

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,552 Member
    I spent the day taking photos of the kids bowls and setting up a poster. I'm going to have several printed so they can hang it at the school, and I can hang it at the studio. I'm pretty happy with the way the whole project turned out.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,552 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.59min, 13.6mph 2.9mi = 101cal
    nufit machine- 34.45min, 99aw, 103av.strides per min, 2mi (1st time)= 238cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.24min, 13.4amph, 1.4mi = 58cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.32min, 9amph, 2.6mi, WINDY! = 186cal
    total cal 583

    exermom- don't forget about the .2 miles to that 26.....!! lolollol that is the standard marathon distance.... that was my first one last november
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oh, Sylvia..............I love the bowls!!!!!! They did a fantastic job. The posters are a lovely idea!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,922 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    smiley-cool05.gifHeather, I am imagining you dancing around your kitchen wearing your headphones....congrats on finishing your book.

    smiley-happy020.gif Janet, I love your new quote Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.

    smiley-cool05.gif When I lived in a different neighborhood back when I was working, I'd get up extra early and walk on the treadmill and watch TV with headphones so the sound wouldn't disturb Jake.

    smiley-happy020.gif Sassy, thank you for your kind words about my relationship with my stepdaughter....I love your quote • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    smiley-sad015.gif I got the cold that Jake had so I have been coughing and sneezing and blowing my nose. Jake is sleeping in the guest room so we can both sleep better. I have been sort of taking it easy----lowered my step goal by 25% and took a nap yesterday and today.

    smiley-happy020.gif Sylvia, the bowls are awesome

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif15,000 steps today--two and a half hours of dog walking 194904olsgis3xqe.gif
    smiley-sleep012.gif. I'll be in bed super early tonight

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited March 2015
    Jan, thanks! I'm so tickled with the way they all turned out, and how excited the kids were about being involved. I thought the posters would be a nice way to remember what they had done. The trouble with this whole thing is that EVERYBODY wants to do it all again next year! :p At least I have plenty of time to get the bowls made.

    The school principal decorated a bowl, but I could not in good conscience put it on the poster. She drew a hand as if it were holding the bowl, and wrote inspirational things all around it - between the fingers - saying beautiful things like love, hope, etc, with Westside School printed proudly at the top. The trouble is, when I took the picture, focusing on the word Westside, there was a middle finger pointed directly at the name of the school. That was bad enough, but the art was not terribly well done and the finger resembled something more phallic. Apparently nobody else noticed it. This is a very sweet lady, and my next door neighbor, so I know she would be embarrassed. I tried other views of the bowl, but none made sense without the name of the school. So, there just wasn't room on the poster this time. (I sure hope she doesn't have a google alert set up for Westside School)

    I'm a little sad that I have to deliver them tomorrow. It's hard to give them up. But on the other hand, I'll be glad when my part is done. My biggest fear is that nobody will buy them.

    Well, I'm off to bed. Goodnight everyone!


  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,752 Member
    Sylvia ... the poster and the bowls look great! Laughed out loud while reading your description of the principal's bowl.

    Michele ... I think you could freeze the soy sauce substitute. So jealous that you're getting your pool ready. Mine is still under a couple feet of snow ... although the slide recently reemerged from the snow!

    Vicki ... where are you that it was 90 degrees?

    Alison ... your work situation is atrocious. So sorry you have to deal with such nasty people.

    DS#2 and I took a walk at the county park today ... sun was shining and he was depressed so thought it might help. It did and we both felt better getting outside and getting fresh air. But it was windy and cold!

    Getting to bed late (for me) tonight ...

    Beth in WNY
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Carey, good for you on getting everything done yesterday. It sounds like a fun and yummy evening.

    Heather, yea you for your walk. It sounds delightful.

    Dia, sending wishes for a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.

    Chris, I like that one about not treating our bodies like garbage cans. Growing up as a member of the clean plate club that is something to work on. Last night at the Moose Lodge I ordered a hamburger steak and it came with two on the plate. I ate one and took my plate to the spot where the waitress puts dirty dishes, so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat more. It just seems so wasteful.

    Katla, so glad to get the report on your DH. I just hate it when they end up in the doghouse. I have actually gotten to where I don’t mind reheated oatmeal in the microwave. Years ago, I wouldn’t touch it.

    DrKatie, good for you on the subbing job. It just sounds like it is something you’d like to do, so why not?

    Yannie, we had a good time at the Moose St Patty’s Day dinner, but as it turns out, no band. I have come to decide that I’m not really a big corn beef fan. It was eatable but not really good. I’ve had good corn beef and enjoyed it but this was just okay. (I didn't savor it.) No green socks, but a black shirt with a green Leprechaun on the front and a green sequined bow tie, topped off with a green hat. *I looked hot*. ;)

    Michele NC, at least I’m glad the bump doesn’t hurt. Good going on the pocketbook.

    Sylvia, cute joke. LOL OMG, I love the bowls and your poster is wonderful. There seems to be a couple of real artists in the class. Great job!! (*)

    Meg, your DD sounds like my DH sometimes. He is and always has been a “talker”. I hate to admit it, but my closest friends and I have often joked about it behind his back. Now that I am pretty much the only one he talks to, it is nonstop. I pray for God to give me patience but sometimes it drives me crazy. I can’t even answer the first (or 12th) question before he asks the next. He will interrupt when I’m in midsentence because I paused for a silly millisecond. I love him dearly, but if I’m in just the right mood, I’ll have to leave the room. He also comes to my office when I’m doing my diary or trying to catch up with this group and starts talking incessantly. Ppffttt I’m happy to say that my arms have been losing about at the rate with the rest of my body. My problem is the flab and batwings. What are the best exercises, including weights, to tighten those muscles? Hopefully, Meg, your arms will catch up. You know our bodies do things in their own good time.

    Barbie, so sorry you are under the weather. I think springtime colds are the worst. I have a tickly throat tonight and fear I might be getting something. If I do, DH will stay far away from me, so that should give me some peace and quiet. I’d rather have his talking. Lol Get back to “well” real soon.

    I didn’t exercise at all today. I take a rest day every now and then. Even when it is planned, I feel a little guilty for taking a day off. The scale has been holding steady since I got to this weight and it normally goes up and down about 3 pounds, so I’m pleased with that and just ready for another move down. I’m at 41 ½ pounds lost and I can see and feel a big change, but not one single person has said a thing. These are ladies that I only see once or twice a month. It’s so weird. The last time (many years ago) that I lost weight, it was at 45 pounds before anyone noticed. DH can tell and I can tell, so I just need to be happy with that.

    I send healing prayers to all that are sick or having other problems. So happy for those of you with victories. I hope you all had a great St Patty’s Day and wish you much happiness and good health.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    By the way...today hubby got the skinny yard guy to crawl under the house and remove one very dead possum from the crawl space directly below my recliner. It smells better in here already. So, whoever suggested the crawl space, you win! I still cannot believe he couldn't smell that!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,117 Member
    Sylvia - thanks for sharing your beautiful poster of the bowls! So funny about the principal, I wonder what she was thinking about while painting the bowl. ..oh yeah we know. ..

    Barbie - I hope you feel better really soon! Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.

    I'm like a lot of you, I feel guilty if I take a rest day. "They" say it is good for your body to recuperate. Resting may also help you to get over a plateau. I always feel like I am going to gain weight if I don't work out. I hardly ever more than 50 of my exercise calories back and I don't lose more than 0.5 to 1 pounds per week so I am afraid that if I don't exercise I will gain weight.

    We had 3 Realtors come over to our house today too look and come up with some type of evaluation and offer for their percentage. they earn anywhere from 5 to 7 percentage points. that is a lot of money. it is a lot of work to always have your house staged and kept clean. We hope to have it on MLS by this weekend. it is still too early to do outdoor work but hopefully by the beginning of April we can get that done.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Wow – 94 posts – but I was sooo tired when I got home from work last night… and tonight is not much better but thought I best catch up now….

    Meg – For breakfast I make oatmeal with frozen berries, 3 tbs hemp hearts, and cinnamon in it. Usually thawed by morning – I microwave it when I get to work. For lunch I take raw vegetables, usually 4 cups and what I don’t eat at lunch I can eat in the afternoon. For protein – I take canned tuna – the flavoured ones that Clove Leaf makes or if I have something left over from supper the night before.

    Awe …… the bowls are beautiful!!!

    I have got to go to bed... REALLY tired - there was definitely some smell in the building today. I sure wish they would hurry up with the air quality testing... everyone noticed it right away....

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member
    Happy St. Patty's day - 2 years ago today I picked up Levi, so St.Patty's day is his adopt-aversery hjhp5lhkg7o1.jpg

    He hates the headband!!! I really had to beg to get the picture....
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I love the bowls. I’ll bet the kids do, too. Am I remembering correctly? Are these going to be auctioned off? Several of them were nice enough to bid on.

    Janet: We are travelling and staying in a hotel with a cardio room. I decided to take the dog for a walk on the treadmill. He’s getting pretty good at keeping the pace and both of us had fun. We’re just walking on the treadmill, not running, but I walk fast enough that he has to trot to keep up. When I run on a treadmill I pound my knees and that isn’t good.

    Mary from MN: Good luck with your house sale. I’ve forgotten what you plan to do when it sells.

    Kim: Lovely pictures. I didn’t know your dog is Irish.

    DGD’s 4th birthday is tomorrow. DD has some very nice plans in place. There will be a party and cake at the house followed by swimming at the Community Recreation Center. There will be about 4 or 5 party guests as I understand it. I’m happy we will be here to see it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    What happened to my post as I was writing it??? Poof!

    Sassy, you ate apples while they were on the tree and then left the core on the tree. Funny

    Allison, I think if that happened to me, I would buy some simple little gift, wrap it and put her name on it and put it in the place where she put your denture so she would know tht she had found out but that you want to be friends. That way you are not letting her have control

    Katla, that is the way I do my oatmeal. I use the generic splenda/brown sugar mix in mine

    Sylvia, I loved those bowls. Some of those 5th graders have some talent! Congrats on finding the dead possum.

    DrKatie, I think you made the right choice in choosing to take the class. Although I can't imagine doing calculus. I would imagine that calculus is an an elective so the kids are there because they want to be.

    Carol, I remember when my MS was bad and I was having the extreme fatigue that is kind of unique to MS, laying on the floor was where I would have such a strong desire to be. It's like being on the floor requires no energy where sitting on a chair does. Even the floor would be better than my bed. I wanted to be as low as I could be

    As I have said, my daughter is moving and my grand daughters are getting their own room for the first time in their life. So I am going to help spoil them a bit and help decorate them. Both of them want pink, the teenager doesn't know what theme. The 8 year old wants Chronicles of Narnia theme! Any ideas??? She particularly want Aslan the lion.As far as all of you with depression, does anyone know if foot reflexology works for this? When I was a hospice volunteer, one of the other volunteers was a reflexologist and offered free sessions to the volunteers. One time when I went to her I had a sinus infection. When she worked on the area on the foot for sinus, it wasn't long before it was like a waterfall coming from my nose. The first session, she was massaging my feet in all the right places and she asked me if I had my gall bladder out. She didn't feel it in my feet. And yes, I had my gall bladder removed.

    I have an experience walking into a car dealership. We were going to the Mall of America and DD and her family were going with us. We all wouldn't be able to fit in the cars we had and they have a very generous church. You mention you have a need and it is taken care of. Some one with the biggest of the Lexus minivans had one we could borrow! So I went into the Lexus dealership and of course they jump right in. They want that commision. A it disappointed when I told them all I wanted was to see that model to organize my wheel chair, luggage ahead of time!!!

    Joyce, Indiana

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,117 Member
    Katla - my DH is 3 years away from retirement and if we sell he may transfer within his company to a warmer state for the last 3 years. I am happy that you get to enjoy your DGD's birthday! Just think of all the calories you will burn in the swimming pool! Have a great time!

    Joyce - poof is right! That happened to me a lot, now I write a text and copy and paste it here. It is so fun spoiling the DG kids! They will love it. And so will you! Have fun.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Way behind on the posts, made it to page 25.

    Jane- Glad to hear that your daughter's surgery went well.

    Selena " Toilet paste". That just made me smile.

    Thanks to the people who were concerned for me.

    Late start to our vacation . First we ate a Chinese Smorg before leaving town. Ikea was amazing and I fell in love with a grey kitchen. I don't think this is the year for it but it did light a fire for new ideas and organization.
    Breakfast with my niece followed by a long visit with a friend that I haven't seen in about 30 years. Both great visits. DH did have quite a bit to say about my friend's size. I told him I only cared about the size of her heart and that hasn't changed. We followed that with supper at Red Lobster. I went for a swim at the hotel when we returned. I overdid that but it was nice just having the pool to myself.
    Monday, things did not go well. A weekend of eating things on my no list and having a Caesar (definitely on the no list) and way too much caffeine. I must be a slow learner but this was a harsh lesson. Feeling much better now.
    We will be home for a few days catching up on this and that. Hopefully we will go away on the weekend so that I feel I had some semblance of a vacation. Oh well, the real vacation is in July when we hope to visit Newfoundland.
    Thinking of you all. Praying for those that need it.
    Good night/morning
    Sharon in Lethbridge
    P.S. Tomorrow I am spending the day with the DGDs who love me as much as pudding.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,707 Member
    morning ladies,
    just checking in, sorry I didnt check in last night,we go to bed early and I work until 6pm,
    came home last night and we lost a large tree, have bad winds here for a few days thank goodness it fell into neighbors yard, and didnt hurt anything...
    went to visit DFIL yesterday morning, and no breakfast and he ignored me, well at least we had 3 good days..
    Beautiful poster and bowls Sylvia you should be so very proud...
    have a load of laundry in the dryer and will whip something up for DH for dinner.
    DH going down for a week end of April to Florida to close the place up for the summer, then he goes back down in October to open it up and we go down in december.. unfortunatly I dont have any plans until then, so nothing to look forward to :\
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,922 Member
    edited March 2015
    smiley-laughing012.gifSylvia, before Jake and I were married, he came for a visit and noticed a smell and eventually found a dead cat in the closet in my attic (it had probably come in through the cat door I had for my cats). It had been there awhile and I hadn't noticed.

    :D Kim, I love the pictures of Levi

    :D I slept pretty well last night and am feeling better this morning. I'll walk the dogs after breakfast and go to line dance class but take it easy in the afternoon and go to bed early again tonight.

    Success is inspirational, disaster is educational

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,942 Member
    Sylvia, the bowls are lovely. I thought you might be interested in the ones DH and I chose at the Empty Bowl lunch that we attended. The top one is the one I chose, the middle one is the one DH chose, and the large one at the bottom is the one he received for his Dedicated Service Award. I thought we were able to incorporate them right nicely into our existing teapot collection.

    Barbie, so sorry you are under the weather. Yet you still managed to do more steps than I do on a good day! You are always an inspiration.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,215 Member
    Good afternoon all!
    Another lovely sunny day. We are going to the garden centre to buy top soil and seeds. Calling in at the bakery on the way.

    Meg - my arms are MUCH thinner than they were ( I used to delete photos because of my fat arms ), but they are still out of proportion. I have had to buy a size bigger as well. It doesn't help that I have to wear a lymphodema arm sleeve. :ohwell: When I was a schoolgirl I used to really envy those with slim arms and I was very slim then. You will lose quite a bit off them, but our shape is our shape, I think.

    Sylvia - you can post a bowl over to me! Wonderful!

    Reading through my novel this morning I discovered quite a few typos, but also some inconsistences and difficulties. A bit of correction needed! :ohwell: My son says he is happy to sort out a cover design. :D I had a look at the publishing website last night and feel a bit intimidated, but will just take one step at a time. I am not always good at finishing things. Get scared. In the past I self sabotaged myself a lot, but I hope I am older and wiser now. Just keep plodding on.

    Bought BETTER THAN BEFORE yesterday for my Kindle, by Gretchen Rubin. She is the author of The Happiness Project. Enjoying it at the moment. :D

    Love to all. Heather in glorious Hampshire UK

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Happy Wednesday All,

    Sylvia...loved the poster, I can't believe how talented those 5th graders are!

    : Questions can be a good technique for having conversations, but sometimes you need to learn other techniques. Maybe you should start asking questions too.. i.e. "Why do you want to know?" :D There was someone when I was growing up that we called "Million Questions"... I don't remember if it ever got better before I moved away

    Katla: Have a great time at the party

    Sharon in Lethbridge: "I only care about the size of her heart" ... I'm going to put that on my fridge!

    Finding plum drapes is proving to be a challenge. I bought a pair at Wal-Mart (wrong length), a pair from bouclaire (grommets too close to top) so they both needed to be returned. Bought a bedskirt ( wrong shade of plum) so I returned it too. I've tried a number of stores looking for ready made drapes and have discovered that a number of places aren't stocking them anymore, you need to purchase on line. Home Depot was recommended to me...who'd a thunk it? At any rate I got about 5 hours of shopping in yesterday so that did wonders for my activity.

    Thought for the day: Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. - Doug Larson

    Carey in Edmonton