Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    To Joan and all the rest of us who struggle with sugar:

    Hey! It's a fact. I am addicted to sugar, also! I absolutely CANNOT be trusted with chocolate in the house. My husband and kids get their treats on the run when I am not with them and that support is a huge help. It took me a year to figure out that eating sugar makes me hungry, out of control and sick. When I get my carbs from healthy sources, I am fine. If I treat myself with a little dessert, I spend the next day obsessing about food and starting a downward spiral.

    The number one most inportant change I have made in
    my life is to decide that sugar is POISON to me.

    As for not depriving myself, I have discovered that I only feel deprived AFTER I eat sugar. That is when I obsess about treats. When I am consistently making good choices, I feel great, purely because I am doing what is goog for me! I'm not a scientist but I know how I feel and I think sugar alters my mind and causes me to be self destructive. For me....it is a drug!

    I hope this is a help to some...
    I am praying for all of you...


  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Wow! Good job being so transparent about the bad days, and that is exactly what is beneficial for accountability. That takes courage, and no doubt, just typing the words in probably helped cement your resolve to do TODAY well :D February was my whoops month--whole pints of B & J plus donuts plus blah blah blah in each sitting. Yeah--I think all of us know how yucky we feel after that! It is wonderful to have a place to write truthfully and know that the response will be encouraging each other to do better.
    Hurrah for all of you being honest! Get back on and don't give up!
    For the times that I've been doing well, a couple things have helped me stay within bounds:
    1. Chocolate is good for you!--at 70% or more dark! Joan and losingrae wrote about both sides: Milk chocolate will make a person eat ghastly amounts because the sugar triggers craving for more. But dark chocolate can be amazingly satisfying in very small amounts. It has phenylethylamine which causes your brain to release endorphins--the "feel happy" and relaxing hormone. It also has flavinoids which actually help reduce insulin resistance. i.e., an anti-diabetes effect. It improves circulation, and several other things. I love alloting myself my nearly daily bit of dark chocolate.
    2. I also love nuts! So, I measure my 1/4 cup, and PUT THE BAG AWAY! :) Making it a little more inaccessable for seconds (thirds, fourths... :( ) helps. Nuts are really good for you and have the good kind of fat your body actually needs to burn the bad kind of fat.
    3. When driving by Culver's Custard, "Just keep driving, Kate!" I've told myself I'll allot a chunk of cals. at some later date to enjoy a cup, but now is not a good time.

    We all get tempted! It is so nice to have a place that wants to cheer each other on to keep going. Hope you several gals have peaceful, focused, successful days today!

  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Wow Wednesday was a rough one for me and sounds like I was not the only one. I had a last minute girls night out so went way over on calories. Thank goodness I got my cardio done in the morning. So just for today 3/19
    1) 100 ounces water
    2) 1200 calories that's it no matter how hungry I get
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I don't even know how to begin to explain my day yesterday - other than I did absolutely terrible - a terrible binge. I know I am addicted to sugar. When I do not have sugar, I do so much better. I don't feel hungry during the day, and I feel more in control of my food intake. I eat healthier. Then I slip - I get over confident in myself. I think, I can have just one ice cream snickers bar. Somehow, that sugar gets in my system. The next day its another one. Still OK, as I was counting the calories, and they say don't deprive yourself - right. Well, for someone with a sugar addiction, this does not work.

    Our little grandsons are coming for Easter, and I know sometimes things like Cadbury eggs or peeps go fast at the store, so I picked up some. I don't even know how much I ate last nite, but it was bad. I am guessing over by probably 2000 calories. The cadbury eggs are gone - yes, 4 of them. The 2 boxes of peeps are gone - yes, ate them all. Then it was protein bars, because there is chocolate in these also. It was pouring down rain, but I should have just gone out for a walk to get away from the sugar. Then - hubby ordered 2 boxes of oatmeal girl scout cookies. Those 2 boxes are gone (but not all my doing here!).
    I can really see how someone with this sugar addiction can get so out of control.

    Thanks for your honesty. I can so relate to this.
    I can't have chocolate or biscuits in the house. Ever. If I buy them at the supermarket they are usually gone before I even get home. And it's only a 10 min drive. And yes, the whole pack of biscuits.
    Luckily I live alone so don't have to keep snacks for anyone else. So as long as I walk past them in the store, I don't generally eat them
    And sometimes I give in. Bag of chocolate buttons today, although within calorie allowance.
    So... Thanks for posting and honesty.
    Keep remembering you always have a choice, even when it doesn't feel like it.

    Smiles. ☺

  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Thursday's goals:
    - stay within net calorie goal
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Friday's goals:
    - go for it during bootcamp (which is taking place during an 85% solar eclipse over here in the SE of England!)
    - stay within net calories
    - bring energy levels down to calm & steady while my friend is here to stay tomorrow. He's been really unwell and I need to meet him where he's at and not be a jumping bean and tire him out.
    - be so grateful for my health.
  • happygrandma52
    happygrandma52 Posts: 66 Member
    Just for today
    Log ALL my food
    Drink ALL my water
    Get ALL my exercise minutes in.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I don't even know how to begin to explain my day yesterday - other than I did absolutely terrible - a terrible binge. I know I am addicted to sugar. When I do not have sugar, I do so much better. I don't feel hungry during the day, and I feel more in control of my food intake. I eat healthier. Then I slip - I get over confident in myself. I think, I can have just one ice cream snickers bar. Somehow, that sugar gets in my system. The next day its another one. Still OK, as I was counting the calories, and they say don't deprive yourself - right. Well, for someone with a sugar addiction, this does not work.

    Our little grandsons are coming for Easter, and I know sometimes things like Cadbury eggs or peeps go fast at the store, so I picked up some. I don't even know how much I ate last nite, but it was bad. I am guessing over by probably 2000 calories. The cadbury eggs are gone - yes, 4 of them. The 2 boxes of peeps are gone - yes, ate them all. Then it was protein bars, because there is chocolate in these also. It was pouring down rain, but I should have just gone out for a walk to get away from the sugar. Then - hubby ordered 2 boxes of oatmeal girl scout cookies. Those 2 boxes are gone (but not all my doing here!).
    I can really see how someone with this sugar addiction can get so out of control.

    Today I feel sick, and hungry. This is what sugar does to me -- makes me hungry, craving food all day long. And then I ask myself why can't I just use willpower, and stop eating this crap. But somehow, I just lose it.

    So -- I start over again today. And my goal today is simple.

    Just for Today
    Count all sugar grams, and stay within MFP guidelines!!!
    Do not let the cravings win

    You know what I think is so hard as we get older? We can be so on track for a couple weeks, eating right, exercising hard & staying away from the junk and then we hop on the scale & nothing lost or very small. Back in my 20's & early 30's, 2 good weeks I could drop a pants size. It was so much easier than it is now. I wish there was a easy fix but the truth is we live in a county of obesity, too big of portions & not enough movement. Most of us work more than 40 hours a week, manage the home front & are such giving women our own needs come last. Joan, you are already successful to me because you keep getting up after you get knocked down and you keep fighting!!!! That is what it takes, and as long as we keep fighting we will do this. You are a beautiful women and I want you to focus on one positive thing about yourself tomorrow. Every time we try we are that much closer to getting it right this time:)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Today, I will:
    Push myself to walk tonight for 30 mins or more
    Keep my thoughts positive
    Find a new dress online for a special occasion in August. Would love to be a few sizes smaller!!

    OK...didn't get the walk in but everything else went well. Loved the fact that I was able to "push away" any negative thoughts. I really need to practice that daily!
  • MonicaSmith98
    MonicaSmith98 Posts: 66 Member
    Just for today I will
    1. Go for a walk or go to the gym
    2. Eat 1500 calories
    3. Be mindful of my attitude and how it influences my actions
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    Keep fighting! YES! That's just how I feel. It's really really comforting to know there are people having these same struggles as me. I think about how determined and persistent I am with my running and the things I have accomplished and just cannot figure out how I cannot translate that to eating?!?!

    I'm really pleased to have this thread this time back on MFP, I think connecting with people who have similar struggles really helps and the last few times I "got back in the zone" with my eating, I didn't connect with anyone here and stopped logging. I KNOW it works for me, I just have to do it!

    Yesterday was ok. I went over my calories but mostly b/c I used a whole avocado for dressing on my salad. No binging and I logged everything, so that's 2 days of logging it all!

    Today I will:
    log everything
    run 4 miles
    sit for 20 minutes each time I THINK I want to eat and make sure it's not just boredom or something else making me want to eat and it's actual hunger.
  • skittlelancing
    skittlelancing Posts: 9 Member
    Just for today, 3/20
    1.) Push myself to do cardio!
    2.) Eat squash, because it's good for me!
    3.) Stop looking at Victoria's Secret models. :'(
  • LisaT678
    LisaT678 Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2015
    Up early this morning with a sick grandbaby. Momma was up all night so it's my shift till work.

    So my goals for today are:
    1. Drink at least my 72 oz water
    2. Minimal carbs, I know that will just encourage the heavy eye lids.
    3. A nice walk.
    4. Enjoy my "date" with other grandson today. We will be playing at the playground and then going for pizza. I will be having salad.
  • sue_alexander0405
    sue_alexander0405 Posts: 2 Member
    Just for today I will:
    1) drink 2 liters of water
    2) not eat cake at the wedding
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Just for today I will:
    1. Be greatful that I am getting back on track
    2. Drink 2 litres of water
    3. Eat around 1200 calories
    4. Go for a walk or a run
  • saraelizaphant
    saraelizaphant Posts: 104 Member
    Just for today I will:
    1. Drink tea, rest, do what I can to feel better soon :)
    2. Fuel my morning so I do not overeat later in the day :)
    3. Be in bed by 10:30pm :) Went to bed at nine, and it felt great!

    Just for today:
    1. Try a new morning smoothie
    2. At least 30 minutes mild exercise
    3. Be in bed by 10pm
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    just for today, I will only heat healthy snacks
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    hupsii wrote: »
    just for today, I will only eat healthy snacks

  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    1. make a list of work that needs to be done and PUT IT AWAY until tomorrow. It is my day off and I do not want to spend it worrying about what is coming tomorrow. :D I'm amazed how well I did here. When my mind did wander to work I just remembered it was on the list and I did not obsess.
    2. Move. Walk, pace, anything but do not spend the day in a chair or on the couch. :D Some pacing, but I did get out to the local nature center for a walk with my daughter and husband
    3. Log everything I eat. :D Amazing, but I did log everything.
    4. Spend the day with my daughter, Spring break is almost over and I have today free. :D:D Did some thrift store shopping for her apartment next year, took a walk, went to get groceries for her to take back to school, made dinner together and just had a nice day together. I needed it and the activity took her mind off her sore jaw for the day.

    I needed a successful day after the beginning of my week. It is not so overwhelming if I take it all one day at a time.

    Just for today, Friday, I will.

    1. Focus on my work list one item at a time as much as possible. Celebrate each item I complete and do not beat myself up over the tasks I still need to do.
    2. Move! Take a walk outside if the rain stops or just walk around the office.
    3. Log everything I eat.
    4. Remember I CAN DO THIS today. I'll worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

    I hope everyone else is doing well or making progress towards getting back on track. One day at a time. That also means that one day (or two or .....) is not going to undo all of your hard work up to now. Just focus on what you can do TODAY.
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    Just for today..
    I will take the stairs at work
    Drink 96 oz of water
    Stay positive - let go of what I cannot control
    Eat to my plan