Sugar free detox



  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    I am really surprised at the negativity in some of these posts. I have gone sugar-free many times, both with and without natural alternatives such as raw honey, and my body really responds well to being sugar-free. It makes me feel better all over for as long as I keep it up.

    That's the point. You aren't really going sugar free. Honey, even raw, organic, gmo free, gluten free, and dairy free honey is still sugar.
    Also, bee barf.

    Tasty bee barf.

    But then I like dairy too! ;-)

    Dairy's not quite as gross. Unless it's yogurt, then it's bacteria barf.

    Tasty tangy bacteria barf.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Yes I want to stop for a bit of refined sugar and reduce the amount of extra sugar get to a whole food diet. Not all sugar. Sugar is just so bad for us and we aren't meant to have as much as I have been eating.

    You can do it! You have the right idea, get rid of as many processed foods s you possibly can. Shop in the produce and frozen sections to purchase whole foods.
    Natural sugar found in fruits/vegetables is what our bodies are meant to handle.
    I also do not advocate artifical sweetners!

    "Meant" by who?

    You had to go there!

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yes I want to stop for a bit of refined sugar and reduce the amount of extra sugar get to a whole food diet. Not all sugar. Sugar is just so bad for us and we aren't meant to have as much as I have been eating.

    You can do it! You have the right idea, get rid of as many processed foods s you possibly can. Shop in the produce and frozen sections to purchase whole foods.
    Natural sugar found in fruits/vegetables is what our bodies are meant to handle.
    I also do not advocate artifical sweetners!

    wouldn't frozen foods/vegetables count as processed?
    what are you defining as processed?
    do you have a medical condition that makes sugar bad for you? I do not limit my sugar and my blood work was nearly perfect at this years physical.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Yes I want to stop for a bit of refined sugar and reduce the amount of extra sugar get to a whole food diet. Not all sugar. Sugar is just so bad for us and we aren't meant to have as much as I have been eating.

    You can do it! You have the right idea, get rid of as many processed foods s you possibly can. Shop in the produce and frozen sections to purchase whole foods.
    Natural sugar found in fruits/vegetables is what our bodies are meant to handle.
    I also do not advocate artifical sweetners!

    "Meant" by who?

    You had to go there!

    I'm meant to cause trouble.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I am sorry I ever posted hear and if I offended anyone on wanting some information on this I am sorry. I can't figure out how to remove my post. I just know when my kids get sugar from candy vs fruit they act differently.
    No need. The mods are shutting down the sugar addiction threads today, so just hang on a sec :wink:

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Yes I want to stop for a bit of refined sugar and reduce the amount of extra sugar get to a whole food diet. Not all sugar. Sugar is just so bad for us and we aren't meant to have as much as I have been eating.

    You can do it! You have the right idea, get rid of as many processed foods s you possibly can. Shop in the produce and frozen sections to purchase whole foods.
    Natural sugar found in fruits/vegetables is what our bodies are meant to handle.
    I also do not advocate artifical sweetners!

    You mean the sugars that are identical to those in candy bars, soft drinks, pastries, etc? They are identical chemically and in the way they get processed by the human body.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Yes I want to stop for a bit of refined sugar and reduce the amount of extra sugar get to a whole food diet. Not all sugar. Sugar is just so bad for us and we aren't meant to have as much as I have been eating.

    You can do it! You have the right idea, get rid of as many processed foods s you possibly can.

    What about the ones that don't have any added sugar? Or minimal amounts.

    For example (just thinking about what processed foods I personally eat lots of): cottage cheese, Fage plain yogurt, various sorts of steel cut oats, smoked salmon, tinned herring or sardines, bagged spinach, olive oil.

    People use "processed" as if all processed foods were identical when, instead, the vast majority of foods we eat probably count as processed, including any meat you get from a farm (at least in my state it has to be processed before being sold).
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    I did a juice "Detox" once where all you drink are these premade fresh juices for three day. They are comprised of real fruits and veggies, not one of those OTC or GNC juice detoxes. The one I ordered was from Squeezed Online. It was supposed to alleviate your food addictions (mine is sugar). I felt great after the detox, like some one had hit the reset button, but it didn't last more than a few months before I slowly started cycling artificial sugar back into my diet. This time around I'm just going to try every day to have less sugar than the previous day.

    Addressing a "sugar addiction" by drinking only juice makes no sense. A juice fast is full of sugar.

    It makes complete sense as long as you buy into hype over logic.
    When I want to look like either of you, then perhaps I'll take your trolling advice.
    The OP asked a question, I responded with my experience which obviously you didn't read in its entirety. Anywho, I enjoyed the juices, I bought a juicer to make my own, and I would recommend it. If you don't subscribe to that notion, more power to you. There are more than one ways to meet your fitness goals and the method I like may not be the one you like. Either way I'm happy with my body, just as I'm sure you're happy with yours. So since we've established that I feel there is nothing more to discuss. Have a great day!

    When I want to look like you...

    I'll just put my hand on my hip and tilt my head back.

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I dont eat purified sugar... I cook from scratch and when I rarely bake I use fruits or a little honey to sweeten

    I don't have a sweet tooth, already liked dark chocolate like to eat iwth with a bit of salt on it :)

    I do eat refined sugar in baked goods / foods ... I cook from scratch and when I bake I use the recipe

    I don't have a particularly sweet tooth either and I like dark chocolate .. and salted caramel and ice cream bars omnomnom

    what I do is watch my overall calories, my protein intake and my fibre .. the rest can just fall where it falls ... weight loss and maintenance should be how you can live for life

    Neither the OP nor the poster you quoted ever mentioned their worries about "weight loss" or "maintenance"

    Isn't it cool how we always assume people must be concerned about certain things when they aren't?

    isn't it cool how some people love to referee the forums...

    last time I checked you were allowed to express an opinion in an open, public, forum, regardless of topic...

    Sure but at least be on the topic and answer what the OP is asking. Isn't this thread about the OP. I thought so.

    Thought so what? So people cannot give a personal opinion on the forums now?

    Did you even read the entire post. No one is saying not to give personal opinion but at least stick to what the OP has asked. Won't you.

    That's exactly what you're saying though. Because she talked about how she took in sugar and thought it was okay to have while maintaining and losing weight, you're saying that it's wrong.

    I want you to throw in a post from OP where they have used these words "maintaining" "losing weight". Can you post the exact quote from OP's comments with those words. Because I searched and I didn't find them.

    Well according to OP's profile she wants to lose 60 pounds....sooooo....yeah.

    OP - I'm not sure why you need to buy a cookbook to reduce your sugar intake? If you want to stick to more nutrient dense sources of sugar, reduce cookie intake? Like someone pointed out, you aren't going to find many recipes in there that you wouldn't find searching the internet. I don't add a cup of sugar to my dinner recipes even if I'm not low carbing.

    I like being polite especially since I'm here regular.

    It's highly recommended to not come here constipated.

    Yes but if you do a juice cleanse, it should take care of that straight away...

  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    I did a juice "Detox" once where all you drink are these premade fresh juices for three day. They are comprised of real fruits and veggies, not one of those OTC or GNC juice detoxes. The one I ordered was from Squeezed Online. It was supposed to alleviate your food addictions (mine is sugar). I felt great after the detox, like some one had hit the reset button, but it didn't last more than a few months before I slowly started cycling artificial sugar back into my diet. This time around I'm just going to try every day to have less sugar than the previous day.

    Addressing a "sugar addiction" by drinking only juice makes no sense. A juice fast is full of sugar.

    It makes complete sense as long as you buy into hype over logic.
    When I want to look like either of you, then perhaps I'll take your trolling advice.
    The OP asked a question, I responded with my experience which obviously you didn't read in its entirety. Anywho, I enjoyed the juices, I bought a juicer to make my own, and I would recommend it. If you don't subscribe to that notion, more power to you. There are more than one ways to meet your fitness goals and the method I like may not be the one you like. Either way I'm happy with my body, just as I'm sure you're happy with yours. So since we've established that I feel there is nothing more to discuss. Have a great day!

    When I want to look like you...

    I'll just put my hand on my hip and tilt my head back.

    Don't forget to climb atop a pedestal first....
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Sugar to survive? Really? LOL

    Yes, your body requires glucose to function. This is biology 101.

    Glucose is not sugar.

    Maybe, instead of paying for forum access, as was suggested by another poster, you have to identify which of a list of items are forms of sugar. That seems to the the crux of any and all disagreement and animosity in this thread, that there are some very vocal people who just can't comprehend the fact that there are various molecules that are classified as "sugars" and are found in "healthy" foods.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    I am sorry I ever posted hear and if I offended anyone on wanting some information on this I am sorry. I can't figure out how to remove my post. I just know when my kids get sugar from candy vs fruit they act differently.

    I feel terrible about your obvious horror and shock. Things shouldn't be this way. It's a sensitive topic, I guess, but really this is just a turn off. Maybe try taking these discussions to your wall and sharing with your FL? Sorry but that's the best I can think of.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Sugar to survive? Really? LOL

    Yes, your body requires glucose to function. This is biology 101.

    Glucose is not sugar.

    Maybe, instead of paying for forum access, as was suggested by another poster, you have to identify which of a list of items are forms of sugar. That seems to the the crux of any and all disagreement and animosity in this thread, that there are some very vocal people who just can't comprehend the fact that there are various molecules that are classified as "sugars" and are found in "healthy" foods.

    Form of sugar is not the same as saying if you don't eat sugar you'll die. Since your body can produce all the glucose you need from gluconeogenesis, suggesting that you must eat sugar for survival is wrong.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Yes I want to stop for a bit of refined sugar and reduce the amount of extra sugar get to a whole food diet. Not all sugar. Sugar is just so bad for us and we aren't meant to have as much as I have been eating.

    You can do it! You have the right idea, get rid of as many processed foods s you possibly can. Shop in the produce and frozen sections to purchase whole foods.
    Natural sugar found in fruits/vegetables is what our bodies are meant to handle.
    I also do not advocate artifical sweetners!

    You mean the sugars that are identical to those in candy bars, soft drinks, pastries, etc? They are identical chemically and in the way they get processed by the human body.

    Not only are they identical chemically, but the sugar in a snickers bar, et. al. is also natural sugar that comes from a vegetable ..
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited April 2015
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Sugar to survive? Really? LOL

    Yes, your body requires glucose to function. This is biology 101.

    Glucose is not sugar.

    Maybe, instead of paying for forum access, as was suggested by another poster, you have to identify which of a list of items are forms of sugar. That seems to the the crux of any and all disagreement and animosity in this thread, that there are some very vocal people who just can't comprehend the fact that there are various molecules that are classified as "sugars" and are found in "healthy" foods.

    Form of sugar is not the same as saying if you don't eat sugar you'll die. Since your body can produce all the glucose you need from gluconeogenesis, suggesting that you must eat sugar for survival is wrong.

    You are ignoring the context.

    OP said "I need to 'detox' from sugar."

    A couple of people jumped in to say that that makes no sense, because your body needs sugar to survive (NOT, unless I missed it, "you must eat sugar to live").

    The point is that removing all sugar from your body ("detoxing" from it) clearly is a problematic concept.

    As is the idea that one would do that by drinking juice, of course.

    If someone wants to quit added sugar for a while, they should. Might help. My guess is that if your deal is being unable to stop eating cookies that cutting out salad dressing or ketchup or Roman Meal bread or whatever probably won't matter--but whatever floats your boat. Katie Couric's dishonesty with respect to the tomato sauce argument just annoys me every time I think about it (although I'm all for cutting out jarred marinara, as I'm a marinara snob myself).
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I did a juice "Detox" once where all you drink are these premade fresh juices for three day. They are comprised of real fruits and veggies, not one of those OTC or GNC juice detoxes. The one I ordered was from Squeezed Online. It was supposed to alleviate your food addictions (mine is sugar). I felt great after the detox, like some one had hit the reset button, but it didn't last more than a few months before I slowly started cycling artificial sugar back into my diet. This time around I'm just going to try every day to have less sugar than the previous day.

    Addressing a "sugar addiction" by drinking only juice makes no sense. A juice fast is full of sugar.

    It makes complete sense as long as you buy into hype over logic.
    When I want to look like either of you, then perhaps I'll take your trolling advice.
    The OP asked a question, I responded with my experience which obviously you didn't read in its entirety. Anywho, I enjoyed the juices, I bought a juicer to make my own, and I would recommend it. If you don't subscribe to that notion, more power to you. There are more than one ways to meet your fitness goals and the method I like may not be the one you like. Either way I'm happy with my body, just as I'm sure you're happy with yours. So since we've established that I feel there is nothing more to discuss. Have a great day!

    When I want to look like you...

    I'll just put my hand on my hip and tilt my head back.

    I was hoping someone other than me would take it upon themselves to mention the "hai gaiz! I'm a teapot! TOOT TOOT!" pose.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Sugar to survive? Really? LOL

    Yes, your body requires glucose to function. This is biology 101.

    Glucose is not sugar.

    Maybe, instead of paying for forum access, as was suggested by another poster, you have to identify which of a list of items are forms of sugar. That seems to the the crux of any and all disagreement and animosity in this thread, that there are some very vocal people who just can't comprehend the fact that there are various molecules that are classified as "sugars" and are found in "healthy" foods.

    Form of sugar is not the same as saying if you don't eat sugar you'll die. Since your body can produce all the glucose you need from gluconeogenesis, suggesting that you must eat sugar for survival is wrong.

    You are ignoring the context.

    OP said "I need to 'detox' from sugar."

    A couple of people jumped in to say that that makes no sense, because your body needs sugar to survive (NOT, unless I missed it, "you must eat sugar to live").

    The point is that removing all sugar from your body ("detoxing" from it) clearly is a problematic concept.

    As is the idea that one would do that by drinking juice, of course.

    If someone wants to quit added sugar for a while, they should. Might help. My guess is that if your deal is being unable to stop eating cookies that cutting out salad dressing or ketchup or Roman Meal bread or whatever probably won't matter--

    The part in bold is the part that I wish more people would take a minute and think about. If you believe you have an issue with overconsumption of sugar, dare I say it, people who think they are "addicted" to sugar - why are they not sitting there with ketchup packets from McDonalds squirting them in their mouths to get their sugar fix?

  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    I did a juice "Detox" once where all you drink are these premade fresh juices for three day. They are comprised of real fruits and veggies, not one of those OTC or GNC juice detoxes. The one I ordered was from Squeezed Online. It was supposed to alleviate your food addictions (mine is sugar). I felt great after the detox, like some one had hit the reset button, but it didn't last more than a few months before I slowly started cycling artificial sugar back into my diet. This time around I'm just going to try every day to have less sugar than the previous day.

    Addressing a "sugar addiction" by drinking only juice makes no sense. A juice fast is full of sugar.

    It makes complete sense as long as you buy into hype over logic.
    When I want to look like either of you, then perhaps I'll take your trolling advice.
    The OP asked a question, I responded with my experience which obviously you didn't read in its entirety. Anywho, I enjoyed the juices, I bought a juicer to make my own, and I would recommend it. If you don't subscribe to that notion, more power to you. There are more than one ways to meet your fitness goals and the method I like may not be the one you like. Either way I'm happy with my body, just as I'm sure you're happy with yours. So since we've established that I feel there is nothing more to discuss. Have a great day!

    When I want to look like you...

    I'll just put my hand on my hip and tilt my head back.

    I was hoping someone other than me would take it upon themselves to mention the "hai gaiz! I'm a teapot! TOOT TOOT!" pose. every. single. picture.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    I did a juice "Detox" once where all you drink are these premade fresh juices for three day. They are comprised of real fruits and veggies, not one of those OTC or GNC juice detoxes. The one I ordered was from Squeezed Online. It was supposed to alleviate your food addictions (mine is sugar). I felt great after the detox, like some one had hit the reset button, but it didn't last more than a few months before I slowly started cycling artificial sugar back into my diet. This time around I'm just going to try every day to have less sugar than the previous day.

    Addressing a "sugar addiction" by drinking only juice makes no sense. A juice fast is full of sugar.

    It makes complete sense as long as you buy into hype over logic.
    When I want to look like either of you, then perhaps I'll take your trolling advice.
    The OP asked a question, I responded with my experience which obviously you didn't read in its entirety. Anywho, I enjoyed the juices, I bought a juicer to make my own, and I would recommend it. If you don't subscribe to that notion, more power to you. There are more than one ways to meet your fitness goals and the method I like may not be the one you like. Either way I'm happy with my body, just as I'm sure you're happy with yours. So since we've established that I feel there is nothing more to discuss. Have a great day!

    When I want to look like you...

    I'll just put my hand on my hip and tilt my head back.

    Don't forget to climb atop a pedestal first....

    ...With head firmly entrenched...
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I did a juice "Detox" once where all you drink are these premade fresh juices for three day. They are comprised of real fruits and veggies, not one of those OTC or GNC juice detoxes. The one I ordered was from Squeezed Online. It was supposed to alleviate your food addictions (mine is sugar). I felt great after the detox, like some one had hit the reset button, but it didn't last more than a few months before I slowly started cycling artificial sugar back into my diet. This time around I'm just going to try every day to have less sugar than the previous day.

    Addressing a "sugar addiction" by drinking only juice makes no sense. A juice fast is full of sugar.

    It makes complete sense as long as you buy into hype over logic.
    When I want to look like either of you, then perhaps I'll take your trolling advice.
    The OP asked a question, I responded with my experience which obviously you didn't read in its entirety. Anywho, I enjoyed the juices, I bought a juicer to make my own, and I would recommend it. If you don't subscribe to that notion, more power to you. There are more than one ways to meet your fitness goals and the method I like may not be the one you like. Either way I'm happy with my body, just as I'm sure you're happy with yours. So since we've established that I feel there is nothing more to discuss. Have a great day!

    When I want to look like you...

    I'll just put my hand on my hip and tilt my head back.

    I laughed a little too much at this.

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Sugar to survive? Really? LOL

    Yes, your body requires glucose to function. This is biology 101.

    Glucose is not sugar.

    Maybe, instead of paying for forum access, as was suggested by another poster, you have to identify which of a list of items are forms of sugar. That seems to the the crux of any and all disagreement and animosity in this thread, that there are some very vocal people who just can't comprehend the fact that there are various molecules that are classified as "sugars" and are found in "healthy" foods.

    Form of sugar is not the same as saying if you don't eat sugar you'll die. Since your body can produce all the glucose you need from gluconeogenesis, suggesting that you must eat sugar for survival is wrong.

    You are ignoring the context.

    OP said "I need to 'detox' from sugar."

    A couple of people jumped in to say that that makes no sense, because your body needs sugar to survive (NOT, unless I missed it, "you must eat sugar to live").

    The point is that removing all sugar from your body ("detoxing" from it) clearly is a problematic concept.

    As is the idea that one would do that by drinking juice, of course.

    If someone wants to quit added sugar for a while, they should. Might help. My guess is that if your deal is being unable to stop eating cookies that cutting out salad dressing or ketchup or Roman Meal bread or whatever probably won't matter--but whatever floats your boat. Katie Couric's dishonesty with respect to the tomato sauce argument just annoys me every time I think about it (although I'm all for cutting out jarred marinara, as I'm a marinara snob myself).

    There actually was a post that said you need sugar to live, which is the comment that the above person is targeting. Glucose is required for the body to function; glucose is a sugar; glucose can be synthesized from the body which negates the need for sugar to be consumed to live.

    Beyond that eat the amount and type of sugar that 1) you feel good eating, 2) helps you meet your goals, 3) keeps you feeling satiated in the context of your overall diet, and 4) is sustainable for your lifestyle.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Yes I want to stop for a bit of refined sugar and reduce the amount of extra sugar get to a whole food diet. Not all sugar. Sugar is just so bad for us and we aren't meant to have as much as I have been eating.

    You can do it! You have the right idea, get rid of as many processed foods s you possibly can.

    What about the ones that don't have any added sugar? Or minimal amounts.

    For example (just thinking about what processed foods I personally eat lots of): cottage cheese, Fage plain yogurt, various sorts of steel cut oats, smoked salmon, tinned herring or sardines, bagged spinach, olive oil.

    People use "processed" as if all processed foods were identical when, instead, the vast majority of foods we eat probably count as processed, including any meat you get from a farm (at least in my state it has to be processed before being sold).

    Like you, I am so over the "processed" foods boogeyman. It's so casually tossed around without thought for what it actually means.

    At this point?


  • ReverendNewman
    ReverendNewman Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2015
    Today is my first day of sugar detox, if u will. I'm dropping my coffee, which I add tons of sugar and lite cream. AND I'm dumping all diet sodas.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Today is my first day of sugar detox, if u will. I'm dropping my coffee, which I add tons of sugar and lite cream. AND I'm dumping all diet sodas.

    You might want to taper the caffeine. Just a suggestion :)

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    why did he edit to bold that? lol
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Today is my first day of sugar detox, if u will. I'm dropping my coffee, which I add tons of sugar and lite cream. AND I'm dumping all diet sodas.

    When did they start adding sugars to diet sodas?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Today is my first day of sugar detox, if u will. I'm dropping my coffee, which I add tons of sugar and lite cream. AND I'm dumping all diet sodas.

    If you're truly "detoxing " from sugars, avoid fruits and vegetables ... then find a way to eliminate the sugars your body creates on its own ... otherwise it isn't a detox.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    why did he edit to bold that? lol

    For emphasis, preferable to the alternative ALL CAPS choice ;)

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited April 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »

    If someone wants to quit added sugar for a while, they should. Might help. My guess is that if your deal is being unable to stop eating cookies that cutting out salad dressing or ketchup or Roman Meal bread or whatever probably won't matter--but whatever floats your boat. Katie Couric's dishonesty with respect to the tomato sauce argument just annoys me every time I think about it (although I'm all for cutting out jarred marinara, as I'm a marinara snob myself).

    I'm a marinara snob too, and I have to say... Bea's Brooklyn Best is pretty dang good. I haven't had the marinara, but the Roasted Garlic and the Tomato Basil are both tasty.

  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    YES PAGE 7