

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Well it is weigh in day and I lost .3. Atleast it was not a gain. My brother texted me last evening and said his trip to Nebraska has been postphoned till end of summer. Atleast this time he let me know instead of just waiting. Talked with my sister and mom last evening and mom has decided she is going to her own home this Friday. Have mixed feelings as her blood sugars are all over the place, but understand wanting to be in her own home.
    Went to the dentist yesterday. They can the top plate to fit but the bottom has to be replaced it is too wide. He also gave me cream for the sores in my mouth and if they are not better when I go back in two weeks I will have to see another doctor for a biopsy. Also he wants to put screws in my jaw and have the bottom plate snap on. My cost would be $3500. I am not having screws put in my jaw. My mom has had her dentures over 50 years and they were made to fit. So going to just do that. If I was younger I might think about it, but not now. I asked if they would put me out for it and he said no, just give me something to relax. NO WAY!!

    Heather--sending HUGS and PRAYERS for you and your DF. Glad to hear the mother did not get what she wanted. WOW!! I am looking forward to reading it. So proud of you for getting it done and done your way. I talked with DH at lunch and he has a couple things he needs to order so going to order your book, I am excited.

    DeeDee--Glad to see you post. Sounds like you are staying busy.

    Katiebug--I agree she could of been nicer about it.

    Carey--thought for the day is so true. Thanks for sharing.

    Cynthia--One Day at a Time. The important thing is not to give up.

    Barbie--Good words to live by.

    Sylvia--I have set my goal weight at 170. I know that is still a lot but I was almost 400 when I started and so happy to be 238. I am so looking forward to being under 200. I agree now that I don't need the biggest sizes they seem to have a lot more choice. How scary, doesn't he have a power of attoney for health care? Sending BIG hugs and prayers. Take care of you.

    Katla--I think a public place with people around is better.

    Carol--Hope they can help your furbaby, Sounds painful.

    Joyce--Sorry about your soap spill.

    Hi Karen--Welcome

    well ladies time to get something done before I go home. It looks like it is beautiful outside so planning to take the furbabies for a walk when I get home. Remember ladies One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    fancy - my skinny bike is a TOTALLY different ride than my winter bike.

    the hybrid bike (winter bike) is heavier and fatter tires which make you slower. . when I am done with that bike and I get on my winter bike, that chain rink is smaller and I feel like i'm on a kids tricycle cuz my feet feel like they are pedaling so differently. the handle bars are wider and feels differently climbing hills.

    the skinny bike is a road bike, lighter in weight, skinnier tires. it's stripped down i don't have a rack on the back to carry a pannier, no fenders either. the pedal stroke is wayyyyyy different on my skinny bike, the round chain rink where bike chain is on is bigger so your stroke in pedaling is bigger so you end up pedaling faster. it takes a bit to get used to climbing hills on this bike because of the handle bar position. it's closer together. when I first get on the bike (like when I did a test ride on it), I felt like I had a twig between my legs, it was so light... I was used to pedaling so hard... totally different bike

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Vicki - You have done an excellent job on this journey!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hello all. It was a quiet day at work, but a bad eating day. No stress eating or anything but just too many calories. I did walk the dog when I got home and am contemplating 20” on the cross trainer if dinner takes DD a while to get ready.

    Yanniejannie; sorry about your foot pain but glad it went away!

    Sylvia: how sweet of you to say you were worried! Your hubby sounds grand for ordering you a salt free meal. Congrats on the clothes! What a great nsv!!!

    Michele: I don’t like the ‘days logged in’ feature either!

    Sylvia: omgoodness! Sending stat prayers for your son! What an incident! Do you know anything more now? I think a lawyer is a good idea. Once your son can talk and make his wishes known, he can make it clear that you can have information. …later…Good thing hubby got the soon to be ex back to thinking straight. At least you can get information now

    Jenni: you will have to find some good support; lots of people don’t get the whole weight loss thing. Welcome aboard

    Alison: hope your brother continues to improve!

    Patricia: amazing how the old basics are what really work! Welcome to the group

    Janet; I don’t know what happened to me….it just seems like I get home and *poof* it’s bed time and I haven’t been here. Well today is 2 days in a row LOL

    Gilly: hope you had a nice visit!

    Terri: what kind of hats do you make?

    Pip: great cartoon! I have a bike too….Hubby and I both have recumbent bikes and mine is a three-wheeler…so essentially a tricycle! But I figure when I’m 100 I won’t fall off!

    Mary: I also miss my swimming and water aerobics. I’m off most of the summer and early fall, so I’ll be able to go back to the “old lady” aquacize which I’m sure I can do. Not sure yet about the aqua Zumba!

    Vicki: congrats on the loss!

    Well dinner is nearly ready and smelling great, so off I go. It’s a cheese ravioli with lots of veggies..new recipe for us. OK Take care, Meg from chilly Omaha
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI all.Feeling lousy still.Hubby is a trip-Honey,rest up I know u don`t feel good.Hey,honey what`s for dinner.lol
    Hugs jane
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member

    This has been a glorious spring day. Just about perfect weather wise! For the last 35 years spring has always been my “down in the dumps” time. Very long story. BUT somehow this spring I am feeling optimistic and eager for each new day. I can’t help but think some of the reason is all of you and your wonderful care and motivation. Thank you so much for keeping me keeping on.

    Sylvia – Oh, how difficult this has been for you. I am praying for your son and your family. Please let us know regular reports about his condition and situation.

    Dr. Katiebug – So sorry your first day of teaching was interrupted by a tornado. I have spent some hours in the hallway with little ones because of those pesky storms. One time my first graders were in tears over staying on their knees so long. I dashed back in to my room and gathered up bundles of stuffed frogs (yes, I collected them and my classroom was overrun with the “critters” all shapes, sizes, forms). I had the kids put them under their knees like little pillows. I guess I broke the rules for tornado safety (which wasn’t a good example) but my little ones were comfier and very grateful. Do you know it wasn’t until my last year of teaching that a student asked me why teachers didn’t get down on the floor like rolly polly bugs? I told them I would if I thought the storm was going to hit us but the real reason is that I don’t think I’d be able to get up off the floor after the storm blew over!!!

    Joyce – I love the idea that wisdom must be a little weighty. What a delightful thought! We should all wear THOSE proudly.

    Patricia – Welcome – I’m a “water baby”, too. LOVE exercising, dancing and running in the water!

    Janet – Such a cute poem about the Granny in the computer! Thanks for the chuckle!

    Vicki – You have come a long way. Being down .3 is a big deal. It’s taking you in the right direction.

    Mary – So glad you are back to your usual routine!

    Peach – I hope your Pom is better soon. Is that his name or just his breed?

    I’ve enjoyed all the comments about bike shorts, b--- cracks, and lady bits! Keeps me smiling. I have to brag that I did a strength class – mix of cardio and weights (of course my weights were super light but I did it!)

    Also I am promising ya’ll that I WILL NOT EAT AFTER DINNER TONIGHT!!!!!!!!! That said, I won’t!

    TNToni (only doing well on the top and bottom goals right now)
    April Goals
    BP and BS every day
    Log every bite and swallow
    Contact 3 teacher friends each week
    Walk 6,000 steps each day
    No eating after dinner
    “Let go and let God”
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday morning here and updating food at 1640 cals, I need it to be under 1700 cals.
    Washing all our bedlinen and will clean house soon.
    Wii Boxing shortly and walk Blaize this afternoon.
    Went to Vet's for worming tablets and he ate them like a good lad. Vet thinks a Staffy cross but has Pointer in him
    Just finishing up spreadsheets, nearly there
    Sylvia hope all is well with you soon to be ex DIL. She need HELP
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif This has been a great day with no place to go except outdoors to walk the dogs. Jake was gone all morning so I had a few hours to take care of almost everything on my list. He got home for lunch and an afternoon of watching DWTS and Jeopardy while I rode the exercise bike.

    smiley-happy110.gif When I started on MFP in 2009 I had no idea if it would work. Jake had started a new eating plan and I agreed to participate with him. One day at a time I planned meals and made changes in food based on what I learned from my food diary and things I read. I set a goal weight but had little idea where I got it from or whether it was realistic. I felt hopeful one day at a time and enjoyed NSVs like when my underwear fit better and my pants felt looser. It was winter and I wore many layers and a big coat so when I lost weight no one noticed it for awhile. I was excited the first time I shopped for jeans and didn't cry when I looked at myself in the mirror in the store dressing room. I reached my goal and kept on eating and exercising and the weight kept coming off and I kept buying smaller clothes. I eventually reached a weight that I could imagine only in my wildest dreams. I loved it and was broken hearted when three health care professionals told me I needed to gain at least 10 pounds to be at a weight they considered healthy. I obeyed and have maintained that new weight for almost a year. Through this whole journey I have logged onto MFP daily except for a few days when I had no internet access ( now I have a smart phone so that won't be a problem). I asked MFP to reinstate my days back to the day I joined and they did so now each day I see how many days it has been since I joined MFP. That number doesn't show up on the friend feed because I disabled that feature. The number is only for me. The longest journey starts with a single step and is available to anyone who wants to do the work. Never, never, never give up.

    <3 Barbie from cold, rainy, beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    tngram - congrats on your class!! doesn't matter about how heavy the weights were, you did it!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    stats for the day: i'm surprised i even hit 900

    ride home 2 gym- 12.56min, 13.7amph, 2.9mi = 99c
    ski machine- 30min, 10incline, 25resist. 1.58mi = 192c
    jump- 5min = 49c
    ride gym 2 wk- 54.58min, 12.4amph, 11.3mi = 426c
    ride dome 2 hm up M st- 18.05min, 8.6amph, 2.5mi WINDY!! = 169c
    total cal 935
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just marking my place.......hello and very best to everyone. Sleepless night last night, busy day today and I'm heading to bed.

    Sylvia..........YAY for your DH!!!!!!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Things are looking up. He is still in ICU but all the tubes are out. He was sitting up eating dinner when I saw him last. His doc thinks they may let him out on Thursday, if all goes well. They still cannot explain why this keeps happening.

    The wicked step mother was discharged from the hospital this afternoon, and my son asked me to drop the kids off with her and she is going to watch them tonight. She promised to be on her best behavior. He tells me she's a whole different person now. Against my better judgement, I did as he asked. I think he's being sucked down the rabbit hole again. But I have had 1-1/2 hours of sleep in the last 2 days, so I'm no good to anybody. I barely made it thru swim lessons.

    The cardiologist visit was a bust. I drove all the way over there, waited 90 minutes PAST my appointment time, then was told, you will be seeing one of the nurse practitioners today. Grrrrr! That's not what I paid for! They said, if you want to wait another 2 hours you can see the doctor. By then I was about to explode, so the last thing I wanted to do was wait two more hours. Anyway, she said my murmur was nothing to worry about, and everything else looked good, so I can go back to my exercise routine. I talked to her about my goal weight and she pointed out that I probably have 20 pounds of loose skin now, so not counting that I'm already close to my goal. I had lost 15 pounds since my last visit.

    Well, I'm going to bed. Good night everyone.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    By the way,

    Here is a picture of a very old, very ugly lady who feels better than she looks.uqk9p0wl8uuy.jpg
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good grief, that is a big picture. Sorry. Too tired to fix it now.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited April 2015
    Vicki - great going on getting back into loss mode. :D I know you have turned your life around. :flowerforyou: Shame.your half brother couldn't make it. One day............
    My book does deal with the subject of grief, so I hope it doesn't upset you. With me the trigger was the sudden death of my sister-in-law, who lived with us at the time. I feel so much admiration and affection for you that I would hate for you to be offended by any x rated moments or bad language. But thank you for ordering it, it means a lot to me. <3

    Toni - yeah for doing the class! ! ! ! ! I am right now up again in the middle of the night with an aching hip. I never know what triggers these things, but not sleeping doesn't help. :'( Moving about in the day time I feel fine, but I am often uncomfortable in bed. I have a vascular clinic appointment tomorrow and don't want to be all tense!

    Sylvia - just seen your photo! I don't know what you are seeing, but to me you look great with a wonderful smile and some great collar bones! Pretty woman! :drinker:

    Love to all. Must go back to bed!

    Heather UK
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Evening Ladies!

    Haven't posted in a few days, but I've kept up with the posts which is becoming a full time job!

    Sylvia... You have certainly had a time of it between your health and that of your DS. I admire how you and your husband are handling it all and how you step up to take care of those grandchildren. With all that is going on in your life you still find the time to nit only oost but to also bring a smile to our faces with your jokes. Thank you Sylvia, I truely hope at things will get better for you and your family very soon.

    For those of you facing marital issues, my heart goes out to you. I know how hard and frustrating it is to be in a relationship, especially when you seem to be the only one who cares enough to make it better. I was in a relationship for 15 years, which ended abruptly almost a year ago. We weren't married but I thought this was the person I was going to live the rest of my life with. My whole life was turned upside down and I am still trying to figure out what my new future is. Four months later I decided to redirect my hurt and anger Into something productive and that is when I got serious about my health. I got on that elliptical and sweated the anger out! I tell people I have lost over 300 lbs. since last September, 275 lbs. was him...

    Heather...count me in as one of those looking foward to reading your book. Congratulations! I love the cover. I also hated to exercise and can't believe that I NEED to exercise every day. What a great addiction to have. This past weekend I decided to walk the 3 miles round trip to the post office to mail a letter instead of putting it in my mailbox for the postman to take. I was then able to enjoy a small piece of my DS's birthday cake guilt free. Who is is woman??

    Pip...love your sassy comments!

    I felt confident enough that the weather here in MA would remain above freezing and decided to get out the spring/summer clothes this weekend. We had a few days where short sleeves were in order. All the pants and shorts are too big (yeah) so most got packed up again. The tops I'll just wear loose for awhile. More trips to the thrift store.

    The daffodils and tulips are finally popping out, I think spring is finally here so I was able to get some work done in the yard. I do love the smell of mulch. Jake got his spring bath to get rid of the winter road salt and he does look very handsome. A woman stopped her car in traffic on Sunday to admire him...he's a traffic stopper!

    I've been really good about eating well, it helps that there have been no social events for the past couple of weeks. I have used many of your suggestions and they have helped tremendously. I may get a spiralizer veggie spaghetti thingy. I haven't had pasta in months and miss the sauce. We were using wide exercise bands in yoga last week and I decided to get a band so I could do the exercises at home. Went on eBay and got it for $1.04...score! I would like to tone up and maybe see muscles at some point...that would be a first.

    Started feeling poorly Sunday night, like a cold coming on, didn't get in any exercise yesterday except for Jake walking. Feeling better today, although my head is aching, think I will go to bed soon. Nothing like what some of you ladies have been faced with lately but I just needed to whine a little. Ok, I'm done...

    Chris in springlike MA

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Meg, glad you made it here two days in a row.

    Jane, your answer to hubby should have been, “it’s whatever you are serving me.”

    Toni, congrats on your newfound attitude toward this spring. Whatever the reason, I’m so glad for you. And way to go on the exercise and weights. I hate to say that it’s more than I did today.

    Barbie, you are such an inspiration and I thank you for continuing to support all of us, long after you have reached your goal…well actually surpassed it. I have to laugh at even the thought of a doctor telling me I need to gain weight. But I can always dream. <3

    Sylvia, I love the picture. You look fabulous!! Look at that neck and arms, and all. Wow. You don’t look old, what is the matter with you??? Maybe you just need new glasses? Lol I hope you feel as good as you look.

    Heather, you keep apologizing about the content and language of the book. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m sure when I start reading it, I’ll just get lost in the book and won’t keep thinking, “Oh my gosh, Heather wrote those cuss words”. LOL :o We are here to support you and not judge you, so try to relax. You also know that some of us use such language every day and others probably have done worse things than the characters in the book. We love you! I hope you are able to get a good night’s sleep.

    Chris, if that is all the whining you needed, you are too easy to please. Lol Isn’t it great for clothes to get too big, except for the having to replace them. I love your statement of losing over 300 pounds. That’s a good one. Way to go on mailing your letter. You are the woman!!!!

    I don’t know where the day has gone or what the heck I did, because it sure wasn’t exercise. Oh yes, I did spend a couple of hours trying on my big clothes and sorting out my closet. I hate trying on clothes, so it has taken a number of sessions to get this far. All I have left that hasn’t been tried are some turtle necks and some winter tops which I mainly wear around the house. I don’t think I’ll get around to trying those on because I can wear them no matter how big they are. I actually just started out, putting my new things together in outfits to make sure I have enough to wear on the cruise, but I got carried away. Of all the things I tried on, I think I only kept about 4 or 5 tops that are a little lose but I could wear in a pinch. They will probably come out the next time I get in the weeding out mood. The scale had been down another pound the past 3 days and I was going to record it today, but I woke up to it being up 1 ½ pounds. What a bummer. I think that is why I didn’t exercise today, but I’ll get back on track tomorrow.

    All of you are such special ladies and I hope your days are filled with joy. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Sylvia... Very sorry to hear of your son's continued health problems and relationship drama. Get your rest! You will not be able to help anyone if you collapse from exhaustion. As for your photo ... You look wonderful! You are your own worst critic ... And I definitely do not see what you supposedly see.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Sylvia, you are beautiful! I love that top.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,401 Member
    Came across a stevia plant at home depot. Keep craving anything sweet in the evenings (nothing here but..) so figure will walk outside and pick leaves to chew on - they taste kindof sweet so here's hoping it will disrupt the craving/binge potential.
    My youngest son, who has been on the east coast in Navy sub school, is being posted to HI, so DIL& 2 grandbabies are moving back to her mother's 3 hrs south of me. Get to see them all this upcoming month - first visit in 2 years! YEA, YEA