Why do people hide their food diaries on here?



  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Everyone can see mine!! Friend or not, It's not always under. Sometimes it's way over but I log everything any way. It keeps in check to see that and then to know that others can see it. The only time i look at other diaries is when I see a good success story and I want to know how that person ate, or I get bored with what Im eating and need new ideas.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Noticed all the pot smokers are always so skinny too... even though they eat a ton.

    If only alcohol had no calories :(
    Mine is closed because cocaine has calories.
    it does?? no *kitten*.....no wonder I am not losing...

    Puh-lease...everyone in the know has discovered that coke is the best diet ever-especially when combined with a daily pack of Marlboro menthols.

    This is so true...my cousin blazes 10 times a day..she out eats most guys I know (not even an exaggeration) and is pushing 95 pounds. It's technically impossible, but I've seen it happen in more than one person. More so the really regular users, not someone who smokes every now and then.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Not a secret.

    I'm just more honest with myself when I'm the only one who can see it.
    Some do better by knowing their MFP peeps can see what they eat. Whatever works, do it!

    My food logging and the workouts I do IS FOR ME, not for you.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    im accountable to myself, no one else...i dont feel it necessary for it to be open for people to see
  • I leave mine open for the critique - helpful or not - from people. I appreciate the conversation, ideas, and suggestions.
  • froyojr
    froyojr Posts: 60
    Where I see this theme going: myfitnesspal is bought by Facebook to be integrated with its existing social network. Private diaries are then demonized as having owners who are somehow socially deviant, by ad bot owners who cannot scrape people's every calorie to mine it for better data to sell. AMIRITE? OR, AMIRITE? :)
  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member

    *stomps off like a teenager*

    I don't usually log.
  • cosmic8o8
    cosmic8o8 Posts: 131 Member
    Cuz maybe they don't want you to steal their diet secrets! They want you to stay fat while they get thinner! Mwuahahahaha!

    I think some people prefer privacy and some people don't bother logging every day so it doesn't matter.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Mine is private to everyone - including friends because I'm not interested in sharing. If I were to ask for help regarding my food, I'd make it public, but I have a pretty good grip on what I'm doing, how I'm doing it, why I'm doing it, so i don't feel I need anyone's help with my food intake at the moment.

    Some folks are just more private than others - I happen to be one of them. I'm not an open book in any aspect of my life, I'm certainly not going to become one on something so public as the internet! I don't "friend" just anyone either. I have to know why you want to friend me - where you came across me etc. I have family who have requested to be my friend on Facebook that I've declined, LOL. I'm more here to log my food and exercise, not find support. I'm a bit of a loner, I guess. To each their own.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Because I have secrets . . . secrets so horrible that you would lie frightened on the floor of your closet at night if you were ever to learn of them. So really, I do it for your safety.

    I love you.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Noticed all the pot smokers are always so skinny too... even though they eat a ton.

    If only alcohol had no calories :(
    Mine is closed because cocaine has calories.
    it does?? no *kitten*.....no wonder I am not losing...

    Puh-lease...everyone in the know has discovered that coke is the best diet ever-especially when combined with a daily pack of Marlboro menthols.

    This is so true...my cousin blazes 10 times a day..she out eats most guys I know (not even an exaggeration) and is pushing 95 pounds. It's technically impossible, but I've seen it happen in more than one person. More so the really regular users, not someone who smokes every now and then.


    There you go.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    It cracks me up how many angry and unhappy people there are in the world. This is such a silly question to get all huffy about.

    The first time I tried MFP I kept mine hidden because I had MFP 'friends' that I knew in real life and I was embarrassed for them to see when I went over or indulged in treats. Eventually, they all gave up logging and I did too. This second time around, I deleted all my 'friends' that weren't logging and exercising consistently and now I keep it open. I still get embarrassed a little when I go over, but I feel it helps keep me in line when I make food decisions knowing I'll have to log it and others will see it.

    On the other hand though, I can see the opposite. Some people might be more likely to log honestly if they know no one can see it. I've considered lying on my log before just because I didn't want others to see my awful day (I did end up logging it though). It's interesting to see others opinions on this though.

  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    mines not hidden, its just not everyones business. its open to my friends.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Because its an option and people do what they want.
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    IMO people don't share their food diaries so they won't feel judged by others.
    I share my food diary because I am here to get healthy and having it public allows my mfp friends to help me stay accountable!
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member
    don't wanna make anyone jelly
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I was thinking about making mine private, because I really have been eating like crap.
    Its a privacy thing. Everyone is entitled to it.
    Don't judge my Dorito and Pecan Pinwheel eating azz.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have an autistic child to care for, so my time is limited...so you can quit directing the attitude at me now...Thanks.
    Agree. That was a bit of an odd reply. Bordering on non-sequitur.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    I feel its my business and nobody elses...
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    Ooh! Do share! ;-)
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    I don't let strangers into my kitchen to see what I'm cooking, so I'm not inclined to let them online to see what I'm eating. That's just information for me. Just my 2 cents.
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    wow...such animosity, I was wondering myself...
    The answer to all your questions as to "why should you care?", well for me:
    1.I would love some inspiration!, when someone is doing well, I like so see what they are doing so that I can also try to see if it'll work for me.
    2. It helps to know I'm not the only one struggling sometimes, we all do, and when my MFP friends need encouragement, I'm there!, I have many recipes, and love to share my food discoveries, and I feel more motivated and accountable. I have come to understand MUCH more from looking at people's diaries!, I have made many changes due to this!.


    To those talking about strangers, crazed diet junkies or peeps with eating disorders commenting and making you fell bad etc:
    I have my food diary set for friends only, that's an option!, and you CAN CHOSE your friends!, and DELETE them if they are jerks...I don't understand those arguments.
    To those that are self conscious: I keep it real, I have never been ashamed to log ANYTHING I eat or drink...alcohol, eating like a pig at my Italian aunts house..ugh such good food!!!! lol!, we are not unique, we are all here because in one way or another we all had some bad food choices that got us to where we are, and we all will slip up from time to time, and if an MFP friend doesn't get what I'm about etc., then I will explain it!!. and if I have to, I'll just delete them!, easy.
    I must be lucky as I have AWESOME friends!, I have NEVER had anyone comment negatively on anything I've logged, I've always had great support!.
    I'll state something my husband told me a while ago that made me realize how ridiculous I am sometimes about my weight.
    I have always tried extremely hard to hide my weight, suck in belly, hide bingo arms with little over-sweater things with long sleeve or 3/4 length sleeves, wear only pants to hide legs, even in summer ugh!, anyway, I was in my room looking in my full length mirror after trying on a very short sleeved shirt that looked great everywhere else but revealed my arms, and none of my over sweaters/shirts looked good with it, they in fact hid the slimness of my waist and made me look bigger!.
    I must have been grumbling my indecision to wear the top out loud, as just then, my husband gently said: "Either with the sweater or without the sweater, you are still the same size, and nothing can disguise that, so be free!, who cares what people think!, do you think people will be shocked to see that your arms are also overweight?", lol!, yep!, he's an honest guy, sometimes to a fault lol!. but I realized that he was right!. These sweaters weren't like magic cloaks lol!, I'm fat regardless, I'm not fooling anybody but myself, and suffering for it!, especially during summer!!, so in conclusion: knee length skirts and dresses and t-shirts here I come summer 2013!!! LOL!, and I'm sure I'll look a hell of a lot more comfortable and relaxed in those clothes!.

    I have taken that approach to my journey with MFP, I'm honest about everything I log, as doing otherwise would only be fooling myself :),so I'm gonna take all the advice and encouragement I can get off of here while I'm at it!, no sense in worrying about being self conscious!, I am serious about this weight loss and I'm going for it all the way!.

    NOTE!!!: I am not saying anything against people with private diary settings-to each his/her own, simply giving you my reasons "why I would care" to see the food diaries of my friends, and why I decided to share MY diary,

    BEST RESPONSE THUS FAR!! Mine is open to my friends (accountability for logging) and I also view their diaries to get ideas for different meals - no other reason. I've never had anyone give unsolicited advice on what I'm eating and thats a good thing because unless I ask for your advice, you probably wont like the response.
  • Rhonda21km
    Rhonda21km Posts: 90 Member
    Keeping it private doesn't mean you are cheating or hiding anything. I had it open for a while, and decided I was tired of the lame and very generic "way to go!" comments every time I posted. So, I have completely eliminated it and now it doesn't even show up in my feed when I complete it.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I love reading people's diaries to get meal ideas, not to judge anyone. I don't lock mine just because I don't care if anyone sees it and it keeps me honest and on track. I think hiding what you eat is kind of unhealthy, though, but that's just my opinion. I know when I'm overeating I will sneak snacks out of view of the boyfriend and lie when talking about what I had, but that's pretty ED and maybe most people don't have that problem.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    IMO people don't share their food diaries so they won't feel judged by others.
    I share my food diary because I am here to get healthy and having it public allows my mfp friends to help me stay accountable!
    I suppose that may be the case for some... not for me. Not in the slightest. I also don't have my photo here. I think some of US choose to have a smaller internet footprint. Or at least choose not to add MFP to their internet footprint.
  • teehee1211
    teehee1211 Posts: 39
    I have an autistic child to care for, so my time is limited...so you can quit directing the attitude at me now...Thanks.
    Agree. That was a bit of an odd reply. Bordering on non-sequitur.

    Lol agreed...kind've like a pity play if you ask me...

    I have not one but two autistic siblings. My single mother took care of both of them (twins) with two jobs and managed to have time to lavish love on us all and be kind to others. Take note.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I've only just closed my diary after having it open for over a year. I guess that it's due to a few factors:

    Embarrassment as I wasn't doing great and, whilst I might still be in my calorie allowance, my food choices went out of the window and I felt embarrassed at some of the crap that I was eating.

    Additionally I was receiving a lot of helpful advice on my food choices with differing opinions on the foods that I might benefit from eating to help me lose weight but, after taking some of this advice, I realised that some of those healthy food choices actually stopped my thyroxine from working (I have an underactive thyroid) so I shouldn't have been eating them!

    I just felt overall that it was time to stop whirling around taking everyone else's advice and to just focus myself for a while. I still value all my friendships and support on here though.

    Paradoxically, I do like looking at other people's diaries- not to criticise or to give advice, but to get meal/snack ideas.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Mine is closed because I like to keep private notes and I don't get any benefit from having it open (I had it open briefly the first time I was on MFP and it did nothing for me, I didn't enjoy it).
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Why do you care?

    What is the frickin animosity about? This is a forum, I posted a question, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I ASKED DO NOT RESPOND...Furthermore, Why do you care? is not an answer. Please start your own forum and ask that question...

    So you're questioning others motives, but can't deal with your's being questioned?

    It's a legit question - I've noticed that it tends to be the norm here to make diaries private, and the OP is wondering why that is the case. There's no need for anyone to get upset over a simple inquiry. So yes, "Why do you care?" isn't a helpful or appropriate response to the original OP.
    Actually "why do you care?" is also a legit question and the fact that she refused to answer it says it wasn't just innocent curiousity. Not to mention that plenty of people DID answer the question despite the fact that this is the umpteenth thread about the exact same topic.

    Asking a question in response to a question is stupid. There are over 200 responses to this question so it stands to reason that the OP might not see or have the time to answer it. But whatever. Additionally, this is the first time I've seen anyone ask about open diaries.

    Could you expand upon and support your thesis that answering a question with a question is stupid?

    The reason I ask is that you're using an insulting label in respect to the Socratic method. The question was asked to stimulate critical thinking, not to obfuscate (as a politician might do) or be confrontational.
  • Kitteeee
    Kitteeee Posts: 66 Member
    Mine is closed because cocaine has calories.

    Bahaha! love it, also love your pic :D

    If you haven't seen this, you'll love it LOL!

    'Dah-bibi-da-bibi-dumm :D'
