

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Off to yoga in a moment. Another very broken night. The only thing that helps is to get up and read for a while. I get a thought stuck in my brain and no amount of sensate focusing, breathing meditation etc will get rid of it. I am currently reading "The Miniaturist", set in seventeenth century Amsterdam.

    Getting geared up for Nottingham. Did my nails yesterday in a sort of pinky beige. Neutrals are supposed to be in. My toenails are still metallic bright blue!

    Dh will have to walk and collect the car from yoga. I could easily walk there, but I have a lot of stuff to carry. He has cricket again. I am a bit lonely in the day, but haven't been overeating. o:) I hope my friend will come back for a quick cup of tea, but she may have to rush off. I always used to binge when DH was away, so that is a huge improvement. :D

    Will have to pack for tomorrow this pm. Feeling a bit nervous. I take a train to London, then cross London by metro and then take another train to Nottingham. It's not the journey that makes me nervous, but getting ready (hate packing) and seeing my son. I hope he is ok. At least he has been texting me. (He suffers from severe depression )

    Must get off.

    Love you all. Heather U K
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    morning ladies~
    Terri- do not put your phone in your bra.. a dear friend found out that that can cause breast cancer the hard way,, if you need to and you walk stick it near your hip if you dont have pockets...
    I work as a dental assistant at a dentist office, and one thing is if the kids go with there parents and they show fear, that turns them off . I was dental phobic for many years, had teeth pulled as I was to scared to get a root canal.. well I have all my teeth again with 2 fixed bridges and an implant...
    what really gets me mad is the parents that dont keep on top of there children to brush and floss, we had a little 4 yr old that has 8 huge cavities ,4 ... Now that is just stupid on the parents part...
    what is all this crazy stuff going on, now Baltimore Maryland has stuff going on.. this world is going to h--l in a handbasket.
    long day for me working 9:30-6 so I might have to come home and let the dogs out.. Thursday ,I am going out with my friend Doris on thursday, and going to lunch, then I am invited to a neighbors for dinner.. Oy
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Allison ~ how in the world did your Dad get into that plane?

    Going to see my mom in the nursing home today. Taking her some summery shirts and a couple of pairs of pants and just hope the pants fit cause I can't take them back.

    Joyce ~ my DH eats large portions. Especially since he quit smoking after his heart attack. But, I think he is finally becoming more aware and not eating quite so much at night. My problem is that I do great all day but then want to nosh after dinner. So, last night I had a 60 calorie activa yogurt and a pear. Proud of myself.

    Carol ~ GA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,775 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi Meg! Glad to see you ... how is the granddaughter doing?

    Janet ... my son is receiving instruction from a tutor provided by our school district. It has been a battle thus far to get his teachers to provide materials and assignments ... even with the tutor. For the last quarter, my son has been removed from the teachers' rosters and will now deal only with the tutor who will instruct and grade. This should have been done all along.

    Terri ... kudos to you for being a "free range" type parent .... sadly, I'm more like a "helicopter." Although, to their credit, both my sons rail against me!

    Down another half pound this morning but won't record ... Monday is the day I make weight official.

    Have a great day ladies!

    Beth in Western New York
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Tuesday. I am way behind on posts. This last 4 days I was off went by so fast. Saturday we went to DN's wedding. Had a good time and didn't drink or overeat. Mom was there and went to her own home on Sunday. I talked to her Sunday night and she is doing well and so happy to be home.
    Sunday we had two dance shows to go to. DGDs are in the same dance school, differnet classes so we ended up going to both shows. I enjoy watching the kids dance.
    Yesterday in the mail I got Heather's book. So looking forward to finding some time to get started.
    Well I will start reading and catch up with everyone. Weigh in was this morning and was back up almost a pound. New day, new beginning.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Meg, take care of yourself and feel better fast.

    Mary, I actually quit when DH had his heart surgery about 20 years ago but started back after 12 years. Yes I can say STUPID. And I was always glad I didn’t still smoke. I will never start again for sure.

    Barbie, had I been your realtor to bring you an offer and saw you were almost disappointed to have to stop organizing, I can’t imagine what I would have done. :s ROFL I guess I’d have just told you that you could sort through it again as you unpacked. And I’d have said, “Sign here and I mean now”. Lol You are so cute!

    Michele, I did find the stop watch on my phone and I can hold a plank for 30 sec. I did one side of a side plank but only for 15 sec. Gee those are hard. Still all the body weight but only on one arm. You are my inspiration. I saw a R/W/B turtle and it had red and blue cells for part and red and white stripes for part, sorta to look like a flag. You might want to give that some thought?

    Naiomi, good for you on the elipitical. Keep up the good work.

    Marlene, welcome. You should be able to shop for clothes you like soon. I’ve just come from a 2X and able to wear 16 and 18 and I’m thrilled to death. *smile* That goes to show it’s all perspective. This is a great group to give support and information. Come often and join right in. Good luck with your journey.

    Mary, I’ve had a similar recipe for years and it is delicious. Hadn’t really thought of using it lately because of the Mayo calories but that is a good idea. Thanks.

    Katla, sounds like a fabulous day with DH. And yes, that is a great way to get exhausted. Good for you both!

    Joyce, I’m like you when it comes to selling things. I have found if they are clean and neat, you get a better price. I even do that for a garage sale. I try to set things up in the best possible way (like you would in a store) to showcase what it is and that helps fetch a little more. Of course at a garage sale, space is limited for too much merchandising.

    Heather, good for you on No More Binging when DH is away. Mine is gone too much but I love having the house to myself. He doesn’t hamper me from doing whatever I want, but there is such a freedom when I am the only one here, except the fur babies are right with me. Why don’t you make some plans with friends? I wish you the best for your trip and hope your son is doing okay. ((Hugs))

    Allison, did you see the mother on TV that was beating the crap out of her son in Baltimore, cause she saw him rioting on her TV. It was great. He has a mother that cares. I wish they all did. It’s just so sad and useless to damage peoples businesses and cars. It sounds like you have a fun Thursday planned. You enjoy.

    Carol GA, way to go on a healthy snack last night. When I start wanting something to eat is when I come up stairs so I’m not near the kitchen. Then if I think about it again, the stairs remind me why I don’t want to eat anything more.

    Beth, glad to hear you have things straight for your son’s instruction. I wondered if the school system provided a tutor or if they just expected ya’ll to figure it out. What a lazy teacher that won’t take the time to send assignments for him. *shakin’ head* Way to go on the weight!!! Keep up the good work.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Another day without rain, but it is cooler today. High only in high 60’s and the average here for this time of year is the high 70’s. That is my kind of weather. I don’t even mind it in the 90’s if the humidity is low. That’s the nice thing about Las Vegas; that low humidity makes it seem way cooler than it would be here. Speaking of Vegas, are there any other suggestions for a gathering place? It seems we have about as many in the West as we do in the East. I have a meeting this afternoon so better get my butt moving. There is exercise to be done.

    Have a great day, my friends. <3

    The thought for the day

    A well-developed sense of humor
    is the pole that adds balance to your steps,
    as you walk the tightrope of life.

    - William Arthur Ward

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    SSC1958Thanks for posting the photo editor links. I am planing to take a look at Gimp later today.

    Famcy0626the pole canopy makes it sound like a fair and not just a yard sale. Around some neighborhoods have a yard sale day. It brings in a lot of people. Not sure if it drives down prices or not, but it's a lot of fun to walk up and down the streets shop and talk w/folks.

    Katla Glad you and DH had such a nice day together. You're post had me daydreaming of summ we the cottage w/my DH.

    JoyceGood for you to be getting things ready for consignment. I've put some things on EBay and at one time at a booth at an Antique Shop. Although I though I has some pretty cool stuff I nearly made enough to cover the booth rental. I did a little better on E Bay. At least it got stuff out.

    HeatherI usually sleep through the night w/out a problem. However there are times when I have a night similar to what you describe. Those times I usually do some housework. It tires me out enough that I usually can get back to sleep for another few hours. The activity helps keep me out of the fridg.

    Terrii see a lot of walkers and runners with an armband the has a pocket and a Velcro closure. They keep their phones there. If I don't have pockets I usually clip it in a holder on a waistband or belt. The armband does look a good option especially for runners.

    Grandmallie I have a cousin whose son is on the Baltimore police force. I also have colleagues who have been seeking to console the families and communities where young black men are often shot. Talking with both makes my heart ache. I am thinking there needs to be a lot more talking and praying with folks we don't yet know, in places we don't often go.

    Carolwhen my Mom was in a Nursinghome she changed sizes a lot. She also really liked to be nicely dressed. Truthfully after a while I got her many things from consignment and thrift shops. It made it easier to replace them when her size changed again or they got lost or ruined.

    Today is the first day in a while where I am working from home until an appointment this evening. I am so glad to be going at a slower pace today. It's not a day off but one w/a lot less presure.

    My ankles are down to their normal size and that makes me glad. Our national Office has an opening for senior staff position. I meet the qualifications and I am praying about applying for it. If I do apply I need to work on it today because the deadline is fast approaching.

    Goals for today include eating healthy and exercising.

    Naiomi2015 in 45F and dreary Massachusetts

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Joyce: I love breakfast foods at any time of day as well. I think that eggs are my favorite food of all time!! If the china cabinet won't fit inside...try on top :smile:

    YannieJannie: Hope the gym helped.

    Beth: It's moving in the right direction now... that's what counts. You're right being consistent can be really tough, but I'm finding it becomes easier when it a routine.

    Terri: :smile: That the first time I've heard the term "bra-cket" I thought I was the only one that used my bra as a pocket! You are a terri-fic parent and should give lessons!

    Lisa: Thanks for the word of the day. :bigsmile:

    Toni: YEAH for the scale this week and WTG for not eating after dinner!

    Jane: Hugs & Prayers, you and your family are in my thoughts!

    Janet: 5 days with no vaping...I'm proud of you. It's not easy to do!

    Meg: Hope your throat gets better soon!

    Michele: Thanks for the tip on the barley, the pearl barley didn't go to mush yet, but it might after it's been frozen. I'll look for hulled barley next time.

    Alison: Looks like you have a really busy schedule, hope you have lots of fun!

    Lots on my plate today, folks are coming to visit and Tai Chi is on the agenda. Have a great day everyone!

    Thought for the day: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce and Terri in Milwaukee: Please don’t put your cell phone in your bra & talk your daughters out of it. Cell phones give off a small amount of radiation and I’ve seen hideous pictures of breast cancer shaped exactly like the person’s cell phone. One mom posted her daughter’s picture and story on facebook. The daughter died from breast cancer at a young age. I see that Alison agrees with me.

    Heather: I hope your journey to see your son goes smoothly and that he is doing well.

    Naiomi: Good luck deciding whether to apply for the senior staff position. Would it require a move? Travel? My son’s MIL is a business executive who flies all over the country and absolutely LOVES what she does. She’s very good at it, too. One of her business locations is relatively close by here and we were able to meet her for lunch a couple of months ago. Good luck with your decision to apply, and good luck with their decision if you decide to go for it.

    I just looked at the weather forecast, and we’re in for cooler weather and a bit of rain. I’m so glad we took advantage of the beautiful day yesterday! Today my neighbor has Zumba and I have spin class. Thanks to Pip’s excellent advice, I’m going to readjust the seat and see if my knees sigh in relief. The spin teacher told me the exact same thing that Pip did about adjusting my seat correctly.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2015
    Oops! Double post. I can't delete it so I'll just empty it. :wink:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    morning peeps

    damnit - thanks. i do have mixed feelings about that saying sometimes, damnit!, i was planning on doing some more this morning but i didn't have time,, i feel so bummed, NOOOTTTT!!!!! My husband was off today and he wanted to do some, i showed him what i was talking about but then i had to go shower to catch the train here to work. we'll see how he feels, hehehe...

    marlenejehnz - welcome. at my biggest size i was an 18 and i thought the same way you do, i can't wait til i go shopping for clothes that i like and can get into. well, i always hated shopping and when i was that big, it didn't help. weellll guess what. i am down to size 4-6 and I STILL hate shopping even though i have tons more options in the outfit departments. that part hasn't changed at all, go figure :0/

    fanncy - do you know the nutritional content in that?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    edited April 2015
    Katla the same goes for talking on a cell phone when moving especially in a car. If I suspect a friend is talking to me while driving I tell them I will talk later. The number one reason is the dangers of driving while on a cell phone. The other is you are exposing yourself to more radiation than when you are standing still and talking. When you are moving fast the signal's radiation is stronger. Since we do not know what is a safe amount and it is close to your brain I ere on the side of caution. So even if I am not driving I rarely talk on a cell phone in a moving car.

    Prayers for Baltimore.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Good Morning!

    I'm cross-eyed from trying to catch up with everyone. It would be a lot easier if we were around the corner from each other and could go for walks together. Imagine how we'd look... a gang of MenoPals ;)

    Loved the penguin Christmas tree skirt and the newly framed painting from the 1800s... so many creative ladies in our group.

    Some of you have asked a couple of questions and I hope I remember to answer them. First, the boy with the hummingbirds is DH's & my son. Yes, he is 9. Yes, my other children I've given birth to range in age from 22 - 31. When I remarried, I thought all my eggs were dinosaur eggs. I was wrong. So we have a boy :) And I feel obligated to be as fit and energetic and youthful as he deserves. Although, when we first moved out here 4 years ago and were on our way back to the house from a hike, he noted, "You're not frolicking!". And so I will dye my hair at least until he leaves home, so he doesn't have to have people asking if I'm his grandma. So there's that.

    And the book, ah yes, the book. My husband coerced me into writing it with him. And for those who are interested, I'll just give you the web address, so as not to strain the eyes of those uninterested.
    pannellbytes.com I cooperated to humor him and then it was done and I cooperated and submitted it to a publisher and then they "loved it" and now I'm sweating because its personal and going to be published in July. It's our story. Yikes!!

    And along that line, my experience with this husband is pretty much the opposite of the first one... in a good way. He adores me beyond belief and he's so much fun. My mom says, "Everyone should have a Duane." I agree.

    Thank you all for such nice comments on the pictures. Wishing you all a positively successful day!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I found an interesting link for people who face anxiety regularly. It won't cure you, but I think you'll find it interesting. http://www.feelguide.com/2015/04/22/science-links-anxiety-to-high-iqs-sentinel-intelligence-social-anxiety-to-very-rare-psychic-gift/
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I am going to chime in on the cell phone in the bra. I did it for years and now I have pre-cancerous growths in my left breast exactly where my phone stayed. There is no history of breast cancer in my family on either side so I do feel the cell phone had something to do with it.

    Someone asked about me being the getaway driver... My daughter is almost 25 but looks younger. She is given a list of stores (ranging from shady mini-marts to major supermarkets) and we go to each store. I let her out and she goes into the store with her debit card in one pocket and a $1 bill in the other. If the clerk lets her buy the alcohol without asking for ID, she will pull out the dollar and say, "Oops! I thought this was a ten. I'll be right back." If the clerk asks for ID, she will pull out her debit card and say, "Oops! I thought I had grabbed my license. I'll be right back." She then comes outside, jumps into the car, and we take off. We've never had anyone follow her out of a store, but it is a distinct possibility so we are prepared to leave quickly. She then fills out a form indicating whether or not she was carded, with a brief description of the clerk. We both get paid per store and I get paid mileage since we use my car. They desperately want my son to participate because he is 18 and looks much older. They would send him in with an undercover police officer.

    I had the strangest day yesterday! I didn't linger in bed, I got in 14,000 steps, and I ate less than 1200 calories because I was so stuffed that I simply couldn't eat another bite. I think I may have been running a fever. :smiley::wink: It was also an incredibly long day--I didn't get dinner until 9 p.m. I am having a hard time finding a daily routine that allows me to get everything done that needs to be done. This whole thing of not getting home until 7:30 p.m. or later is for the birds!

    I really want to respond to more of you individually, but I have a call scheduled to come in at 11:30 a.m. and my brain is not being cooperative anyway. Have a great day!

    Carol in NC

    Oh! Jane - I'm so sorry about your mom. Please keep us posted!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Ok, if we’re going to Vegas, we have to stay at The Golden Nugget. It has a year-round heated pool that is always open (at least daylight hours, not sure about night time). There is even a clear waterslide that goes through the shark tank. They also have poolside bars and cabanas. It is on Fremont Street, which is safe and busy, and has a laser light show every hour of the darkness, so we can walk and dance to our hearts content, all night long if we wish.

    Allison – wow, another great picture. Wish I could go there, it looks like so much fun.

    TN Toni – Congrats on the loss. Everyone - Thanks for the kudos in parenting. This boy is much different from the 24 y.o. girl or any of the kids I fostered back in Minnesota.

    Jane – hugs and prayers for your Mom, for your entire family and friends.

    Janet – keep up the good work regarding the riddance of nicotine. You can do this ! Also good work on the planks. Even a short time is better than not even trying. Today I did 20 seconds front, and 15 seconds each side. The goal is at least a few more seconds each tomorrow. “Slow and steady wins the race”

    Meg – get well soon.

    Michele – would saf-t-bak also work on the bottom of slippers? Have you ever seen it in a store?

    Marlene – Welcome. I just got down to size 18/20 recently, and I almost always shop at Kohl’s. There is cute clothes out there while you transition to the “better you”.

    Katla et al – I downloaded MFP into my iPhone. Can I also make it count my steps during the day? The is a Health App already on my phone, and it claims to be counting my steps and stairs, but it seems like it is just adding numbers, even while I’m sitting at work, so I doubt it’s accuracy.

    Carol – nice job on the yogurt and pear.

    Beth – knowing what you have shared about your sons, I don’t think you are helicopter, but trying to help them deal with their issues in the best way you know. My son’s only challenge is being color blind; no food or environment allergies, no physical limitations, nothing, so he kinda’ guides me on how he wants to be parented. And DH knows nothing beyond free range, so he thinks I’m over-protective sometimes. The complete opposite of parenting daughter. I was free range with her also, and her Dad is as helicopter as they come, so that was a royal battle on a regular basis, and sometimes still is, even though she is now 24. We can only do the best we know how, and I thank everyone for their support.

    My morning is almost ½ over and it is time for me to head over to the Fitness center then have some lunch. I will continue on for awhile again this afternoon.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    every time I think of fremont street in vegas I remember when Kirby & I did our morning run from the flamingo down to fremont. on the way there, I fell, my knee was all bloodied up and he asked if I wanted to go back, I said, nahhhhhhh, we're too far into it to go back now... I got there I think it was around 11 mi one way and I went into one of the casino's and cleaned up my knee, blood was dripping down to my foot, it looked worse than it was after a bit, we ran back.. OH and it was like over 90 degrees to boot!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    This morning I tried to fix my keyboard. Changed batteries, but it didn't help. I went into control panel and tried to reset things, but got confused and gave up. I looked online using just the mouse, and that was too hard. Nothing seemed to help. So, I went out and bought a brand new keyboard. Wireless like the old one. Well, I plugged it in and darned if it didn't do the EXACT same things as the old one. It wouldn't backspace and ddn't type correctly. Huh?! So I put the old keyboard back on and rebooted the computer. A miracle happened! The darned thing works again. The whole time it just needed to be rebooted! So now I have to take the new one back for a refund, but in the meantime, I wasted a perfectly good morning fussing with it. The story of my life. I swear sometimes my brain doesn't work.

    Yesterday the trip to the dentist went well. It was a very nice place, very modern with all the fancy dentist stuff, and a fancy play room with a Wii (Jillian spent her waiting time playing football, of all things - jumping around, throwing imaginary passes, etc.), and the people were very nice. I liked that the doctor didn't wear a lab coat or anything special. Just a polo shirt and slightly wrinkled chinos. I think it made her less intimidating to the kids. (the rest of the staff wore regular uniforms) They explained to her exactly what they planned to do, and how, and she agreed that she could do it. So, we are going back August 5th, unless they have a cancellation earlier. After the dentist, we went shopping. We hit the new Sprouts store (loved it) and Trader Joes (always love that one) and my clay supply store, and Target. She had never been to a Target store before! Well, she went home with a few goodies. We had a great time, just the two of us. She said that she enjoyed spending the day with me! I told her next time won't be quite as much fun. I didn't get home till almost 10:00 last night, so it was a very long day. At the Sprouts store we each got a box of cherry tomatoes and snacked on them as we drove. What a nice treat, and interesting that she chose cherry tomatoes over candy.

    Well, I have to get my rear in gear and get some drafting done, now that my keyboard works again. I hope you are all having a great day!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    edited April 2015
    Carey - I make curry all the time. Tonight we had a delicious lamb curry with spinach and peas.
    It's difficult to know how to advise you as it depends on whether you want to learn about curry or just produce the occasional tasty dish. It is a very big subject aboug which I am passionate.
    However, I can say there are endless books out there on the subject, some for the beginner, some more advanced and detailed. You are talking about a whole continent's food. We have a myriad "Indian" restaurants in this country, most of which serve a bowderlised version of Indian food,. In fact, most of it is cooked, (badly), by Bangla Deshi immigrants and bears no relation to food served in India. Sorry to get on my hobby horse, but it is my very favourite cuisine and much misunderstood.
    Basically, to make a curry that is not hot, you would not use chilli. I use cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, tumeric, ginger, cloves, coriander, onion seed, sometimes fenugreek, but not with chicken, . If I am making a delicate fish curry I always toast whole spices and grind them; for meat I use the ground variety, apart from cloves, coriander and cinnamon. I start with the basic fresh onion, garlic and fresh ginger, sometimes as a puree, sometimes just chopped. With chicken I love spinach and it's ok to use the frozen leaf spinach. You could chuck a few peas in there. Ooooohhhh I'm feeling hungry again! I always serve it with a yoghurt, scallion, garlic and cucumber sauce. Sometimes a little tomato salad. Rice.
    Do have a look on Amazon to see what books are available. There are so many different regions of India and a whole world of dishes. Madhur Jaffrey is reliable and has some easy curry books. One of which I bought my DSD and DSIL. I always use less oil and butter than the recipe.

    I hope this is helpful. :flowerforyou:
    By the way I love your quotes. :)

    Heather on her soapbox in UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    WHIPPET - I am so sorry for the hassle, but I am absolutely ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!