Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle?



  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    Haha Jk.!
  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    There is however an obvious difference between Lean and Bulk when referred to muscles.
  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    Well, congratulations we can agree on something! " Lean is a physical appearance that someone achieves. Bulk is something someone does to add muscle while eating at a caloric surplus. If you have different meanings then feel free to share. "

    Now for the Fasting defence.

  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    "If your goal is muscle growth or maintenance, fueling up is doubly important. Going into cardiovascular training hungry puts you at risk of significant loss of protein. When each gram you consume is valuable, fasting isn't your fat-loss friend."

  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    Wow, MrM27 Just wow. All this ridiculousness...hehe. Please tell me where you got your personal training education, and YOUR facts. I do not have accredited fitness education. I go by what I have achieved for my self, which I (suppose this would be the back tracking) shared in the first post. I was NOT in depth information, just a few tidbits which you claimed to be completely false. Please prove to me that HIIT is a good idea on an empty stomach.
  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    There are LOW INTENSITY workouts more specifically that people use when on the fasting regime.
  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    *It was not in depth information just a few tidbits which you claimed to be completely false.
  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    correction: There are also plenty of us that practice intermittent fasting routinely with no "starvation mode". You mentioned fasting.
  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    So lets clarify this MrSmartypantsM27. Please tell us all of the facts, because you are apparently a genius and I'm a "strawman".
  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    edited March 2015
    So much for "community!" Never in my life have I been more dissapointed on a fitness related site.
  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    Yeah you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time, if you lift hard. Muscles and bones dont grow very fast once your an adult. Force feeding them doesnt make them grow any faster. Its going to be slow no matter what you do, but this should be a lifestyle change so it shouldn't matter if it takes you 3 years or 5 just do what makes you happy.

    I cut for a year and recomped for a year, so top and bottom are about 2 years apart. The bottom pic is a year old and I have about 2-4 pounds more muscle now. I never bulked.


    To be honest I think most of the guys here have an unhealthy obsession with just how much muscle they can build. In life people just dont care how big your pecs are or what you can deadlift. This is something you should be doing because you enjoy it, having big biceps wont make you happy.
  • hanymamdouh
    hanymamdouh Posts: 123 Member
    Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, I do agree with Lgabrjolek because that's what I did myself, and result is reducing body fat % while gaining muscle mass. I'm not certified trainer or doctor, I'm just an engineer who used to read, read, read, and read then turn on my analysis skills. I just want to consent that what Lgabrjolek is correct and works because it really works with me. MrM27, I don't know why you are so aggressive, two people here claim they did it, so why all those info is wrong? Please review your information MAY BE you are wrong, or some misunderstanding is in the middle.

  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    Congratulations on the progress guys!!!
  • Lgabrjolek
    Lgabrjolek Posts: 57 Member
    Its going to be slow no matter what you do, but this should be a lifestyle change so it shouldn't matter if it takes you 3 years or 5 just do what makes you happy.

    Well said.
    Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, I do agree with Lgabrjolek because that's what I did myself, and result is reducing body fat % while gaining muscle mass. I'm not certified trainer or doctor, I'm just an engineer who used to read, read, read, and read then turn on my analysis skills. I just want to consent that what Lgabrjolek is correct and works because it really works with me. MrM27, I don't know why you are so aggressive, two people here claim they did it, so why all those info is wrong? Please review your information MAY BE you are wrong, or some misunderstanding is in the middle.



  • allenfisher67
    I don't really put much weight (get it) into the don't skip breakfast concept since I never eat breakfast, only started counting calories 2 months ago and lost 16/lbs. Sure I dropped quickly at first, but am losing around 1-2/lbs a week now. I do though think people that have muscle already are at an advantage since the diet and working out(the muscle burn), helps. Sticking to the not losing muscle comment, I use Prolean which is lower in calories to get some protein in my system, not everyday though, just every other day. I did the same thing as a previous blogger, started at 2300 to maintain, but took off 15%, dropped to 1955. It's worked since I've been slightly lower most of the time and once or twice a week do 1200 which is the lowest a man should go according to the app. Yes sometimes I am grouchy and starved, but my punishment for letting myself get 50/lbs overweight. All these British chips since I moved over here :) .