But I don't have TIME to exercise!



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    No one has to do anything they dont want. Op has nt forced anyone to do anything. Stop getting knickers in a twist

    the only people I see getting all worked up are the ones flying in here to defend the OP …

    I am just making two points:

    1. exercise is not necessary for weight loss
    2. some people prefer not to exercise because they don't enjoy it. That is not an excuse that is just a fact.

    Okay... So what if the post were limited to those who want to workout but complain about excuses not being able to?

    Oh, PS: You White Knightin', or is it the girl in the white dress that's doing it? I confuse :bigsmile:

    its not my tread, maybe you should ask OP that..

    not sure how it is "white knighten" to make a general statement….

    Not sure to be honest. You use the term a lot so I figured I'd ask.

    You seem pretty passionate about rescuing these poor poor people who are being dragged kicking and screaming and forced to exercise by the OP's post

    again, I am not rescuing anyone..

    I am simply making a statement about exercise..and pointing out that is really none of OP's business what people choose to do with their time.

    go look up white knight, read about it, comprehend it, and when you have we can discuss the merits of the definition and how to apply the term.

  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I would like to make a motion that everyone who does not have an autistic child shut the hell up about how this woman is raising hers. Especially with comments that imply that she's somehow lazy or neglectful for needing one damn hour a day to herself.

    Seriously, people, come on. Armchair quarterbacking the life of someone with this many challenges is straight-up repulsive. For the five minutes it takes to type and post a critical comment, try to be a better person than that. Or do freaking jumping jacks, whatever.

    have you done your 3 jumping jacks

    Nope. I did my deadlifts, my prowler pushes, my rowing, my pull-ups, and my yoga. You know why I was able to do that? Because I don't have a special needs child who requires 24/7 care and no one to give it but me, that's why.

    Great. You did loads more than me. I only did that nerd fitness beginner body weight workout.

    That's a great workout. I did it for a while when I was first starting out. I eventually decided I liked weights better, but you can get some pretty beastly results from body weight work.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    No one has to do anything they dont want. Op has nt forced anyone to do anything. Stop getting knickers in a twist

    the only people I see getting all worked up are the ones flying in here to defend the OP …

    I am just making two points:

    1. exercise is not necessary for weight loss
    2. some people prefer not to exercise because they don't enjoy it. That is not an excuse that is just a fact.

    Okay... So what if the post were limited to those who want to workout but complain about excuses not being able to?

    Oh, PS: You White Knightin', or is it the girl in the white dress that's doing it? I confuse :bigsmile:

    its not my tread, maybe you should ask OP that..

    not sure how it is "white knighten" to make a general statement….

    Not sure to be honest. You use the term a lot so I figured I'd ask.

    You seem pretty passionate about rescuing these poor poor people who are being dragged kicking and screaming and forced to exercise by the OP's post

    again, I am not rescuing anyone..

    I am simply making a statement about exercise..and pointing out that is really none of OP's business what people choose to do with their time.

    go look up white knight, read about it, comprehend it, and when you have we can discuss the merits of the definition and how to apply the term.

    Meh. It's being used as a slang. Either explain it or don't. I'm not that curious

    It seems to me a large portion of the forum discussions is about what other users do with their time. *shrugs*
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    edited March 2015
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    No one has to do anything they dont want. Op has nt forced anyone to do anything. Stop getting knickers in a twist

    the only people I see getting all worked up are the ones flying in here to defend the OP …

    I am just making two points:

    1. exercise is not necessary for weight loss
    2. some people prefer not to exercise because they don't enjoy it. That is not an excuse that is just a fact.

    Okay... So what if the post were limited to those who want to workout but complain about excuses not being able to?

    Oh, PS: You White Knightin', or is it the girl in the white dress that's doing it? I confuse :bigsmile:

    its not my tread, maybe you should ask OP that..

    not sure how it is "white knighten" to make a general statement….

    Not sure to be honest. You use the term a lot so I figured I'd ask.

    You seem pretty passionate about rescuing these poor poor people who are being dragged kicking and screaming and forced to exercise by the OP's post

    The passion in this thread is interesting.

    I dont think the OP was trying to force anyone to exercise. Just stop saying you dont have the time because most people do have the time, they just have other priorities. So just own it and say, I dont want to exercise because after do sixteen hours of x, y, and z, all I want to is relax and watch tv/ read/sleep. Say I don't want to exercise. Because that is the truth. I certainly don't look down on people who make that choice. I just don't like the excuses. Ditto for people who claim they don't have time to log their food.

    To those people who work 2-3 jobs and/or have special needs children or whatever, I very much sympathize with this situation. I don't think anyone here is saying you should start training for a triathlon and exercise vigorously for 1-2 hours a day. However, there is a big range between doing that and doing nothing. Just a few minutes a day -- a short walk or an easy yoga routine or something like will probably help you relax and unwind after your busy and stressful day. People under this amount of stress really should make getting at least a few minutes of exercise a day a priority for mental health reasons if for no other reason.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    3 jumping jacks?! I read that like hours ago but it's stuck with me. I wouldn't even see the point of doing that? Is exercise really that additive on such a micro level?

    I think you are missing the point.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I would like to make a motion that everyone who does not have an autistic child shut the hell up about how this woman is raising hers. Especially with comments that imply that she's somehow lazy or neglectful for needing one damn hour a day to herself.

    Seriously, people, come on. Armchair quarterbacking the life of someone with this many challenges is straight-up repulsive. For the five minutes it takes to type and post a critical comment, try to be a better person than that. Or do freaking jumping jacks, whatever.

    Here here. Jesus.

    I'll tell you right now, I'd crack under that pressure. No flipping way I'd be doing jumping jacks.
  • I was one of those people who made that excuse. I work 60 hour work weeks and that doesn't include my 40-minute commute one way to work. But you are absolutely right, it wasn't a priority to me then, I'd much rather spend that time watching my hour of 'Real Housewives'. Something clicked in my head though, and I knew it was going to be hard to try to make time to exercise and go to the gym, but I did, and I still am making that time. I work my 12-hour day, pick up my pup from doggie daycare, drive my 40 minute commute home, quickly eat, then head to the gym for an hour or so. I do this almost every night, and although it is a struggle, I love it. I'm prioritizing what is more important in my life and my health is way more important than that hour of TV. Anyone can do it, it's just a matter of what you find most important.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Larissa_NY wrote: »
    I would like to make a motion that everyone who does not have an autistic child shut the hell up about how this woman is raising hers. Especially with comments that imply that she's somehow lazy or neglectful for needing one damn hour a day to herself.

    Seriously, people, come on. Armchair quarterbacking the life of someone with this many challenges is straight-up repulsive. For the five minutes it takes to type and post a critical comment, try to be a better person than that. Or do freaking jumping jacks, whatever.

    Here here. Jesus.

    I'll tell you right now, I'd crack under that pressure. No flipping way I'd be doing jumping jacks.


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I was one of those people who made that excuse. I work 60 hour work weeks and that doesn't include my 40-minute commute one way to work. But you are absolutely right, it wasn't a priority to me then, I'd much rather spend that time watching my hour of 'Real Housewives'. Something clicked in my head though, and I knew it was going to be hard to try to make time to exercise and go to the gym, but I did, and I still am making that time. I work my 12-hour day, pick up my pup from doggie daycare, drive my 40 minute commute home, quickly eat, then head to the gym for an hour or so. I do this almost every night, and although it is a struggle, I love it. I'm prioritizing what is more important in my life and my health is way more important than that hour of TV. Anyone can do it, it's just a matter of what you find most important.

    Thank you!