Why do people hide their food diaries on here?



  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    Mine is set to private because I don't log anything or count calories.

    Then why are you on this site if you aren't here to log anything or count calories?

    I joined mfp after I lost my weight and was in maintenance. I joined because I've gotten a lot of good info on the forums and it's helped me with maintenance and fitness. The food tracking option is just one part of this site and many people chose to get away from it once their maintaining their goal weight range.
  • maryv83
    maryv83 Posts: 73 Member
    1. Because I do a fine job of beating myself up for my bad choices. I don't need anyone to remind me that those 4 double-stuffed Oreos and giant bowl of ice cream weren't the best choice. I'm well aware already.

    2. It creeps me out to think people are in scouring what I've eaten (or not).

    3. Everyone has different plans/goals. I don't look at my friends' diaries because how TF do I know what consitutes a "good" day for them? Are they anal about meeting macros? Are they trying for low his/high that? Idk, and I don't care. We are all big boys and girls here and can decide what to shove down our own throats.

    4. If anyone is really that curious what I eat, I'll tell you.

    5. I NET 1200. Although I eat much more than that, the mere sight of 1200 can send people into a tizzy.

    6. I lost the first 65 lbs with no "friends" and nary a post on the forums. I'm accountable to me, and me alone. Making my food intake public or available to friends is not a critical piece of my success. An open diary will make me less likely to log "naughty" things. I will still eat them, just not log them. My diary then becomes useless.

    7. Different strokes for different folks. Mine is closed because that works for me. Others have theirs open because it works for them. Whatever works for them is what people should be doing.

    This is it. Enough said.
  • charlisianecole
    charlisianecole Posts: 1 Member
    So that if you have a cheat day or eat something less than perfect .. people arent commenting on it. I dont need anyone to start yapping about the sugar cookie I just had to have!
  • natsthename
    natsthename Posts: 12 Member
    Mine's open to friends, but it's nobody else's business.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Everyone who I know with a closed diary says it because they are afraid of being criticized (or have been criticized in the past). I wish everyone would open them. I love to get food ideas from other's diaries.
  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    I didn't even know that I could just open it up to my friends... its open to them now. Like hiding it from them would benefit me somehow... it has the same benefit as not logging it at all. :bigsmile:
  • FussyFruitbat
    FussyFruitbat Posts: 110 Member
    No one is entitled to seeing my personal business and I'm not obligated to share it if I don't want to- that definitely doesn't mean I'm cheating or have an eating disorder. Just reading some of the responses about how judgmental folks are makes me want to keep it entirely private. (It's set for friends only right now.)
  • nnm1976
    nnm1976 Posts: 19 Member
    Hide food diaries?? LOL I didn't even know that was a option! LOL Probably because they don't want to bore people with what they ate all day...if I knew how I totally would hide mine...LOL!! Have to look into that! =) Happy Thursday!!
  • primpixie
    primpixie Posts: 39
    1. They're a pig and don't want people to see how much they're eating

    2. They do something out of the norm such as eat 800 calories a day, or fast sometimes, low carb, or just something that most people don't usually do. They are concerned people will criticize them.

    3. It keeps the more accountable. If I eat a large cake, I can log it and know i ate, but no one else would see it, so I don't have to feel self conscious about it. Easier people to log under this condition.

    Point 3: I would of thought if the diary was open then that would make you more guilty/accountable for your henious crime!

    I keep my diary open so that hopefully I can inspire people with what I eat. I am not gloating, but I do have the time to make most (98%) of my meals from scratch, and if people want recipes, I am willing to share them.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Hide food diaries?? LOL I didn't even know that was a option! LOL Probably because they don't want to bore people with what they ate all day...if I knew how I totally would hide mine...LOL!! Have to look into that! =) Happy Thursday!!

    The default is hidden. Or friends only.. I am not sure.
  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    Since a person's entire persona on here, including their diary, could be a complete fabrication, it makes little sense to me to worry about whether or not someone's diary is open. It's open or it's not. Likewise, it's accurate or it's not. Who cares? Oh, and to the fellow who said they hide them so they can be pigs, not only did you break one of MFP's rules, but you insulted a HUGE population on the website in one fell swoop out of complete and total ignorance. Congratulations.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I think the better question is why do you and other people feel you are entitled to everyone's personal information? I understand just being nosy because I peek into friends journals for ideas and new meal/snack ideas or just to see what is working for others. What I don't understand is people getting upset/offended or angry about it. I'm guessing the people that are being nasty and claiming it's done so that no one sees all kinds of junk food probably "forget" to log when they make poor choices or indulge. Get over yourselves.
  • AlexThreeClaw
    AlexThreeClaw Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a delicate flower and even the mildest constructive criticism about my diary will upset me.

    I'm not even being sarcastic.
    I keep the diary so I can hold myself accountable, I log what I eat and I try not to beat myself up when I don't follow the plan. I like to think I'm doing pretty well, 13lbs in two months, but I know any unsolicited advice regarding what I eat is likely to damage my progress. So I'm not taking any chances. If I need advice, I'll unlock it and ask politely but until then I'll be keeping it hidden until I get over some of my food issues.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Because if you aren't on my friends list, why are you checking my diary? Mine is open if you are a friend, otherwise, it's closed.

  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    Why do you care?

    What is the frickin animosity about? This is a forum, I posted a question, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I ASKED DO NOT RESPOND...Furthermore, Why do you care? is not an answer. Please start your own forum and ask that question...

    So you're questioning others motives, but can't deal with your's being questioned?
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I think it's the default setting, or just friends... I have opened mine at someone's request, but if nobody had said anything, I wouldn't have even bothered to look what the setting was.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Why do you care?

    What is the frickin animosity about? This is a forum, I posted a question, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I ASKED DO NOT RESPOND...Furthermore, Why do you care? is not an answer. Please start your own forum and ask that question...

    So you're questioning others motives, but can't deal with your's being questioned?

    It's a legit question - I've noticed that it tends to be the norm here to make diaries private, and the OP is wondering why that is the case. There's no need for anyone to get upset over a simple inquiry. So yes, "Why do you care?" isn't a helpful or appropriate response to the original OP.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Why do you care?

    What is the frickin animosity about? This is a forum, I posted a question, IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT I ASKED DO NOT RESPOND...Furthermore, Why do you care? is not an answer. Please start your own forum and ask that question...

    So you're questioning others motives, but can't deal with your's being questioned?

    It's a legit question - I've noticed that it tends to be the norm here to make diaries private, and the OP is wondering why that is the case. There's no need for anyone to get upset over a simple inquiry. So yes, "Why do you care?" isn't a helpful or appropriate response to the original OP.
    It is a legitimate question. Asked in a slightly challenging way. I suspect that's part of why she got the replies she did.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I actually log everything on an iphone app. and don't really feel like logging food in twice.
    If I left it open there would be a whole lot of nothing to look at, thought I do mention this fact in my profile so people do not think I am halfassing it.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Its really stupid.

    Why are people like that on this site and accepting friends?

    Diaries are an inspiration lol

    I had a french toast slam at dennys, was around 800 calories. Are you inspired?


    It was delicious. I was like, 200 calories over my goal but it was tasty and i would do again. But then, you can see my diary and my obsession with food so you already know, i eat what i want.

    Absolutetly inspired!