Processed foods



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    And if you cross the street during rush hour traffic you could just get hit by a car or a truck or a plane or a train, of coarse thats just my opinion
    its also called common sense.
    Are you saying that if your mass is big that it does not matter how much sugar or salt you intake it has no bearing on your health ?
    Where are you getting these facts from ?

    I'm saying that sugar doesn't cause diabetes. You are under the mistaken impression that it does.

    Okay LOL Quote ( There is pretty much zero data to support that claim.

    People are entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts. )

    Produce scientific data that sugar causes diabetes irrespective of calorie intake, body composition, etc. I'm expecting something like a randomized control trial, case control trial, or prospective cohort study.

    Seriously. If you have solid data that establishes a causative link between sugar consumption and diabetes within the confines of a calorie-controlled diet in active people of healthy body mass and low body fat, I will eat my hat.

    There is your answer --within the confines of a calorie-controlled diet. I never said that you could not have sugar. If you are not in the confines of a calorie-controlled diet then over-consumption of sugar regardless of body mass and low body fat will over a period of time have an impact on your health and can be a contributing factor in having diabetic problems.

    Oh, so you think eric_sg61 is not on a calorie-controlled diet, and that's why you predicted he will get diabetes.


    He clearly has zero control over his calorie intake.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Nope never said that. My entire point is you can not tell people to eat as much sugar as they like with out any regards to what may or may not happen later in life. Hey Like I told him its your lives , Place your bets !
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    What I'm saying is that sugar and salt consumption do not cause diabetes. You are the one predicting that someone will get diabetes by eating sugar and salt even though they are normal weight and are active.

    Do you have any data that proves that even if someone eats a lot sugar but has normal weight etc and is active has a higher risk of diabetes?
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Telling him that he will get it it or that he might get it are two different things. Maybe I should have said, Hey Eric later in life you may run into a problem if you consume way to much sugar. Maybe just maybe as you get older things change. Never said no-no -no you cant have any sugar.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Do you have any data that it doesn't ? If you read those studies you quoted and dug a little deeper into what are contributing factors to those on that list over consumption of salt and sugars will be on those list. Notice I am not saying no-sugar -no salt- .
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm not sure I've ever seen a straw man argument and backtracking occur simultaneously before.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    I'm not sure I've ever seen a straw man argument and backtracking occur simultaneously before.

    Read your own posts.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm not sure I've ever seen a straw man argument and backtracking occur simultaneously before.

    Read your own posts.

    Dude you basically told Eric that he's going to get diabetes because of his sugar intake, despite his obviously excellent fitness and calorie/macro control.

    It was a silly, indefensible claim borne of the common myth that sugar causes diabetes.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    And if you cross the street during rush hour traffic you could just get hit by a car or a truck or a plane or a train, of coarse thats just my opinion
    its also called common sense.
    Are you saying that if your mass is big that it does not matter how much sugar or salt you intake it has no bearing on your health ?
    Where are you getting these facts from ?

    I'm saying that sugar doesn't cause diabetes. You are under the mistaken impression that it does.

    Okay LOL Quote ( There is pretty much zero data to support that claim.

    People are entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts. )

    Produce scientific data that sugar causes diabetes irrespective of calorie intake, body composition, etc. I'm expecting something like a randomized control trial, case control trial, or prospective cohort study.

    Seriously. If you have solid data that establishes a causative link between sugar consumption and diabetes within the confines of a calorie-controlled diet in active people of healthy body mass and low body fat, I will eat my hat.

    There is your answer --within the confines of a calorie-controlled diet. I never said that you could not have sugar. If you are not in the confines of a calorie-controlled diet then over-consumption of sugar regardless of body mass and low body fat will over a period of time have an impact on your health and can be a contributing factor in having diabetic problems.

    Oh, so you think eric_sg61 is not on a calorie-controlled diet, and that's why you predicted he will get diabetes.


    He clearly has zero control over his calorie intake.

    Walking diabetes time-bomb if I ever saw one.



  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    Telling him that he will get it it or that he might get it are two different things. Maybe I should have said, Hey Eric later in life you may run into a problem if you consume way to much sugar. Maybe just maybe as you get older things change. Never said no-no -no you cant have any sugar.
    You wrote:
    Wait till the Doc tells you that you are diabetic, All the running around you do wont mean a hoot. Keep pumping that suger and salt into your body, cause you will grow older and thats when the real fun starts !

    Seems more of a prediction than a caution......
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Like I Said before "Maybe I should have said, Hey Eric later in life you may run into a problem if you consume way to much sugar. "
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Like I Said before "Maybe I should have said, Hey Eric later in life you may run into a problem if you consume way to much sugar. "

    Hey, you may run into problems later in life. Because, well, it's later in life. The number one cause of death is life.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Wait till the Doc tells you that you are diabetic, All the running around you do wont mean a hoot. Keep pumping that suger and salt into your body, cause you will grow older and thats when the real fun starts !

    Implying that sugar intake causes diabetes irrespective of body mass and cardiovascular health

    Not implying anything , just telling what might happen !

    According to Mayo Clinic main risk factors for diabetes include being overweight, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, inactivity, gestational diabetes, PCOS, race, family history.

    Use of sugar and salt not in that list.

    There are no ingrediants on that list, what would be a contribution to high cholesterol, high trglycerides, high blood pressure, what are contributing factors to those conditions ?

    Wait a second. So now you're saying that excessive sugar and salt intake in otherwise healthy, active people not only cause diabetes but also high cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure?

  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Ya , Like it
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Wait till the Doc tells you that you are diabetic, All the running around you do wont mean a hoot. Keep pumping that suger and salt into your body, cause you will grow older and thats when the real fun starts !

    Implying that sugar intake causes diabetes irrespective of body mass and cardiovascular health

    Not implying anything , just telling what might happen !

    According to Mayo Clinic main risk factors for diabetes include being overweight, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, inactivity, gestational diabetes, PCOS, race, family history.

    Use of sugar and salt not in that list.

    There are no ingrediants on that list, what would be a contribution to high cholesterol, high trglycerides, high blood pressure, what are contributing factors to those conditions ?

    Wait a second. So now you're saying that excessive sugar and salt intake in otherwise healthy, active people not only cause diabetes but also high cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure?


    I asked what are the contributing factors to those conditions.
  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    ~my tips and rules~
    1) visit the farmers market...often!

    2) shop fruits and veggies first! (remember this when you shop hungry~I know bad way to shop, but we all do it)

    3) Misc canned/processed food in the cabinet? If the human garbage disposal of a 13 yr old that I call my son does not eat it, then I bring it to work and let them fight over the sodium/calorie enriched heart attacks in a can or box that sabotage my efforts. I like to save those days for a treat and not days of convince because I got lazy or "just want".
    Today I had pizza, hence the treat. So much better then the bag of cup of soups that I donated about a month ago. Besides, in an office of women that eat poorly it was fun to watch them fight over If they only knew!
  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    I was talking about the crazy amounts of salt, sugar, and fat often added to processed foods. High levels of these things in our diet are not healthy. Sorry if I was being unclear.

    This is also what I meant when I say sugar makes us fat.

    It is added into so many foods now that it is easy for the average non calorie counting person to massively over-consume without knowing it.

    There is a massive obesity crisis and sugar is a contributing factor in that.
    Sugar didn't make me fat. In fact, I ate pretty "clean" by popular definition. I just ate too much food. Period. I consumed more calories than I burned.
    Likewise, eliminating sugar didn't make me lose weight. Eating a caloric deficit made me lose weight.

    OP: Make what you can reasonably make from scratch and read nutrition labels on foods you buy. There is nothing wrong with doing this and you can often eat more food for fewer calories when you are in control of what you are making and eating; however, an occasional candy bar or a box of pasta are not going to make you any less healthy.

    If you feel better by buying all local and organic and can afford it, have at it.

    Just don't expect your weight loss to be faster or your health to be better than the person who buys meat and bread (and maybe a small bag of chips every once in a while) from WalMart, maintains a healthy caloric intake, and exercises regularly.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    in today's environment, there is little pure food. Many if not most vegetables are scientifically engineered hybrid. Meats are shot up with more steroids than an NFL lineman. Water isn't even really water any more... even if it is "spring water"... there are all kinds of chemical additives to help "protect us".. (and many are likely necessary)... Even much if not most "organic" foods have some question.. simply, if for no other reason, there is no way really to totally monitor every part of the chain... That being said, of course there are some things that are clearly better than others... Fresh produce, meats from a butcher shop... Avoid just about anything in a package . Lunch meats are pretty much all processed... sausages, weiners, etc. All processing is not necessarily bad.. Kind of hard to make sausage without processing... Other processing, not so good.... Above all else though, avoid SPAM.... (lol)
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Do you have any data that it doesn't ? If you read those studies you quoted and dug a little deeper into what are contributing factors to those on that list over consumption of salt and sugars will be on those list. Notice I am not saying no-sugar -no salt- .

    initial reason for diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high BS

    1st reason
    -hypercaloric diet

    secondary reason
    fat intake, carb intake, sedentary lifestyle.

    Causes of T2 diabetes is insulin resistance. Causes of insulin resistance are high adipose tissue and lack of BS control. Lifting weights EPOC provides sustained blood sugar control over a period of time. cardio provides BS during. Kind of the same thing as fat oxidation.

    Even people on hypocaloric diets that were high carb had decreased insulin resistance(low carb is still effective) just making a point