol at chemical heavy, you know what's chemical heavy? All foods

    Meat is also loaded with things that aren't meat like fat and other chemicals
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    look up! have a look at many different recipes according to your taste and you will see how you can cook using many different types of food,for example how to make a pizza from base to sauce to finish.I never thought I could do it and now I wouldnt think of buying one,thats just one example!best of luck!

    How long does it take to mill your flour for your pizza?

    so are you like a sour patch kid......?

    are you sour and then sweet ever? or just sour always?


    I do love sour patch kids, just pointing out how unhelpful people are, the OP asked for non processed foods. Making your own pizza dough from a recipe still requires use of processed ingredients.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    A good place to start is to keep in mind that you want to control everything you're eating. If someone else put something into the food you're eating, then it's out of your control. Don't let it overwhelm you and think you have to change everything today! Start slow. Pick a couple of your go-to items to swap out. Then add another item or two after you're comfortable with the original swaps. My big problem wasn't the fruits and veggies - I already bought them fresh, but I was buying a lot of canned stuff to add to my meals. Black beans, tomato sauce, etc. Soaking fresh beans is just as easy, it's just not as convenient and takes pre-planning. Tomato sauce is easy in a food processor. Stay away from microwavable meals or frozen meals as much as you can. These are so chemical heavy.

    But keep in mind that switching over doesn't have to happen all at once and having to use a can of black beans once in a while isn't the end of the world. Go with low sodium and organic if you can, or frozen veggies if fresh isn't an option right this moment. And processed foods are often deceptive. Deli meat, for example, is usually loaded with stuff that's not meat. Chemical preservatives, sodium, etc.

    Good luck! Even making small changes will start to make you feel better. Control as much of what is in your food as possible and you'll be fine.
    This is a great post.

    I cook/eat probably 80-90 % from scratch/fresh. It takes some work, planning, prep, but once you get the hang of it, it really comes pretty easy. I don't bake my own bread (I CAN, i just DON'T because then i'll just eat bread all day), and i don't make my own peanut butter and yogurt yet (I"m sure I'll get there some day :laugh: ). I do make my own beans for the most part - soak, cook, then portion out and freeze, soups, chicken, burgers, granola bars etc.

    If you need any specific help, just ask. Make a list of what you like to eat, and we'll try to help
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    when the OP was asking about processed foods I doubt they were talking about frozen fruits and veggies. Which, by the way can be a good supplement to any diet. Frozen organic fruits and veggies retain their nutrients, are better than canning, are cheap and work out really well when making HOMEMADE soup or chili.

    All of the food and nutrition experts agree that keeping some frozen food on hand (veggies and fruits) is actually a good habit to get into.

    So stop the snark. I think the OP was asking how to cut processed foods from their diet.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    to clarify by canning I did not mean home canning...which is fantastic. I meant Green Giant in a can.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member

    How long does it take to mill your flour for your pizza?

    so are you like a sour patch kid......?

    are you sour and then sweet ever? or just sour always?javascript:add_smiley('happy','post_body')


    I do love sour patch kids, just pointing out how unhelpful people are, the OP asked for non processed foods. Making your own pizza dough from a recipe still requires use of processed ingredients.

    Unhelpful people? Boy, if that's not the pot calling the kettle black. I don't understand why you have to point that out at all. We can all see from your profile pic that you're in great shape. What advice would you actually have for the OP? :bigsmile:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    look up! have a look at many different recipes according to your taste and you will see how you can cook using many different types of food,for example how to make a pizza from base to sauce to finish.I never thought I could do it and now I wouldnt think of buying one,thats just one example!best of luck!

    How long does it take to mill your flour for your pizza?

    I do love sour patch kids, just pointing out how unhelpful people are, the OP asked for non processed foods. Making your own pizza dough from a recipe still requires use of processed ingredients.

    But making your own pizza (even using store bought dough) is still considered clean eating. Check out the latest book from Michael Pollan: Cooked. Plus, when you make your own pizza it's wayyyyy easier to log because you know what is going in it.

    Anyone on here that says "oh don't make homemade pizza because it's using processed ingredients. This is not clean eating." need to really take a good long look in the mirror. Homemade pizza is not and will never be the same as Dominoes or Pizza Hut. Homemade is way better. Load it up with local meat and veggies an you're good to go (and local cheese). Log 2 slices (break down the ingredients to log) and wala--way less calories than takeout pizza and you made it with your own hands.