
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Selena - Welcome back. I also noticed the difference gravity has made on my body. The girls are not too big, so that is minimal, but I notice it. Plus, when DS was under 1 y.o. I had to nurse and waitress at the same time sometimes, so the left sags more than the right.

    Barbie - Glad you had such a great day !

    drkatiebug - I have a 4.6 mile commute that takes about 20 minutes through town because of traffic, and I enjoy the alone-time. I'm glad yours will be better than before.

    Michele - I also love finding great shopping deals. Congrats!

    Joyce - it seems plenty of people in this area are crazy (or just don't understand the value of life). I'm glad we live 3-4 miles west of the City, in a quiet neighborhood that I consider safe. D.S. still behaves like we did as kids - running and playing ball in the street, yelling "car" when one would turn the corner and head toward them, then stand just a few feet away from where he thinks they will drive, coming home when the street lights come on, drinking from the hose instead of going inside for a bottle of water, etc.

    Heather - years ago when I took an online microsoft class, I remember that there was a way to "self-space" sentences, but just looking at it now, I can't remember. I wish you luck in all of this.

    Naiomi - Nice NSV. I hope I can get some stamina back some day.

    MNMargaret - I hope you get over the headcold soon.

    Storms - I remember being awoken on occasion, and corralled in the basement with our pillows and a blanket because there was a tornado warning. I would just lie down under the pooltable and sleep there until my parents corralled us back upstairs and back to bed. But, DD was visiting her Dad (in a trailer park) once about 17 years ago when a tornado went through the town. I called to warn him, but he didn't believe me, but waited until his Mom called and the power went out. Upon leaving for the storm shelter it was too late, and as soon as he opened the front door, the wind grabbed DD and threw her against a tree in the middle of the yard. He needed to wait for the glow from the lightning strikes to find her and get her to the storm shelter. When the storm passed they waited hours in the ER to bandage her cuts and get instructions for her concussion. She is now scared to death of even the slightest storm (can't say I blame her).

    I have heard about the condroiten/glucosamine for arthritis, but it never seemed to work for me (and I'm allergic to shellfish, so I have to be careful). I have tried drinking aloe, but I'm not 100% convinced that works either, and the cap is hard to open.

    Yes, DS likes to stay busy. He participates in as many sports as possible, often being on multiple teams per sport. I think that is why he finally got so good at bowling again this year; he finally got cut from the competitive basketball team. Today after school he has track practice 3:00-5:00pm (he is a jumper) and baseball practice 5:00-8:00pm. DD tried as many sports as possible, but really is artistic (mostly vocal, but drawings and drama also).

    2 days in a row with a "broken" computer at work got the best of me yesterday. I made a pizza when I got home (only ate 1/3 of it), and drank a Blackberry Sparks instead of my usual milk. I have to say that I slept good. But now the patients are still taking out on me because of all the problems that arose from the computer issues, so I'm going to try a new kale chips idea tonight instead of the pizza (save it for DS when he gets home, he will easily eat the 2/3 that is left). I was watching BeOrganic, and they showed seasoning the kale as you wish, then putting them in the dehydrator instead of the oven. I usually do like a Shake-n-bake with olive oil and garlic, or sometimes soy sauce, in a gallon size Ziploc baggie. I'll tell you tomorrow if it worked. It will take much longer, but not as likely to burn.

    All the talk of planks got me motivated. I did a shaky elbow to knees for about 20 seconds, then both sides elbow lifting hip about 1/2 inch off carpet for about 10 seconds each. I know it's not much, but it's a start. Thanks for the motivation.

    Now, almost time for chicken fajita salad for lunch after short work-out.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in (near) Milwaukee
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Carol: so sorry about your debit card. Like you needed the hassle!

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Getting ready for work soon, but I am determined to keep up with everyone -

    I put on a little pout about the banishment from the pool and took myself to the Y for my Yoga Stretch class. NOOOOO! It was cancelled! Then I had a big pout and a cup of coffee while I thought of all of you doing all your wonderful workouts each day. Got up off that chair and rode the recumbent bike for 20 min., then walked the track, and did a Silver Sneakers low impact aerobic class. Thanks, ladies, for motivating me!

    Michele - I have used the gloves with open fingers in the water. I have to cut out the middle finger on the right hand because of arthritis. Looks like I'm flipping off all the others in class but it works! I hope your pieces come out the way you wish. Are you going to name your critters? I think it would add to their festiveness out by the pool.

    Joyce - Oh, wow! At least my possom was outside! How did they get the momma out of the drawer?

    Heather - what a lovely walk. I can just hear those little lambs! Can I join Janet on your shoulder?

    Naiomi - I no you felt strong and happy as you kept up with the others!

    Katla - My acupuncturist does Gua-sha on me sometimes.

    Sylvia - picturing you napping at the Y, GKids rolling you into the pool onto a float, and you still snoring away! You do so much! Rest, girl, rest!

    Must get moving toward the job.....

    Toni in still rainy Tennessee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,984 Member
    afternoon kiddo's,
    well i got dressed well this morning and took myself over to the dealership, the receptionist hadn't given him the application, so she went to do that, she comes back 5 minutes later and says he cant see me today as he just got back from detroit and he had meetings all day..
    so I was a bit dissapointed ,but brushed it off, if this job is for me it will happen.. went over to lowes and got another piece of chair rail moulding, DH put the wrong one up on the wall with heavy duty glue so we have to stick with it (ha ha ) get it?
    anyway the other contractor is coming over this afternoon to finalize the plans for the kitchen and order cabinets.. DH leaves a week from tomorrow for Florida.. took my father on errands , and he loves to talk.. glad I could help him out.. he wants me to come up and go through dresser drawers.. my mother went to tag sales,consignment shops ,etc and bought what she thought she could resell. so every drawer and cabinet in my parents house it stuffed with stuff... she has pez dispensers, a original raggity ann doll, lots of stuff.. we really need to get someone in there that knows the value of some of this stuff so that he can make a bit of money..
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited April 2015
    Allison - Don't give up on the Car Dealership position. The receptionist definitely told him her opinion of you from that short visit, and the fact that you dressed properly works in your favor. If you don't hear anything in a week, call to schedule an interview. These people are busy, and sometimes forget. If it is the right job for you, it will happen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

    Carol - Hugs for your debit card situation. :p

    Toni - Congrats on forcing yourself to work out. :D
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,047 Member
    tngram - glad to hear that you got up and did something, glad we made you feel guilty ;)
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Oh, I’m loving the discussion of smaller “girls”

    Selena - lol with the droopy deflated girls. Sadly my fat belly is holding mine up. May I lose enuf weight to see them deflate a bit.

    Katla- get well soon! Thanks for the good news on smaller but not droopier girls! Pushups and weightlifting have gotta help.

    Sylvia – thanks for sharing all the positives of smaller girls. My 44DDs do a job on my back, looking forward to less of that to drag around.

    Today’s reason to lose weight: Stuck in a middle seat back from Charlotte – no fun. The girls were all squished trying to keep my arms out of my neighbors’ seats.

    Janet – sorry, I was listing calories burned.

    Pip – I’m 56. Some days I feel it. Some days I act 18 (or try to). What is the “dome” you ride to every day?

    Cynthia, Rita and everyone w/ family and work drama – stay positive, be happy, focus on you! Maybe it will rub off on others.
    Like Cynthia quoted “Do no harm, but take no sh**. “

    Vicki –10k steps, good on you

    Lesley – you do an amazing amount of training every day!

    Naomi – Nice job on the elliptical and improved stamina. I couldn’t have walked a whole mile back in Jan. Last Saturday I did 7 - doesn’t it feel great?

    On joint pain and arthritis: a friend who is a PA in a blood clinic recommended I take “Gentle Iron” along with 500 mg vitamin C each day. He said that the inflammation interferes with the body’s absorption of iron. I’ve also read that omeprazole (for heartburn) interferes with iron uptake, which makes sense since Fe more available at low pH. I take omeprazole for heartburn, but find that I need it less and less as I lose weight and eat better. I take it every 3rd or 4th day now.

    Happy spring flowers, here the magnolias over our deck:

  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    edited April 2015
    Cynthia - (and anyone else who can bear me rambling on) I did a sample Word doc and played around with the find and replace commands. I finally plucked up courage to try it on my book and I didn't think it looked any better. The problem is, it's justified, so the spacing occasionally comes up weird anyway and the change made it weirder and more uneven. I will stick with what I have, but at least I know that I have tried the other option and my mind is easier.
    Thank you so much for helping me. I would never have known how to try it out without you. :love: <3

    Did a lot of chatting with DH today about his party. He has done lots of spreadsheets for room assignment and we have planned a timetable for the weekend and drafted out the invitation and general info for guests. It's a self catering long weekend with one catered meal and we do not want to be left wih masses of work. He knows what questions to ask - fridge space, table size, dance space etc - so I hope, with his sister's help, he will be able to sort it. :ohwell:

    Thanks again for your help. ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
    Heather x x x x
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,047 Member
    edited April 2015
    MMin - the dome that I ride to is the train station. I live in Tacoma Washington. there is an area there for concerts, etc.. they call it the Tacoma Dome

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Selena--Have missed you too. As for the drooping, mine have gotten so small I can't even tell.

    Mary--How sad that the son can not make his mother's birthday. I do hope it was for a good reason that can't be helped.

    Cynthia--Sending HUGS. Some people just don't feel good unless they are putting someone else down.

    Naiomi--Congrates on the NSV!!

    Well I did it. I called and got an appointment with the dentist for Monday. I have dentures and since losing weight they have gotten way too big. I have sores in my mouth where they rub. I kept saying I was going to waite until I am at goal, but to the point where it hurts most the time. I hate going to the dentist. I called DH and asked him to get the time off to go with me.

    Damit--I remember those girls in high school and the exercise to make the ladies perky. Thanks for the smile. Congrates on the not smoking. I know it is not easy

    Heather--Sounds like DH's party is coming along nice and going to be a grand affair.

    Today so far has not been to bad. Lady on the night shift became ill around midnight so the new boss was calling everyone to come in. I left my phone on the desk so did get the call until I was up getting ready for work. I would not of come in anyway. Ex boss came in to cover and so I ended up working with the new one all day. All I can say is it is going to be interesting around here for awhile. DH wants to go out to Red Lobster for supper after work. So have to check the webb and see what I can have.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    MNMargaret - sorry to hear about your cold! It's nice to have momentos of our parents especially if it is from our childhood.

    Carol in NC - credit card crooks are the worst. I hope you get your funds back quickly! Great shopping spree.

    Terri - good for you on the plank! Those are hard to do.

    Allison - I hope you get the job. It's hard to wait on others.

    MMinMD - let us know if the iron and vitamin C works.

    Vicki - not a good reason. Over 30 year old dispute with DDIL, the brothers wife is still angry. They lied about not knowing about it until 3 weeks ago when I sent the invite. But, they were included in FB posts and updates since before Xmas. We were at their house in February and they said that their DD'S family couldn't come. He told Mom they had airline tickets that they couldn't change because they just found out when they got the invite. At least be honest, don't lie and make others responsible. Sorry for the vent. You enjoy Red Lobster for me.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon, all. I'm a two spacer also for the end of sentences and too wonder why we stopped indenting paragraphs. Oh, well, I suppose there are worse things.
    I went back to sleep after DD left for work at 6am and never heard DH get up or leaving.....I didn't get awake until almost noon!!!! Gemma got up on the couch with me to sleep and I never knew it.
    It was mostly sunny here and upper 60's. Gemma had a nice play date at the dog park. All the trees over there have gone green now so I suppose our very short Spring is about over. I left my sprouted seeds out all day and, since it is to be in the 50's for low tonight, thinking of leaving them out all night too. More worried about some animal grazing on their tender leaves than the cold doing them in. I have tomatoes, basil, parsley, and rosemary started. The oregano, chives, and dill survived the winter.

    Cynthia......(((((Hugs))))) I am sorry you were treated so shabbily after all your years; but glad you stuck up for yourself. I will also echo what Naiomi wrote.

    Mary and Sylvia........I'm OK, finding myself a bit blah in general; went out to a meeting last night for the police support group, but otherwise usually turning down lunch etc. invites yet. I see the surgeon next Friday. Everyone is impressed with my four inch scar, no hiding it on your neck...at least it isn't as red as it was. Mary, I haven't even asked DD about posting a pic of Gemma yet, hanging my head in shame.

    Heather........I looked up the poem you mentioned and it sounds familiar; I think my dad must have quoted a bit of it to me when I was little. It is so sad that he (Robert Browning) couldn't have his wish to be buried next to his wife in Florence, Italy in the English Cemetery there. Would have just loved to be on that walk you took; sounds like out of a storybook.

    PS Thanks for the blossom pic from just north of here!!!!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    This is a news story I I thought was unbearably sweet!!!! Be sure to watch the video under the story. The people's reactions were so great.


    This is one of the jokes of the day:


    The latest reports from the Internal Revenue service shows that it has streamlined its tax form this year.

    It goes like this:
    A. How much did you make last year?
    B. How much do you have left?
    C. Send B.


    This is the other:


    While getting a checkup, a man tells his doctor that he thinks his wife is losing her hearing.

    The doctor says, "You should do a simple test. Stand about 15 feet behind your wife and say 'honey?’ Move 3 feet closer and do it again. Keep moving 3 feet closer until she finally responds. Remember how close you were when she gives you an answer. That will help me know how bad her hearing loss is."

    About a month later the same guy is at the doctor again and the doctor asks, "Well, did you do that experiment with your wife's hearing?”

    The man says "yes". "How close did you get before she answered?"

    "Well, by the time I got about 3 feet away she just turned around and said "For the FIFTH TIME... WHAT???"

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,984 Member
    evenin ladies~ got my 10,000 steps in whoo hoo.had a homemade bacon cheeseburger for dinner and it was good.. im sure way to many calories,
    contractor came over, talked with him about what we wanted, he will get back to us about a price, and will come back and do final measurements, then it will take 6-8 weeks for the cabinets to come in, and probably another 3-4 weeks for the work to get done I am guessing so I am guessing this wont be started until June or July, which is fine for me, gives us time to get the bathroom to where we want it.. I posted something on facebook,sort of going back and remembering things ,and it struck a note with alot of my family and friends.. I am extremely greatful...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place. :flowerforyou:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Morning ladies.
    I have arthritic knees and the chemist said to take Glucosamine and that Chondroitin addition does NOT help and twice the price. Helps especially at night, he says it takes at least 2 weeks to sort out knees.
    Took Blaize for an hour long walk through the plantation roads yesterday, he was on his toes but behaved on lead. Got in 14135 steps
    Slept badly as Stan kept getting up, made tea and watched TV at 2.30am. I got up at 8am for breakfast. So no pre-breakfast cardio. Creatine again in protein shake.
    Plans for today: Jeannette's Bikini Boot-camp II and Bob Harper's Kettle-bell cardio and walk the dog.
    Food good at 1557 as yesterday was HIGH
    Going to walk to Betty's (1.5 mile), chat and walk back this afternoon. That should get me over 10,000 steps.

    Stan and I on pensions so we pay NO tak now and doctor visit free.

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Grrrrrrrrrrr..........just lost a gold crown...........eating boiled cabbage!
  • crazsc
    crazsc Posts: 4 Member
    Rita....all the best for the struggles facing you and your son. All you can do is be there for him and play that God gives him the strength.... not an easy thing for either of you. I have a child that went through the struggles, she is now coming on 4 years clean. Very hard for a mother to watch... prayers are with you both.