Why do people hide their food diaries on here?



  • Kellyerin1217
    I keep my food diary private for several reasons. I am not eating unhealthy, nor hiding any type of overeating/under-eating patterns. I prefer the privacy. I am aware of what I put into my mouth, I do weigh my food, and I choose healthy food options. I would rather avoid someone looking at my diary and providing me with unwanted solicited advice, which can be rather subjective. I see my physician on a regular basis and if I have a concern, I am not hesitant to ask her for her professional advice.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I'm shocked this thread has gotten so vicious, I mean really guys... something as benign as what OTHER PEOPLE eat? There must be better things to get upset about, seriously. It turns out people judge you whether or not your diary is public so do what you want :)
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Why do you care?

    What is the frickin animosity about? This is a forum, I posted a question, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I ASKED DO NOT RESPOND...Furthermore, Why do you care? is not an answer. Please start your own forum and ask that question...

    So you're questioning others motives, but can't deal with your's being questioned?

    It's a legit question - I've noticed that it tends to be the norm here to make diaries private, and the OP is wondering why that is the case. There's no need for anyone to get upset over a simple inquiry. So yes, "Why do you care?" isn't a helpful or appropriate response to the original OP.
    Actually "why do you care?" is also a legit question and the fact that she refused to answer it says it wasn't just innocent curiousity. Not to mention that plenty of people DID answer the question despite the fact that this is the umpteenth thread about the exact same topic.

    Asking a question in response to a question is stupid. There are over 200 responses to this question so it stands to reason that the OP might not see or have the time to answer it. But whatever. Additionally, this is the first time I've seen anyone ask about open diaries.

    The OP might have asked the question "innocently" but when this response came up:
    1. They're a pig and don't want people to see how much they're eating

    2. They do something out of the norm such as eat 800 calories a day, or fast sometimes, low carb, or just something that most people don't usually do. They are concerned people will criticize them.

    3. It keeps the more accountable. If I eat a large cake, I can log it and know i ate, but no one else would see it, so I don't have to feel self conscious about it. Easier people to log under this condition.

    I think people jumped on the defense. That comment was just completely rude. I don't care if you've lost 193lbs... it doesn't give you the right to call everyone pigs. To that man, I say... why do you care?

    I joined MFP long before I had an actual friend on here or even realized that there were message boards. My purpose for joining had nothing to do with having friends tell me what I'm eating. I joined to track calories.

    You have to consider the source for the 1-3 reasons and calling people pigs. (Hint: he thinks he knows it all)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Eating is a personal and private matter. Some people choose to make their diaries public. I would not have made mine public when I was younger, because I would have been too self-conscious, but now I'm not ashamed to be imperfect.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    For me, its just incosistent logging...I start out good in the morning, but rarely log it all by the end of the day, so it often looks like I'm not eating enough...so I closed it.
  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    You don't need to know what I eat on a daily basis.

    If you want to know the types of foods that I eat or some recipes that I use, I will gladly share them with you.

    My food diary will not affect your weight loss. Only mine.
    I am honest with myself about what I eat. I think my progress pics and ticker show that what I have been doing has worked thus far.
    I don't feel the need to put everything out there.

    This is not aimed directly at OP. This is for anyone curious as to why someone would keep their food diaries private.

    ^ this...
  • DarthKity
    DarthKity Posts: 16
    had a different account on here once where I left mine open... at one point someone came out calling me a fat b!tch who was lying about what i was eating....completly untrue and totally demoralising...now i kinda stay out of it and keep all my info to myself on the food front
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member
    Well, in my case I think the people who charge that I'm self-conscious and don't want people to know what I'm putting in my mouth are probably at least partially correct.

    I do have food issues. It's a good contributor to how I got into this condition to begin with. I'm working on them and if and when I'm ready to share with the internet at large I will. I'm just not at that place right now. I'm already dealing with wondering what the entire neighborhood thinks whenever they see me go out for a walk/run (Well it's about time she got off her butt!!!!), whether my husband really thinks I can lose and maintain this time, and whether or not everybody at the gym is laughing at me in my workout clothes.

    I have limits and my self-confidence could use some work along with my body. I admit that.

    So there you go.
  • february92
    february92 Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe because it's nobody's business what i eat? Woud you like to know what colour underwear i wear on a daily basis? Or how many times someone uses the toilet? Stop being nosy. What a stupid question.
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    1. Because I want to.
    2. Accountability - I am accountable to no one else in this world but me. I am here for me, not anyone else. This is for me, and me only.
    3. I don't know you (collective "you"). I enjoy the forums a bit and have a few friends on my list, but honestly I will probably never meet any of you in my real life and even if I did there would be a very small chance of someone having a huge impact on my daily life. If that did happen, well then it would be a different story and one that only that person would need to know about.
    4. I have to do what works for me and what will keep me healthy the rest of my life. With that, I don't feel the need to justify my decisions to anyone other than myself.

    I've seen (and responded) to this question many times over the past year. I think by asking and thinking they should all be open, that I'm supposed to feel guilty for not "participating". We all need to do what will work best for us. For some, thats keeping their diary open for all to see and if that is what helps them succeed, great! For those of us that don't, its what works for us and should be just as great.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Only my friends are allowed to see how big of a drunk I am. :drinker:
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Mine used to be wide open. I found that a few people, even on my friends list, would comment about EVERY SINGLE MEAL. I started finding myself not logging something because I didn't want to hear about it. It was defeating the purpose of me logging. Just SO many comments that I started thinking before I logged what "judgy" comment would be made and I started not putting things in there. THAT was defeating the purpose of keeping track and instead of keeping me honest it was starting to do the exact opposite. I closed it and now it's just for me and my eyes only. I'm TOTALLY honest now that I know I'm not going to get a snarky comment. It's much more beneficial to me this way.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Was wondering that, too. I don't look in anyone else's diary - I just assume no one would want to see mine unless I asked for advice and they needed to review it to help me. Either way, I don't care if anyone else did want to see my food diary. Not very exciting, that's for sure!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    highervibes wrote:
    I'm shocked this thread has gotten so vicious...
    Not me. It's the norm for the message boards. When I want civilized conversation, I post on my blog.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Because I don't know you and it's none of any other stranger on internet's business to know what I eat.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    I was just wondering why is it such a big secret what someone is eating...Why do people hide their food diaries on here? Any answers?

    Why do you care if I or others keep our diaries such a 'big secret'?
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    because they are keeping valuable Secrets...;)
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Because I don't want to expose my family's secret recipes!
  • faely
    faely Posts: 144 Member
    Why do you care?

    What is the frickin animosity about? This is a forum, I posted a question, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I ASKED DO NOT RESPOND...Furthermore, Why do you care? is not an answer. Please start your own forum and ask that question...

    You really should expect such answers when you ask a personal question in a public forum, particularly one where people are already sharing things when it's difficult to open up. Your question is invasive to people who like their privacy which creates hostility. That much should be obvious. Not everyone is ok with displaying their life and habits to anyone and everyone. Others might not be able to understand that way of living but they should at least be able to accept it and move on.

    "Why do you care what I'm doing" is a very natural and valid response. Getting offended by responses from people you have offended with your question is kinda silly. A little forethought might have told you that you'd get responses like that.

    Also, a little more openness on your part may have curbed the animosity. How many of the "why do you care" responses are actually asking WHY do you want to know this? Probably a few.

    Simple answers to your question are
    1. it isn't any of your (or anyone else's) business what other people are eating if they don't want it to be, why else would there be a privacy setting in the first place?
    2. people feel self-conscious about their entries
    3. people are private and like their privacy and that includes on the internet.
    4. they are tired of being judged for their food entries and receiving unsolicited advice from judgemental people
    5. people DO snoop and stalk 'random' food diaries from people they aren't even friends with. Privacy settings stop that.
    6. Because they don't care to change the auto-settings
    7. personal accountability - however people define that for themselves
  • fitbum19
    fitbum19 Posts: 198 Member
    I used to. I didnt want to be critcized. I wasn't here to make friends before. When i first started, i was only here for the food log.