Lets talk about Walden Farms



  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?

    Wow, do YOU have this? I've heard of it, but never known anyone who had it. I think I'd probably waste away and die if I had it. I do know someone who lost her sense of smell after taking a medication and she has a hard time eating since she can't enjoy the aroma of food.

    I've also wondered why someone hasn't come up with something similar as a weird diet trick: take something that temporarily deadens your taste buds so that you don't eat as much. (not healthy; wouldn't encourage it; just saying it's crossed my mind when I read those "craziest diet tips?" threads)

    Oh, god no. That would be horrible, wouldn't it?! No, I wouldn't need MFP if I couldn't taste anything. I didn't think that was actually a thing and now I feel bad that people might really go through life not knowing the joy that is peanut butter!

    Had an ex who fell off a roof onto his head in his late teens and lost his sense of smell and taste. But he still ate the same things. Used to drive me nuts when he would order stuff like surf and turf (we were poor college students at the time), but in retrospect I probably shoulda given him a break. I mean, crikey, the poor guy couldn't taste or smell. I will also admit the no smelling thing did come in handy sometimes in times of gastic distress and when my deodorant was failing me.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?
    my son has a best friend who cant taste or smell, his brothers (4 of them) have limited taste abilities. which means they cant taste most things unless its really sweet or strong. they were born that way. I guess it was a genetic defect because neither parent is like that

    Dammit. Now I feel like *kitten*. Is there, like, a foundation where I can make a donation or something?

    Find a way to make a zero calorie peep and we'll call it even.
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    The label says it is zero calorie because it is thickened with vegetables. Tell me again, which vegetables are zero calorie?
  • Drewlssix
    Drewlssix Posts: 272 Member
    I want to know how they sucked all the fat and calories out of blue cheese, because I could have it on every salad I eat.

    We DO have it on every salad (nearly) and we just make it work. The good thing is it is so flavorful we don't need a ton of it. Of course the dishes never make it to the sink with any BC leftovers on them.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?

    Wow, do YOU have this? I've heard of it, but never known anyone who had it. I think I'd probably waste away and die if I had it. I do know someone who lost her sense of smell after taking a medication and she has a hard time eating since she can't enjoy the aroma of food.

    I've also wondered why someone hasn't come up with something similar as a weird diet trick: take something that temporarily deadens your taste buds so that you don't eat as much. (not healthy; wouldn't encourage it; just saying it's crossed my mind when I read those "craziest diet tips?" threads)

    Oh, god no. That would be horrible, wouldn't it?! No, I wouldn't need MFP if I couldn't taste anything. I didn't think that was actually a thing and now I feel bad that people might really go through life not knowing the joy that is peanut butter!

    Yes, it would be! Good to know you don't have it, but after reading the subsequent posts from others I feel badly for those people who DO have it.
  • Drewlssix
    Drewlssix Posts: 272 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Because they have a different palete than you, and what tastes bad to you tasted good to them. See also: people who hate dark chocolate vs people who love dark chocolate.

    No, the OP said specifically that they don't care about flavor... At all. Not that she thought the stuff tasted good. Now the question stands, why would someone chose to eat in volume something that THEY think doesn't taste good?
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    betuel75 wrote: »
    I love their products. Use the different types of salad dressing. Their peanut butter "flavored" speads, etc. Sure they dont taste that good but they serve their purpose...

    What purpose is a salad dressing serving if it doesn't taste good?
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    First of all, why is it called "pancake syrup" and not "maple syrup"?

    Probably because only maple syrup can be called maple syrup and I doubt this stuff contains any ingredient that remotely resembles real maple syrup.

    Actually, most maple-flavoured syrups call themselves "pancake" syrup or just syrup.

    (Yes, I live in the land of maple syrup, lol)

    The only syrup I will bring in my house is genuine, honest-to-goodness real maple syrup.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    The only product I've tried of theirs that was good was the syrup. However, I perfer Hungry Jack sugar free syrup.

    I've also tried the peanut spread(notice it does not say butter) is AWFUL!!!!! It went straight in the trash.
    The balsamic & ranch are just kind of ok. Pretty bad fake sugar taste to me.

    That's what I did with the marshmallow "fluff", I threw it in the trash. Real peanut butter couldn't even save it, and I haven't thrown food away since I was little kid when my mom wasn't looking.

    You still haven't thrown away "food."
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    betuel75 wrote: »
    I love their products. Use the different types of salad dressing. Their peanut butter "flavored" speads, etc. Sure they dont taste that good but they serve their purpose...

    I don't even know how to comprehend this statement.

  • laura3977
    laura3977 Posts: 191 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?
    my son has a best friend who cant taste or smell, his brothers (4 of them) have limited taste abilities. which means they cant taste most things unless its really sweet or strong. they were born that way. I guess it was a genetic defect because neither parent is like that

    Dammit. Now I feel like *kitten*. Is there, like, a foundation where I can make a donation or something?

    You are forgiven solely on the basis of your gift to humanity, the Peep Cleanse.

    100% agree ... I've never had a Peep but now that I know it's a cleanse I will be following up my Easter Sunday meal with a week-long (is that long enough?? I'm not sure I know the exact details) with all the Peeps that will be going on sale (are marked down Peeps as effective as regular priced ones?!?!)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    laura3977 wrote: »
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?
    my son has a best friend who cant taste or smell, his brothers (4 of them) have limited taste abilities. which means they cant taste most things unless its really sweet or strong. they were born that way. I guess it was a genetic defect because neither parent is like that

    Dammit. Now I feel like *kitten*. Is there, like, a foundation where I can make a donation or something?

    You are forgiven solely on the basis of your gift to humanity, the Peep Cleanse.

    100% agree ... I've never had a Peep but now that I know it's a cleanse I will be following up my Easter Sunday meal with a week-long (is that long enough?? I'm not sure I know the exact details) with all the Peeps that will be going on sale (are marked down Peeps as effective as regular priced ones?!?!)

    10 *kitten* DAY MASTER PEEP CLEANSE(tm)!!!!!11!!!eleventy!!!! Not 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 but 10! 10. MOTHERTRUCKING. DAYS. Buy my book.
  • laura3977
    laura3977 Posts: 191 Member
    laura3977 wrote: »
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?
    my son has a best friend who cant taste or smell, his brothers (4 of them) have limited taste abilities. which means they cant taste most things unless its really sweet or strong. they were born that way. I guess it was a genetic defect because neither parent is like that

    Dammit. Now I feel like *kitten*. Is there, like, a foundation where I can make a donation or something?

    You are forgiven solely on the basis of your gift to humanity, the Peep Cleanse.

    100% agree ... I've never had a Peep but now that I know it's a cleanse I will be following up my Easter Sunday meal with a week-long (is that long enough?? I'm not sure I know the exact details) with all the Peeps that will be going on sale (are marked down Peeps as effective as regular priced ones?!?!)

    10 *kitten* DAY MASTER PEEP CLEANSE(tm)!!!!!11!!!eleventy!!!! Not 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 but 10! 10. MOTHERTRUCKING. DAYS. Buy my book.

    I'm sure the answer is in the book (is there a Kindle version yet?) BUT what happens on day 11?
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    The only product I've tried of theirs that was good was the syrup. However, I perfer Hungry Jack sugar free syrup.

    I've also tried the peanut spread(notice it does not say butter) is AWFUL!!!!! It went straight in the trash.
    The balsamic & ranch are just kind of ok. Pretty bad fake sugar taste to me.

    That's what I did with the marshmallow "fluff", I threw it in the trash. Real peanut butter couldn't even save it, and I haven't thrown food away since I was little kid when my mom wasn't looking.

    You still haven't thrown away "food."

    Ya got me there.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    tchell99 wrote: »
    Had an ex who fell off a roof onto his head in his late teens and lost his sense of smell and taste. But he still ate the same things. Used to drive me nuts when he would order stuff like surf and turf (we were poor college students at the time), but in retrospect I probably shoulda given him a break. I mean, crikey, the poor guy couldn't taste or smell. I will also admit the no smelling thing did come in handy sometimes in times of gastic distress and when my deodorant was failing me.
    I worked with a guy like this. He said eating was basically like eating cotton wool and I felt really sorry for him, but was also a teeny bit jealous (but not really).

    The bolded part of your post really made me laugh.

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?
    my son has a best friend who cant taste or smell, his brothers (4 of them) have limited taste abilities. which means they cant taste most things unless its really sweet or strong. they were born that way. I guess it was a genetic defect because neither parent is like that

    Dammit. Now I feel like *kitten*. Is there, like, a foundation where I can make a donation or something?
    honestly I dont know. no worries and no need to feel bad they dont. they have made bets with people like who can eat the hottest chili pepper,things like that and of course they win because they dont feel the hotness either.like they said there are some perks to not being able to smell or taste
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    laura3977 wrote: »
    laura3977 wrote: »
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?
    my son has a best friend who cant taste or smell, his brothers (4 of them) have limited taste abilities. which means they cant taste most things unless its really sweet or strong. they were born that way. I guess it was a genetic defect because neither parent is like that

    Dammit. Now I feel like *kitten*. Is there, like, a foundation where I can make a donation or something?

    You are forgiven solely on the basis of your gift to humanity, the Peep Cleanse.

    100% agree ... I've never had a Peep but now that I know it's a cleanse I will be following up my Easter Sunday meal with a week-long (is that long enough?? I'm not sure I know the exact details) with all the Peeps that will be going on sale (are marked down Peeps as effective as regular priced ones?!?!)

    10 *kitten* DAY MASTER PEEP CLEANSE(tm)!!!!!11!!!eleventy!!!! Not 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 but 10! 10. MOTHERTRUCKING. DAYS. Buy my book.

    I'm sure the answer is in the book (is there a Kindle version yet?) BUT what happens on day 11?

    You poop rainbow.
  • stephdeeday
    stephdeeday Posts: 43 Member
    Walden Farms is funk-nasty. But so are peeps.
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?
    my son has a best friend who cant taste or smell, his brothers (4 of them) have limited taste abilities. which means they cant taste most things unless its really sweet or strong. they were born that way. I guess it was a genetic defect because neither parent is like that

    Dammit. Now I feel like *kitten*. Is there, like, a foundation where I can make a donation or something?
    honestly I dont know. no worries and no need to feel bad they dont. they have made bets with people like who can eat the hottest chili pepper,things like that and of course they win because they dont feel the hotness either.like they said there are some perks to not being able to smell or taste

    But I bet they feel the burning at the other end...

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat something that doesn't taste good. I would much rather have a little bit of the real thing that tastes good than a whole bunch of something that is "0 calories" but doesn't taste that good. Food should be enjoyed.

    Check your tastebud privilege, ma'am. Those of us unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of taste would love to get through one day without the constant reminder that the rest of you flavorcentrics are enjoying life without ever knowing the pain of tastelessness! Do you know what it's like to put something in your mouth and not know whether it's an apple or a potato? Well, do you?
    my son has a best friend who cant taste or smell, his brothers (4 of them) have limited taste abilities. which means they cant taste most things unless its really sweet or strong. they were born that way. I guess it was a genetic defect because neither parent is like that

    Dammit. Now I feel like *kitten*. Is there, like, a foundation where I can make a donation or something?
    honestly I dont know. no worries and no need to feel bad they dont. they have made bets with people like who can eat the hottest chili pepper,things like that and of course they win because they dont feel the hotness either.like they said there are some perks to not being able to smell or taste

    Plus I bet they enjoy Walden Farms products, no problem!