Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    MityMax96 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    pjcfrancis wrote: »
    "Starvation mode" is when your body is down to just a few percent body fat and you have long term calorie deficit and your body is shifting to just trying to survive. It ain't gonna happen from skipping breakfast or even fasting for a day or two. I don't skip breakfast because I get too hungry and then have trouble sticking to my goals for the rest of the day and I end up eating something that I didn't plan to eat. Other people skip breakfast without problem. Over 3 months I've lost about 15 pounds of fat without losing lean (according to my Fitbit scale). I do lots of walking and some cycling and cardio. My understanding is that you will also gain muscle with weight training provided you have adequate protein.

    Dependent upon the size of deficit you're running.

    If you have a lot of excess body fat and eating at is still possible to build muscle....
    Reason being is that even though you are at a calorie deficit.
    You are never at an energy deficit....since you have a lot of body fat to pull needed energy from.

    Yes, of course there's the outlying crowd.

    Obese, Severely Undertrained, Returning Athlete, etc who can see early gains.

  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Anecdote: I have lost about 5 kg since Jan 1 due to kcal deficit. I have been strength training and my muscles feel bigger and more defined and I am using heavier weights. Admittedly I was not strong to start off with so of course I would notice but it certainly feels possible to lose fat and gain muscle in my case. I am female so not paryicularly looking to bulk, just tone and create a more athletic look.
  • neverquit33
    neverquit33 Posts: 52 Member
    Lgabrjolek wrote: »
    "Lean muscle is gained with higher protein intake" So you're telling me that eating less protein than your daily needs are better for gaining LEAN muscle? You want to gain lean muscle weight, so stay away from bad fatty foods and limit your sugar intake. So JUNK FOOD (food full of sugar and unhealthy fats) is good for your diet regime ? If you do a lot of cardio, you will lose weight more rapidly - (this is false too?) . Lift full slow reps and sets. -must be false! Lift as fast as you can to gain, do half reps! Push yourself hard and rejuvenate your muscles with proteins (baked fish, chicken breast baked) after your workout. - SO a post workout meal isn't good for you? especially something protein rich and healthy? If you stay away from sweets and junk food, you can guarantee yourself results. - I have yet to see or meet someone who has a healthy sculpted body while eating garbage food daily... please inform me. You will even gain more energy to perform your workouts. - when I stopped eating processed and junk, it has boosted my energy levels. MY BEST ADVICE: NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST! SKIPPING CAN ACTUALLY MAKE YOU GAIN UNWANTED FAT! - The reason I say don't skip breakfast? I believe that it is important to eat it because morning workouts are no good on an empty stomach in fact no workout is healthy on an empty stomach.
    I suppose you guys are right though, I am completely wrong.

    I 100% agree with you. Only from my own experience. After my first pregnancy I gained 250lbs. The first week I would do cardio and not lose a thing until I started eating breakfast. When I skipped breakfast on top of burning over 500 cals a day, my body hit a plateau. Starvation mode is real. Eventually I got down to my pre pregnancy weight.

    Now, after having my 2nd child I've hit a another plateau but this time from not eating enough calories. My goal is gaining lean muscle, and not bulking up which I am doing now. Anytime I visited the Wellness Center on the Army installation, my readings from my metabolic testing and body fat testing would tell me how much LEAN MUSCLE I have and body fat. The way they described it lean muscle is different from bulky muscle so where is the confusion?

    I'm sure when you were talking about carbs you meant whole wheat, brown rice, etc. Of course that is the sugar you don't want to stay away from. Just the processed stuff. I understood that the on your first post. I started riding my bike for endurance, 15 - 20 miles but the last D.A.S.H diet book did not support that type of training. I needed more carbs. The author advised me to instead refer to her first book which has meal plans for 1200 cal 1600 cal and 2000 cals. She also said if I'm training for endurance like that, you will need protein, veggies but most of all good carbs. My doctor put me on the D.A.S.H diet because i have hypertension. And exactly what you said, this book is based on high lean protein, veggies, low fat dairy, and healthy fats.

    Everything you said I did and received great results after my first pregnancy. Now I'm trying to gain the same results all over again. Just recently I noticed i have been at the same weight for 3 weeks. My eating was not consistently great but on top of that I was eating less. My TDEE is 2444 so with a 500 cal decrease I should be eating 1944 calories. I knew this since last year but still tried to eat at 1400. I''m stubborn. lol My body went into a deep starvation mode or I would binge after 2 weeks of eating only at 1400 calories. As of yesterday I started to up my calories to 1900 calories and increasing my cardio to 5x a week along with bodyweight workouts. I hope this works. I build bulky muscle already and now looking to lean out.

    Thank you for your post and advice. I thought this was common knowledge and I was late to the party. But i see everyone has their own opinion. idk
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    MityMax96 wrote: »
    Damirov wrote: »
    I am thinking if its possible by cutting some kcal intake and carbs? Can achieve that? How has an expetience on that?
    If you have been lifting for a while, and have very little BF....then the process is not as easy....very long and slow process
    I will attest to this. Very skinny at 18, started lifting at 19 and did my first competition at 23. I went onto add another 30lbs, but my last time competing I came in at 165lbs pretty ripped. Now I'm just bulky. :#

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • neverquit33
    neverquit33 Posts: 52 Member
    Yeah you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time, if you lift hard. Muscles and bones dont grow very fast once your an adult. Force feeding them doesnt make them grow any faster. Its going to be slow no matter what you do, but this should be a lifestyle change so it shouldn't matter if it takes you 3 years or 5 just do what makes you happy.

    I cut for a year and recomped for a year, so top and bottom are about 2 years apart. The bottom pic is a year old and I have about 2-4 pounds more muscle now. I never bulked.


    To be honest I think most of the guys here have an unhealthy obsession with just how much muscle they can build. In life people just dont care how big your pecs are or what you can deadlift. This is something you should be doing because you enjoy it, having big biceps wont make you happy.

    Whoa!! you look amazing! Congrats on your progress. :) I love lifting weights but for a women, i hate when I look so bulky. I mean it is better than being fat but ugh, I just don't like it. My body naturally bulks up, and quick too so now I'm focusing on cardio 5x a week and do some body weight workouts. I hope that works.
  • neverquit33
    neverquit33 Posts: 52 Member
    HITT is a good to do on a empty stomach?! I do recall the last time I tried that, I almost passed the hell out. Never again. haha!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Lgabrjolek wrote: »
    pjcfrancis wrote: »
    "Starvation mode" is when your body is down to just a few percent body fat and you have long term calorie deficit and your body is shifting to just trying to survive. It ain't gonna happen from skipping breakfast or even fasting for a day or two. I don't skip breakfast because I get too hungry and then have trouble sticking to my goals for the rest of the day and I end up eating something that I didn't plan to eat. Other people skip breakfast without problem. Over 3 months I've lost about 15 pounds of fat without losing lean (according to my Fitbit scale). I do lots of walking and some cycling and cardio. My understanding is that you will also gain muscle with weight training provided you have adequate protein.


    It's cute how you agree with posts that say something that goes against what you said. Lol.

    I was gonna say the same Seriously, that post says damn near the exact opposite of what she started with.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Anecdote: I have lost about 5 kg since Jan 1 due to kcal deficit. I have been strength training and my muscles feel bigger and more defined and I am using heavier weights. Admittedly I was not strong to start off with so of course I would notice but it certainly feels possible to lose fat and gain muscle in my case. I am female so not paryicularly looking to bulk, just tone and create a more athletic look.

    By lifting in a deficit you maintain muscle mass and gain strength while losing mostly fat and water. This can give the illusion of added mass when really you're stripping the fat away from the muscle you're maintain.

    Don't worry about bulking. It's extremely....extremely hard to bulk....for guys. It's exponentially harder for women.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    MityMax96 wrote: »
    Lgabrjolek wrote: »
    MityMax96 I believe we have figured that out. The word "can" doesn't mean that it WILL happen.

    It won't happen at all that's the point. There is no "can" in that equation.
    It comes down to over all calories, not when you do or do not eat them.
    Agree here. Like MityMax96, I don't eat breakfast (morning meals) either or on very rare occasions. For years.
    It's important that accurate correct info does get verified because there are so many that lurk on the boards looking for answers and won't ask or question source of information.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • nakima
    nakima Posts: 37 Member
    eating in a caloric deficit while maintaining my strength along with low intensity cardio seems to be working for me :) and yes I eat breakfast!
  • neverquit33
    neverquit33 Posts: 52 Member
    would HIIT training combined with resistance be enough to lose fat and gain muscle? i have been doing this for 2 months lost some body fat and i can see muscle definition but it is certainly very slow. [/quoteto

    to answer your question, yes. My friend started doing that and got really good results but. It doesn't matter what you do it will be a long journey. All you can do is enjoy it. :) good luck!
  • MikeyM1982
    MikeyM1982 Posts: 47 Member
    This should answer your question
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I lost 10% body fat and stayed same weight in one year eating at maintenance, lifting heavy and doing Crossfit. I followed a nutritional plan called Eat to Perform. I don't sell it. I just use it. I ate starchy carbs around my workouts, tracked my macros and ate lower carb on my rest days. I found it easy and flexible. If your goal is performance, it helps a lot with that and the recomp just comes with it. If you want to change your body comp more quickly, people say (I don't know, never tried) that a bulk and cut is better. For me, ETP has fundamentally changed my relationship with food for the better and has led to a ton of PR's as well.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    @MrM27 - "correct" people if you feel you must, but the hostile sort of smugness that's all over some of your posts here is just unnecessary. People are offering what they know in good faith. No need to be rude about it that I can see.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    @MrM27 - "correct" people if you feel you must, but the hostile sort of smugness that's all over some of your posts here is just unnecessary. People are offering what they know in good faith. No need to be rude about it that I can see.

    Hostility and smugness are all subjective. You should work on how you view others.
    1) Not true. In any case, there's apparently a commonality of views on this. 2) Lol. I'm good, thanks.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I love how people will just simply believe anything a shirtless guy with muscles says in a video^^^^ Lol

    but bro he is shredded…..!!!!!

    I would totally give that guy all my money to unlock the secret of his gainz...