I don't eat clean. I won't eat clean. It's a stupid concept.



  • astrovivi
    astrovivi Posts: 183 Member
    so much LOL in this thread :laugh:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Its called being healthy! Just because someone is skinny doesn't mean they are healthy!

    Ah yes. Another you look healthy, your tests are great, you can outrun most kids half your age, and your lean body mass is solid, but that boogeyman man in the ice cream/potato chips/Oreos you eat a few of is gonna get ya type. And people wonder why so many of us are sick of hearing it.
  • Datahorde
    Datahorde Posts: 154
    I eat clean as much as possible because the amount of sodium and other crap in processed foods is so high., not gonna go strictly organic - too much $$$
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    i worry about calories and macros (and micros) and don't worry what any self-appointed food shamers have to say about anything... ever.

    i see lots of people on this site wear "how clean their diet is" as a badge of honor. it's not. it just means you've been hoodwinked into thinking that your success/failure is fully tied up in your food choices. it's not.

    if i want rice, i eat rice. if i want an apple, i eat an apple. if i want a piece of pumpkin pie, i eat a piece of pumpkin pie. i don't eat the whole pie. this is how you lose weight and get fit. you don't do it by adhering to lists of "approved" and "unapproved" foods.

    maybe i'm too easily irritated this morning, but i'm just sick of seeing people get sucked up into this fad (and related ones) and lose sight of the big picture in the process.

    If it was only about losing weight, you could eat nothing but Twinkies (or Pop-Tarts--for the peanut gallery) and, if you stayed within your calorie limit, you would lose weight. But whether or not you would be healthy is another matter. To me, good health is a LOT a part of the equation and that is why I am here to lose weight safely and effectively. I tried crazy crash diets for years, but after I lost the weight, I would always gain it back (plus more) because I was malnourished by the time I was done with the diet.

    I think most men here advocate eating 80% "clean" and then 20% whatever appeals to them. But men don't have the same problems losing weight as women do for a lot of reasons which are hormonal in nature. Most women on MFP don't have the luxury of eating whatever they want to.

    That last part is untrue.

    What specifically are you in disagreement with, Wheird?

    The part saying that moat women on MFP do not have the luxury of eating whatever they want.

    Most of the women on my FL are IIFYM followers and have been successful with their weightloss. While it is admittedly a small sample set, I do think it is fairly telling.

    I suspect that most of those ladies have not had a serious problem with obesity. The vast bulk of women that I meet here are typical of me and I cannot eat junk food (for a great many health-related reasons that are too boring to go into).

    I have at least two that have lost 100+lbs doing IIFYM.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    If I forced myself to eat clean, I would be a binger.

    I need to be allowed to drink my coffee with cream and sugar, and have pizza, and the occasional bowl of ice cream. If I need to grab a quick burger - I need the freedom to do that.

    I rarely even fit my macros - the only thing I try to do is stick within my daily calorie limit and get my required protein.

    When I force myself to eat "properly" I become a miserable cranky person who is much more inclined to eat an entire bag of doritos with salsa and sour cream.

    When I allow myself to have some treats, I am much happier, and it works better for me.

    If you are a clean eater, and happy - great job! But I don't feel it is the only way to achieve success.

    p.s. I feel the need to prove visually that this method works for me, so here is a recent progress pic:
    I am the same way and I agree completely! you look awesome so clearly it's working for you! and I've lost 60 pounds myself so I'm happy being this way too.
    I don't think there's anything wrong with eating clean, if that's what you want, but for me it's just not a priority.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    It's a choice and I don't think anyone should be "slammed" for eating clean or not eating clean, that's your choice. Do I worry about my friends that do eat clean? Sure. But, at the end of the day, if that's what they want, then I'm happy for them, just like I would want them to be happy for me.
  • Sierra_Christine
    I stand behind this because you already have lifestyle built. You like what you like and you don't like..obviously what you don't like. People say you can "change" your eating habits and you will adjust. That its "mind over matter". No, just get your recommended daily protein and eat whatever the hell you want.
    If people stick to this "Eating 100% clean" fad they will eventually get tired of it. What are they going to do when they honestly just want a fricken hella good hot pocket? They're gonna eat the whole damn box because they feel the need to binge. EVERYONE has those moments.
    Just eat what you want and just eat it in moderation.
    Tons of people do that and stay under or right on their calorie goal for each day.
    There is too much hype with other people telling you what you should put in your body to be successful. Who knows your body best? Some person on the internet who hasn't met you a day in your life, or you? I'm hoping you go with yourself. You know what works for you, and what doesn't.
    Everyone else that is preaching about what you should be eating MOST LIKELY hates their diet. and thats sad to me. Eating is a daily thing that you have to do your whole life. Why be miserable? Enjoy yourself but in recommended proportions. Simple as that.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    not gonna go strictly organic - too much $$$

    ...plus it's just a marketing ploy
  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    They already have a thread for pmsing.... :tongue:

    Eh it doesn't really matter what everyone else eats, just means more tasty food for me. :) As long as I'm in my calorie limit I say I'm okay.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    ...If people stick to this "Eating 100% clean" fad they will eventually get tired of it. What are they going to do when they honestly just want a fricken hella good hot pocket? They're gonna eat the whole damn box because they feel the need to binge. EVERYONE has those moments...

    Well I don't eat anywhere near "100% clean" and have no intention to, but ~ I take issue with you speaking for EVERYONE. I've never, not once in all my life, had any desire to eat even one fricken hella good hot pocket, let alone a whole damn box. Oh and I've never considered myself prone to bingeing either (though I sure can overeat ;) ).

    And I believe people sure *can* change their eating habits and adjust ~ actually I've found my tastes have changed greatly as I've matured and I honest to goodness have zero cravings for stuff I did when younger (like hot pockets I'd suppose ;) ).

    Why insist those who choose a healthier diet are "miserable" and don't "enjoy ourselves"?

    I say it's best we speak for ourselves and not make blanket statements for "EVERYONE". Just sayin'.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member

    I just got back. Had to dry out my sandwich. Did I miss anything?

    Just a bunch of clean eating types jumping up and down, red faced, that someone dared eat a potato chip without following up with hours of self flagellation and feelings of remorse.

    <crunch, crunch, crunch>

    Chips, you say?
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member

    i worry about calories and macros (and micros) and don't worry what any self-appointed food shamers have to say about anything... ever.

    i see lots of people on this site wear "how clean their diet is" as a badge of honor. it's not. it just means you've been hoodwinked into thinking that your success/failure is fully tied up in your food choices. it's not.

    if i want rice, i eat rice. if i want an apple, i eat an apple. if i want a piece of pumpkin pie, i eat a piece of pumpkin pie. i don't eat the whole pie. this is how you lose weight and get fit. you don't do it by adhering to lists of "approved" and "unapproved" foods.

    maybe i'm too easily irritated this morning, but i'm just sick of seeing people get sucked up into this fad (and related ones) and lose sight of the big picture in the process.

    If it was only about losing weight, you could eat nothing but Twinkies (or Pop-Tarts--for the peanut gallery) and, if you stayed within your calorie limit, you would lose weight. But whether or not you would be healthy is another matter. To me, good health is a LOT a part of the equation and that is why I am here to lose weight safely and effectively. I tried crazy crash diets for years, but after I lost the weight, I would always gain it back (plus more) because I was malnourished by the time I was done with the diet.

    I think most men here advocate eating 80% "clean" and then 20% whatever appeals to them. But men don't have the same problems losing weight as women do for a lot of reasons which are hormonal in nature. Most women on MFP don't have the luxury of eating whatever they want to.

    That last part is untrue.

    What specifically are you in disagreement with, Wheird?

    The part saying that moat women on MFP do not have the luxury of eating whatever they want.

    Most of the women on my FL are IIFYM followers and have been successful with their weightloss. While it is admittedly a small sample set, I do think it is fairly telling.

    I suspect that most of those ladies have not had a serious problem with obesity. The vast bulk of women that I meet here are typical of me and I cannot eat junk food (for a great many health-related reasons that are too boring to go into).

    Why does everything come down to gender with you? There are minor, minor, differences. Nothing that makes women not human or subject to the laws of thermodynamics.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member

    I just got back. Had to dry out my sandwich. Did I miss anything?

    Just a bunch of clean eating types jumping up and down, red faced, that someone dared eat a potato chip without following up with hours of self flagellation and feelings of remorse.

    <crunch, crunch, crunch>

    Chips, you say?

    How do you keep your chips crunchy in the shower?
  • newmommyo2
    newmommyo2 Posts: 8 Member
    I feel you, but isn't cancer related to poor diet? And don't you feel physically and mentally terrible if you just eat a bunch of crap all the time? I allow myself to eat high-calorie, processed food, but I know it's not that great for me, and I do try to limit it. Like you said, don't eat the whole pie. But isn't there real science behind how good food (i.e. raw veggies, lean protein, whole grain....) is beneficial and can prevent a whole lot of diseases? Maybe people aren't trying to elevate themselves when they eat this way. Maybe they are trying to be good examples and help others try to take better care of themselves. Maybe they aren't self-appointed. Maybe they have real merit that you haven't seen yet. I have worked in two natural food stores / health food stores and in a vitamin store and have spent a lot of time getting to know customers. I have met several who have cured their own cancer by changing their diet and not eating nasty processed foods. I have met someone who cured their cancer by going alkaline, and I have a close friend who halted the growth of a tumor by cutting out sugar. So while I am very much like you in that I do better at weight loss and stress management by allowing myself to eat what I want sometimes, I do respect, admire, and try to be like these people in many respects. I mean, there is nothing wrong with changing yourself a little bit at a time for something that in reality only has benefits. Further, I eat a lot "cleaner" than I used to. Because of the little changes I have made over a long period of time, I don't even like some of the stuff I used to love (e.g., ramen noodles, they make me sick when I am trying to enjoy them...).

    I totally get your mood. I know the type you are speaking to. Some people find the perfect plan for them and think it is perfect for everyone else. But there are many different body types. Pay attention to your body. If something makes you feel good and refreshed and energized, I say eat more of it. If something seems to slow you down, I say eat less. And don't forget to stay active. Isn't that the essence of successful fitness?
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I feel you, but isn't cancer related to poor diet? And don't you feel physically and mentally terrible if you just eat a bunch of crap all the time? I allow myself to eat high-calorie, processed food, but I know it's not that great for me, and I do try to limit it. Like you said, don't eat the whole pie. But isn't there real science behind how good food (i.e. raw veggies, lean protein, whole grain....) is beneficial and can prevent a whole lot of diseases? Maybe people aren't trying to elevate themselves when they eat this way. Maybe they are trying to be good examples and help others try to take better care of themselves. Maybe they aren't self-appointed. Maybe they have real merit that you haven't seen yet. I have worked in two natural food stores / health food stores and in a vitamin store and have spent a lot of time getting to know customers. I have met several who have cured their own cancer by changing their diet and not eating nasty processed foods. I have met someone who cured their cancer by going alkaline, and I have a close friend who halted the growth of a tumor by cutting out sugar. So while I am very much like you in that I do better at weight loss and stress management by allowing myself to eat what I want sometimes, I do respect, admire, and try to be like these people in many respects. I mean, there is nothing wrong with changing yourself a little bit at a time for something that in reality only has benefits. Further, I eat a lot "cleaner" than I used to. Because of the little changes I have made over a long period of time, I don't even like some of the stuff I used to love (e.g., ramen noodles, they make me sick when I am trying to enjoy them...).

    I totally get your mood. I know the type you are speaking to. Some people find the perfect plan for them and think it is perfect for everyone else. But there are many different body types. Pay attention to your body. If something makes you feel good and refreshed and energized, I say eat more of it. If something seems to slow you down, I say eat less. And don't forget to stay active. Isn't that the essence of successful fitness?

    in bold. i do not accept these assertions as factual.

  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    If you ate clean you wouldn't be so grouchy in the morning - LMAO

    I think I'll stick to mainly eating clean seeing you didn't provide anything in the way of a persuasive argument not to & just attacked this so called "fad".

    Is there a bigger picture? Yeah Get your *kitten* in gear & workout. But without proper nutrition & such a "whatever whenever approach" your body will suffer for it in the end. It's not brain science!

  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    You night people are weird
  • missability
    missability Posts: 223
    In 2006 I was on year 15 of an auto-immune disease that was eating me alive...At the advice of a doctor I began to eat "clean" about 90% of the time, as well as getting rid of many chemicals in my environment....shampoo, make-up, cleaning supplies, laundry soap...etc etc...and replacing them with chemical free alternatives....after all our skin is our bodies largest organ...within 3 months of doing this all my blood labs were closer to normal than they had ever been...Prior to doing this I was getting 3 IV's a week, 2 injections etc etc...the meds I was on just to keep things cleaned up and semi -functional was astounding....on month 4, (march 2007) I had my last injection.....listening to all that "HYPE" saved my life.
    As for why I am here...cause I know it will be brought up.....it don't mater how clean you eat, if it's 3 or 4 thousand calories a day...you get fat!