Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    1. Be present in the moment. :) I did pretty well most of today
    2. Walk or move around whenever possible. :) more than I expected with my drive to see my parents and then back to work. Somehow I walked 3 miles today.
    3. Smile. Do not take myself too seriously. :) I did start to take myself a little too seriously at one point, but I was able to remember to smile and relax.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I'm posting early again for tomorrow so I do not forget.

    Just for Monday I will

    1. Log Everything I eat
    2. Walk as much as possible.
    3. Do as much as I can And do not get upset when I reach my limit. I am only human after all and I have my limits. Recognizing where they are is important

    Have a fun Monday everyone!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am going to plan ahead for avoiding trouble on Easter...so...

    Just for Easter

    1. Exercise at least 1 hour every day this week ( my normal minimum is 30 mimutes) skip Saturday and Sunday.
    2. Eat my normal way on Sunday( low carb) but not worry too much about portion size or logging every bite.
    3. Buy a special treat for myself (dark chocolate )
    4. No wine or other alcohol. I am hosting dinner and I know people will bring wine.
    5. No other candy including licorice jelly beans (i live in fear of the siren call of the licorice jelly bean)

  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Disastrous few days. Really struggling after doing so well in the first few weeks. Motivation is low...

    You can do it...just one day at a time. Focus on your goals for each day. Write them on a big piece of paper and post it where you will see it. :smile:
  • sparklemama2003
    sparklemama2003 Posts: 3 Member
    Just for today..March 30th
    1) eat by serving size
    2) track food
    3) exercise
    4) no night time snacking
  • happygrandma52
    happygrandma52 Posts: 66 Member
    Just for today for Monday
    Plan meals for 3 days
    Log all my food and drink all my water
    ENJOY the first day of golf season
  • geminijen77
    geminijen77 Posts: 11 Member

    I need to repeat yesterday's "just for today" goal of tracking everything I put in my mouth. I think I wrote that goal and then immediately turned around and started putting crackers in my mouth. Then I didn't plan for lunch and ate too many tortilla chips. Then I went over to a friends house and had chocolate cake and wine..... I just fell off the wagon.

    Just for today I WILL track everything that goes in my mouth!
  • MonicaSmith98
    MonicaSmith98 Posts: 66 Member
    Just for today I will
    1. Go for a 60 minute walk after work.
    2. Stay within my calori goal.
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water.
  • kmyrs
    kmyrs Posts: 27 Member
    Just for today, I will:
    1. Go for a run after work
    2. Enjoy the beautiful weather
    3. Avoid obsessing about food
  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    Just for today I will drink 3 glasses of water and increase my protein.
  • Katherine52459
    Katherine52459 Posts: 34 Member
    Messed up yesterday: I ate snickers and skittles, and only exercised for two miles.
    Just for today:
    -I will eat healthy within my calorie limit
    -I will track everything I eat
    -I will drink eight glasses of water
    -I will walk two miles
    I am stuck at a plateau with ten pounds to go and am very discouraged. UGH!
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    Just for Monday March 30, I will:
    1) Avoid mindless munching, which is harder since I am tired and at work two hours earlier than normal.
    2) Do housework tonight and not just lounge around because I'm tired. (I'm thinking put away laundry, dishes, and dust living room at a minimum)
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 3/29
    1. log everything :)
    2. continue to control the weekend attitude :)
    3. strength training :)
    4. water :)
    5. 5 mins meditation :(

    4 out of 5 isn't bad at all :)

    Just for Today 3/30:
    1. log everything
    2. do 30 mins cardio
    3. 5 mins meditation

    Have a great Monday all!
  • sunnydee216
    sunnydee216 Posts: 110 Member
    Just for today.
    1. Not stress about my injury and find work around for exercise.
    2. log everything.
    3. Eat a healthy fulfilling dinner.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Happy with how I did yesterday :) although I agree with katherine52429 that the last 10 to 15 lbs are really challenging! I think last week I did a bit too happy of a dance and let my "work hard on this" guard down after I had reached my next 10 off.
    Doing well so far today and so for the rest of today:
    1. Stay within cals and do not eat my exercise cals
    2. Drink my 3 +pints water and tea
    3. Exercise 25 min
    4. Rest and relax from all of the bread baking!

    Have a super day everyone :D
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    kmyrs wrote: »
    Just for today, I will:
    1. Go for a run after work
    2. Enjoy the beautiful weather
    3. Avoid obsessing about food

    Regarding obsessing about food...

    I have always been the kind of person who lies in bed and obsesses about the details of whatever event or project I am planning. I found that if I just get up and write a list, I can relax and not worry.

    Turns out this works for me with food also! Before I started really being committed to improving my weight and health I obsessed about food and constantly felt guilty about every single thing I ate.

    Or I would just sit with a bag of chips and mindlessly eat every last one.

    Or I would cruise the kitchen like a shark reaching out to snatch every unhealthy food that crossed my path.

    Now I jot down a plan each evening and my brain doesn't have to obsess. For me, it just works. That's why I love...just for today...it takes away my natural tendency to obsess.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    This is GREAT! I really needed to stumble upon this thread today. I think putting in writing my goal for the day and keeping it JUST FOR TODAY, maybe I can get on track. Thank you for starting this. I hope you don't mind if I join you each morning.

    Just for today, I will:
    1. Track every bite that goes in my mouth
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water
    3. Go to the gym after work (this one gets me every time!)
    4. 15 minutes of meditation

  • paulbearss
    paulbearss Posts: 26 Member
    Just for today, I will
    1. go for a walk with my kids
    2. Keep my calories at what they should be for the day
    3. track my food better
    4. avoid strangling people that make me mad. LOL J/K
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »

    So.... Monday's goals:
    - avoid all forms of chocolate / sugar ☺
    - contact my NLP life coach for some additional support
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »

    So.... Monday's goals:
    - avoid all forms of chocolate / sugar ☺
    - contact my NLP life coach for some additional support
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Ok tried twice to post and it deleted not of my comments.

    In a nutshell:
    Much better: No sugar, under calorie target, only ate when hungry. ☺

    Still need to contact my coach.