The Truth about Calorie Restriction



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Well, I have to say, this is new. Usually, it's cut all the carbs and sugar and don't count calories!!!!

    Now it's eat all the carbs and plants and don't count calories!!!!

    Dairy is the debil!!!!!!

    Pretty soon, the only thing that's going to be okay to eat is going to be lettuce.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    So if you eat over your TDEE eating only "whole" foods, you won't gain weight?

    Yup! I dont watch my calories, but my guess would be around 2000, instead of the recommended 1200, and ive lost 30lbs.
    Basically, i eat as much as i feel like and listen to my body. Sometimes i crave only light veggies and fruit, and sometimes lots of starches.

    Hey guess what, I also eat 2000 and I've lost weight, because my personal TDEE is higher than 2000. CICO. I've lost 30lbs eating reese's, cheese, pizza, etc.

    And until you track your calories, you have no idea how much you are eating. When I first lost weight like... 4-5 years ago, I "ate clean" and thought I was eating a lot. Hey, this is what a typical meal looked like for me re: portions
    These are also tiny-*kitten* plates smaller than my face.
  • avshwartz
    avshwartz Posts: 18 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    So if you eat over your TDEE eating only "whole" foods, you won't gain weight?

    Yup! I dont watch my calories, but my guess would be around 2000, instead of the recommended 1200, and ive lost 30lbs.

    So for you, 2000 is still apparently a calorie deficit...even if you aren't counting them.

    Tell you what...let's try an experiment. Eat 3x the amount you're currently eating, but of the exact same type of foods you're eating now, for 3 weeks. Still gonna lose weight?

    I declare this the derpiest thread of the day.

    Lol arent you a little old to be using the word derp? Rule of thumb, dont say that if you're over 9 years old. I have no interest in arguing or eating more than i could stomach.. I just find that completely ridiculous.
    Theres a huge vegan community that can vouch for my and the poster's argument.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited February 2015
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Well, I have to say, this is new. Usually, it's cut all the carbs and sugar and don't count calories!!!!

    Now it's eat all the carbs and plants and don't count calories!!!!

    Dairy is the debil!!!!!!

    Pretty soon, the only thing that's going to be okay to eat is going to be lettuce.

    I tip my hat to you. You are in on that before the rest of the haters can get there. Kudos to you!

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    So if you eat over your TDEE eating only "whole" foods, you won't gain weight?

    Yup! I dont watch my calories, but my guess would be around 2000, instead of the recommended 1200, and ive lost 30lbs.
    Basically, i eat as much as i feel like and listen to my body. Sometimes i crave only light veggies and fruit, and sometimes lots of starches.

    Can you please explain the physics behind this?

    *Also, 1200 calories is not "recommended" across the board. This is the minimum that anyone should ever be eating. Most people should be eating more calories than that.

    Sorry, my mistake. To lose weight, it is recommended for my to eat 1200. I eat anywhere between 2000-3000 depending on how i feel.
    If you look into 'the starch solution' all the research is there.
    To me, it just makes sense. Im fuelling my body and brain with glucose, without sugar rushes/crashes because of the natural fibre. Im getting in waaay more nutrition because of all the fruits and vegs, which heals my body and makes it work more efficiently

    So my TDEE is around 2100 calories. I am eating around 1700 to lose a pound a week. If I were to eat 3000 calories cutting out gluten, meat, and dairy, I would still gain weight.

    You are counting incorrectly. You are not a special snowflake. You lose weight by eating less calories than you burn. That is the way our bodies work. We are just giant, breathing, farting, chemistry machines.

    Apparently not according to Dr. McDougall. This is fabulous (and SO Susan Powter):
    While easily providing the abundance of calories needed for winning marathons, starches do not promote excess weight gain. That is because the human body efficiently regulates carbohydrates from starches, burning them off, rather than storing them, when consumed in excess. How effective is our body’s regulation? Obesity has been unknown among billions of Asians with a wide variety of activity levels who have followed traditional diets based on rice. However, these people’s immunity immediately disappears when they switch to meals based on meat and dairy foods, because the human body unsuccessfully balances for excess fat consumption—storing these calories in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. The fat you eat is the fat you wear.

    I really want a cage match between one of the disciples of this guy and one of the low carb gurus who likes to talk about how carbs get stored as fat, even in a deficit.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Whilst I was pretty 'what???' with most of the OP's post... the part that annoyed my was the assertion that you can't be an animal lover and an omnivore because if you love your mother you wouldn't eat her. Not the same thing. I love animals, but I personally think it's natural to eat them so I will. Many people who rescue animals for a living are also omnivores.
    Also... hey, don't lump all us young'uns together! I'm 19 and know that 99% of her post was baloney :wink:

    Aw, please don't be offended, just because you have good sense about weight loss doesn't mean you have good sense in other ways. You are doing or thinking something right now that you will look back on as being dumb as he'll in 15 years. And I'm sure there are 49-year-olds thinking that about 34.
  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    Ok... but what does Dr Oz say about all of this?
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    So if you eat over your TDEE eating only "whole" foods, you won't gain weight?

    Yup! I dont watch my calories, but my guess would be around 2000, instead of the recommended 1200, and ive lost 30lbs.

    So for you, 2000 is still apparently a calorie deficit...even if you aren't counting them.

    Tell you what...let's try an experiment. Eat 3x the amount you're currently eating, but of the exact same type of foods you're eating now, for 3 weeks. Still gonna lose weight?

    I declare this the derpiest thread of the day.

    Lol arent you a little old to be using the word derp? Rule of thumb, dont say that if you're over 9 years old. I have no interest in arguing or eating more than i could stomach.. I just find that completely ridiculous.
    Theres a huge vegan community that can vouch for my and the poster's argument.

  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    So if you eat over your TDEE eating only "whole" foods, you won't gain weight?

    Yup! I dont watch my calories, but my guess would be around 2000, instead of the recommended 1200, and ive lost 30lbs.
    Basically, i eat as much as i feel like and listen to my body. Sometimes i crave only light veggies and fruit, and sometimes lots of starches.

    Can you please explain the physics behind this?

    *Also, 1200 calories is not "recommended" across the board. This is the minimum that anyone should ever be eating. Most people should be eating more calories than that.

    Sorry, my mistake. To lose weight, it is recommended for my to eat 1200. I eat anywhere between 2000-3000 depending on how i feel.
    If you look into 'the starch solution' all the research is there.
    To me, it just makes sense. Im fuelling my body and brain with glucose, without sugar rushes/crashes because of the natural fibre. Im getting in waaay more nutrition because of all the fruits and vegs, which heals my body and makes it work more efficiently

    So my TDEE is around 2100 calories. I am eating around 1700 to lose a pound a week. If I were to eat 3000 calories cutting out gluten, meat, and dairy, I would still gain weight.

    You are counting incorrectly. You are not a special snowflake. You lose weight by eating less calories than you burn. That is the way our bodies work. We are just giant, breathing, farting, chemistry machines.

    Apparently not according to Dr. McDougall. This is fabulous (and SO Susan Powter):
    While easily providing the abundance of calories needed for winning marathons, starches do not promote excess weight gain. That is because the human body efficiently regulates carbohydrates from starches, burning them off, rather than storing them, when consumed in excess. How effective is our body’s regulation? Obesity has been unknown among billions of Asians with a wide variety of activity levels who have followed traditional diets based on rice. However, these people’s immunity immediately disappears when they switch to meals based on meat and dairy foods, because the human body unsuccessfully balances for excess fat consumption—storing these calories in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. The fat you eat is the fat you wear.

    I really want a cage match between one of the disciples of this guy and one of the low carb gurus who likes to talk about how carbs get stored as fat, even in a deficit.

    It's scary that there are people out there spreading this misinformation as fact and getting everyone all riled up. It's even scarier when I go on Facebook and realize the massive number of people who actually believe stuff like this.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Ok... but what does Dr Oz say about all of this?

    Raspberry ketones are vegan, right?

  • avshwartz
    avshwartz Posts: 18 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.
  • roxannecarriere
    roxannecarriere Posts: 30 Member
    I don't think this is "the truth"'s merely your perception. I can't imagine eating 2000 calories a day...oh wait I did...and I weighed 235 lbs...
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    So if you eat over your TDEE eating only "whole" foods, you won't gain weight?

    Yup! I dont watch my calories, but my guess would be around 2000, instead of the recommended 1200, and ive lost 30lbs.

    So for you, 2000 is still apparently a calorie deficit...even if you aren't counting them.

    Tell you what...let's try an experiment. Eat 3x the amount you're currently eating, but of the exact same type of foods you're eating now, for 3 weeks. Still gonna lose weight?

    I declare this the derpiest thread of the day.

    Lol arent you a little old to be using the word derp? Rule of thumb, dont say that if you're over 9 years old. I have no interest in arguing or eating more than i could stomach.. I just find that completely ridiculous.
    Theres a huge vegan community that can vouch for my and the poster's argument.

    Please don't insult the vegan community, they wouldn't vouch to this nonsense.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    So if you eat over your TDEE eating only "whole" foods, you won't gain weight?

    Yup! I dont watch my calories, but my guess would be around 2000, instead of the recommended 1200, and ive lost 30lbs.

    So for you, 2000 is still apparently a calorie deficit...even if you aren't counting them.

    Tell you what...let's try an experiment. Eat 3x the amount you're currently eating, but of the exact same type of foods you're eating now, for 3 weeks. Still gonna lose weight?

    I declare this the derpiest thread of the day.

    Lol arent you a little old to be using the word derp? Rule of thumb, dont say that if you're over 9 years old. I have no interest in arguing or eating more than i could stomach.. I just find that completely ridiculous.
    Theres a huge vegan community that can vouch for my and the poster's argument.

    I probably am...but when the shoe fits...

    So just hypothetically then if you don't actually want to participate in the experiment. If you ate the exact same foods you're eating now, but 3x as much, your assertion is that you'd still be losing weight?

    PS - there's also a lot of overweight vegans.
  • avshwartz
    avshwartz Posts: 18 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    You do understand that by replacing certain foods with ones that are less calorie or/and nutrient dense, you are eating less than you were which is still calorie restricting, right?
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    You do understand that by replacing certain foods with ones that are less calorie or/and nutrient dense, you are eating less than you were which is still calorie restricting, right?

    Well if eating 5 bananas plus dates for breakfast is calorie restricting... Then im doing it wrong
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    avshwartz wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.

    This is not true.

    Also, if you're going to make such wild claims, please provide sources (not anecdotes based on your best guess of how many calories you're eating).
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Cloud learnt from their earlier mistake about continuing to post after the initial post.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited February 2015
    avshwartz wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    avshwartz wrote: »
    Yay! Somebody who understands what i understand! Diets are stupid. Eat whole foods. Cut out junk like dairy, meat and gluten. Carb the *kitten* up and feel better than ever!
    Ps. You're advocating for this lifestyle in the wrong place. These people dont want to hear that there's another way besides calorie restriction!

    Interesting...I eat primarily whole foods and meals prepared from whole food ingredients...I have successfully lost weight, maintained weight, and done a bulk and cut cycle...with the difference between those objectives being the amount of calories I'm eating.

    So how is it possible in your world that I was able to bulk on weight eating a diet rich in whole food nutrition.

    Also, since when are dairy, meat, and gluten "junk"? Gluten exists in whole foods...meat is a whole food...dairy products are whole foods or otherwise derived from such.

    By whole foods i meant whole plant foods. The reasom why you bulked up is because you ate a lot of fat most likely. Fat is not bad if it comes from plants and in moderation. But my guess is that it didnt.

    And since you're grasping at every word i use or misuse, dairy, meat and gluten are generally not favoured by the body of most people. It causes stagnation and intolerant reactions that you wont immediately see but will affect you in the long term.



    Also please provide a reference list from which you are spouting these bits of information. I'm going to guess they will be Google hits pulled from your butt.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    ayanasioux wrote: »
    Now here is the science behind all of this.

    The human body uses food as energy. An adult needs at least 2000 calories to adequately function daily in order to be healthy. Anything lower than that is considered starvation according the world health organization.

    The exact make-up of a healthy, balanced diet will vary depending on the individual needs (e.g. age, gender, lifestyle, degree of physical activity).
  • avshwartz
    avshwartz Posts: 18 Member
    I feel like someone made a new profile to back themselves up.....

    That would be funny. But no, i just stumbled upon this thread and felt like i should back this girl up since she was getting so much hate
This discussion has been closed.