

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    THANK YOU BARBIE! :flowerforyou:

    This morning I have taken some more baby steps towards my book. I registered my name and title and looked at some videos on how to do covers. Also read some blogs on blurbs and author bios. Now got to do those! ! ! ! I realise I am being a wimp in going so slowly, but it is a VERY steep learning curve. Haven't read my 64 pages instructions yet.
    I hate doing blurbs etc. But I will settle down to it. :cry:

    Yannie jannie - sending you lots of hugs and will be thinking of you on Friday. <3

    Cynthia - excellent trick! Great pics.

    Sylvia - may all your goals be fulfilled. B)

    Going to look up my March goals in a minute. I'll be back with April ones later.
    This pm I'm going to make a new cake I got from the newspaper. Made with buckwheat flour. Not used that before. I bought the flour from Amazon and it was much chesper to buy 5 bags ! ! ! ! ! Whoops! That's a lot of cakes! ! ! ! ! The cake has kumquats and syrup on top, but I will be using small oranges as we couldn't find kumquats. Not slimming so it will be going straight in the freezer, probably divided up a bit.

    I'll be back!

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    roserex wrote: »
    this is Ethel in Quad Cities, Iowa.

    Hi Ethel! I've got lots of family in the Quad Cities. Cousin in Davenport and Aunties in Moline. My husband's family is all from there. We now live in Indiana. Welcome!

    Diana in NE Indiana
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    A quick good morning! I am sick yet again. I'm so tired of it! I have either a really bad cold or a sinus infection. With the total symptoms put together, I'm betting sinus infection. I have an appointment with my doctor at 9 a.m. I also am going to talk to him about my shoulder. I absolutely have to see an orthopedist and get something done about it. Not only is it messing with my life in general, I can not sleep because of the pain. If it takes surgery to fix it, then so be it. I'm also thinking I need to have an orthopedist check out all of my joints. Arrrgh! Sorry for whining!

    Thanks for all of the congrats on the three pounds. I'm another pound down this morning. I'd like to keep up the faster loss until the end of April and then back off to one pound per week in a weak attempt to keep some of the saggies at bay. Right now, I really need the validation of the scale moving in the right direction. I also need to fit into my summer clothes...

    Off to the doctor. Have a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Good morning, all!

    The Biz bucket got the yellow out of the doilies. One still has a few brown spots, but for some reason they don't really show when I put the doily on the cherry nightstand. They just kind of blend in! I threw the kitchen towels in the bucket, too. The difference was amazing. They were not as good as new, but compared to the one we were using there was a huge improvement. DH, bless his heart, has taken over the laundry, and he is bad about throwing all the clothes in one load together. He will not change. If I complain, he says all I have to do to fix it is do the laundry myself, but then he won't let it stay long enough to build up a load of whites. If I have things I don't want him to ruin, I have to hide them. They can't go in the hamper. There could be worse habits for a man to have, I suppose!

    I have some reports that must be done today. I have procrastinated for over a month. Somebody please kick me into action!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, can't find my old posts (can anyone help?) but I remember them as being something like

    Keep off the pound I lost on holiday (done)
    Go for a walk with DH (done)
    Go for a dateday with DH (done)
    Go for a day out with a friend (done)
    HOORAY o:)
    Hmmmmmmm.............. :|

    This month:

    Get my book published. (Oooooerrrrrr)
    Keep that pound off :)
    Stick to my alcohol limits.

    For those who are new the last resolution is a constant challenge for me and has held me back in many areas of life.

    Bye bye again!
    Heather UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    I meant to comment on Joyce's printer issue. I don't know if it's my printer or my internet provider, but my printer quits working when the IEP address changes. I click on the settings on the printer to see the IEP address. It will be the same except for one digit after the decimal point. Then I'll have to go on the computer to the control panel and manually change the number. Then if will work again. Sometimes it changes itself back on its own, but most of the time I have to do it. Royal PIA!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    I have a silly question: Does anyone know why this thread is spread over 3x longer that it should be? I have to move the bottom bar twice to read the entire post. Is it maybe just my computer at work, or an April Fools prank, or something I should be able to fix? I tried the "full screen" arrows at the bottom right, and that just makes it worse. Well, I've spent too much time on it for now, I need to get some work done, then I will return to read and respond.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited April 2015
    Happy April Everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Mother Nature is playing a wee practical joke on us over here in Austria, it's snowing and hailing. :s She's sassier then I am! >:) lol Well the one thing she cant do is rain on my parade ( did I just say that??!!?? )

    I am thrilled that I am beginning April 8 pounds lighter then when I started in March! :)

    My March Goals were:
    1) Maintain Water Level.... Maintained it!
    2) Get up to an hour on the stationary bike.... Achieved it!
    3) Start body weight exercises. Using my No excuse Lazy Girls ... Began it!
    4) Use a 5 lb weight for triceps exercises while on the bike. 3 sets... Attempted it quite a few times. Am not coordinated enough.
    5) Continue walking 3 miles (5k its where I am at!! ) in the mornings. ... Doing it!!
    6) Get to between 6-8,000 steps daily/comfortably. ( I pay dearly for anything over 8,000 )... Done paying/Comfortably doing!!

    Giving myself 5.5 out of 6. Because I really did try. I just can't pedal and lift, I mean I can but neither action is getting the attention they deserve. You never know unless you try. ;)

    April Goals are:

    April Goals
    1) Maintain water level. (water really is my "magic" pill to weight loss)
    2) Lift M-W-F
    3) Ride Stationary Bike T-TH-S-Sun
    4) Classic Stretches: Morning Wake-up, Evening Unwind
    5) Continue 5k morning walks
    6) Get between 9,000-10,000 steps in daily/Comfortably.

    "If you do not consciously form good habits, you will unconsciously form bad ones."

    If I can make those April Goals habits I've got my life back!! :)

    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Heather: buckwheat flour makes delicious pancakes. :p
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Yanniejannie - if it is okay with you my DH & I will be praying for you. You have a lot of people on this site that will be here for you.(((hugs)))

    Cynthia - thanks for sharing the pictures of the new colt! I loved the April fools joke you played on your hubby!

    Lesley - I am so glad that you have chose to it's a new dog. The companionship is unbelievable, I found that out by taking care of my DD's dog this last week.

    K in Nega - I don't know what Biz is? Could you please tell me. I could use it on my kitchen wash clothes. KICK!

    Carol - I hope you feel better and find out what is going on with your shoulder. Congratulations on keeping that scale moving downward.

    Joyce - if I get lonely for the Minnesota winters I will ask my kids to send me a picture! Glad to hear that you got your taxes done! That is a nice feeling isn't it.

    Heather - you are amazing! I can hardly wait to read your book.

    Sassy - congratulations on the eight pounds lighter! Happy to see that we will be lifting together! Mother nature can be very funny sometimes at least you know it won't stay around long!

    I really enjoy looking at everybody's goals for the upcoming month! We can do this!
    It is such a pleasure doing this with you ladies! Thank you for all of the encouragement and support that everyone here has given me as well as to everybody else.

    Have a great day everyone! I am going to go and enjoy, savor, every bite, as Janet helped me to do this, thanks Janet!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    holy crap-o-la's a lot of posts already!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    So during this month made positive progress and crossed into Onederful land. The last couple days, my weight is trying to bump back up. Today was 2 lbs more than yesterday, same old everything. This morning I had 1000 calories and have held off the rest of the day, so with bike riding, hopefully it will balance out. However, this mindless response is what I am working on changing.

    Emptied 6 crates of stuff in the garage.

    w/1000 calories you might be putting your body into starvation mode and will defeat your purpose of what you want to do. may wanna bump it up a couple of hundred... just sayin
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    I caught up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah…. So posting this and off to bed.. no really good reason, just exhausted.

    Pip – Are you flying to CA on May 14th? SF? If so I am just around the corner if you need anything.

    March goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California

    MomKim I fly into Fresno. family is there, going to the armpit of Firebaugh Mendota area 35 miles east of Fresno.. I was born in Mendota :0(
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Happy April 1st everyone.

    I'm counting my blessings today that there wasn't any pancake syrup on the toilet seat this morning. My youngest son was 5 when he played that April fools joke on me. :laugh:

    April Goals

    1. Do menu planning and cooking for April. - Celebrate with a massage when the planning is complete.

    2. Eat 3 meals a day - Blue Star!

    3. Log all meals - Purple Star!

    4. Review next day's menu when making supper and take out appropriate meat from freezer. - Red Star!

    5. Do 10 reps of the clam exercise before getting out of bed each morning. Give yourself a Gold star!

    Thought for the day: “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn

    Wishing everyone a successful month and a wonderful day,
    Carey - Edmonton
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Carol, I know you are sick of being sick and you can whine all you want. I know I would. Sending very strong healing wishes your way. My doctor said this is a very severe allergy season and will last another 6 weeks. Yikes. Mine are driving me nuts. (yes, it was a short drive)

    , it sounds like you are definitely making progress. Keep up the good work.

    Sylvia, I love your first goal. I know the hospitals will miss you but I’m with you on that one. Just so glad you are well enough to make the other goals.

    , you know we are with you 110% on publishing the book. I’m so very proud of you for getting to this point. I hope it’s a labor of love and joy, so don’t let it get to you. (((hugs)))

    , I don’t’ know why this thread is so bloomin’ wide, but I’m having the same problem. I tried refreshing to see if that helped, but of course it didn’t.

    Sassy, 8 pounds! Woo hoo. Keep up the good work and enjoy the parade.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’m having lunch with a good friend today. Then a little more shopping. (Yikes to the bank account!) I really hate buying too many clothes that I will hopefully undergrow in the next few months. Last night I gave DH a fashion show of the new things I’ve bought. When I showed him my new skinny jeans, he said he didn’t think my thighs had been this small in 30 years. Oh yes, that did make me feel good. :# He has been so supportive of my journey and lets me know how proud he is. That certainly helps. I only lost 4 ½ pounds the whole month of March, but I know I lost more inches. To any of you just beginning, I recommend taking lots of measurements so you can really see your progress. I didn’t do that and sorry I didn’t. (I only did neck, waist and hips.) I’m giving serious thought to my April goals so will post them sometime before the month is over. LOL I totally support and encourage all of you on your goals. April is my birthday and that of my daughter, so it’s always been a fun month of celebrating around our house. I can celebrate without calories so that’s not a problem.

    Have a wonderful month, ladies. <3
    My quote for the day:

    Life is like a
    You focus on what's
    Capture the
    from the negative
    And If Things
    don't work out

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    well. read all the stuff (kinda sorta, more like skimmed). today, Kirby (husband) has my phone and I have his. my phone is petering out. the charger part is starting not to randomly charge. and our ipad is having issues (must b that time of the month!) where it won't paste after I copied it. our laptop is also loading slllloooowwwwly. so he is off today and deal with that poop at the apple store. hopefully, good news. he so wants to buy a new one (laptop), I dunno, told him try to fix it first THEN we can think of buying something (unless I come home today and he says, lookie what I bought!).

    april goals? don't have any - just keep on keepin on. I guess that IS a goal if you wanna think about it that way.

    I am Hispanic in case you didn't know so compared to a lot of people I have a "natural tan" cuz of my olive skin. welllllll.... not olive or natural enuf 4 me. I am gonna start tanning today, I can't take being so pale when the weather is getting nice, ESPECIALLY when I will be wearing bike shorts all the time. OH!! WHAT???? DOES THAT SOUND LIKE ANOTHER GOAL WITHOUT BEING A GOAL???? I crack myself up. I feel better when I am darker, you can see the muscle definition more clearly so it makes me feel skinnier and that's always a +.

    Normally, I get a month pass for the train which is 108.00 to get to/from work. sometimes I ride home from work so I am not taking the train, just doing one way trip. so I am gonna see how much would I spend if I put a certain $ amt on the e-purse (think of it as a pre-paid cc for the train) and see if I only use it when I ride the train, if I would save any $$. like ride home AT LEAST 2 times a week or something, OH!! WHAT???? AGAIN?????DOES THAT SOUND LIKE ANOTHER GOAL WITHOUT BEING A GOAL????

    we'll see... carry on.....
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Carol: don't forget the possibility of shockwave therapy if it's a calcification. Keep us posted!
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Barbie - Thanks for the new thread and I am going to make even more effort in April.

    Cory - Congratulation on getting to 'Onderland' and I WILL get there by 2016.

    Lesley - I hope you find a wonderful bundle of fun (after your holiday) and how nice to hear from your daughter, the children always make the sun shine for us don't they?

    Joyce - Brown 'E's made me smile this morning. Well done on getting all the taxes finished. Must be a big relief, fancy there only being $1 difference.

    Cynthia - What a beauty. Have they decided what to call him yet?

    Janet - Thanks for your concern. I will try to eat something on my way into work (on two buses!). Weight has stayed the same this week so maybe lack of breakfast means I eat more in the evening :-(

    Well this is the third time I have tried to post this, will not bother with trying to add the ticker line as perhaps that was what made the post disappear!
    Hope everyone has lots of success this wonderful April.

    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    So, two weeks and being perfect, had about an 8000 calorie deficit, made sure I covered 5 miles or more (my fitbit goal) and still, only had a 1 pound loss. I am going to up my game this week (which is easy to do now that it's warm enough to ride.)

    I do not have time to read most of this board, but the horse picture of course caught my eye. Really cute foal.

    Michelle, you do so much in one day! Are you retired?

    Here is my picture from my horse ride yesterday. I like how she is covering chubby me :wink:


    Cheryl from north of Chicago
  • desda
    desda Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Pip was kind enough to add me yesterday to the group, and I am delighted to be here. I live in Sonoma County in Northern California and him previously from Southern California. The minute I crossed the Sonoma County line, I gained 30 pounds. This is a danger of moving to a place called "wine country". The wine may be delightful, but the food is better.

    I have not had an opportunity to read all of your posts yet, but I look forward to it. I am sure I will get to know each of you over the coming months/years. I have been a member of my fitness pal for three years although her drop on and off the charts for variety of reasons.

    Anyway, happy to be here and looking forward to it. Since I have been ` on the wagon of eating healthier foods" I have dropped about 2 1/2 pounds. Always great motivation to watch peel off, and I know that the early pounds are the easy pounds.

    Wishing you all a beautiful day,
    Toni aka Desda