March 2015 Running Challenge



  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    who would like to give me hill advice. I just cant concure them. is there a way to run up hill (like lean in, eyes down) or something that im missing? i usually end up just power walking up them. my marathon is in june and its in hilly seattle. I would like to jog up at least half of them :(
    ps. i am the worlds slowest runner (a jogger actually) 12-12.5 min miler.

    @dawnna76 That was how I felt about hills last spring. There's a steep one near my house that I used to hate. Each day I'd run to it telling myself today's the day I run all the way to the top. Then somewhere midway up I'd quit and start walking. Interestingly it wasn't actually that I couldn't conquer that hill, it was that I didn't believe I could. I started running with some friends and one of those men said to me, "You're not that tired keep running." I was all, what the... I am so tired this is awful, but I resumed running and from that day have never walked up that hill again. It's really not as hard as I thought it was, I
    just needed to believe that I was capable of running the hills too.
    I do run with short powerful steps. I don't lean forward. I keep my eyes on the prize remembering that with each step I'm that much closer to the top. Breath as normally as you can, you won't make it to the top if you hyperventilate and pass out halfway up. Most importantly believe in yourself! You can run hills! You really can!

    One more thing- you are not the slowest runner ever. A year ago I was much slower than you are now. Keep running, with every single mile you run your body will get stronger and you will get faster. You can do this!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    briebee7 wrote: »

    I think I must have missed something here! Plenty of other people post riding/walking/strength training etc. I don't see how it distracts from the challange? Post away!

    I only post my running mileage because that is really my only dedicated exercise right now outside of the occasional Pilates class.

    I missed something too! I have been posting my biking and strength training as well, and several people said it was fine. I still have a running goal but I also want to mix it up and do strength training. @codemonkey78 - post away. BTW - I biked 71 yesterday. I hope I can run tomorrow - one knee is slightly sore. Was helping my husband train for the Tour De Cure next week - 100 miles. I'm not doing that one, just helping him by riding with him.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    fabnine wrote: »
    One more thing- you are not the slowest runner ever. A year ago I was much slower than you are now. Keep running, with every single mile you run your body will get stronger and you will get faster. You can do this!

    How long have you been running fabnine? You amaze me with your mileage! So I just wondered how long it took to get to that level?
    I don't have time right now to add much more to my runs but in the summer when school is out and I am not teaching, I can add more time. I just can't see moving the alarm back to prior to 4am.
  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    3/1, 2.2 miles, snowshoe (not counting as running miles)
    3/2, 5.0 miles, treadmill (C'mon spring, I want off this treadmill!)
    3/3, 6.0 miles, outside!!! It was cold, wet and icy but worth it! ;)
    3/4, rest, was able to get a walk at lunch in the 40 degree sunshine!
    3/5, 4.34 miles, treadmill
    3/6, 4.34 miles, treadmill
    3/7, unplanned rest day, life...
    3/8, planned rest day
    3/9, 4.34 miles, treadmill

    24.02 miles total; 100 miles goal
  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    I was thinking that cross training was an activity to supplement your main activity. If you ''cross train'' more than you run then running becomes cross training.

    But it seems like I'm wrong, as always. I might rage quit this challenge.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    edited March 2015
    I was thinking that cross training was an activity to supplement your main activity. If you ''cross train'' more than you run then running becomes cross training.

    But it seems like I'm wrong, as always. I might rage quit this challenge.

    I'm not sure why you can't just use this challenge the way you want to and and someone else could use it a different way ... I'm missing the issue. It's not a challenge against each other - or against anything, really. Use it to your benefit as you wish. I wish I had listed out each of the 31 days so at the end I could have a quick glimpse of my strength training, etc. I don't keep a log, so it would be efficient to do here. I didn't ... but I don't think anyone would have an issue if I did. Again ... not understanding the issue.

    ETA: This would be my compulsory "can't we all just get along?" post (sorry). I really don't care one way or another about the [non-]issue. :)
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member

    I was thinking that cross training was an activity to supplement your main activity. If you ''cross train'' more than you run then running becomes cross training.

    But it seems like I'm wrong, as always. I might rage quit this challenge. are right on the mark... if you're not running, you're cross-training...
  • cooter_mom
    cooter_mom Posts: 108 Member
    @dawnna76 not the slowest runner, I'm between 14:30 and 17:00 minute miles. I walk about as fast as I run most days. A mile is a mile, don't care how long it takes me, just that I ran the whole thing.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member


  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    cooter_mom wrote: »
    A mile is a mile, don't care how long it takes me, just that I ran the whole thing.
    ^^ This! . flowersmh.gif

  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    edited March 2015
    4leighbee wrote: »
    I was thinking that cross training was an activity to supplement your main activity. If you ''cross train'' more than you run then running becomes cross training.

    But it seems like I'm wrong, as always. I might rage quit this challenge.

    I'm not sure why you can't just use this challenge the way you want to and and someone else could use it a different way ... I'm missing the issue. It's not a challenge against each other - or against anything, really. Use it to your benefit as you wish. I wish I had listed out each of the 31 days so at the end I could have a quick glimpse of my strength training, etc. I don't keep a log, so it would be efficient to do here. I didn't ... but I don't think anyone would have an issue if I did. Again ... not understanding the issue.

    There isn't any issue. I asked if we were supposed to log other activities too and apparently it turned into a sarcasm contest.

    I am sorry that I'm not good enough to be biking 600 miles on top of my running.

  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    edited March 2015
    @ddmom0811 I ran noncompetitively as a teenager, but my first recent run was Mother's Day 2013. A family crisis set me out to clear my head. I didn't even make it a mile before I couldn't breathe. I proceeded to run 2minutes and walked 5minutes to the tune of 25 miles. It took me almost 8 hours. It was such a cathartic experience that I determined to learn to run.

    By fall of that year I could run one 7 minute mile or a 29 minute 5K without stopping. Notice the disparity in pace there. I stopped running completely that November because it was cold.

    March of last year I started running again; it was like starting all over. This time I decided I didn't care about running that sub7 minute mile, I cared about those 25 Mother's Day miles in honor of my sister. I resolved to learn to run the distance. Those 25 miles took 5 1/2 hours the second time around. I set out daily ignoring pace just to get more miles under my feet. By summer I was up to 200 miles a week. Don't do what I did; I aggressively added miles and am fortunate I wasn't injured.

    Last fall when the weather began to turn I started the streak as a means to encourage myself to run outdoors all winter. Interestingly it's been these cold hard winter runs that have improved my running the most. (Thank you @LoneWolfRunner.) I'm not afraid of hills or wind or rain or cold or distance anymore. I am strong; know these legs will carry me.

    Mothers Day 2015 will be my 2 year anniversary as a runner. I'll run the same 25 miles but this year will be the first year I won't need walk breaks. I may not be fast, but I won't quit.
    Remember that life is like running. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes you're fighting for every step. Sometimes you are out there all alone. Sometimes it's going to be so tough that you just want to give up, but we don't quit.

    We never quit.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    I was thinking that cross training was an activity to supplement your main activity. If you ''cross train'' more than you run then running becomes cross training.

    But it seems like I'm wrong, as always. I might rage quit this challenge.

    I'm not sure why you can't just use this challenge the way you want to and and someone else could use it a different way ... I'm missing the issue. It's not a challenge against each other - or against anything, really. Use it to your benefit as you wish. I wish I had listed out each of the 31 days so at the end I could have a quick glimpse of my strength training, etc. I don't keep a log, so it would be efficient to do here. I didn't ... but I don't think anyone would have an issue if I did. Again ... not understanding the issue.

    There isn't any issue. I asked if we were supposed to log other activities too and apparently it turned into a sarcasm contest.

    I am sorry that I'm not good enough to be biking 600 miles on top of my running.

    LOL ... ah. Okay. I wish I was. That's pretty awesome. I was going to ask if I could log my walks from the car to the office, but I guess I probably shouldn't now ...
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    cooter_mom wrote: »
    A mile is a mile, don't care how long it takes me, just that I ran the whole thing.
    (*) Best Answer Ever (*)

  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    @fabnine I love your story!!!

    I ran an easy 2 today. Here's my month, so far:

    3/1: 5.33 (treadmill) - about 9:30 min/mile pace
    3/2: Easy 3 - about 10 min/mile pace
    3/3: Hard 6 (done as intervals)
    3/4: Easy 3 - about 10 min/mile pace
    3/5: Tempo 5 - up to 8 min/mile pace
    3/6: Rest
    3/7: Hard 6 - 8:40 min/mile pace on hills
    3/8: Easy 9 - 11:20 min/mile pace on hills
    3/9: Easy 2 - 9:25 min/mile pace

    That's a total of 39.33 for the month. As a reminder, I don't have a monthly mileage goal - I'm working more towards race goals. I have a 5K next Sunday so this is going to be taper week for me. I'm guessing my total mileage for the week (including the 5K) will be around 10.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    I still like to see what everyone else does to stay fit & active on their non-running days.
    I also like to hear that people ran with their kids or their dogs. I like to hear race results and PRs even though I don't race. I like learning how people improve their pace, cadence or stride as those same tips could improve my run.
    I love to hear people overcome challenges to run despite disability or injury.
    It doesn't matter if you run fast or slow, if you run a little or a lot, if running is your first love or something extra you do on the side. It doesn't even matter if you're injured or learning to run and more of your miles are walking than running.
    I have been greatly encouraged by the fellowship of runners, former runners, and future runners I've found here. Thank you.

    __Date___ Miles
    Mar 1 ___ 3.5am 7°F + 6.1pm 26°F + strength training
    Mar 2 ___ 5.7 with friends + 3.6 alone
    Mar 3 ___ 1.4 streak + strength training
    Mar 4 ___ 5.1 with friend + 3.5 alone
    Mar 5 ___ 2.3 + strength training
    Mar 6 ___ 8.8am alone + 4.6pm w/friend
    Mar 7 ___ 3.1
    Mar 8 ___ 12.5 cloudy, then snowy, then sunny all in the same run
    Mar 9 ___ 6.0 w/friends (& another 1.4 with my youngest not included in total.)

    Month total= 66.1 running miles __98.9 remaining


    Current Streak: 197days = 1241.3miles

    @Elise4270 I feel like one of those 'How I think I look when I'm running/ How I actually look when I'm running' memes. You look terrific! Btw, you are rocking size Xsmall running tights, perhaps your man needs a better understanding of the word fat.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    fabnine wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 I ran noncompetitively as a teenager, but my first recent run waheher's Day 2013. A family crisis set me out to clear my head. I didn't even make it a mile before I couldn't breathe. I proceeded to run 2minutes and walked 5minutes to the tune of 25 miles. It took me almost 8 hours. It was such a cathartic experience that I determined to learn to run.

    By fall of that year I could run one 7 minute mile or a 29 minute 5K without stopping. Notice the disparity in pace there. I stopped running completely that November because it was cold.

    March of last year I started running again; it was like starting all over. This time I decided I didn't care about running that sub7 minute mile, I cared about those 25 Mother's Day miles in honor of my sister. I resolved to learn to run the distance. Those 25 miles took 5 1/2 hours the second time around. I set out daily ignoring pace just to get more miles under my feet. By summer I was up to 200 miles a week. Don't do what I did; I aggressively added miles and am fortunate I wasn't injured.

    Last fall when the weather began to turn I started the streak as a means to encourage myself to run outdoors all winter. Interestingly it's been these cold hard winter runs that have improved my running the most. (Thank you @LoneWolfRunner.) I'm not afraid of hills or wind or rain or cold or distance anymore. I am strong; know these legs will carry me.

    Mothers Day 2015 will be my 2 year anniversary as a runner. I'll run the same 25 miles but this year will be the first year I won't need walk breaks. I may not be fast, but I won't quit.
    Remember that life is like running. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes you're fighting for every step. Sometimes you are out there all alone. Sometimes it's going to be so tough that you just want to give up, but we don't quit.

    We never quit.

    Thanks for sharing that... Quite inspiring.

    The only 5k I've run nonstop was the one the day after my 19 year old son tried to commit suicide. Things like that change our perspective of pain.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I love to read all the other things people do for exercise. It's inspiring.

    @elise4270 I'm so sorry to hear what you have been through with your son.

    @fabnine love your story.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2015
    @Training2BeFast‌ you are welcome to log as you like here. Even if your doing Frog hops in a day, which would be interesting. I have not found this group to be in anyway exclusive. .

    The sarcasm, seems to be all in jest. It is just silly to this group to exclude one because they do this and not that in x quantity or some such nonsense.

    @skippygirlsmom‌ thanks.
  • johnsonnelly
    johnsonnelly Posts: 103 Member
    March 1 -Rest
    March 2 - 4 miles
    March 3 - 5.1 miles (furthest run to date)
    March 4-6th - Rest arches, I pulled them jumping rope.
    March 7 - 4 miles OUTSIDE!!! It was so warm here, I was surprised!
    March 8 - 4 miles (plus a hike on the mountain)
    March 9 - 3.1 miles (5k OUTSIDE!!, plus a 2 mile walk and weight training)
