Liar, liar, pants on fire



  • lostdogg
    lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
    When I was in my 20's and weighed 105-110 pounds, I got asked a lot whether my boobs were real (size DD). Some even asked if they could touch them to confirm :noway:

    Sadly, nobody asks anymore ...

    Awwww..... Can I touch to see if they're real. You know, just trying to help out. :P
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Ppl think that Im nice. secretly im mean.

    I've never thought that about you.
  • TheNavet
    TheNavet Posts: 162 Member
    Aaah, I know many people are convinced I'm the calm, studying girl; but thing is...

    I curse and swear a lot! And absolutely love to party! And that I adore dubstep and weirdo music :drinker: !
  • STAR4W
    STAR4W Posts: 11
    People don't believe I have awesome calves, and when I bet them money they jump at it and LOSE!!!!!! Hey, they have to carry my fat a** around of course my legs will be awesome!! lol

    Also, no one believes my weight. Yes I know 1 pound of fat and 1 pound of muscle weighs the same, just muscle will take up less space...duh!

    Lastly, I secretly wish I was girly-ish and not so athletic/boyish. (ok, so I love manual labor and working in a machine what?? lol)
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223
    I'm a ninja turtle

    Do you believe it?

  • goombasmom
    goombasmom Posts: 70 Member
    That I've designed/created 80% of my costumes.

    I used to ride sportbike, had five different bikes, and never got into an accident with any of them.

    I'm 38 and I still get carded in Vegas. Very annoying.
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    People don't believe I'm a grandma

    that I have tattoos

    that I used to go to heavy metal concerts and still listen lol

    that I failed my freshman year of highschool and went on to have a perfect gpa through college

    and they don't believe my first name is my real name LOL:laugh:

    oh and that I've never been on an airplane or even two feet in the door of an airport
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    People evidently don't believe I can spell my own first name... it is Marca NOT Marcia or Marcus, thanks for correcting that for me!!!
    People don't believe that my figure used to be compared to a Barbie doll.... I am twice the woman I used to be!!!
    People don't believe that I am sick most days because I hide it so I can do stuff .... SHHHH don't tell my husband!
    People don't believe I can BOTH use a chain saw AND can arrange flowers!!! LOL!!!
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    People have a hard time believing I used to weigh almost 300 pounds. I was very fortunate and didn't end up with bat wings or lots of excess skin and, even though I have added some squish from my smallest/fittest, I still look like a pretty fit, healthy person and not like someone who spent years being morbidly obese.

    Also, people don't believe I am old enough to have an almost 11 year old son, even though I think I look my age (29), in part because my almost 11 year old son looks quite a bit older and I don't look old enough to have a young teen.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    That I'm a doctor of psychology. I kind of like people not knowing because otherwise they think you're analyzing them.
  • KxCoyote
    KxCoyote Posts: 122 Member
    People can't believe my age. I go into town and get pestered about skipping school. Or I get people pulling over if i'm in the morning asking if I missed the bus, (Friendly town, teachers give lifts all the time)

    Like REALLY? I'm 20 years old! Graduated from the school most the teachers ask if I need a lift from. lol
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Sometimes I still go to play with my no longer existent tongue ring...looks a bit funny! lol. I kinda want an industrial, but IDK how accepted that one is. I mean, I can cover it easily. But still.

    I wanted to get an industrial piercing, but the piercer said I didn't have ideal ears and that it would take a lot longer to heal properly. I opted not to get the piercing because with another piercing they told me that and I ignored their advice, and well, it took a year and a half to heal instead of 8 weeks.

    People don't believe my weight; I hide the pounds well, I guess.

    I've been told I look too nice to have tattoos and piercings.

    Nobody believes me when I tell them what I do for a living; I've even had to show proof of my professional certifications.

    When I go to a new doctor, they don't believe that I have asthma and don't use an inhaler.
  • That I lived in Alaska and that I did not live in an igloo...crazy lower 48'ers
  • smirf1972
    smirf1972 Posts: 93 Member
    A lot of people thought I was a smoker before I smoked

    Now I do smoke people are really suprised that I smoke lol

    People never believe I weigh over 11st (154lbs) or that i'm 41

    The funniest though is when they realise I have my tongue peirced, they think i'm so straight laced:smokin: :drinker:
  • I am a grandmother. They say, "You don't look old enough to have grandchildren." Sometimes I smile mischieviously and say, "I'm not."
  • nope31
    nope31 Posts: 174
    I am a grandmother. They say, "You don't look old enough to have grandchildren." Sometimes I smile mischieviously and say, "I'm not."

    To your Credit, You are Stunning. Have you ever Modeled?
  • fishnbrah
    fishnbrah Posts: 550
    I am a grandmother. They say, "You don't look old enough to have grandchildren." Sometimes I smile mischieviously and say, "I'm not."

    To your Credit, You are Stunning. Have you ever Modeled?

    a wild white knight appears