

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Well, my exciting social life caught up with me yesterday. Really, the unusual foods that I ate caught up with me. I spent most of yesterday either on the couch or in the bathroom. :unamused: I wasn't actually sick, but didn't want to get too far from the facilities, so I didn't go to church and didn't take a walk either. In fact, I didn't do anything but read. But, I think the rest did me good--I'm feeling much more chipper than usual for a Monday morning.

    In addition to my two big social events, I worked on Friday until 1:30 p.m., saw my therapist at 2 p.m., met with my male best friend at 3 p.m., dropped him off at his place at 4:30 p.m., spent about 15 minutes on the phone with my female best friend, then did all of the showering, hair drying, etc. for my shindig Friday night. I got home around 10 p.m. On Saturday, I did a few things at home then spent all afternoon driving my daughter around the county to do some undercover alcohol work--I drive the getaway car! :lol: While I was out with her, I got a call from someone at church who needed a last minute partner for a game of Whist Saturday night. After being reassured that my complete and total ignorance of the game was no obstacle, I agreed to go. What a blast! I laughed so much and had such a great time! Out of the 16 people there, I knew all but four. I really hope they let me come back again!

    Lisa - I'm going to be down your way next month. I will be spending a week in Dallas for work during the last week of May. And, Mary's right, being below 1200 calories is not good for you so MFP will call you on it. Welcome!

    Aw, crap! I got interrupted and now I can't remember what else I was going to say.

    So...Have a great day filled with good choices!

    Carol in (finally) sunny NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    exermom-- purrdddyyyy skirt chu got there

    cynthia-- awwwwwwwwwwwww for the hor-seee

    lhannon062709-- welcome, but i would yell at you if you were below 1000 cal. not good, you're gonna put your body into starvation mode and you will defeat your purpose of loosing weight, yesterday i was below 1k too and i made myself eat enough to get to at least 1200. be careful

    nccarolb--- sorry but LMAO!!! i still go workout but i know what you mean when you eat stuff that you normally don't

    remember those ab exercises that i did on saturday?? well they STILL hurt. you know, the kind that hurts when you sneeze or cough? i took an advil this morning, it worked! feel alot better. my legs are alot stronger cuz that run that i did yesterday, no biggie, no after pain i mean. today it's supposed to be 75 degrees by the time i get off work, so you know what that means... if it is, i'll be riding home.

    yesterday was another crazy busy day, at least i got alot of poop done.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Pip - I think "I" am the one who got a lot of poop done yesterday !! :lol::wink: :blush::lol:
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Heather: Thanks for the info on Lindesfarne. I'm going to put a visit on my bucket list, sounds like it's right up my alley!

    Margaret: The painting looks wonderful with the new mat.

    Alison: Love the planes, I'll bet your dad had a great time. Don't you love when you can do stuff that is so precious?

    DeeDee: You're right backups are incredibly important. One is never enough especially since most of us are storing our pictures on tablets and computers now. Sure don't want to lose any of those!

    Michele: Your Christmas tree skirt is so cute. What a great job you did on it!

    Janet: I've never been to Vegas but I know that the airlines usually have a lot of specials to Vegas. I can't handle too much heat but 80F is great! Those compliments sure make you feel good don't they! :bigsmile:

    Lisa: Go Kick Butt Girl! Yuppies are probably jealous.

    Carol- NC: It sounds like you had so much fun doing so much socializing... I could hear the joy in your post and the smile on your face. You've brightened my day!

    I tried a new recipe for slow cooker Beef Barley Soup. Everyone loved it and it was so easy to make. It's only about 200 cals per bowl so I will make it again for sure.

    I'm looking for a recipe for curry chicken. I've tried a few and haven't found anything I like. It needs to be mild (tummy can't handle hot) but have flavor and not taste like glue. Does anyone have a recipe they can share?

    Thought for the day: “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

    Carey - Edmonton
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet: Great NSV today! People are noticing your progress. Yay! I love the Senility Prayer. :bigsmile:

    Cynthia: Thanks for sharing the pictures of the new foal. It seems you can't really take the "horse crazy" out of the little girl, even when she's an old girl. I'll be back to riding lessons in a couple of weeks. I can hardly wait.

    Naiomi: Congratulations on a triumphant presentation! I would guess your ankles and legs are swollen due to the combined effects of standing on your feet presenting and sodium. I bet the swelling will go away soon.

    Joyce: I’m sorry the ant traps didn’t work for you. It took them a bit of time to work for me, but they were eventually effective. I hope your daughter enjoys the china set and hutch for years to come.

    Heather: I realize I don’t get to vote, but I like the idea of you finishing the book that was interrupted by breast cancer. It seems like a victory celebration to me. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’m so sorry for your friend’s trouble and for your worry. Healing will take time. She is lucky to have you for a friend. I hope you’re able to burn away the “off” mood at the gym.

    Lisa in W TX: Ignore the strangers in the hotel breakfast room. Congratulations on working out on the eliptical! I don’t worry about the accuracy of the calorie counts I get from exercise machines and simply use them. It has worked just fine in the long run.

    Sylvia: Good luck with your DGD and the dentist in Kansas City. I hope you will be able to create a positive memory for her and a better regard for dentistry. I also hope the dentist actually knows where to place the nerve-blocking medicine so that it blocks pain. At the very least she will have one-on-one attention from Grandma and an adventure away from home. You get my nomination for Grandma of the Year. You are consistently positive and always helping the DGC.

    Mary: Good luck with your moving sale. We actually sold our house at our moving sale. I put a for sale sign on the garage.

    lattequeen2: Welcome back.

    Carol: Your exciting life sounds great. It seems to me like you are creating a happier and better life than you had for a while. WTG!

    Carey-Edmonton: I love today’s quotation: “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot . It is so positive and encouraging. I also think it is true for many of us.

    I just invited DH to go to the gym with me and go out for a meal afterward. I suggested breakfast, but he thinks lunch is a better idea at 11 am. We’re contemplating what would be the most fun. I’m happy I thought to invite him, and I hope he’ll decide to do it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    nccarolb - lololol.. feel lighter huh!!
  • patmid
    patmid Posts: 45 Member
    Hi my name is Pat, I would love to join for over 50's. I live in London, near Greenwich. I was on MFP last year and did really well. Then a big birthday happened in December, then of course Christmas and a holiday to Goa in January. I have put on 21lbs and have come back to MFP, a tried and tested way of eating healthily and losing weight. This time I am hoping for an extra boost by joining the forum.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    welcome pat!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited April 2015
    Welcome Pat from a fellow Brit!
    The secret with MFP is to never go away. I have been maintaining now for 16 months and lost a couple of extra pounds by consistently logging every day and sticking with these wonderful ladies on this thread. I couldn't have done it without them. <3

    Heather from Hampshire
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Ok... Lousy weekend eating wise ... All stress eating and my body made me pay last night!

    Starting over! Got on scale expecting to shudder ... A gift! Down 1.5 from last week ... But still up from lowest point. Sigh. Which I expected.

    Eating well today but stuck at Walmart waiting for snow tires to be removed. Thought I'd try a Subway chopped salad ... Meh! I made the mistake of getting a diet coke ... I haven't had pop in 2 years ... Blech! A couple sips and my stomach is complaining...

    I love hearing about your flowering bushes and trees ... The town removed our Christmas tree from the curb this weekend... Still gonna be a while until we see blossoms of any kind!

    Margaret ... The new matting is lovely on your painting ... Presentation is everything.

    Migraine son will be home instructed for the remainder Of the school year... He's doing better but way behind. Other son is struggling... Over medicated. Working on that, but very frustrating.

    Read something about weight loss that is so true .... The number one thing we absolutely must do to lose weight and maintain that weight loss is "be consistent!" So simple and so hard to do!

    Beth in WNY

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    Linda in Calif. – (((Hugs))) My ex used to sabotage my healthy living attempts in some similar ways. I offer you more Hugs of support. I also like the suggestions from Michele and Mary. Get him involved in the decision-making, and make sure he hears straight from the doctor about your needs and limitations. I make my DH come to my Rheumatology appointments for that reason. I also send multiple events to DH, then let him choose from those events how we will socialize on a particular weekend/evening.

    Yanniejannie – so sorry for your dear friend with the louse of a husband, and so sorry that it is causing you such terrible feelings. I hope your friend is able to re-friend you once her initial pain becomes tolerable.

    Janet – I was also in Atlanta for the 1996 Olympics (my Dad won the all-expense paid trip). FUN ! ! ! We stayed at DoubleTree, ate most of our meals at HardRock, and saw the events of the final 4 days, then Closing Ceremonies. I was the goofy short redhead that snuck onto the field with the Kenya Track Team during the Closing Ceremony. I also had my picture taken with Matt Ghaffari (silver medal wrestler) and Huey Lewis at the Sports Illustrated party. SO glad I’ve never been shy. // Congrats on the NSV and the peanut butter dessert at the Moose meeting.

    Hot Flashes – if one wakes me at night, I have a popsicle. If I’m at home, I strip down to my scivvies. If I’m at work or in public, I complain and fan myself with whatever is available. I also take OTC vitamins, and drink at least 1 cup of soy milk per day (usually in my morning coffee). Not sure if any of it helps, but I feel like the symptoms are less than when I don’t take the vitamins or soy milk.

    Allison – Great picture. How lucky for both you and your Dad, to spend a lovely afternoon together like that .

    Margaret – love the painting. And it looks so much brighter now. Congrats on the results.

    Michele – Love the tree skirt.

    Vegas – Count me in! There is SO much to do, shows to see, etc. And walking is both fun and safe almost any time of the day and night (at least in the highly populated areas around the Casinos). And, if it is too hot, almost every place you want to go is air conditioned, not to mention how many casinos have indoor and/or outdoor pools. Yes, fun and exercise. Bring it ! ! ! I would also be willing to meet up anywhere that I can afford to drive or fly, and I can skype, but I can't cook on skype, because I hate cleaning after cooking, and my kitchen is ALWAYS a mess.

    This weekend was all about baseball. Double header in the morning, then practice in the evening. DH stayed home so he can become a Certified Bowling Coach. He completed level 1. I took healthy snacks to the baseball games, and was able to stick to my plans while my Dad teased me about all his junk food. During the second game a foul ball snuck under the fence, bounced up when it hit a rock, then clobbered me in the stomach. A few batters later, another made it's way under the fence and hit my foot. I moved, and left my Dad there by himself. Luckily the first one hit me in the stomach, and not my chest, since my brand new phone was in my bra-cket.

    The phone - apparently Verizon doesn't want anyone to have "mid-level" smart phones. It's either a basic phone, or an iPhone. So, I upgraded to an iPhone 6 because it was free. Now I have to remember to close things when I'm not using them, as DH wants me to limit myself to 1 gig per month (not even sure I understand what that means, even though numerous people have tried to explain).

    With being so busy this weekend, I forgot to do my planks, and my back is angry with me now. I will definitely get them done at home tonight, since my Dinner Work Meeting has been cancelled. But, my Medical Records Scanner is finally fixed, and I am about 2 weeks behind in my paperwork, so I need to shuffle off and start getting caught up again.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    OOooo! I forgot to ask for some opinions. Keeping in mind that I am more "free range" parent than I am "helicopter" I'm wondering about a decision I made about DS. He had a fund-raiser recently for Track. My Dad and I sold most of the items for him, which we are okay with. He brought them home on Friday and put them right into the freezer (cookie dough). This morning I sent him to the freezer to put labels on each item/order. I told him: name of person + thank you + his name on each post-it note. He did what I told him, then bagged the 3 that needed to go to work with me, but I never checked his work. One co-worker is upset, because it would be such an inconvenience to her if he got it wrong, and at 14 he shouldn't be expected to do this by himself without me checking his work. I think: Natural Consequences. If he did it wrong, he will need to apologize, and make it right, and risk having this person never order from him again. So, at what age do I make him do it himself, and fix his own mistakes? I mean, her Mom doesn't come to work with her. He wants to get a "real" job that pays money, so this is a great opportunity to see if he can handle it, right?

    Thanks for your input!

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Terri ~ from all I've read, you are a great mom and I think it was just fine to let your son do the work of labeling the cookie dough and distributing. Why did your co-worker get so upset? Was her order wrong?

    As for smart phones, we have had Apple 5's for the last 3 years. The only problem I am having is that the batteries need to be replaced.

    Margaret ~ the picture looks very nice. Good job on the restoration.

    Michelle ~ lovely tree skirt.

    Can't remember much.

    Caro GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    OOooo! I forgot to ask for some opinions. Keeping in mind that I am more "free range" parent than I am "helicopter" I'm wondering about a decision I made about DS. He had a fund-raiser recently for Track. My Dad and I sold most of the items for him, which we are okay with. He brought them home on Friday and put them right into the freezer (cookie dough). This morning I sent him to the freezer to put labels on each item/order. I told him: name of person + thank you + his name on each post-it note. He did what I told him, then bagged the 3 that needed to go to work with me, but I never checked his work. One co-worker is upset, because it would be such an inconvenience to her if he got it wrong, and at 14 he shouldn't be expected to do this by himself without me checking his work. I think: Natural Consequences. If he did it wrong, he will need to apologize, and make it right, and risk having this person never order from him again. So, at what age do I make him do it himself, and fix his own mistakes? I mean, her Mom doesn't come to work with her. He wants to get a "real" job that pays money, so this is a great opportunity to see if he can handle it, right?

    Thanks for your input!

    Terri in Milwaukee

    at 14, he should do it himself
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Hello losers!

    Terri - I think what you did with your DS and the cookies was exactly right. I have teenagers and am just so done with other people's opinions (people that I barely know and see rarely) on raising my children. It can be horrible at times. Some are persistent too. They'll call our home phone, my cell, text, email and FB. Who has time for all that nonsense. It usually turns out to be something they are doing that truthfully the kids can plan and do on there own. Sorry it was a coworker though as that situation is a bit sticky especially if you work closely with that person.

    This weekend I was at an event with my DD and every conversation among the Mothers seemed to be about carbs, not eating carbs, and some of their weird eating habits. I guess I never realized the length some women will go to for a small size! I did not realize grown 40-50 something women chewed food for the flavor but spit it out to avoid the calories. Just crazy to throw out good food. My mother always used to tell us to eat our food because people in China were starving! Lol.

    I had a good weekend. I kept to my calorie limit, and got in some exercise walking a lot. Staying to my calorie limit has been a little easier lately because I've been more careful with planning which is really facing what's ahead and making adjustments. Sometimes it's just easier to do I guess. My night time eating has subsided for now. Thank God.

    Love reading about you all. Hope everyone is having a productive day.

    Maryanne in CA

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Terri, set your iPhone so that it is connected to your wireless network at home. You shouldn't go over 1 gig of data that way. My DS and I share less that a gig and we never go over.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Carol, Pip, Maryanne - Thanks! I really shouldn't let this woman bug me, but it's a long history of her telling me how much smarter she is than me at work. She was already inconvenienced at the very beginning, because she couldn't remember what she ordered, and it will so inconvenient if it is wrong, and a "good mom would check his work, because he is only 14". Yet, she does not have custody of her 14 y.o. son, so I'm not sure what I was thinking allowing her inside my head like that. Thank you all for the validation.

    drkatiebug - DH did set my phone to the house wireless. I guess he's worried about all the internet I'm going to try to access when away from home (he used to have a problem with that, so I guess he's projecting his issues onto me). I honestly think I will be fine with the 1 gig thing. I have internet access at work, when else would I need it, unless lost or in a storm away from home or something. I guess I'm just nervous about something today. Deep Breath and exercise after work, plus grocery shopping alone, and I will be fine again soon.

    Thanks all for listening.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Mary from Minnesota: If you're moving to Lubbock, you'll only be about 250 miles or so from me... I live south and west of Odessa about 130 miles, on 350,000 acres. My husband is the fleet manager for a cattle/hunting ranch in Pecos County. When I run at home, I stay on the dirt roads with my dog Daisy--she doesn't like the rattlers or the javelinas, so she always jumps and runs, and so do I!

    Carol in NC:
    Thanks for the welcome, and :anguished: yeah, I know. Even at this great age, it's hard to get my head wrapped around slower is better in the long run. I'm a work in progress. To put it mildly.

    pipcd34: Dropped in to Kroger and got a frozen dinner with reasonable calories/protein/fats, etc., so tonight will be better. :)

    Carey in Edmonton: Yuppies are always jealous of us sweaty quintagenarians (word for the day-I think it's a word). Thinking seriously about going down and lifting some weights just because I can and because they have no idea where to put their eyeballs. Kinda loved turning 50. And I'm much snarkier after I've had enough coffee.

    Katla in NW Oregon: Thanks for the good words on the elliptical! I'm poking the husband about getting one for me as an anniversary present... we'll see. We used to live in Oregon- Coos Bay to be exact. Spent nearly three years there before we came back down to Texas, which is where I'm from. Loved Oregon, but missed the sun too much to stay. And, bluntly, just couldn't find work for the hubster that paid... he's making nearly four times as much in Texas as he was there. Do miss the coast, but not the rain.

    Back home early tomorrow, have to be at DFW airport with the rental car by 7 to make my 9 a.m. flight, but that puts me back in Midland by 11, and back home by 2 or 3 p.m. if my flying trip through the Super Walmart is quick like a bunny (I take advantage anytime I'm near one to stock up on things we can't get at the store that's 45 minutes from us).
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Carol - you sound like you have a very enjoyable social life! I go through a very similar reaction to what you described when I eat too much sugar bread. it really does make me not feel very good. I have never played Whist before. Maybe they will make you an honorary sub until a place opens up at least.

    Pip - I hate that when you due a new exercise and you feel it for a few days after that. Hope it goes away soon.

    Katla - I hope our house sells during our moving sale! At least a lot of people will have an opportunity to see it. Have fun with your hubby. I liked it when my DH came along to the gym when we were on vacation. He seemed a little lost there though lol I steered him over to the treadmill and bike area when he wasn't helping spot for me.

    Beth - good for you being down in weight even after eating terrible over the weekend. You're right about being consistent not being as easy as of thing to do. I watched Dr Oz today and they include a dessert every day in his program. I guess that would be consistent. my problem is once I start eating anything with sugar then I crave it even more.

    Terri - we need to put someone in charge of our Vegas trip! good thing you didn't get hurt with any of those baseball. I am like you if I do not do my exercise my back yells at me a lot.

    Maryanne - nice hearing from you again. It is weird what some people will go through to avoid calories rather than just tge they're eating habit. good for you curbing your night I'm eating!

    Ihannon - I know you told us your name but I have a very short memory and you didn't sign with that today. anyhow you have a large piece of property to call home! I new about the Rattlers in Texas but have never heard of javelinas? You sound like you used to lift weights? I just started lifting at the beginning of March.

    update on my phone issue, my DH talk to a manager this morning and now for $299 I will be getting what the lady previously promised me for free. my d H said he did not want to deal withthem anymore. He is still having someone try to contact the lady that made those promises to us. Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here and pensions in bank so shopping we go.
    Food = 1720
    Training: Wii Gold's boxing, JJ's Circuit A, JJ's Core, walking
    Yesterday afternoon I walked up to Jen's and Blaizw played with her 2 rescue dogs. Good fun. 84 minutes walking and 430 cals. Cals yesterday = 692, made up for high food cals
    Finally sorted spread-sheets out for Tom's challenge in May, 98 days.
    Lesley in Tasmania