Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • maryanne_lang
    maryanne_lang Posts: 4 Member
    For today - I'm traveling for work today, so the goal is to be smart and make good choices when eating out, and to resist temptations. Combos are not a meal!! And to continue to log all activity here. I find that when I'm deciding what to eat it really helps if I think about entering it here. This is a great tool.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Well it looks like I'm on the every other day plan here. I need to get back to coming every day.
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    1. Log everything I eat. :| I'm making progress but not perfect
    2. Prepare food for lunch and snacks so I don't get into the goodies at work :) Yes, but I did get into the snacks too. :( Not as much as if I did not have better choices with me.
    3. Focus on the moments. Work when there, time with my daughter when I'm with her, time with my husband when I'm with him. :) I need to keep working on this, but I am getting better.

    Now Wednesday was not as good a day. Stress took over and I don't even know what or when I ate. I am taking today to regroup, forgive myself for past mistakes and get back on track. Just for today I will

    1. make a list of work that needs to be done and PUT IT AWAY until tomorrow. It is my day off and I do not want to spend it worrying about what is coming tomorrow.
    2. Move. Walk, pace, anything but do not spend the day in a chair or on the couch.
    3. Log everything I eat.
    4. Spend the day with my daughter, Spring break is almost over and I have today free.

    I am taking this slowly today. I will be OK, but I am a little overwhelmed with how bad yesterday was. Have a good Wednesday.
  • saraelizaphant
    saraelizaphant Posts: 104 Member
    Just for today I will:
    1. Watch sodium and sugar, increase protein and fat :| Did great aside from sodium; SO made a great stirfry
    2. Manage a morning walk or bike ride before the rain pours down :D
    3. Be in bed by 10pm :o stayed up watching documentary with SO <3

    Just for today I will:
    1. Drink tea, rest, do what I can to feel better soon
    2. Fuel my morning so I do not overeat later in the day
    3. Be in bed by 10:30pm
  • starbucktigh
    starbucktigh Posts: 170 Member
    I will try not to let stress get the best of me.I have chronic stress-related hormone issues, I've been working with my doctor for a few years to manage it, but this week work has been really pushing me.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    kwfitgal wrote: »

    Just for today:
    1. Get back to keeping calorie goal without exercise compensating. ( :) Only compensated for about 100, not 400 like I did the other day!!)
    2. Drink 3+ pints water. ( :):) )
    3. Exercise 20+ minutes ( :):) )
    4. Try to do better today on enjoying my children! ( :) Better--even played a couple games)
    5. Hang some pictures--some walls are too bare! ( :) Oops! Will try again today)

    Just for today:
    1. Keep to calorie goal
    2. Drink 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Exercise 30 min.
    4. Enjoy my children :)
    5. Get my pictures hung!

    P.S. Thank you again for this thread! I'm down 2 lbs. since I started (out of goal to lose last 20). Yay! I saw this idea in a mag. and so got to move 2 "pebbles":

    Take 2 identical glass jars. Label one with "Pounds to Go" and the other with "Pounds Lost" (or some similar meaning--whatever words work for you :) ) Take as many glass beads/pebbles/marbles/"stones" (something pretty :) ) as you have to lose and put those in the pounds to go jar. Move the stones over as you lose the weight. For some of you, the jars would be a bit bigger with lots of stones, but what an incredible visual once the "Pounds Lost" jar starts to be the fuller one! Having this up on my kitchen window sill is a reminder of my goal, and it is a fun little celebration to move every small increment over and fill the YAY jar!!!

    Have a super day everyone! :)

    So funny, I just asked my 10 yr old son for 50 marbles for the same reason...except I was going to keep it in my bedroom. I have to rid myself of being so self conscious about wanting to lose weight & be healthy...It's nothing to be ashamed of.
  • sunnydee216
    sunnydee216 Posts: 110 Member
    Just for today.
    1. I will not let the scale rule me.
    2. Make better food choices and not loose control.
    3. Don't over think it.
    4. Up the protein.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Just for today i will stay off cigarettes, keep my committment to my calories....and connect with my gratitude and faith.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Today, I will:
    Push myself to walk tonight for 30 mins or more
    Keep my thoughts positive
    Find a new dress online for a special occasion in August. Would love to be a few sizes smaller!!
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    Just for today, 3/19
    Drink at least 8 cups of water
    exercise for at least 30 minutes
    refuse to have a cigarette
    log everything I eat
    get one homework assignment done (hehe)
    have a sleepytea tea before bed
    go to sleep early
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I don't even know how to begin to explain my day yesterday - other than I did absolutely terrible - a terrible binge. I know I am addicted to sugar. When I do not have sugar, I do so much better. I don't feel hungry during the day, and I feel more in control of my food intake. I eat healthier. Then I slip - I get over confident in myself. I think, I can have just one ice cream snickers bar. Somehow, that sugar gets in my system. The next day its another one. Still OK, as I was counting the calories, and they say don't deprive yourself - right. Well, for someone with a sugar addiction, this does not work.

    Our little grandsons are coming for Easter, and I know sometimes things like Cadbury eggs or peeps go fast at the store, so I picked up some. I don't even know how much I ate last nite, but it was bad. I am guessing over by probably 2000 calories. The cadbury eggs are gone - yes, 4 of them. The 2 boxes of peeps are gone - yes, ate them all. Then it was protein bars, because there is chocolate in these also. It was pouring down rain, but I should have just gone out for a walk to get away from the sugar. Then - hubby ordered 2 boxes of oatmeal girl scout cookies. Those 2 boxes are gone (but not all my doing here!).
    I can really see how someone with this sugar addiction can get so out of control.

    Today I feel sick, and hungry. This is what sugar does to me -- makes me hungry, craving food all day long. And then I ask myself why can't I just use willpower, and stop eating this crap. But somehow, I just lose it.

    So -- I start over again today. And my goal today is simple.

    Just for Today
    Count all sugar grams, and stay within MFP guidelines!!!
    Do not let the cravings win

  • lisalooleeli
    lisalooleeli Posts: 12 Member
    edited March 2015
    Just for today. I will drink my 8 cups of water, and log my dinner.
    Try to breathe through my kids annoying me and not yell. Make a new friend on MFP I know that being part of a community works. Finish my blog entry for my friend.
  • sericson0413
    Just for today I will not beat myself up for past failures! I commit to making a conscious effort to eat less sugar, eat more fullness-sustaining protein, and to pause before, during and after eating. Thank you for this thread and well-wishes to everyone else on this journey to better health!
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Just for today: Hit the gym for the first time!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I don't even know how to begin to explain my day yesterday - other than I did absolutely terrible - a terrible binge. I know I am addicted to sugar. When I do not have sugar, I do so much better. I don't feel hungry during the day, and I feel more in control of my food intake. I eat healthier. Then I slip - I get over confident in myself. I think, I can have just one ice cream snickers bar. Somehow, that sugar gets in my system. The next day its another one. Still OK, as I was counting the calories, and they say don't deprive yourself - right. Well, for someone with a sugar addiction, this does not work.

    Our little grandsons are coming for Easter, and I know sometimes things like Cadbury eggs or peeps go fast at the store, so I picked up some. I don't even know how much I ate last nite, but it was bad. I am guessing over by probably 2000 calories. The cadbury eggs are gone - yes, 4 of them. The 2 boxes of peeps are gone - yes, ate them all. Then it was protein bars, because there is chocolate in these also. It was pouring down rain, but I should have just gone out for a walk to get away from the sugar. Then - hubby ordered 2 boxes of oatmeal girl scout cookies. Those 2 boxes are gone (but not all my doing here!).
    I can really see how someone with this sugar addiction can get so out of control.

    Today I feel sick, and hungry. This is what sugar does to me -- makes me hungry, craving food all day long. And then I ask myself why can't I just use willpower, and stop eating this crap. But somehow, I just lose it.

    So -- I start over again today. And my goal today is simple.

    Just for Today
    Count all sugar grams, and stay within MFP guidelines!!!
    Do not let the cravings win

    BIG HUGS to you Joan. I completely understand where you are coming from. I open the cookie jar for ONE cookie, the next thing I know 6+ are gone. Don't even know how it happened. It's frustrating too because so many people get on me for eliminating that stuff from my diet. They tell me I should eat in moderation and how can I survive without "treats." Bottom line, I do not HATE myself when I eliminate the sweets from my day. I buy a bag of Dove Dark Chocolate squares. For some reason, I can eat just two of those and not crave more. That is my treat. If I'm out somewhere, I will allow myself to have dessert. I will not bring the stuff into my house anymore, because I do not know when to stop. I make the kids store their ice cream in the outside freezer because I never look in there. Accepting that we are addicted to sugar is the first step. Knowing that one cookie, ice cream sandwich...whatever, leads to more is the next. You are not alone.
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 3/18
    1. log :(
    2. gym for legs routine :(
    3. 5 mins meditation :(

    Wow! Complete failure. But I'm actually okay with it. I made a conscience decision to skip the gym because I was getting frustrated with all the conflicting info out there regarding strength training. I needed time to regroup. I did get my house picked up and vacuumed!!

    Just for Today 3/19
    1. log, log, log
    2. gym
    3. 5 mins meditation.
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Joan and Rae: I totally understand. I was in a slump all week. Didn't feel good, got on the scale this morning and had gained 1.6 lbs. If I begin eating, it's like a complete downhill slide. I logged what I ate yesterday and it was a complete wreck. I decided that those days don't define me or that I'm a total loss because of it. I got back on track today. I'm going to the gym at lunch and work out for 1 hour then plan on going this evening if the kids haven't planned my evening for me.
    I know I can do this. I want to be around 160 by June 1, which I know is doable if I persevere.
    There is a great group on this thread. So......
    Just for today 3/19
    1) I will log everything I eat
    2) Get in 1 hour at the gym at lunch and hopefully another hour tonight
    3) Crochet for relaxation before I go to sleep
    4) Take some deep breaths and know that all will be ok
    5) Drink 6-8 glasses of water.

    Everyone keep up the good work! We can all do this together!!
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    I just want to say thanks to everyone for logging your good days and your not so good days. It makes me feel that I am not alone in this struggle. Thanks again!!
  • placemom
    placemom Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting day 1 on here... And love reading all the posts, I feel like I'm not alone in this struggle... Two years ago I was super motivated and lost 55lbs and reached my smallest point since high school! Then I lost motivation to maintain and the past few months have really gained back, so rather than beat myself up for slipping I intend--just for today--
    1. To track everything I eat, and eat smart
    2. Get my exercise in..walking & lifting
    3. Drink my water

    I want to maintain my journey this time and make these changes permanent in my life... Healthy changes... Permanent changes
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Thanks everyone for reminding me I am not the only human here, warts and all. My slide started with the jellybeans at work. Just a few led to just another handful led to.....well we all know the story here. And then Sonic had half price milkshakes for St Patricks Day and it was wasteful to only get a small one. And my daughter had wisdom tooth surgery Monday so her diet is limited and yes, I indulged too. And the walnuts in the pantry were my nighttime snack. For me, any nuts are almost as bad as sugar, I eat them by the handful until the bag is empty. Today I am carefully avoiding any high sugar foods. (At least so far anyway) And I will not bring any of my trigger foods home from the store today when I get my daughters supplies together to go back to college Saturday night. I very well know I am not strong enough today to resist any temptations.

    So, I know I need you all here. We are not perfect and these days are going to happen. My only hope is they happen less and less often as I get stronger and healthier. Joan, I feel better too when I do not indulge, but that will never stop me in the middle of a bad day. I just have to move on with better choices as soon as I am able. That is what I am doing now and I hope you can do so soon too.

    Keep going everyone. Of course this is a struggle, but any progress we make is well worth it.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. 12,000 steps :smile:
    2. Do at least one workout :)
    3. Eat well :)

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Lift weights
    3. Ignore the sunshine and get some indoor work done!