

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Happy Anniversary Katla!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Carol in GA: Thanks for happy anniversary wishes. We’re going on 46 now, too. Good luck finding a dress for your niece’s wedding. I ordered the dress I wore to DS’s wedding from Nordstrom’s online. I was happy with the experience.

    Sylvia: I love today’s jokes.

    Lesley: Many of us consider a two-mile walk to be exercise. I’m happy that you enjoy it enough that is a pleasure and not a duty.

    Alison: I’m sorry your brother is back in the hospital. Sending good thoughts to you and to him.

    Heather: You are an awesome woman. It is good that your DH is in your corner. Sending virtual hugs.

    Barbie: Thanks for the beautiful bouquet! I’m glad you had a restful day at home.

    Thanks to everyone for your good wishes. The first couple of years were LONG. After that the time has flown by. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Katla, sorry I missed your anniversary. Hope it was wonderful.

    I've had very limited time to be online while at the convention. It's over tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to catch up and get back in the groove. I'm only on now because I couldn't sleep so got up to log in.

    Sending best wishes to all with problems be it health, work or just life. Congrats to all with good news. I miss you all when I'm not able to participate. I stayed withing my calories today and even got in a tiny bit of exercising. I brought my resistance band with me. :smiley:

    Love to all,

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    WHEW!!! I was way behind and have finally reached page 36
    Happy anniversary, Katla! Is he your first and only?
    Heather – Congrats on finishing the book. I’m sorry you’re having some struggles. It is so important for us to be who we are and let others just deal with it. You have come so far!
    Pip – If I take up bike riding will I develop your fun quirky sense of humor?
    Sylvia – Haaaaaaaaaa! Ha! Great jokes. I also vote for an epi pen in your purse when you are in Spain. Just be sure no one mistakes it for contraband like Sassy’s pipe,ur – sorry, pen. I love the bowls. I would love to purchase the one with the cat on it. They will all sell fast! I think the principal giving “the finger” to the school might have been a Freudian slip. Does she like her job? The "finger" would be authentic here in Tennessee. Our schools are in a mess right now. All of those who have been in the profession more than 10 years are miserable for the most part.
    Alison – you would be great working with older people.
    Michele – I know you must feel bad if you aren’t posting. ((HUGS))
    HUGS to all of you with sniffles, tummy aches, and health worries. You are all in my prayers.
    Reflexology – I might have to add this to my acupuncture treatments.
    Mary – I hope you sell your house soon.
    Lesley – Your walking paths sound lovely. You carry Mildred in your heart and she is loving the walks, too.

    I’ve been a little out of touch with you all and on a bit of a slide but will get back to it now. I was due for a doc appointment on the 12th. Got all the way downtown through horrible mid morning traffic and they called to say she couldn’t see me that day. ARGH! I came home and ate the ½ carton Eddy’s Slow Churned Butter Pecan ice cream right out of the carton. That and a few other “adventures in eating” gave me a half pound gain on Monday at my TOPS meeting.
    Some friends and I celebrated St. Pat’s Day by seeing the movie “The Second Best Marigold Hotel”. It was as good as the first. Inspired me to make the best of each day. We plan to see “Cinderella” soon.
    NSV – a man at the Y was talking about the tubes we used to have in our TVs. We visited about that a bit and I told him I well remember them. I was 6 before we even had a TV. He was shocked that I knew about those tubes. I said I had my medicare card to prove it. WELL – he could not believe I was 65. Thought I was 50. It made my day! Heck - it made the whol month of March for me!
    I have reconnected with a high school friend who lives near Puget Sound. She called me yesterday and we talked for 2 hours. I told her it reminded me of Junior High when I would stretch the phone cord from the kitchen to the front hall and close the door on it, sit in the corner and talk with her for hours about John, Paul, George, and Ringo. I told her every time I hear a Beatles song I think of her. She said the same about me for Bob Dillan tunes. My older sister apparently introduced us to him. She remembers a lot I don’t so it was fun to talk about old times. Our 50th High School reunion in Kansas is in ’17 so we made a pact to go. I have not seen her since ’69 so it would be fun.
    I went by my son’s after my workout today to take them their Valentines. YES – I said Valentines. The snow, ice, and their busy life put this visit off by quite a few weeks. We had a good time and I enjoyed seeing the color they are going to paint DGS’s room. He is excited to be redoing it. I also visited with the two foster/now adopted doggies, Doc (Holiday) and Wyatt (Earp). They are so lovable. Of course if you ask their five cats you might get a different answer. Yes – I know- somehow I raised an animal hoarder. I don’t think the city allows more than 7 pets so I hope this is the end of “adoptions” because I might report them.

    To all you authors, gardeners, pot throwers, crocheter/knitters, and other talented people – I love you. Keep up the creativity. I also love the picture posters, travelers, ranters and ravers, thought for the day givers, and everyone in between. This journey is so much more joyful with all of you!
    Good night all

    March Goals
    Take blood pressure and 2 hour blood sugar every day
    Log every bite and swallow
    Email, Facebook message, or call three teacher friends each week to encourage them through this challenging time of year (STILL NOT DOING THIS)
    Walk a minimum of 5,000 steps each day (MANY DAYS MORE)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    R gram - yes, u 2 will be blessed with my sense of humor!!!!

    Happyyyyy anniiiiiiii !!!!!


    Floyd had a ruff day
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, just a quick check-in.

    Kim: I'm with you: I don't deal with subtexts and hidden stuff well.

    Katla: I'm a bit late to the party, but Happy Anniversary!

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, all. Cloudy here and chilly. No plans at all for today. Of course, there's always stuff I "should" be doing. DH hasn't even mentioned going to get taxes done yet. DD already out, life guarding all day. Slept a decent amount.

    Rori.........Welcome home!! Bet Mars is one happy kitty!!! Good for you on getting all those cals burned; best of luck on the dr. appt.

    Janet......Welcome back to you too; hope you got some sleep.

    Katla.......You must have gotten married at ten!!!!

    Kim......Good for you on all those hours invested in your garden!

    Tina..........Most of us have lapses on eating; it just happens if you are human. I saw, and very much enjoyed, Cinderella and plan on seeing 2nd Marigold as I loved the first one and have been a LONG time Richard Gere fan, even saw him on Broadway. I believe I was in jr. high when we got a tv.........my uncle brought it from New York City and I wouldn't be surprised if it "fell off the back of a truck" LOL. It was an Emerson and I spent many hours in front of it. Getting caught up with a long time friend is one of my favorite things in the world.

    Pip......Floyd looks truly exhausted!!!

    Healthy eating days for all!!!

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Goodmorning everyone...

    I remember our first TV - it was like 1 foot by 1 foot!!! So on Sunday when we wanted to watch Ed Sullivan we would run next door to Grandparents house and watch their TV. It was a fancy one in a cabinet.

    Snow on the ground again here.... so will have to wear the winter boots again on the walk... Kind of slack yesterday, my puppy whinned at the door constantly!! I hope he hasn't left me!

    Later everyone
    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Lillian........Yep, that was the size of ours too.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Our tv was 9 inches! The whole street came in to watch the coronation in 1953!
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Wow what a week. Sorry I haven’t checked in … a couple of midnites at the computer working on data and reports; a meeting and a proposal just killed my week. It’s weeks like this that made me fat over the last many decades, so my next lifestyle change is gonna be to stop pushing myself so hard at work, take on fewer projects. I’m a research scientist so that is NOT my nature. On “good” weeks I am mostly managing keeping cals to net 1300 and getting in some exercise, but the “bad weeks” are the killers. Also, on many past dieting sprees I would have a given up after a bad week of two, saying “why bother, I can’t do this.” Not this time. Like Katla quotes: “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    I did manage to lose a teenie bit this week, although I had several not so great days of eating crap and no exercise. Sassy started me on several small during-the-day exercises and those have stuck - calf lifts while brushing teeth; counter pushups; leg exercise on the couch while watching TV; and hopping up from my desk every hour to do a set of stairs.

    So with that little bit of weight loss this week I move below a BMI of 40, down from “morbidly obese” to just plain old “obese” (Class II). 30 lbs to lose to get to Class I and 30 more to be just “overweight.” My goal for the year is to make that by XMAS.

    Yesterday was 60 degrees, so I got spring garden clean up started, got out kayaking, has a soak in my sister’s hot tub and watched “The Theory of Everything”. That woman had the patience of a saint.

    Are any of you in the Canadian Maritimes? My cousins there have seen record snowfalls this year of ~500 cm – more than 16’ of snow. If you want to see unbelievable snow pictures google “Prince Edward Island” or “Nova Scotia” and snow. People’s houses buried to the second floor. No melting yet … and still snowing.

    Meg – I’ve had one knee replaced and was on the verge of doing the other one this winter. I started recumbent bike, plus the leg exercises from PT after the knee replacement, more stairs, and I can now do squats again (slowly)! And of course weight loss has helped. There are directions the knee won’t go, but exercise helps A LOT. The advice from your ortho is the same set I’ve heard many times.

    Sassy – yup, that picture is crazy eyes. But otherwise, lookin’ good!

    I’ll never catch up on 400+ posts since last Sunday (the last day I checked into the forum). But, to all of us on a “bit of a slide” (TNToni, Rori…),– yup, that’s human nature, but we can do this. Stay away from that Easter candy!

    Cindy in SoMD
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, I am coming back and staying back this time. Fatter than I've ever been. Rode my horse yesterday and I swear the look on her face was "My Lord, I forgot how much this woman weighs!"

    On a sad note, my 10 1/2 year old pup died. It was heart wrenching as I've never lost a dog that young. On a positive note I have the most awesome puppy ever!! Her mom was a Pyredane (Great Pyrenees / Great Dane mix) and her father was 110 pound lab. She is going to be a BIG girl. At 14 weeks she is already 40 pounds.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    TNToni: Yes. DH is my first and only.

    YannieJannie: I got married at 20. DH was 22. We were college students at the time & had a few rough years but eventually settled in. Poverty and immaturity were our biggest challenges back then.

    Heather: Our first TV was about 20 to 26 inches, and I remember watching it in 1954 or 55. I watched Disney, Ed Sullivan, and Uncle Milty with my parents. I also watched kiddie shows & every cowboy show there was. Horse crazy starts early.

    Cindy in SO MD: Congratulations on moving down from morbidly obese to obese! That is a big step in the right direction. Be proud of accomplishing so much in the face of a busy and challenging lifestyle. Keep up the good work.

    Cheryl: Welcome back, again. Stick around for moral support. This group really helps me stay focused and encouraged. I love the picture of you on your horse.

    Poor DH now has the nasty stomach flu bug that hit me during our trip home from CO. Once he is over it we’ll decide how to celebrate our anniversary. I am hoping to feel good enough to get back to the gym on Monday, but I still have traces of a headache. The next time DD wants us to come for a party when her family is sick the answer will be “nope, not signing up for sickness.” We’ll celebrate with them after they are better. If she asked for help during illness because she needed it, of course I’d be there for her. I wouldn’t bring DH and the dog along, though. :noway:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    I'm determined to keep up with all of you this week.

    love, love, love all the recent pictures

    Cheryl - I would love to cuddle that puppy!
    Cindy - Congrats on the new category of "fluffiness". What is the breakdown for the two categories of obese? I too have had one knee replaced. I'm hopeful I won't need the other one done. It has been doing really well until about 2 weeks ago. My acupunturest says that some of us have issues with our bodies (especially our joints) when the seasons change. Looking back on things, I think she is right. Does anyone else notice this?
    Pip - I am sorry you won't get me on a bike anytime soon, but I will work on my sense of humor in the meantime.

    I didn't know I would spark discussion of our old TVs and shows with my NSVs. I loved "I Love Lucy". I'd watch "Captain Kangaroo" while getting ready for school. There was a time I thought he could see me. I insisted on being "decent" in front of the TV. Mom could not do my hair if I was just in my slip - had to be fully clothed. Isn't that ridiculous?
    WHAT ARE SOME OF THE SHOWS Y'ALL LIKED TO WATCH? (not like we had a lot of choices)

    Toni off to work soon in cloudy Tennessee
  • kwilson51
    kwilson51 Posts: 10
    Good morning ladies....I would love to join you all. Over 50 and need to get back in shape and lose these crappy "menapausal" pounds..... (could be food/beer too) :wink:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lillian - I remember our first tv huge box tiny tiny screen and I was the ANTENNA!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    edited March 2015
    Back home - soooooooo tired. :o

    Vegging out in front of the TV. Early to bed, but I think I left my reading book behind. :cry:

    Won't see the grandchildren again until beginning of May. I took DGD to the shops to buy some Turkish delicacies and it was like going out with a celebrity! Everyone waves and smiles and talks to her. (*) They both loved the painted elephants we bought them in Sri Lanka. DGS played with his for ages.

    Still worrying about all the money they are spending on their house. Taking out a bigger mortgage. :ohwell:

    A bit over cals today, but could have been worse.

    Love to all. Just exhausted.

    Heather, back home in Hampshire UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy sun!!!
    hugs jane
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    sorry for not checking in earlier..just sitting down now.... and I am pooped.. but will soldier on as usual...
    got up at 5 a.m. and went grocery shopping, got home around 7:45, put the groceries away and off we went to see DFIL , he has had a good week so we were happy to see him in good spirits this morning, took Homer with us and everyone got to visit a little with him.
    then came home and dropped him off and went to Lowes, DH is putting backsplash behind new vanity and we had to find a trim for the backsplash, and bought the chair rail for the bathroom, we are painting the bathroom 2 shades of gray, and the fixtures are brushed nickel and,tub,surround, toilet and vanity are white.
    with my DB in the hospital and my DSIL working 3 days a week ,I will pick up the duty of going up and getting my SIL mom her breakfast ,get her pills and insulin in her, and make her lunch that she can readily get out of the fridge..
    i told them I dont want to be payed, but both of them insist and will pay me 15.00 an hr for what I do.. so I will put that in my piggy bank..
    from Lowes, we came home and Tom started working right away, the trim he wanted me to paint a small piece which I did,he didnt like the color so while I went and visited my brother, he went and got a darker color gray paint and had more of the backsplash cut..
    he has that on and will wait until next weekend to grout it.. still deciding on trim color..
    DB still on IV , nothing to eat or drink and he keeps saying he is getting up and leaving.. but he knows he cant...tomorrow should be interesting.. work at 10:30 ,but have to get dinner and lunch made, take shower, take dogs for a walk, go feed DFIL ,then from there go to my DSIL so I can learn what I need to do , then go to work, and somewhere in there go see my DB.. either that or wait until after work to go see him...
    all I know is I am tired.. but will keep on truckin
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    stats for the day: my original goal was to do 1000 cal. but after an hour of doing jacobs ladder i had only burned 500 calories, then i went onto something else and Kirby (husband) was already done burning his 1k. i thought well hell, i'm not going to get there. so i lowered my goal to 900. i told him to go take a shower and i'll see how far i get. well i got off of that and i thought what do i burn really fast and that was jumping. sooooo i did, he was waiting in the car for me and i got my 1k burn after all!! wool hoooo!!!!

    jacobs ladder- 61min, 57ft per min, 3502ft = 533cal
    eliptical machine- 27.51min, 90strides per min, 4incl, 7resistance, 3mi = 216cal
    jump- single/double, scissors and stretching- 24min = 266cal
    total cal 1015