Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Yesterday, 7/21
    1. drink water! :)
    2. count my many blessings :)
    3. Eat to live, not live to eat!! Remember this all day! :):)

    Now, to repeat yesterday! Got my walk in, logged everything I ate, and it felt so good. SO here's to another day like yesterday!

    Just for today, 7/22
    1. drink water!
    2. Log everybite
    3. Eat to live, not live to eat!! Remember this all day!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 15,000 steps :) 20,022
    2. swim a mile :( fell asleep and missed my swim time...bad!
    3. 10 freggies :)

    1. I am woefully, embarrassingly behind on Fitbit steps, so my goal today is 20,000
    2. swim and/or heavy gardening
    3. 10 freggies

  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    Wednesday was an epic fail !
    Today is a new day.
    So JFT
    1. Walk 60 min
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. Work on positive thoughts
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    I thought I posted yesterday, but I guess the post never made it. Anyway, I reached my goals.

    1. Finish to-do list (or at least most)
    2. Only eat if I'm hungry and eat small portions for dinner
    3. Walk
    4. Try to sleep by 12:00 PM


    5. Get up by 7 AM and out of bed by 7:30 AM.
    6. Post goals and have to-do list ready by 8 AM.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,317 Member
    JFT 21/07
    Off to visit Derry City today. So,
    1. Make sensible choices in restaurant for lunch. :)
    2. 10,000+ steps. :)
    3. Live, laugh, have fun. I'm on holiday, after all! :) [/quote]

    I hadn't time to log in yesterday as we had a full day planned.
    This morning I had a lie-in and then a shortish walk.

    JFT 23/07

    1. Pre-plan breakfast/lunch; choose carefully at the restaurant tonight.
    2. Beach walk this afternoon.
    3. Possible swim if the weather holds fair.
    4. 30 minutes yoga

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that step.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Been "on vacation" (from MFP) for a few days as we had relatives in from out of state. Very nice visit :) .

    JFT 23 July:
    1. Stay w.i. cal limits
    2. Drink 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Exercise 30+ min.

    @Joan: Hope your yesterday was a good repeat of success! WTG!
    @feistyjojo: WTG to you also, on the 21 lb. and the excellent exercise!!!
    @faegirl: Your wedding photo is just gorgeous!!! Good luck on achieving your goals today :)
    @michelle1173: Looks like you are doing good on your goals--keep it up! That's great that you are so specific!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    @reba: Excellent and so exciting that you are "in the teens"!! And I love that you post to "enjoy my hubby"--that's a good goal for ALL of us wives <3
    @saragirl: Sounds like you are having an incredible--mostly fun?!?!--summer and accomplishing some great projects. Good for you! Keep up the super job (being sure to give yourself a good rest when needed ;) )

    And to all who may have felt they missed the target on their goals (like I have the last few days!)--Today is a new day--YAY!!!

    Happy Thursday, all! :)
  • Colette9463
    Colette9463 Posts: 8 Member
    stay in the moment
    eat my pre planned meals
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    yesterday, 7/22
    1. drink water! :)
    2. Log everybite :)
    3. Eat to live, not live to eat!! Remember this all day! :):)

    Today, 7/23
    1. drink water!
    2. Log everybite
    3. Eat to live, not live to eat!! Remember this all day!

    I did SO much better yesterday again. It is amazing how good we feel when we eat healthy. Now, why can't I remember this when I want ice cream :(
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. I am woefully, embarrassingly behind on Fitbit steps, so my goal today is 20,000 :(
    2. swim and/or heavy gardening :neutral:
    3. 10 freggies :(

    Well, yesterday was pretty much an utter failure...I don't have many of those! I fell asleep, missed my swim and didn't walk nearly enough. I also wasn't hungry, so I didn't get nearly enough veggies. At least my weight went in the right direction. I wonder if I am fighting a cold or something--it's really strange for me to be so tired.

    1. 15,000 steps
    2. Eat enough
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stay in calorie range today, even though I'm eating out tonight. That is such s hard one for me. And it's a lecture/meal and free and I can't take any home.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    JFT Sunday 7/19
    1) Still at the beach: Brunch in a half hour
    2) Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    3) Get ready for work tomorrow

    ^Did all that^

    JFT Thursday 7/23
    1) Already did my workout this morning
    2) Working on my website and cannot figure out what is wrong with my blog.
    3) Aim at eating all my calories for the day (since I skipped breakfast, this will be hard)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,317 Member
    JFT 23/07

    1. Pre-plan breakfast/lunch; choose carefully at the restaurant tonight. :) I didn't feel that hungry tonight, so just had light dinner.
    2. Beach walk this afternoon. :)
    3. Possible swim if the weather holds fair. :) walked in the surf but it was way too cold for a swim lol There is nothing between the North Coast of Ireland and the North Pole lol
    4. 30 minutes yoga :) I played cards with the family instead.

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that step.

    Back home tomorrow. So:

    JFT Friday 24 July 2015
    1. Enjoy the last full day of our holiday
    2. Organise packing
    3. Stay focused on healthy living

    TGIF :sunglasses:
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    JFT Friday 24/7

    Not to get carried away with the shawarma today since one wrap is rarely enough for me and plan around it so I don't overeat. I may make a light soup and a big salad to have before lunch, this way I won't be able to overeat even if I tried.
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    edited July 2015
    1. Finish to-do list (or at least most)
    2. Only eat if I'm hungry and eat small portions for dinner
    3. Walk
    4. Try to sleep by 12:00 PM


    5. Get up by 7 AM and out of bed by 7:30 AM.
    6. Post goals and have to-do list ready by 8 AM.

    I had a successful day.

    2. Finish to-do list (or at least most)
    3. Only eat if I'm hungry and eat small portions for dinner
    4. Try workout the trainer gave me plus 30 min cardio
    5. Try to sleep by 12:30 PM


    5. Get up by 6 AM and out of bed by 6:15 AM to go to Zumba
    6. Post goals and have to-do list ready by 8 AM

    @kwfitgal, thanks for noticing. If I don't post what time I'm getting up, I'll sleep til 10 am and stay in bed until close to noon. If I do that many days in a row, it gets later and later and then I can't sleep at night.
  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    1. Bike 20 min
    2. Stay within calorie allotment
    3. Another work day with annoying co-worker, try and stay positive
  • eileenmprice193
    eileenmprice193 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I'm new the group and really need some accountability. Today I will workout and stay within my calorie limit.
  • movegrooveandwatchthefood
    Just for today: Weekend of 7/24
    1.) Eat on the "lighter side" menu if I eat out
    2.) Try to replace any thoughts of diet sodas with water
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Fantabulous Friday!! B)

    Did not check in yesterday as I was gone more than planned.
    They worked me in to have the MRI. Hopefully, will get results today. Doctor started me on a stronger pain medicine yesterday but so far no noticeably difference. :/

    Wed 7/22/15
    <3 1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    <3 2. Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me.
    >:) 3. Start uncluttering the office
    I did not do #3 as I picked up my book and did not put it down until I finished. Therefore, I really enjoyed the day but did not accomplish anything.

    1. I will eat only my planned food - no late night snacking.
    2. Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me.
    3. Start uncluttering the office, starting with my desk
    4. Pick up 2 Grands today to spend the night. Hubby is going to be very near if I need help.
    5. Will check menu before eating out this evening.

    I will "see" each of you tomorrow!

  • provence9
    provence9 Posts: 118 Member
    edited July 2015
    1. log all calories
    2. drink at least 38 glasses of water
    3. do an hour of strength training
    4. clean desk
    5. at least 10,000 steps