The Gym is great for people watching!!



  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Ive noticed that no matter what day or time I go in the gym I still see the same people! Theres one lady who does handstands against the wall and pushes up and down with her arms and another lady who always goes on the same exercise bike and stays on it for aaaaages. I can come in, get changed, do a 45 min class and weights after for 30 mins and shes still there when Ive gotten showered and changed again and ready to leave!

    I suppose I must be known as the girl with massive headphones as I wear those over the ear pink skull candies teehee but it does drown out the sound of the woman who come to gossip on the treadmill rather than actually work out or the men grunting! I made a big error last week... turned up to step class and as the class was about to start realised my top was on inside out and it was fairly obvious - plus I was near the front so everyone in the class behind would see it!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Ive noticed that no matter what day or time I go in the gym I still see the same people! Theres one lady who does handstands against the wall and pushes up and down with her arms and another lady who always goes on the same exercise bike and stays on it for aaaaages. I can come in, get changed, do a 45 min class and weights after for 30 mins and shes still there when Ive gotten showered and changed again and ready to leave!

    I suppose I must be known as the girl with massive headphones as I wear those over the ear pink skull candies teehee but it does drown out the sound of the woman who come to gossip on the treadmill rather than actually work out or the men grunting! I made a big error last week... turned up to step class and as the class was about to start realised my top was on inside out and it was fairly obvious - plus I was near the front so everyone in the class behind would see it!
    I dub thee...Airline Girl
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Ive noticed that no matter what day or time I go in the gym I still see the same people! Theres one lady who does handstands against the wall and pushes up and down with her arms and another lady who always goes on the same exercise bike and stays on it for aaaaages. I can come in, get changed, do a 45 min class and weights after for 30 mins and shes still there when Ive gotten showered and changed again and ready to leave!

    I suppose I must be known as the girl with massive headphones as I wear those over the ear pink skull candies teehee but it does drown out the sound of the woman who come to gossip on the treadmill rather than actually work out or the men grunting! I made a big error last week... turned up to step class and as the class was about to start realised my top was on inside out and it was fairly obvious - plus I was near the front so everyone in the class behind would see it!
    I dub thee...Airline Girl

    Airline girl?! Haha may I ask why - the headphones?
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Reading through some of these has cracked me up!

    I was on the rowing machine the other day and when I finished my stint my trainer told me that the guy next to me (who was rowing so slowly - about one row to three of mine) had his eyes closed. I thought I could hear humming at the time but didn't look over! Clearly meditating or something similar!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Airline girl?! Haha may I ask why - the headphones?


  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    I'm certain everybody at work giggles about me. I'm the secret (sometimes not so secret) belly dancer. Listening to music on my headphones and doing tiny moves while waiting in line for water or cafeteria. Head out the door every day during lunch, eating an apple and walking to the music. Once I get warmed up I usually will get my hops going, partially to loosen up the hip flexors for the stretching portion of my work out. I actually have overly tight flexors that have messed up my back and my leg.

    I sing or lip sync often as well. I also run up the stairs to the sidewalk outside and stretch at the top of the stairs after doing 7 runs up the stairs. (prolly 8 in 2more weeks) then I run up the inside stairs and do calf raises, stretches at the top of the stairs, Usually still trying to catch my breath from running up them. At least one person a day asks me if I'm okay. lol.

    With the exception of weights or yoga, all of my workouts take place outside so it's not too obnoxious. I don't like doing stuff where people can't escape.

    I also do chest lifts and belly rolls at my desk in hopes that no one is actually looking.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Airline girl?! Haha may I ask why - the headphones?



    LMAO thats fairly accurate
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    At the gym I used to go to, there was a guy there that was nicknamed "Ninja Neil". He was a skinny little guy, and always talking about how he was building a "Terminator" robot, but was having trouble finding the proper parts for it, so he was also building a time machine so that he could go into the future and get the parts that he needed. Watching him workout was a treat. He would carry around a bodybuilding magazine with him the whole time. He would pick a bench to do bench presses on, then proceed to raid all of the other weight stations of their 2.5 lb plates. He would then place between 8-10 of these little plates on each side of the bar and lift it once. After that he would have to take all of these little plates off and return them to the stations that he had taken them from. It would literally take him 10-15 minutes to do all of this. It was just so funny to watch. We asked him why he didn't use the 10 or 25 lb plates and save himself a lot of time (especially since he only lifted it once), and he would just stare at you like you were suggesting the impossible. He would then do a couple of bicep curls and shoulder presses with a pair of 5 lb dumbbells. With this, his intensive workout was done, so he would leave. You would actually have to watch this guy to really appreciate how funny this was, but for those of us that know the "Ninja", this was comedy gold.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I had a gym partner who used to take a mid-workout cigarette break from the treadmill....
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Is it just me, or isn't there an unspoken running etiquette rule that states that the faster runners take the inside of the track/loop and the slower runners take the outside? I get tired of all the gabbing ladies walking 2 or 3 abreast that refuse to budge on the inner-most part of the track, so all of us with a little faster pace have to go all the way around them - EVERY time around. They never figure the rule out; or don't care.
  • carrie145
    There's this lady at my gym who couldn't weigh more than 90 pounds. She is always on the elliptical. She stays on there for TWO hours and she's going so fast it looks like her legs are gonna fly off. The funny things are #1) Her upper body is draped over the machine and #2) when she gets off she walks like she has a corn cob stuck up her butt!!

    But the weirdest thing I have seen at my gym is a dude who works out in blue jeans and cowboy boots. That can't be comfortable!!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Is it just me, or isn't there an unspoken running etiquette rule that states that the faster runners take the inside of the track/loop and the slower runners take the outside? I get tired of all the gabbing ladies walking 2 or 3 abreast that refuse to budge on the inner-most part of the track, so all of us with a little faster pace have to go all the way around them - EVERY time around. They never figure the rule out; or don't care.

    My current gym doesn't have a track but all the ones I have used in the past this was posted rule on a sign atleast two places around the track.
  • nubreeze33
    Naw I must be the one being talked about because I don't have any stories to share and i'm there everyday just about.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I have a new one... karaoke lady.

    Our cadio equipment each have a individual TV. So this lady either walks the treadmill or does the bicycle with headphone on. She must forget people can hear hear, because she always watches the same comedy show...and LAUGHS really LOUD. Her laugh carries across the room and you can hear it above the blaring radio station.

    Sometimes...she watched a talent show. And if a song comes on she recognizes, she sings!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Binary_jester......... I like what you have in your siggy. "I like boobs." At least you're honest. lol
  • akela4860
    akela4860 Posts: 16 Member
    I think I am probably one of the regular boring people at the gym but good lord, if you had been in the anti gravity yoga class with me,, I was the one that had the most trouble getting my big butt in the sling. By the time I got "in the position" it was time to change positions. I'm sure I was the topic of a few discussions that started with ... omg you should have seen this one lady, lol.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I think I am probably one of the regular boring people at the gym but good lord, if you had been in the anti gravity yoga class with me,, I was the one that had the most trouble getting my big butt in the sling. By the time I got "in the position" it was time to change positions. I'm sure I was the topic of a few discussions that started with ... omg you should have seen this one lady, lol.

    What's an anti-gravity yoga class?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Is that sort of like aerial arts.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    There's a creepy guy that comes in for like 30 minutes and only sits on the leg press. He does NOTHING!!!! He sits and watches me and elliptical girl.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I must go at a bizarre time of day. I go when my son is at school. Its perfect for me because he is only in class for 3ish hours and so I go over, work out for about two hours and then come home. Well I'm like one of 10 people in the building which is a huge gym. The majority of my time is spent in the cardio room. I hop on the treadmill to run or the elliptical and just wait.

    Without fail, I will see at least ONE man in overalls come in to workout. Full blown jean overalls. There are the two ladies that come in and spend two minutes on each piece of equipment, barely move their legs and then after a total of 6-8 minutes they jump off, wiping their foreheads and leaving me drenched and gasping. There is the awkward talking man. Where no matter how hard he is working out or YOU are working out he can carry a conversation and expects you to do the same. And USUALLY starts a conversation by announcing "MY BUTT HURTS. Did you hear me? I said MY BUTT HURTS!!!" At which point I'm sweating, gasping for air and laughing my now sore butt off.

    I especially love the people that work! Today after working out I decided to visit the locker room and freshen up where I got the life history of this woman's christmas decorations. Apparently she is very excited about decorating! lol!

    I love my gym...I love getting fit and I love people watching!