Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Tuesday's goals:
    - Check in to hunger level before deciding when/what and how much to eat
    - Get some veggies in.... I miss them!
    - Contact life coach to book a session in

    Thanks for supportive comments. .. They do help and in feeling very much in need of the encouragement I'm normally more able to dish out!
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Its already late sunday nite, and so b usy have not had time to check in! But I am doing so much better - trying to get the sugar out of my system. Lots of water, and today I hiked a very hilly 4.75 miles. My legs hurt, but a good kind of hurt.

    So I am posting my goals for tomorrow, Monday
    1. No sugar. Work on getting all sugar out of my system. I know how much better I can stay focused when I have the sugar out of my system
    2. Exercise - minumum 30 minutes
    3. clean house -- grandsons coming next weekend!
    4. Keep all easter candy hid downstairs, and leave it alone!

    Hi Joan
    I am with you on the 'no sugar' front. Got into a nasty spiral and it's done me so much damage. I've included 'no sugar' in tomorrow's goals and will take it one day at a time.
    I'll do it if you will! :-)
  • TickleMeFit
    TickleMeFit Posts: 3 Member
    Incredibly stressed right now.
    Just for today,

    I will stay within my calorie goal without any excess emotional eating
    I will do 25 minutes of yoga
    I will finally get a good sleep.
  • caradkunz
    Just for today I will:

    1) attempt to drink 125oz of water (half my weight in ounces)
    2) avoid cravings!
    3) 15 min on the bike
    4) try to remember to log EVERTHING into MFP
    5) love me for me.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :)
    2. Get outside! :)
    3. Under 100 carbs :)

    Well, I ended up going out for dinner with a bunch of dancers yesterday and eating pizza. Very fancy pizza with a super-thin crust, but still. Anyhow, today I will be more on track.

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Do funk fitness master class
    3. Under 100 carbs

  • kmyrs
    kmyrs Posts: 27 Member
    paulbearss wrote: »
    Just for today, I will
    1. go for a walk with my kids
    2. Keep my calories at what they should be for the day
    3. track my food better
    4. avoid strangling people that make me mad. LOL J/K

    Ha! I hope you were successful with #4 today!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »

    Thanks for supportive comments. .. They do help and in feeling very much in need of the encouragement I'm normally more able to dish out!

    Feistyjojo - you can do this! I have been having a hard time lately too. I am not sure what is going on.

    We have to take care of ourselves. One of my friends posted the other day, both choices are hard. It is hard to make ourselves exercise, workout & eat right but if we don't we will pick the hard where we are going to doctors on medications, health problems ect. as we get older. What kind of hard would you rather pick? I know which one I would rather pick.
  • anandac371
    Just for today I met my goals. As for tomorrow is the real challenge. I work all three jobs back to back from 9:30 am (9:30-2:30) then 3-4:30, then 4:45 to 9:30. The challenge is packing enough snacks and healthy options so I don't get hungry, eat junk, and get lethargic. So just for today (3/31):

    -I will get up early and start with a workout
    -I will pack healthy options (already done)!
    -if for some reason I did not pack enough, make nutritious choices!

    Wish me luck
  • TxRottie81
    TxRottie81 Posts: 45 Member
    Just for today:

    1. Start day with a walk with my dogs.
    2. Drink 1 liter of water
    3. Avoid Sweets

    Note: just for march I meet my goal weight loss. Hope the trend continues..

    "just got today" has really helped me stay on track..
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Just for today ( Tuesday March 31)
    1. Exercise 1 hour
    2. Stick to 1200 calories
    3. Take breakfast, lunch and snack to work
  • kmyrs
    kmyrs Posts: 27 Member
    Just for today I will
    1. Eat under my calorie goal
    2. Weight train upper body after work
    3. Walk the dog after weight training
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    "Just for Monday March 30, I will:
    1) Avoid mindless munching, which is harder since I am tired and at work two hours earlier than normal. :smile: I only ate the food I brought to work and then like 10 almonds before dinner. I was tired enough yesterday that I didn't realize I was only at work one hour early.
    2) Do housework tonight and not just lounge around because I'm tired. (I'm thinking put away laundry, dishes, and dust living room at a minimum)" Did dishes laundry and some other puttering and still got in my 10000 steps.

    Just for Tuesday I will:
    1. bellydance to 2 songs when I get home from work.
    2. avoid the mindless munching again, as still tired
    3. only one cup of coffee (which I've already had), if I need more caffeine it's tea.
  • Katherine52459
    Katherine52459 Posts: 34 Member
    ooh aerochic, I love the idea of belly dancing!
    I ate 150 calories over limit yesterday.
    Just for today, I will:
    -log everything I eat.
    -eat under my calorie goal.
    -exercise by walking two miles (done!)
    -drink at least eight glasses of water.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    1. Stay within cals and do not eat my exercise cals :) Well, pleased at my logging--did ok on cals but ate about half of exercise cals (like 125)
    2. Drink my 3 +pints water and tea :)
    3. Exercise 25 min :) Nice walk outside and calisthenics
    4. Rest and relax from all of the bread baking!
    :):) Yeah, sort of more like HAD to rest!!! Ahhh! Computer fixed--this is alot easier!!

    Just for today:
    1. Stick to cals and try again not to eat exercise cals
    2. 3+ pints water/herbal tea
    3. Exercise 30 min
    4. Yeah--that was a good one the other day of paulbearss's: Get thru my day w/o strangling anyone, or I might say, w/o biting anyone's head off w. my words! I'm still recouperating from an exhausting weekend (baked 32 loaves of braided, frosted cinnamon bread!)

    Bri170lb has a good point about "obsessing about food"--her planning :) . Esp. on days when I know I will eat out or be doing a birthday or something, I pre-enter reasonable meals early in day, so I can accommodate extra near dinner...It really has helped to keep my mind off eating other stuff coz I already "promised" myself what I'd eat. (Of course this hasn't helped on days I'm so blue I don't even care! :'( But it does on most normal days!!! )

    @ruby70: You have offered so much sweet encouragement to so many of us. :) If you are still having a challenging time, I hope something in your day really blesses you and gives you a perk to motivate you! I know all of us are rooting (sp?) for each other! Go, Ruby, go!

  • jsrochester
    jsrochester Posts: 1 Member
    First post! Getting back on track here and this board seemed like a good idea.
    1. Stick to the menu I made - pre-enter the items in my tracker.
    2. Drink four water bottles at my desk instead of snacking.
    3. Go to spin class tonight.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    This is GREAT! I really needed to stumble upon this thread today. I think putting in writing my goal for the day and keeping it JUST FOR TODAY, maybe I can get on track. Thank you for starting this. I hope you don't mind if I join you each morning.

    Just for today, I will:
    1. Track every bite that goes in my mouth
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water
    3. Go to the gym after work (this one gets me every time!)
    4. 15 minutes of meditation

    Well, this didn't work out so well for me yesterday. I tracked my food, drank my water, listened to inspirational podcast while I took my dog for a walk after work (instead of gym), so I thought I was doing great meeting my goals. Until my dog (80 lb black lab) spooked, threw his body into the back of my legs and caused me to go down HARD to the pavement face first! Was almost home...3 more blocks. Had to call my husband to come and get us because I couldn't see through the blood. Ended up in Urgent Care with stitches to my face and a slight concussion. Home from work today feeling like a train hit me. Eye is turning black. So......that's what I get for trying to be healthy! ha! End up at Urgent Care.

    So here I go again.

    Just for today (Tuesday, 3/31), I will:
    1. Track my food.
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water
    3. Meditate 15 minutes
    4. Ice and heal.
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Did terrible Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Got back on track yesterday and did walk 2.7 miles. I did stay in my calorie range, but ate some of my exercise calories.

    so just for today:
    1) Get in more exercise, did 1 hour this am, plan to walk at lunch.
    2) Stay at or under 1200 calories
    3) Keep a positive mindset
    4) Do something relaxing this evening.

    Everyone, I hops you are doing ok.

    O'Connell, hope you are doing ok, I did that one time with my Great Pyrenes, step on his leash when he was moving forward as I was jogging. Fell and broke my wrist, Bit a 2 inch hole in the center of my tongue. If a man had not seen me fall and drove me home, I don't know what I would have done. My neighbor took me to the ER. I was a wreck for awhile and I still don't take my dogs with me when I jog! Get better soon.
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    First post!

    I'm at the finish line and seem to be slumping.

    Just for today I will:

    1) Drink only one cup of coffee
    2) Stay within my calorie goal
    3) Go to my yoga class and quit schlepping off...
  • uh_day
    uh_day Posts: 11 Member
    I am 2 wks post op gastric sleeve..Doing great..except last 2 days I gained 2 pounds! Frustrated. .like the one day at a time. Sticking to calories but grazed last 2 nights:( words of wisdom? ?)
  • uh_day
    uh_day Posts: 11 Member
    I am limited on physical activities except inside house walk and short stoll outside. I over did it first week and had lots of pain...