Might as well starve!



  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    Can somebody please translate all the ***'s? I don't know Morris code. Thank you, God bless! ::flowerforyou::
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Sorry for the swearing. Just needed to get it off my chest. People won't understand unless they still live with a family who eat unhealthily.

    I get it. But could you pull the breading off? My girls do. They pull it off corn dogs too. Don't ask me they just do. Is there other protein you can eat like cottage cheese, yogurt, hot dogs( not healthy but it works when you are low on food choices) canned tuna or canned crab? Or fish? Or eggs eggs are good source of fat and protein and cheap.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    I don't tell my mum to cook for me, I'm capable of cooking my own meals, I do it often. I don't tell her to buy food for me. I already let everyone know beforehand I was on a health kick. I have every right to say, ''no, I'm on a health kick'', if food is cooked for me without my knowledge and then expected to eat. I don't even like chicken nuggets, and I don't like chips much. I feel people are making too big a deal of it now and missing the point ;)

    I also love the use of the phrase "health kick" which implies that this is temporary, and not something you are planning to sustain for the long term.

    Well it's not temporary. I wouldn't just work my *kitten* off with exercise for temporary results.
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    BUSTED! :grin:

    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    Today before or after you ate the fried fish, chips, and soda? I'm getting confused.

    At what time, exactly, did your health kick start?
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    BUSTED! :grin:

    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    Wut? It wasn't me that scoped your diary and realised you eat a crap diet and then come here and moan that it's all your parents fault, at 22 you need to face up to your accountability. Mummy and daddy don't make you eat anything you don't want to.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I don't tell my mum to cook for me, I'm capable of cooking my own meals, I do it often. I don't tell her to buy food for me. I already let everyone know beforehand I was on a health kick. I have every right to say, ''no, I'm on a health kick'', if food is cooked for me without my knowledge and then expected to eat. I don't even like chicken nuggets, and I don't like chips much. I feel people are making too big a deal of it now and missing the point ;)

    I think the reason people are missing your point is because you came on here whining about things that you really do have complete control over, and because you came off sounding like a spoiled brat. You might want to take a step back and re-evaluate. Rather than just go on a "health kick" and get all pissy that your mother made you chicken nuggets and fries and (god forbid) expected you to eat it, try to incorporate healthier eating for the whole family by sharing your "healthy" food and offering to help your mother cook.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I don't tell my mum to cook for me, I'm capable of cooking my own meals, I do it often. I don't tell her to buy food for me. I already let everyone know beforehand I was on a health kick. I have every right to say, ''no, I'm on a health kick'', if food is cooked for me without my knowledge and then expected to eat. I don't even like chicken nuggets, and I don't like chips much. I feel people are making too big a deal of it now and missing the point ;)

    The point being that you are coming off as a spoiled child who is used to getting your way and expect everyone to adjust things for them.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    BUSTED! :grin:

    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    After your fried fish, soda and doritos?

    I feel like you cannot possibly be a real person.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    I don't tell my mum to cook for me, I'm capable of cooking my own meals, I do it often. I don't tell her to buy food for me. I already let everyone know beforehand I was on a health kick. I have every right to say, ''no, I'm on a health kick'', if food is cooked for me without my knowledge and then expected to eat. I don't even like chicken nuggets, and I don't like chips much. I feel people are making too big a deal of it now and missing the point ;)

    I also love the use of the phrase "health kick" which implies that this is temporary, and not something you are planning to sustain for the long term.

    Well it's not temporary. I wouldn't just work my *kitten* off with exercise for temporary results.

    Duh, because you can't out exercise a bad diet.

    Read the responses in this thread before you comment more, you have all the answers you need.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    MamaRiss wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    This topic needs a Linkin Park video.


    I LOVE Linkin Park. One of my favourite bands ;)
    I died.
  • skbrodie
    skbrodie Posts: 81 Member
    This *kitten* is too entertaining.
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    aimeerace wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    BUSTED! :grin:

    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    So all the other topics you've made over the last few weeks in which you talk about changing your habits were just a warm up then?


    Nuggets are baaaad M'Kaaaaaay.

    Pahahahahaha oh @herrspoons you do crack me up.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    BUSTED! :grin:

    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    So you are on Day One of your "health kick" and you are mad at your mother to the point of cursing about her inconsiderate meal planning on an internet forum to a group of strangers? How dare she....

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    BUSTED! :grin:

    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    my brain is being used.
    i eat plenty of chips/crisps/nuggets/pizza, and yet....it's working for me.

    also, since you just started today, why not make smaller sustainable changes rather than trying to flip your whole script. maybe use YOUR brain.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    aimeerace wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    BUSTED! :grin:

    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    Today before or after you ate the fried fish, chips, and soda? I'm getting confused.

    At what time, exactly, did your health kick start?

    Those sodas were diet soda, and reduced fat soda, one of which is only available in South American and the UK. The fried fish was NOT FRIED. It was frozen battered fish cooked in the healthiest way imaginable, in a halogen oven which is an oven that cooks with hot air and gets rid of excess fat. READ THE NOTES. The crisps were so I could use up some of my fat from my macros. You can have a little unhealthy stuff on a healthy lifestyle.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    You ... had a revelation today... and came on here to rant... and are placing blame at your mother's feet?


    You're got some growing to do.

    You're 22 now. Learn a valuable lesson: Nobody owes you ANYTHING. You have to earn it for yourself.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    If you look at my diary I have 482 calories left, 47 carbs, 8 fat, 45 protein, 1,877 sodium, -14 sugar.

    You have made some wrong choices...so figure out how you can make the right choices and be able to eat more food.

    I eat at 1400. I had a PB&B sandwich for breakfast...chicken and roasted vegetables for lunch and still have over 800 calories left for the rest of the day.

    Point being...either raise your calories and lose weight slower or learn to cook healthy lower calorie foods to fit your 1440.

    I had a Subway(don't know if you have them in Englad) and chips the other night and made them fit in to my 1400.

    Takes work...takes practice...takes effort...but you can eat really healthy...tasty food at your calorie level.

    How about you find a recipe...healthy and low calorie...cook it for your parents...maybe they will like it.

  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    I don't tell my mum to cook for me, I'm capable of cooking my own meals, I do it often. I don't tell her to buy food for me. I already let everyone know beforehand I was on a health kick. I have every right to say, ''no, I'm on a health kick'', if food is cooked for me without my knowledge and then expected to eat. I don't even like chicken nuggets, and I don't like chips much. I feel people are making too big a deal of it now and missing the point ;)

    What is the point? Because in your first post you were bitching and moaning about your mom cooking your food. And people are going to have questions with your post. It's natural for people to ask questions.

    Also... when we see someone who is 22 and complaining about food a parent makes for them, it raises a few eyebrows.
    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    Op, how is the poster supposed to use their brain when this information is not available? You're only painting part of a picture here. Again... it's natural for people to have questions.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I don't need TV when I have MFP Forums.
This discussion has been closed.