Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • KyleeFBabyy
    KyleeFBabyy Posts: 44 Member
    I love this thread idea!

    Stay within my nutrition guideline
    Work out after work
    Resist the urge to go to Chipotle
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    Yesterday was successful. I'll be at a wedding today. I can't be too strict, but also don't want to stuff myself. :neutral: I went a little crazy with dessert, but I'll be back on track today.
    1.Finish to-do list :smile:
    2. Pace myself with the food. :neutral: (somewhat)
    3. Get husband to dance with me :smiley: I didn't have to get him to dance with me. I knew we probably would, and I could think of it as burning more calories.
    4. Be silly and have fun :smile: We had a great day.
    5. Try to sleep once I'm home. :)

    1. Try to wake up between 7:30 and 8. Post goals by 9am :( Not successful. I just had my phone upgraded to a new system, but I don't remember hearing the alarm even though I thought I set it. I got back late, so I guess it wasn't too bad. I just have to test it for tomorrow when I have to get up early.


    1. Make a to-do list and try to get most of the items done.
    2. Do something active (walk, workout, or do yard work)
    3. Log calories

    4. Weigh in (forgot to do that before I ate today)
    5. Try to sleep by 12:30 AM.
    6. Wake up at 5:00 AM and out of bed by 5:15 AM to get to class at gym
    7. Post goals by 8 AM.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just back from vacation to the Outer Banks of NC. Beautiful place.

    Gained 2 lbs. not too bad for indulging a little while away a week.

    So JFT - stay within my 1,200 calories to get rid of those 2 lbs.
  • triciareeves1
    triciareeves1 Posts: 20 Member
    Just for today, I will get on the treadmill.
  • provence9
    provence9 Posts: 118 Member
    Today: drink 32 oz water
    Zumba for at least 40 minutes
    10,000 steps
    Log all calories
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member
    edited July 2015

    No time to post yesterday. Up early and away on time. Drove home by the scenic route and enjoyed a few stops on the way.
    It was our 49th wedding anniversary, so a bit higher on cals than I should have lol :)

    JFT Sunday 26th July 2015
    1. Preplan menus; stick to the plan. I put on 1.5 lbs this week.
    2. Unpack and put away holiday stuff.
    3. 30 mins each strength/flex; 10,000 + steps.
    4. Focus on living each moment mindfully.
    :grin: Managed everything except steps(only 6,543). In the end I was too bushed after unpacking, laundry and such like. Then, the wet weather set in and we just cosied up on the couched and watched some movies.

    JFT Mon 27/07
    1. Pre-plan menus; stick to the plan. I have reduced my calorie goal this week. I have only 3 weeks until my daughter gets hitched on the 18th August and I want to do her proud.
    2. 50 mins Dancaerobics; 40 mins strength; 10,000+ steps
    3. Deep clean bedroom and en suite; vacuum upstairs.
    4. Work on family archives.

    I doubt I will need :sunglasses: today :lol:
    @vicky1947mfp Welcome back. I'll be joining you on that 1200 max for a few day so :lol:
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    Jft....those 3 little words are so powerful :)

    * I will push all negative thoughts away
    * drink more water
    * start using my health rider 3x a day for 10 minutes

    Have a great day all! Laura
  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    Gotta love Mondays
    1. Bike 20 min
    2. Stay within calorie allotment
    3. Eat some vegetables
    4. Peaceful thoughts
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member


    1. Make a to-do list and try to get most of the items done. :smile: I got most things done, but not all.
    2. Do something active (walk, workout, or do yard work) :smile:
    3. Log calories :smile:

    4. Weigh in (forgot to do that before I ate today) :smile:
    5. Try to sleep by 12:30 AM. :smile:
    6. Wake up at 5:00 AM and out of bed by 5:15 AM to get to class at gym :smile:
    7. Post goals by 8 AM. :smile:

    1. Make a to-do list and get most items done.
    2. Log calories.
    3. Try to sleep by 12.

    4. Wake up at 6:30 and out of bed by 7 AM.
    5. Post goals by 8.
  • leanlicorice
    leanlicorice Posts: 84 Member
    Today I will:
    - drink at least 2L water
    - stick to my food plan
    - do my gym workout
    - give myself love and praise
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Today I turn 64. My goal was to be at my goal weight for my 64th birthday, but I am still 22 lbs from that.
    But -- I am still here! I can walk 5 miles easily without having to stop. I have outlived 4 of my siblings. So I am very grateful. But God gave me this body to take care of, and I have not. So today is a good day to start getting serious again!
    just for today
    1. enjoy eating out, but in moderation.
    2. think positive. I am still alive. I have so much to be thankful for. Count my blessings, not my troubles.


    Happy belated birthday Joan! Thank you for reminding me to be thankful. Birthdays are a great time to reflect on the good (& the bad). You're an inspiration & I hope you find many positives in your life today. I wish you health & joy.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Our vacation was cancelled due to a miscommunication at DH's work. I needed a few days to process this and come up with a plan. Sometimes I just have to trust the process & give myself time to work something out instead of reacting in a negative way (stress eating, sadness , etc). I've decided to take our kids myself on a very long drive to visit my family. We'll do some activities there too. I feel guilty leaving DH behind but we were really hoping to see my family.
    focus on positives & look for inspiration.
    Track meals
    Drink more water (feeling crampy in legs)
    Pilates today
    Take kids on bike ride before it rains
    Finish laundry & clean
    Plan dinners for week
    Call doctor to confirm surgery date for knee (torn meniscus)

    Have a great Monday!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Oh I love this idea! I'm kinda late to the party this evening but this is how today went...
    o:) I made the commitment to my weight loss consultant to maintain for four weeks. If I lose well that's great, but I need to reduce the pressure on myself at the moment whilst still halting the gaining weight trend.
    o:) I spent time out with my husband, in my favourite place at the coast. I stuck with an ice cream that I enjoyed a lot rather than fish and chips, an ice cream, and hot donuts (which is what I would usually have)
    o:) I walked 1.71 miles with the hounds in 30 minutes. I started out wanting to walk a mile but my planned route wasn't quite long enough, so I ended up going a lot further. This is great as to my shame, my hounds don't get out as often as they should and it's important to keep their fitness up as they get older.

    So, my just for tomorrow goals...

    <3 I want to walk another mile. Anything more is a bonus, but the mile that will count must include the dogs.
    <3 I will pre plan my meals and snacks, which I will not scarf all of by ten am.
    <3 I will spend some quality time with my husband (we work opposite shifts most of the week)
    <3 I will not weigh myself. Being obsessively on and off the scales is detrimental.

    I hope you don't mind me joining in, I felt so inspired reading your posts!

    Hi ColleenPamela,
    Welcome! This is a great group. Lot's of support & inspiration. I think you'll enjoy it. Best wishes on your journey.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I've been dragging a bit and haven't set goals for the last couple of days.

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. Finish job application that is hanging over my head!
    3. Swim
  • ButterflyEl
    ButterflyEl Posts: 29 Member
    Just for today I'm going to stick to my 500 calories (on the 5:2 diet). The day's nearly over. I can do this (I hope!).
  • provence9
    provence9 Posts: 118 Member
    Strength train for one hour
    Record all food
    Stay without range
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Happy belated birthday Joan! sorry i missed it.... i had a wonderful vacation with extended family..... and then got a bad case of post wonderful vacation blahs, hehe. but i'm fighting my way back to this supportive community :)
    Just For Today,
    I will be happy i just logged in and said hello.
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    Starting today I am going to wear my phone to measure steps and start figuring out how to add 100 more each day until my average is at least 7500. Tomorrow I will get off the bus one stop further from my office and see how many steps I can add doing that
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member

    JFT Mon 27/07
    1. Pre-plan menus; stick to the plan. I have reduced my calorie goal this week. I have only 3 weeks until my daughter gets hitched on the 18th August and I want to do her proud.
    2. 50 mins Dancaerobics; 40 mins strength; 10,000+ steps
    3. Deep clean bedroom and en suite; vacuum upstairs.
    4. Work on family archives. (Sorted out photos)

    I doubt I will need :sunglasses: today :lol:
    @vicky1947mfp Welcome back. I'll be joining you on that 1200 max for a few day so :lol:
    :smiley: for no 2, added in a 40 minute walk round shopping centre 50 mins of Tai Chi for Flexibility. I am trying to concentrate on improving strength and flexibility. I put on a little weight on my holiday last week, but have managed to lose it plus another pound.

    JFT Tuesday 28/07
    1. Pre-plan menus for around 1200 calories: stick to plan.
    2. 40 + Aerobics; 40 + yoga; 40 + abs/upper body.
    3. De-clutter Workroom.

    Weather seems set at cold and wet lol
  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah I have today off !
    1. Walk 1 hour
    2. Work on eating some vegetables
    3. Have a relaxing day and relaxing thoughts