Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • muatham
    muatham Posts: 2
    Just for today...

    I will have all 3 healthy meals and 2 healthy snack meals...and NOT give in to my chocolate craving late tonight!
    I will go for my 2 sessions at the gym.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    I have some strange level of motivation recently and I'm hoping I can make some progress this time.

    1. today I will brush and floss my teeth after dinner :neutral_face: I brushed but didn't floss
    2. drink coffee with only milk and not creamer and sugar . I was good on one cup but didn't realize how bad the office coffee is. So I'm going to work towards just kicking the coffee thing and going back to tea, especially since I drink that black.
    3. apply sunscreen prior to walk :smile:
    4. document food eaten today even if not measured. breakfast and lunch yes, pm snack and dinner nope
    5. stay away from office candy jars :smiley:

    Mixed results yesterday. Just for today, I'm going to try the same things again, except for the coffee. The coffee will be doctored, but I'm only having one cup
  • Datarn
    Datarn Posts: 79 Member
    Just for today - I will drink 8 glasses of water.
  • TxRottie81
    TxRottie81 Posts: 45 Member
    Just for today

    1. Track on MFP all foods
    2. Drink 1liter of water at least
    3. Avoid making poor desicions for dinner since ill be working late tonight. : /
    4. Get in a walk for 30 minutes.
    5. Eat 2fruits and 2 vegetables today
  • deedeeandboo
    Today I will:
    1. Not eat a homemade lemon cupcake with lemon cream cheese frosting! I will give it away!
    2. Log my eating.
    3. Spend 60 minutes exercising.
    4. Have a kale salad for lunch...
    5. Enjoy those around me and life, in general!
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    “There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” ~Unknown

    This is good

    Just for today, March 18, I will
    1. Be thankful and positive
    2. Stay to my plan - make no excuses
    3. Drink at least 90 oz of water
    4. Get my exercise in
    5. Use the stairs at work
  • kelmomto3
    kelmomto3 Posts: 62 Member
    Just for Today 3/18

    1. Log every morsel that makes it to my mouth
    2. Get a walk around the block in after dinner tonight (no matter how cold it might be outside)
    3. Do some arm toning exercises
  • gogigi333
    gogigi333 Posts: 25 Member
    Ok, 2nd time posting. Hi all! I'm Gigi from WNY snow country.

    My goal is to keep checking in to MFP for the motivational support. I think that if I can make it a daily habit, I will stay on track more. Right now if I slip up for a week or eat 2 whole packs of girl scout cookies (last week's sins) well, that's just my bad. I think having a supportive group that I feel accountable to, have regular reminders from them, and daily motivational reading that my behavior will improve.

    So rather than focus on any particular weight goal right now, I'm trying to build this new MFP habit.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »

    Just for today:
    1. Get back to keeping calorie goal without exercise compensating. ( :) Only compensated for about 100, not 400 like I did the other day!!)
    2. Drink 3+ pints water. ( :):) )
    3. Exercise 20+ minutes ( :):) )
    4. Try to do better today on enjoying my children! ( :) Better--even played a couple games)
    5. Hang some pictures--some walls are too bare! ( :) Oops! Will try again today)

    Just for today:
    1. Keep to calorie goal
    2. Drink 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Exercise 30 min.
    4. Enjoy my children :)
    5. Get my pictures hung!

    P.S. Thank you again for this thread! I'm down 2 lbs. since I started (out of goal to lose last 20). Yay! I saw this idea in a mag. and so got to move 2 "pebbles":

    Take 2 identical glass jars. Label one with "Pounds to Go" and the other with "Pounds Lost" (or some similar meaning--whatever words work for you :) ) Take as many glass beads/pebbles/marbles/"stones" (something pretty :) ) as you have to lose and put those in the pounds to go jar. Move the stones over as you lose the weight. For some of you, the jars would be a bit bigger with lots of stones, but what an incredible visual once the "Pounds Lost" jar starts to be the fuller one! Having this up on my kitchen window sill is a reminder of my goal, and it is a fun little celebration to move every small increment over and fill the YAY jar!!!

    Have a super day everyone! :)

  • sunnydee216
    sunnydee216 Posts: 110 Member
    Just for today.
    1. Eat only my calories without using the exercise calories.
    2. Keep my snacks limited to fruit, veggies, and milk with protein powder.
    3. Cook a good, healthy, tasty dinner tonight.
    4. Slow down and focus on my weight routine. Check, did that today and man I am sore! Sometimes you loose focus and just go through the motions.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    Just for today I will get to the gym. And eat two fruits rather than nuts.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Just for today I will continue with leash training my lab Roxie by taking a mile walk twice a day with her and at the end of the training we both get rewarded. My dog Roxie is 1 year and 2 months old.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Just for today I will remain smokefree, eat healthy nutritional meals and snacks..remain grateful for my family, our health and enthusiam, our faith, safe homes, rides, jobs, gyms and schools.
  • saraelizaphant
    saraelizaphant Posts: 104 Member
    edited March 2015
    Drinks lots of water :) always and forever
    Go to bed early :) feels so good to do so

    Just for today I will:
    1. Watch sodium and sugar, increase protein and fat
    2. Manage a morning walk or bike ride before the rain pours down
    3. Be in bed my 10pm
  • LisaT678
    LisaT678 Posts: 8 Member
    New to the community and this post. It's just what I need! My goal for today is to get my water and protein in for the day. I've been lagging in both areas and that accounts for the stagnant weight loss, I know.
  • LisaT678
    LisaT678 Posts: 8 Member
    urloved33 wrote: »
    Just for today I will remain smokefree, eat healthy nutritional meals and snacks..remain grateful for my family, our health and enthusiam, our faith, safe homes, rides, jobs, gyms and schools.

    Congratulations! I've been smoke free 14 years now.
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    Just for today I will put what I PLAN to eat in my mouth and not stray from logging my calories. Time to get back in the zone! This is a fantastic thread idea.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Yesterday, Tuesday, 3/17
    1. Log everything I eat. E :) ven if I close my diary for the nite, go back in and log if I eat more unplanned food.
    2. Exercise - walk tonite minumum 30 minutes :) Walked 4.75 miles!
    3. Do not let the scales numbers this morning discourage me. Keep going. :\ I need to STOP weighing! It is so discouraging to see the scale go up, when I have been doing so much better.

    Just for today, 3/18
    1. log everything I eat
    2. exercise min 30 minutes
    3. concentrate on drinking more water

  • apennock
    apennock Posts: 49 Member
    Just for today
    - Go for a run! :(
    - Drink 80 oz of liquids :D
    - Take some quiet time to stretch and center the mind a bit. :\

    Did not go fit a run do to an unexpected visit to the vet. That's life. Was very frazzled due to this, so my quiet time was sacrificed. Did drink water and stay in my calorie goal though, so that's all good.

    - Workout!
    - Stay under calorie limit
    - Get to bed before 11pm
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    Just for today (Tuesday )
    1. 1/2 hour treadmill.
    2. Stick to 1200 calories

    I'm afraid I over did it on Monday and then didn't sleep well Monday night. Missed on both of my goals yesterday.

    Today is a new day!
    Just for today(Wednesday March 18)
    1. Finish my bible study and enjoy time with my friend
    2. Exercise 1 hour
    3. Be Very Careful to log everything and stick to 1200 calories
    4. Give away large quantity of hugs and kisses today