I don't eat clean. I won't eat clean. It's a stupid concept.



  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member

    So much win.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    lets drink then
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    i worry about calories and macros (and micros) and don't worry what any self-appointed food shamers have to say about anything... ever.

    i see lots of people on this site wear "how clean their diet is" as a badge of honor. it's not. it just means you've been hoodwinked into thinking that your success/failure is fully tied up in your food choices. it's not.

    if i want rice, i eat rice. if i want an apple, i eat an apple. if i want a piece of pumpkin pie, i eat a piece of pumpkin pie. i don't eat the whole pie. this is how you lose weight and get fit. you don't do it by adhering to lists of "approved" and "unapproved" foods.

    maybe i'm too easily irritated this morning, but i'm just sick of seeing people get sucked up into this fad (and related ones) and lose sight of the big picture in the process.

    If it was only about losing weight, you could eat nothing but Twinkies (or Pop-Tarts--for the peanut gallery) and, if you stayed within your calorie limit, you would lose weight. But whether or not you would be healthy is another matter. To me, good health is a LOT a part of the equation and that is why I am here to lose weight safely and effectively. I tried crazy crash diets for years, but after I lost the weight, I would always gain it back (plus more) because I was malnourished by the time I was done with the diet.

    I think most men here advocate eating 80% "clean" and then 20% whatever appeals to them. But men don't have the same problems losing weight as women do for a lot of reasons which are hormonal in nature. Most women on MFP don't have the luxury of eating whatever they want to.

    That last part is untrue.

    What specifically are you in disagreement with, Wheird?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    i worry about calories and macros (and micros) and don't worry what any self-appointed food shamers have to say about anything... ever.

    i see lots of people on this site wear "how clean their diet is" as a badge of honor. it's not. it just means you've been hoodwinked into thinking that your success/failure is fully tied up in your food choices. it's not.

    if i want rice, i eat rice. if i want an apple, i eat an apple. if i want a piece of pumpkin pie, i eat a piece of pumpkin pie. i don't eat the whole pie. this is how you lose weight and get fit. you don't do it by adhering to lists of "approved" and "unapproved" foods.

    maybe i'm too easily irritated this morning, but i'm just sick of seeing people get sucked up into this fad (and related ones) and lose sight of the big picture in the process.

    If it was only about losing weight, you could eat nothing but Twinkies (or Pop-Tarts--for the peanut gallery) and, if you stayed within your calorie limit, you would lose weight. But whether or not you would be healthy is another matter. To me, good health is a LOT a part of the equation and that is why I am here to lose weight safely and effectively. I tried crazy crash diets for years, but after I lost the weight, I would always gain it back (plus more) because I was malnourished by the time I was done with the diet.

    I think most men here advocate eating 80% "clean" and then 20% whatever appeals to them. But men don't have the same problems losing weight as women do for a lot of reasons which are hormonal in nature. Most women on MFP don't have the luxury of eating whatever they want to.

    That last part is untrue.

    What specifically are you in disagreement with, Wheird?

    The part saying that moat women on MFP do not have the luxury of eating whatever they want.

    Most of the women on my FL are IIFYM followers and have been successful with their weightloss. While it is admittedly a small sample set, I do think it is fairly telling.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    < pizza burger and beer body. Just look at my journal. I also eat canned veggies McDonald's and other fast food.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I don't get the concept of clean vs dirty food. My nutritionist laughs at the idea and trend. Don't be afraid of food. If I want a slice of pizza or a few pieces of chocolate or sweedish fish, I should learn how to enjoy these things without eating the whole pizza or bag of candy, etc.

    She always says, there is no such thing as bad food. Some of the "clean eaters" are just as annoying as some vegans. Get off your high horse.

    I didn't know anyone actually LIKED Swedish fish :laugh:
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    They're trying to catch me eating dirty. LOL


    I don't know that I have seen a precise definition of eating 'clean' and would never tell someone I'm doing that. However, I think there is nothing but good to encouraging people to eat real, whole foods whenever possible. Go 80/20 on it, that's fine, but IMO you're always going to be better off going for a whole apple or a piece of steak or something like that rather than a lean cuisine/pop tart/etc. If you make it at home, even better. That's not to say you might not still want to watch your cals/macros but all things being equal healthwise I will say that whole real foods are always better than fake processed stuff.

    This thread has been kind of hilarious, though, and thanks for all the homey the clown gifs!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    lets drink then

    Where's the beer tent? What? Do you think I run for my health?
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I eat clean (or my own definition of what that means to me).

    Do I preach to others that should / have to eat clean to lose weight? Absolutely not. That would make me a hypocrite. I lost 113 pounds eating processed foods and fast foods... basically I consumed anything edible that came out of can, box, package or carton. I also maintained my weight loss doing the same... but for me, that was a struggle.

    I made a choice (for myself) to cut out as much processed foods as possible. I like and enjoy the foods I eat. I feel better when I consume more vegetables, lean protien, and healthy fats. That's just me.

    But... that being said... I tend to eat 60% to 80% clean (try for 80% but often don't), which for me (again, by my own definition) means eating foods that are close to nature as possible. Yes, I fall short of this a lot, but it's a learning experience for me. I always trying new things to find what does and does not work for me. I'm trying to find the right balance of making healthier choices and still occasionally having the foods I love... all the while trying to maintain my weight loss.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that everyone needs to find their own path to weight loss, health or whatever reason that brought them here. Bums me out there is so much bickering about what is the "right" way or "best" way or "only" way to get the weight off and be healthy. If there was just one way to do it... well, then I wouldn't have struggled so long to lose the weight in the first place!
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Show of hands...who hear used to follow Kevin Trudeau and is now a clean eater?


    OMG that guy is a total quack!!!!! :noway:
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
    If I forced myself to eat clean, I would be a binger.

    I need to be allowed to drink my coffee with cream and sugar, and have pizza, and the occasional bowl of ice cream. If I need to grab a quick burger - I need the freedom to do that.

    I rarely even fit my macros - the only thing I try to do is stick within my daily calorie limit and get my required protein.

    When I force myself to eat "properly" I become a miserable cranky person who is much more inclined to eat an entire bag of doritos with salsa and sour cream.

    When I allow myself to have some treats, I am much happier, and it works better for me.

    If you are a clean eater, and happy - great job! But I don't feel it is the only way to achieve success.

    p.s. I feel the need to prove visually that this method works for me, so here is a recent progress pic:

    Damn! Nice abs!!! :drinker:
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I have to apologize to everyone because MFP was hacked today. I was working in a conference room with my work laptop, and I left MFP account open. Needless to say some "soon to be fired" student interns were playing around and left some very awful comments on quite a few threads, this being one of them! (They got caught on camera)

    These people said some very mean and nasty things, although as of right now I have been advised by my HR Director NOT to delete them, so HR can use it to show CLEAR violation of the Internet Usage policy. Anything that is posted by my profile on this thread before this one was NOT ME. It makes me SICK to read some of the things they said; especially because it no way reflects any of my own beliefs.

    I know not all of those offended by what was posted will see this, but I do offer my apology. I promise when the whole ordeal at work is cleared up; all of the comments will be deleted.
  • 007FatSlayer
    007FatSlayer Posts: 132 Member
    I consider it clean if it is organic and free from ingredients I can't pronounce. Everyone has their own definition of "clean eating". But it doesn't stop me from eating pizza, chips, cookies, and ice cream or a burger - I just don't go to Burger King and get their version because it would literally make me sick. I don't dog the next person that does go get a Whopper meal though, if that's what they want to eat, then eat it.

    Some people want to rebel so hard against eating healthy they take it to the extreme and brag about eating fast food. Who cares? If it works for you why trash what other people enjoy doing? Different things obviously work for different people.

    Totally AGREE
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    "If your food is organic and you don't tell anyone about it, is it still organic?"

    I saw that on a pin once and I loved it so much but didn't repin it because I knew it would offend some RL friends. I don't care what you eat as long as you don't care what I eat, but do we really have to talk about it all the time? The topic has really begun to bore me. That's just my life though.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member

    Cleanz teh toxinz!!!11!!!!!!11
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Actually, clean eating IS beneficial. I try to incorporate 50-75% raw (veg/fruit/nuts/seeds) into my diet daily. It's not a waste of time, unless you just like being sick and paying lots of money to doctors and pharmacies.

    While people all around me are constantly suffering from colds, flu, viruses, lots of other maladies...I go to work every day. I can't recall missing a day do to cold, flu, virus in ...so many years, I can't even tell you when the last time could have been.

    i eat pop tarts. i have never had cancer. therefore eating pop tarts protects me against cancer.

    seems legit.

  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    why does it matter to you what other people eat? don't read the threads if they annoy you. some people like to eat a raw plant based diet only. some like to eat clean during the week then junk on the weekends. some eat junk all the time some are a mix of both or do something totally different. maybe it works for some, maybe it doesn't. that doesn't effect your health and weightloss so stop pitching a fit about something irrelevant that has nothing to do with you.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I have to apologize to everyone because MFP was hacked today. I was working in a conference room with my work laptop, and I left MFP account open. Needless to say some "soon to be fired" student interns were playing around and left some very awful comments on quite a few threads, this being one of them! (They got caught on camera)

    These people said some very mean and nasty things, although as of right now I have been advised by my HR Director NOT to delete them, so HR can use it to show CLEAR violation of the Internet Usage policy. Anything that is posted by my profile on this thread before this one was NOT ME. It makes me SICK to read some of the things they said; especially because it no way reflects any of my own beliefs.

    I know not all of those offended by what was posted will see this, but I do offer my apology. I promise when the whole ordeal at work is cleared up; all of the comments will be deleted.

    This post wins the internet today.
  • Success1984
    Success1984 Posts: 11 Member
    Thread is hilarious
