Might as well starve!



  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    So you started the health kick today, BUT didnt mention that in your original post.
    Your diary is full of junk food each day. You max your calories almost daily. If youre on a health kick suddenly, shouldnt you convey this to the people that feed you?
    Not trying to be rude, but if you want to make changes "you" have to make them, not your Mom. When you get your next paycheck go to the grocery store and pick a few healthy alternatives out and prepare our own meals.

    I already did tell them I am eating healthily as from today. I thought it would be quite obvious from my diary from today that I am eating healthier from now on. I don't live in the past. I live for the future.

    Eat the nuggets. In 20 minutes that will be in the past anyway.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    It's quite sad people make fun of self harm. Do you know what a serious condition it is to have? I still have scars and it is literally people being nasty to me that made me do it.

    You know what else is sad? Bragging about it and exploiting it like a badge of honor.
  • Lexicpt
    Lexicpt Posts: 209 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    And then you heated it in your easy bake oven.

    I almost peed my pants.

  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    It's quite sad people make fun of self harm. Do you know what a serious condition it is to have? I still have scars and it is literally people being nasty to me that made me do it.
    No one here made fun of it.

    Don't come here for support, get help if you haven't already.

    And don't call bully on people responding to your childish rant.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    It's quite sad people make fun of self harm. Do you know what a serious condition it is to have? I still have scars and it is literally people being nasty to me that made me do it.

    You know what else is sad? Bragging about it and exploiting it like a badge of honor.

    +a billionty

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,424 Member
    My mother just cooked me up a plate of fried *kitten* chips and *kitten* chicken nuggets. I said nope, not eating that because it's not healthy. I'm on a health kick. I don't want to be eating that. Yet I go to cook my own tea/dinner, and oh look the only *kitten* healthy stuff is frozen vegetables or *kitten* fruit. Yeah because that's going to fill me up. I so want to eat both of those things with the rest of my calories don't I. I may as well *kitten* just starve. It's hot here, I am so *kitten* hungry, it's tough to eat healthy in an environment like this! It's either starve, go over the macro with sugar which i already have done by eating more fruit, or just have some vegetables which are hardly any calories. The rest is just straky bacon, pizza, processed foods. No wonder I'm the *kitten* thinnest. I don't gorge on the crap.

    If you are in the situation where you are dependant on someone else to buy or prepare your food then you will need to work around it without getting angry or whiny. Try to help plan meals. Add things you want to the grocery list. Volunteer to cook more often.
    You could have had the chicken and made frozen vegetables to go with it. The chicken would give you protein which will help you to feel more full.
    You can eat any foods, fit it in your calorie goal and lose weight. Eating is healthier than starving.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    It's quite sad people make fun of self harm. Do you know what a serious condition it is to have? I still have scars and it is literally people being nasty to me that made me do it.

    You know what else is sad? Bragging about it and exploiting it like a badge of honor.

  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    So you started the health kick today, BUT didnt mention that in your original post.
    Your diary is full of junk food each day. You max your calories almost daily. If youre on a health kick suddenly, shouldnt you convey this to the people that feed you?
    Not trying to be rude, but if you want to make changes "you" have to make them, not your Mom. When you get your next paycheck go to the grocery store and pick a few healthy alternatives out and prepare our own meals.

    I already did tell them I am eating healthily as from today. I thought it would be quite obvious from my diary from today that I am eating healthier from now on. I don't live in the past. I live for the future.

    Eat the nuggets. In 20 minutes that will be in the past anyway.
  • MsSquatAlot
    MsSquatAlot Posts: 238 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    aimeerace wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    BUSTED! :grin:

    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    Today before or after you ate the fried fish, chips, and soda? I'm getting confused.

    At what time, exactly, did your health kick start?

    Those sodas were diet soda, and reduced fat soda, one of which is only available in South American and the UK. The fried fish was NOT FRIED. It was frozen battered fish cooked in the healthiest way imaginable, in a halogen oven which is an oven that cooks with hot air and gets rid of excess fat. READ THE NOTES. The crisps were so I could use up some of my fat from my macros. You can have a little unhealthy stuff on a healthy lifestyle.

    And yet you came on here to complain about your mom making you a plate of fried chips and chicken nuggets....

    Because, I am a perfectionist and I have to eat pretty healthy in order to get my ideal body through HIIT and a healthy lifestyle. I don't have the calories left, nor do I have the fat left to eat fried food.

    You are nothing you have mentioned above. If you were, you would not even be here. Please stop feeding the troll guys, she is already at max caloric consumption.
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    Coca Cola Life is basically normal Coca Cola but made with Stevia. It's still full of crap. It also tastes like a dogs gonads. (I don't actually know what Dogs Gonads taste like but that's all I could liken it to)

    Very relieved you clarified on the personal experience with dog's gonads. It saved me from wondering.

    I did actually debate omitting it to see if anyone called me on it hahahahaha
  • Looncove_Farm
    Looncove_Farm Posts: 115 Member
    » show previous quotes

    Those sodas were diet soda, and reduced fat soda, one of which is only available in South American and the UK. The fried fish was NOT FRIED. It was frozen battered fish cooked in the healthiest way imaginable, in a halogen oven which is an oven that cooks with hot air and gets rid of excess fat. READ THE NOTES. The crisps were so I could use up some of my fat from my macros. You can have a little unhealthy stuff on a healthy lifestyle.

    At this point, your now defending the meal you were originally complaining about.
    Ok, I have livestock to tend and a barn to be cleaned, you have a wonderful day and good luck with figuring the mess you seem to have made out.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    It's quite sad people make fun of self harm. Do you know what a serious condition it is to have? I still have scars and it is literally people being nasty to me that made me do it.

    i missed the part where people made fun of self harm.

    all i'm seeing is people fed up with your logic and complaining.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    My mother just cooked me up a plate of fried *kitten* chips and *kitten* chicken nuggets. I said nope, not eating that because it's not healthy. I'm on a health kick. I don't want to be eating that. Yet I go to cook my own tea/dinner, and oh look the only *kitten* healthy stuff is frozen vegetables or *kitten* fruit. Yeah because that's going to fill me up. I so want to eat both of those things with the rest of my calories don't I. I may as well *kitten* just starve. It's hot here, I am so *kitten* hungry, it's tough to eat healthy in an environment like this! It's either starve, go over the macro with sugar which i already have done by eating more fruit, or just have some vegetables which are hardly any calories. The rest is just straky bacon, pizza, processed foods. No wonder I'm the *kitten* thinnest. I don't gorge on the crap.

    Fruit is great, nothing wrong with frozen veg, it still counts. Virtually all food is processed in some way. Sugar is fine, just eat plenty of fibre to go with it. Chips and chicken nuggets are fine too, along with everything else. Just eat it in appropriate amounts.
    Sorry for the swearing. Just needed to get it off my chest. People won't understand unless they still live with a family who eat unhealthily.

    I still live with family (which at my age means I've failed at life so far, but whatever) and they eat in a way which you'd probably deem to be unhealthy but this hasn't affected me at all. Stop judging others, stop expecting them to eat in a way which you approve of, stop using their eating habits as an excuse. Be an adult and take charge of purchasing your own food. Whoever is buying the food for a group of people has to decide what best suits everyone and their wallet. Give them a break and be a bit more grateful.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    aimeerace wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    BUSTED! :grin:

    That was BEFORE TODAY. TODAY I started my health kick. How could a health kick include crisps etc? Obviously it was started today. Use your brain.

    Today before or after you ate the fried fish, chips, and soda? I'm getting confused.

    At what time, exactly, did your health kick start?

    Those sodas were diet soda, and reduced fat soda, one of which is only available in South American and the UK. The fried fish was NOT FRIED. It was frozen battered fish cooked in the healthiest way imaginable, in a halogen oven which is an oven that cooks with hot air and gets rid of excess fat. READ THE NOTES. The crisps were so I could use up some of my fat from my macros. You can have a little unhealthy stuff on a healthy lifestyle.

    And yet you came on here to complain about your mom making you a plate of fried chips and chicken nuggets....

    Because, I am a perfectionist and I have to eat pretty healthy in order to get my ideal body through HIIT and a healthy lifestyle. I don't have the calories left, nor do I have the fat left to eat fried food.

    I think its safe to say that today didn't work out the way you hoped and perhaps a little pre planning would be helpful for tomorrow. You cooked the fish in a halo oven to get rid of the excess fat and then ate crisps to "use up" your fat macros and now you don't have enough fat left to eat the food your mom made you. Also you can't eat it because its unhealthy but you can have the crisps because some unhealthy food is okay on your new health kick. You come here throwing a fit, giving half information and accusing people of bullying you. You are not a "perfectionist."
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    agoraphobia Fear of places. This is why you can't move out, buy your own food, or cook for yourself. I really feel sorry for your parents.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP do me a favor. Before this thread gets nuked, or devolves into the inevitable gif fest, print off the pages so far, make 5 copies of them, seal them in 5 envelopes, and address them to yourself to be opened on your 32nd, 42nd, 52nd, etc birthdays so that you can be reminded of your thought process and how you talked about your family back when you were 22...
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    Coca Cola Life is basically normal Coca Cola but made with Stevia. It's still full of crap. It also tastes like a dogs gonads. (I don't actually know what Dogs Gonads taste like but that's all I could liken it to)

    Very relieved you clarified on the personal experience with dog's gonads. It saved me from wondering.

  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    edited April 2015
    It's quite sad people make fun of self harm. Do you know what a serious condition it is to have? I still have scars and it is literally people being nasty to me that made me do it.

    You need some serious mental help. Its perfectly okay to throw a tantrum towards your mother and act like a complete *kitten* but if someone calls you on it then they're the bully? Got it.

    Grow up. You're 22. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Your "health kick" will be short lived if you aren't going to take responsibility for yourself. Go buy your own food.

  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    OP do me a favor. Before this thread gets nuked, or devolves into the inevitable gif fest, print off the pages so far, make 5 copies of them, seal them in 5 envelopes, and address them to yourself to be opened on your 32nd, 42nd, 52nd, etc birthdays so that you can be reminded of your thought process and how you talked about your family back when you were 22...
    HAHA yes!
This discussion has been closed.