

  • desda
    desda Posts: 15 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention my goals for April.

    Login every day
    Record all my food even if I have to estimate was quick calories
    Exercise five days a week
    Go on mile hikes at least four times this month
    Stay focused
    And be cautious when strength training because I always hurt myself

    Yep, that should do it for April. Have a wonderful and successful month, ladies.
    Be well because if we have our health,we have it all.

  • mynyddisamrs
    April 1st it is but my calorie intake versus exercise today is NO JOKE!
    We had a guest artist at the Art group today so we have a buffet. I said NO to the cream trifle etc and had a slice of the quiche I took but ....
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Two meetings yesterday in time for 1. No appointments scheduled for today, but not a day off. Putting together a short presentation for Friday. E-mail replies are the focus for today.

    Disappointed that my yogurt did not turn out. I'll need to get new starter to try again. Hopefully I won't waste all that milk. I do like the homemade stuff very much. Now to find something else that is healthy for breakfast.

    Pipcd34love your non goals. I have a hard time setting goals for a month. I'm much better at daily goals. The one day at a time helps me stay calm and able to keep trying.

    The horse pictures are great. A nearby camp has just began using horses for Vetrens Weekends. It has made a difference in the quality of life for some of the men & women returning w/PTSD.

    Naiomi2015 from 41F in Sunny Massachusetts

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    naiomi2015 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,

    Pipcd34love your non goals. I have a hard time setting goals for a month. I'm much better at daily goals. The one day at a time helps me stay calm and able to keep trying.

    The horse pictures are great. A nearby camp has just began using horses for Vetrens Weekends. It has made a difference in the quality of life for some of the men & women returning w/PTSD.

    Naiomi2015 from 41F in Sunny Massachusetts

    I have been on a maintenance weight for awhile now so I am not in the same space as most of the other ladies here. even when I was bigger, I have always just focus on a day to day, month to month was too far ahead for me personally and it would have been easy to loose focus, but when I record everything, everyday, record every ride (I ride bike every day to/from train station to gym, work, etc...) record calorie burn every day, I am more focused on if i'm doing good, gotta do better tomorrow, or take it easy, don't kill yourself.

    just do what works for you.. maybe even week to week might be better for you?
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Mary, Biz is an enzyme based cleaning booster, similar to Oxi clean. It is supposed to work better. A Biz bucket is a bucket of 1gallon hot water, 1 cup of Biz and one cup of blue Dawn dishwashing liquid. For some reason, all the homemade cleaning recipes say you have to have the original blue Dawn. No clue why. Maybe it's similar to bluing used in the wash to make whites whiter. I did not measure my water and probably had more like two gallons. It still seemed a little soapy to me. To finish mine up, I put them in the washer with no more soap and chose deep wash and two rinses. I was worried that all that Dawn would not wash out otherwise.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    There is hope for Spring!
    A few thoughts:

    Janet...they have needle threaders for sewing machines. I too find it so frustrating to try to thread that needle.

    Yanni...good thoughts on your upcoming procedure. Hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery.

    Toni...so sorry to hear about your Y closing. This appears to be more than the loss of a job, you had friends and a comfortable place to swim. I hope that you find another "swimming hole" and a job where you can meet new wonderful friends. I'm sure you'll keep in touch with those that are most special. I still am close to a woman I worked with 19 years ago.

    Michele...I have no idea what a stink bug is and I think I am grateful I live in snowy MA where we don't have any!

    Sassy...8 lbs. lost in March!! That is quite an accomplishement. Thank you so much for your encouragement.

    Cynthia...what a beautiful colt. Thanks for sharing.

    Janet... 4 1/2 lbs lost...nothing to sneeze at!! Great job!!

    Toni...I like you goal of being cautious with strength training. I will have to heed this also I think. I'll find out in about an hour when I see the doctor.

    Mary...I echo your sentiments about all you wonderful ladies here giving encouragement and support. I have been with you 1 month and I feel you have all helped me in some way to help me through this difficult month. Thank you Ladies!!

    Barbie...a special thank you for continuing to keep us all connected.

    Naiomi...where in MA are you?

    I was thinking this morning about the coconut oil pulling..I was trying to figure out when I could fit it into my day at a time my stomach was empty...It never is! I tend to eat frequently, never going more that 2-3 hours without some sort of protein. It keeps me from getting out of control. I will figure something out I'm sure.

    I can't find my March goals right now, I will have to write down my April ones so I have them handy next month.
    Anyway, I seem to remember that I wanted to walk 10,000 steps/day-I averaged 15,000 steps
    I wanted to strength/weight train 2x/week- that fell to the wayside when I hurt myself. I have to do it smarter.
    I wanted to increase my water consumption and I think I have a bit.

    So for April:
    Drink at least 4 16.9oz bottles of water/day
    Walk at least 12,000 steps/day
    Exercise in some form every day
    Log every morsel that I swallow

    March accomplishments:
    lost 2 1/5 lbs.
    lost 1" off my waist and 1/2" off my hips
    dropped 1 pants size
    Logged every day
    Walked 160.89 miles

    Now that I actually see what I have done, I feel pretty proud of myself, and if my back/shoulder wasn't hurting I would pat myself on the back!

    Thank you again Ladies and have a wonderful day!

    Chris in sunny, 39 degree MA
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Just checking in. Logging today is a farce. Ate lunch at the Marietta Fish Market and they give you gigantic portions. But, I did bring home half of mine (or what DH didn't eat off my plate). Went to the Walmart Market after lunch and DH threw in a box of chocolate covered Krispie Cream doughnuts. I will not eat any and he doesn't need any. LOL

    The baby horse is beautiful. Would love to see it in person.

    Hoping for continued warm weather sans some of the rain.

    Carol Ga

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Well ladies I'm going to post a photo of my buckwheat cake even if it isn't slimming! It is healthy with ground almonds, apple, eggs and buckwheat flour. Just ignore all the butter and sugar! ! ! ! :laugh:
    You are supposed to serve it with some of the reserved orange syrup and creme fraiche - so more of a dessert. I couldn't bear to cut it up as it was too pretty, so I will be freezing it whole for some lucky guests. :D I have frozen the syrup.


    Cynthia - I loooove buckwhest pancakes - tooooo much! >:)

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of yoga and then took an hour of the deep water class. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jillian Michael's Shred it with Weights DVD.

    After exercise went to Bi-Lo to get the items on sale. Then came home and started to make our salad for dinner tonight. See, I'll be going to the MD for a second cortisone shot in my thumb and I know that I'll be numb for a few days. It'll go away, but I'm getting prepared. I also made a chocolate cake for Vince. Decided to use the minichocolate chips I had left over and put them in the cake. I'm sure he won't be complaining about extra chocolate.

    Janet - with all those happy dances you're doing, I bet you're burning a ton of calories! I'm lucky in that I can be completely satisfied with just a tiny bit of something. I can't seem to cut it out totally, but a tiny bit is enough for me.

    DrKatie - I don't remember your post about needing to lighten something. Anyway, one time I xstitched this really intricate piece of work. I was so so proud of it. I pressed it and then put it in a plastic bag to get framed. You can imagine my horror when I took it out of the bag and there was mold all over it! I thought I'd cry for sure. Anyway, I took it to a cleaner thinking if anyone could get the mold out, they could. Unfortunately, they couldn't. But someone in the store suggested to me that I soak the piece in Lysol and put it in the sunshine. Admitted, it took a while for this to happen, but that did take the mold out. I think it probably took something like a few weeks, but it worked! I would think lemon juice would do the same thing.

    Lesley - how do you determine your calorie burn. Do you have an instrument that you wear?

    Joyce - I've seen the pan wrapped in foil and then. Vince did our taxes yesterday and efiled them.

    DeeDee - so nice to see you in here. I miss your posts, but glad you pop in regularly.

    terri - try hitting "control" and then the - key.

    Janet - doesn't it just make you glow that your hubby is noticing so much? Why not start now taking your measurements? Happy early birthday

    pip - my hubby is one of those "lookee what I bought" kind of guys, at least for a lot of things. He really liked the Genesis Coupe when he saw it on comercial. When they got one in Hickory he told me he was taking it for a test drive. Yea, right! The next thing I knew was that I was getting a phone call from the insurance co. saying that they were adding that vehicle to our policy! At the start of warmer weather, I usually use that "fake tan" stuff on my legs just so no one sees my white legs. Eventually, I don't need it. I had no idea you were hispanic, just never occurred to me.

    Gilly - I'm sure not having breakfast is leading to extra eating in the evening.

    Cheryl - "am I retured?" Well...I guess that depends on your definition of "retired". If you mean do I work outside of the home for a paycheck -- the answer is "no". Do I work outside of the home? Yes. You have such majestic horses

    Toni - welcome, so glad pip added you

    Janet - when I'm threading my sewing machine, I usually have to take my glasses off.

    Chris - stick bugs are these bugs that when you squash them, they emit this stinky smell. They're just a nusance.

    Heather - what a lovely cake. Thanks for posting the pic

    Well, going to go to the MD in a few. If you don't see me for a few days, I'm OK. Or I may just post something on my homepage and hopefully someone will repost it on here for me.

    Michele in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Ok. I gained back some of February's lost weight in March ... argh!

    But as stated last night ... have recommitted myself to this lifestyle change.

    April goals ...
    -- gym twice a week
    -- log every bite and swallow
    -- drink 8 glasses water ... I get stuck at 6
    -- breathe
    -- release (forever) at least one pound

    Oh, oh, oh but my body is screaming today after yesterday's gym visit ... never, never quit! Starting over hurts ... and I even restarted with baby steps!

    Pip ... I rode a recumbent bike for 10 minutes and had jelly legs ... have no idea how you ride as long as you do!

    Sun is shining.... and we know it's getting close to Spring because the discarded Christmas trees at the curb are resurfacing with the melting snow!

    Have a great day!
    Beth in WNY

  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    What a beautiful sunny day we have here in Maine today. The snow is melting fast as we are in the 40s during the daytime. My quest for the day is to start getting ready for my DFIL's visit this coming weekend. He is flying out from so calif. where we used to live and will be here for a week. I'm very greatful the dr has cleared us from being contagious as we would not want to make him sick.

    I am looking forward to the new month and what I can accomplish in my weight loss goals.

    Beth in maine
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, Bruno LOVES to catch stink bugs and bring them in the house and chew on them, or play with them or something. All I know is he will seem to be chewing for a while, then lets it loose, it crawls out of his mouth and then he paws at it, then grabs it again and chews a while longer. And BOY OH BOY do they stink! Silly dog.

    Pip, Janet and Sassy, you guys just kill me! I love your humor and crazy attitudes. Keep it up!

    Today it's raining buckets, so I guess we won't be walking home from school. I have a little plan for after school though. We are going to the apartment building and picking up my step-grandson (Austin), and going around the corner to the diner where they serve about a dozen different fantastic pies, and we are all going to get a slice of pie to celebrate Austin's 13th birthday. He belongs to the woman who is currently married to my son, and she is bat-*kitten* crazy but that doesn't mean I don't like Austin. (They will be divorced soon, but as of now they aren't.) Anyway, hubby is even going to meet us there. He likes Austin, too. He's a good kid. His birthday was actually Monday, but today is the first day I could manage this because they all have so many things to do after school. So, I am going to eat pie today and enjoy it and not feel guilty. Just one piece, not the whole pie. I got him a wallet instead of a card and put money inside. A teenager can always use a few bucks.

    Well, I have a few things to finish up before I can go get the kiddies. I hope you are all enjoying your day!


  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Sheesh...it's snowing like crazy again! Here the streets had just started to clear and we get more snow. I've been driving around for 2 weeks with my summer tires in the back of my vehicle...just about ready to make an appointment to have them switched and it snows (that's twice now). I WANT spring and I want to be able to see out my back window!

    Just saying!
    Carey -Edmonton
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just Bumping
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Rori--Working with Sherri Lewis, how fun!
    Michelle--Glad to hear you got to talk to Bryan.
    Cynthia--What a nice surprise from your mom.
    Meg--Sorry to hear you have been sick. Hope you feel better soon.
    Been enjoying the beautiful pictures of flower and things. Spring is coming!!
    Joyce--I hate ants in the house. We found if we put cimmon sticks out around the windows and cupboards it keeps them away. Then DH puts mothballs around the house outside and that keeps spiders and other things out of the house.
    Sylvia--Praying all goes well with DS getting the bigger place. I also had a thing for Bobby Sherman. I covered my bedrooms walls with his picture. I was so upset when he got married. Looks like the kids had fun doing the masks.
    Mary--I loved Davy Jones also. Years ago I seen him in concert and was surprised how short he was. My he could dance. I also saw Sawyer Brown in concert a couple times and I could watch him dance for hours.
    Darnit--I have a friend like that. We may not talk for along time, minute we get together it is like we see each other everyday.
    Sharon--Good News DH showed up. Pray he works at this now.
    Allison--You deserve the new phone, enjoy.
    I am all caught up. HAPPY DANCE!! But lost most my post. Darn! Anyway it's a new month and my goal is to take each day and do the best I can. Last two evening DH and I took the furbabies to a walking trail at one of the lakes and walked the 1.25 mile trail. Love this beautiful weather. It is in the 80's today and have a chance of some bad storms after 5. I get off at 3 today and walking home. Planning to take the long way home. Talked to my mom and sister last evening and mom did not get a good report at the doctor yesterday. Her blood count was down again. She goes in the morning to have it taken again and then they will decide is they are giving her blood. She is going to start PT next week and she wants to go home by the end of April. Things at work are very stressful right now. A lot of my dept is not happy about the new boss and she is sending out all kinds of dumb messages. Just doing my job and forgetting about this place when I walk out the door.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    exermom - there are limits, he won't make a major purchase without my ok first. he got back from the apple store and no new computer/laptop. got me a new battery case charger for my iphone tho. yeah, si, senora, I am 1st generation American. parents are true wetbacks, they crossed the river LMAO!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    bwcetc - years of doing it... years
  • mynyddisamrs
    I cannot get the hang of these posts! Mine just get cut in half .... Obviously I'm too long winded...maybe my face isn't fitting in...type that is!
    Oh well ...):
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member
    Well ladies, here it is April already. My tulips are up but something has eaten off the buds, probably those nasty little bunnies. Still trying to clean out my house and pack things. I think my house is magical. I pack things in boxes and take things out of my house but it still looks just a full as when I started.
    One of my goals for March was to walk 120 miles. I am happy to report that I walked 127.87 miles. Guess that means I need to up my goal for April. Think I will try for 130 miles. I can do this. My goal to drink six glasses of water daily were inconsistent. I do really well at work but not so good at home. Will try this goal again.
    I also want to continue my goal of going 3x per week to the wellness center. I was doing pretty well with this until I went back to work part-time, now it is harder.

    This format today is driving me nuts, so everyone take care and have a great month. Thanks Barbie for getting us started again. Sue in SD
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    yanniejannie: My DH has had numerous MOHs procedures to scrape off his skin cancer. He even had one very significant and delicate procedure on the bridge of his nose next to his eye, which required an eye specialist, dermatologist and total anesthesia. Prayers going up for your surgery to be simple and successful.

    I didn't formally declare March goals as the beginning of the month was off the rails with stress and travel. I'm actually going to be home for the next 3 weeks, so can focus on these behaviors and goals for April.

    * meditate for 20 minutes every day
    * cardio 5 times, burning 1600 calories/week
    * 90 minutes of strength training per week
    * eat 1200 calories, but not the full amount of exercise calories daily
    * more water!
    My word for 2014 is mindfulness.

    Colorado Foothills