I don't eat clean. I won't eat clean. It's a stupid concept.



  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Just a little PSA: Regarding sushi, it may be worth mentioning that the rice is made with sugar. I think that goes against Rule #1 in the clean eating handbook...

    That said, I love sushi. I also love sashimi, and when I wanted to avoid sugar, I ordered sashimi. Skip the rice and you're all set.

    Not to mention, if you skip the rice, you have more room for sashimi. :drinker:

    Sashimi is so great.

    Dammit, now I'm jonesing.

    One Sashimi Deluxe, please...

    Make that two. Extra yellowtail please.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    A greater range of dietary flexibility is one of the luxuries of regular training. Sedentary individuals do not have the same level of safeguarding from the potentially adverse effects of a higher proportion of indulgence foods. And just in case it wasn’t made clear enough, 10-20% indicates the maximum, not minimum discretionary allotment. If someone strives to consume 0% of calories from any food that’s been processed or refined from its original state, then that’s perfectly fine – as long as this is the person’s genuine preference, and not a painful battle of will. I’d also like to make it clear that there is still plenty of grey area in the study of dietary effects on health. As such, the nature and extent of the miscellaneous or rule-free food allotment is a delicate judgment call. In this case, it’s wise to keep scientific research at the head of the judging panel, but don’t ignore personal experience & individual feedback.

    Very sensible advice and the bit in bold seems so regularly to be overlooked on here...
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Get your logic out of here.

    *examines Mirey's progress

    *examines Sixout's progress


    As for evidence...I like these two folk's thoughts on the subject:


    My post was in jest. I don't care what others eat. When I'm bulking or trying to put on more muscle, I eat heavier foods, oatmeal, things like that. When I'm dropping weight and doing more cardio based stuff, I eat mainly veggies and meat, stay mostly away from carbs.

    I'm an equal opportunity eater.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    So, this isn't a thread about keeping kosher? WTF!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    A greater range of dietary flexibility is one of the luxuries of regular training. Sedentary individuals do not have the same level of safeguarding from the potentially adverse effects of a higher proportion of indulgence foods. And just in case it wasn’t made clear enough, 10-20% indicates the maximum, not minimum discretionary allotment. If someone strives to consume 0% of calories from any food that’s been processed or refined from its original state, then that’s perfectly fine – as long as this is the person’s genuine preference, and not a painful battle of will. I’d also like to make it clear that there is still plenty of grey area in the study of dietary effects on health. As such, the nature and extent of the miscellaneous or rule-free food allotment is a delicate judgment call. In this case, it’s wise to keep scientific research at the head of the judging panel, but don’t ignore personal experience & individual feedback.

    Very sensible advice and the bit in bold seems so regularly to be overlooked on here...

    Yup, I think it covers all bases. I like ice cream, I'm not willing to give it up...so I eat ice cream. That doesn't mean other people HAVE to eat ice cream to get in shape or lose weight or become more healthy, just that it can be done with ice cream in the diet.
  • short_nerdy_lady
    I agree. While not "stupid" as different things work for everyone. I'm with the lady with the killer abs, As long as I stay within my calories, exercise an eat healthy for the most part then adding a portion of cheese popcorn and a diet coke to my day to keep me sane and from binging is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Just a little PSA: Regarding sushi, it may be worth mentioning that the rice is made with sugar. I think that goes against Rule #1 in the clean eating handbook...

    That said, I love sushi. I also love sashimi, and when I wanted to avoid sugar, I ordered sashimi. Skip the rice and you're all set.

    Not to mention, if you skip the rice, you have more room for sashimi. :drinker:

    Sashimi is so great.

    Dammit, now I'm jonesing.

    One Sashimi Deluxe, please...

    Sashimi won't make it past me. I usually just catch the fish and peel the scales off with my teath. That's how the cavemen did it.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    "Eating Clean"



    Learn what you're talking about before you admonish it.
  • Vness813
    Vness813 Posts: 24
    I try to eat clean, but sometimes the bread gets soggy. :sad:


    HAHAHAHA I love it!! I'd totally love to eat in the shower on those "time crunch" days
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    My diet only consists of parmesan cheese and mustard.

    i <3 you.

  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I eat mostly unprocessed or minimally processed foods simply because they taste so much better. Life's too short to be eating things that aren't delicious!
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I try to eat clean, but sometimes the bread gets soggy. :sad:


    HAHAHAHA I love it!! I'd totally love to eat in the shower on those "time crunch" days

    I drink beer in the shower. Does that count?
  • chriswcox
    chriswcox Posts: 2 Member
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    I just recently jumped back on the healthy life bandwagon (and plan to stay this time). I don't feel like I have to ONLY eat 1000% natural items or whatever, but it does mean more of that type of food than I was putting in my body before... that's for sure.

    People on here are saying OP is grouchy because he/she does not eat clean. I find that especially funny because my first couple days into the detox... I WAS grouchy. It was bad. LOL.

    Moral is, find your own way. Use what works for you. Use what you can be proud of. You're not doing it for the foodies/vegans/anti-carb-eaters/clean-eaters, you should improve for YOU.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Just a little PSA: Regarding sushi, it may be worth mentioning that the rice is made with sugar. I think that goes against Rule #1 in the clean eating handbook...

    That said, I love sushi. I also love sashimi, and when I wanted to avoid sugar, I ordered sashimi. Skip the rice and you're all set.

    Like I said before...I guess it's all relative. IMHO, there's nothing wrong with sugar...sugar occurs naturally...nothing unclean about sugar IMHO. I eat all kinds of fruit...fruit has sugar. I add table sugar to my ice tea, etc. I keep it in check and make it fit my macros...but really, I don't see how sugar would be "unclean"...perhaps a crazy persons definition, but certainly not mine. Sugar is grown...I don't see the problem.

    I was just speaking about the programs, like Whole30, rather than discussing individual preferences or beliefs about sugar.

    We may also be discussing two different definitions of clean eating. For some people, "clean eating" means strict adherence to a specific plan (could be Atkins, South Beach, Zone, etc.) while for others, it means eating foods that are unprocessed.

    Incidentally, white table sugar is not grown that way; it is processed, so whether it's the first or second definition, white table sugar (which is what is used to make sushi rice) would not be considered "clean." I do realize that you still feel it is, and you are certainly entitled to your individual opinion.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    whats not clean about Rice an Apple Pumpkin Pie?????

    I was wondering the same thing...I think the term "clean" is often miss-used and also miss-understood.

    a pumpkin pie probably has ingredients that aren't clean to the strict adherents, such as flour. but who really knows because everyone has their own definition. that right there should be an indicator... if no two people can even agree on what clean means, then does it really mean anything?

    but just to make you happy, if i want a pop tart, i'll eat a pop tart. for the record, i had a Nestle's Crunch bar yesterday too. :wink:
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Just a little PSA: Regarding sushi, it may be worth mentioning that the rice is made with sugar. I think that goes against Rule #1 in the clean eating handbook...

    That said, I love sushi. I also love sashimi, and when I wanted to avoid sugar, I ordered sashimi. Skip the rice and you're all set.

    Not to mention, if you skip the rice, you have more room for sashimi. :drinker:

    Sashimi is so great.

    Dammit, now I'm jonesing.

    One Sashimi Deluxe, please...

    Sashimi won't make it past me. I usually just catch the fish and peel the scales off with my teath. That's how the cavemen did it.

    Hardcore paleo? :wink:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    Yup, I think it covers all bases. I like ice cream, I'm not willing to give it up...so I eat ice cream. That doesn't mean other people HAVE to eat ice cream to get in shape or lose weight or become more healthy, just that it can be done with ice cream in the diet.


    Do what makes adherence easiest for the individual and their preferences be that 100% clean eating or some level of discretionary calorie allowance "indulgences" (I don't include ice cream in that category - it is a perfect "diet" food in my view.)
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    My diet only consists of parmesan cheese and mustard.

    i <3 you.

  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    To the OP:

    If you are going to piss and moan about something then at least provide facts to backup your statement, considering you used your approach to state that others were wrong. Devoid of source material and due to your holier than thou attitude, your argument is invalid and should just be ignored. I think I'll take my own advice....


    Get your logic out of here.

    you are hilarious. but i'm not laughing with you, just at you.