

  • jennylew1212
    jennylew1212 Posts: 18 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    !WARNING! I went on to this site using my computer at around 1 o'clock this afternoon there was an envelope at the top of the screen on MFP that had a number one flashing. I thought I had a message from someone here. instead it was a scam virus. it locked my computer, it made a loud warning sound and the screen flash said to call this secure number for help. that was the scam. when I called my husband talked to a man and he took over our computer by remote control, we were trusting him he was the scam. he said we needed to purchase malware for security we started to get suspicious. my husband turned off the internet on that computer while talking to him and the man seemed to start to get irate my husband told him that we would have our daughters boyfriend who fixes computers look at it. we did that for the last two hours he took remote control over our computer to remove the virus. if you see an envelope at the top of the MFP screen do not click on it. that is a virus. I will report this and hopefully they will be able to take care of it. Our daughters boyfriend Paul said that this happened quite often. And people give them their credit card number over the phone. They are not really buying security they are losing money off of their credit cards.

    I hope this gets to people in time so that you do not go through the same thing I just did.

    Mary from Minnesota

    I'm seeing this exact sme thing. It's making me nervous to open MFP on my computer. Anyone else having this problem as well?
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    For those of you who don't have a Kindle device and want to read a book on Kindle, there are various apps for smart phones and tablets and there is also a Kindle Cloud Reader. I think that you only need a Kindle account. I can read Kindle books on my android tablet.

    Terri: I love the idea of a wristlet phone case I'm going to look to see if I can find any for my phone.

    Annr: I use OneNote for the mantras and thoughts for the day, like you I find that they help me to keep life in perspective.

    Talking about OCD, one of the things I have done is created a shopping list for items I always want to have in the house. I've organized in sections that relate to the grocery store I do most of my shopping in. I put a copy on the fridge and when I run out of something I just circle it on the list.(I leave space for new items too) When I make my weekly grocery list I grab this list and add anything I need for the menu I have planned for the week and presto..shopping list done!

    MikesMom: I'm 4'11" and there is no way on earth I will ever be a size 2!! I started at a size 14 / XL and if I get to a size 8 I will be estatic. I can't ever remember being anything less than a 10.

    So glad you're seeing a loss.. you rock!

    Janet: Have fun on your cruise... hope the storm misses you!

    Sylvia: You are an AWESOME grandma! I love your jokes, they always make me smile or LOL.

    Mary MN: Congrats on the house!

    Joyce: Sound like you deserve the gift card. I love a bright sunshine filled kitchen.

    Gilly: There a number of chair exercises that you can do while sitting at a desk. Just do a internet search for "chair exercises" Most of them no one will even notice and it should help keep your knees and hips from seizing up.

    Lisa West Texas: 19 lbs wowsers! I'm kinda geeky too, but I've never spent much time doing graphs on excel...looks great!

    Lillian: Hope you have a great time in Jasper! If you end up going through Edmonton on your way to northern SK let me know and we could have coffee. :smile:

    Barbie: Line dancing in the bathroom that's awesome and so considerate! I'm sure your hubby appreciates it. :laugh:

    Meg: Happy Birthday!

    I got a call from a couple of my aunts last night who were in town for a quick visit so we met at Olive Gardens and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. There's not a lot there that is low in cals when you're at 1200/day, but because I did my Tai Chi yesterday I stayed in the limits! Yay me!

    I bought another slow cooker yesterday. I discovered that I get into phases where I cook 2 or 3 meals at a time and slow cookers do all the work. It's an 8 quart size and actually came with a small "little dipper" which doesn't have a lid but will keep gravies, sauces etc warm. It probably will hold about a quart, maybe a pint. :s

    Plan for today to meet DIL and go shoe shopping unfortunately I want Sketchers and they are NOT cheap and that means I need to go to West Edmonton Mall (a big tourist attraction) which is not my favorite place to shop. Oh well, suck it up buttercup!

    Thought for the day: Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. - Les Brown

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Carey - Edmonton
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    A few thoughts before I leave for the weekend.
    Linda...so sorry for what you are dealing with. If marble cake makes you feel at all better, enjoy it and don't beat yourself up about it. There are worse things you can turn to and tomorrow is another day. Hope the situation get better for you.
    Sylvia...you are always a joy! I love the post-it notes!
    Janet...thanks for the kind words and great job on kicking the nicotine habit.
    Megblair1...Happy Birthday!
    To all who celebrate Mother's Day...hope you have a wonderful day on Sunday.

    I am off to NJ tomorrow morning to see my mother tomorrow afternoon. I don't think she knows it's Mother's Day but I do. My step-grandaughter made her a lovely card and I will bring her a flowering plant to brighten her room. It is just so difficult...After the visit I will head 120 miles south to spend the rest of the weekend with my BFF (yes the one who is size 2 petite). I will head home Monday after a stop to a thrift store in CT that I heard was awesome (you know how I love those thrift store finds).

    Love to all!
    Chris in MA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2015
    Janet - you are going to have a wonderful cruise! Being with your friend, relaxing, gambling, savoring the flavor, have fun!

    Meg - Happy Birthday! Have a great day celebrating!

    Katla - have a great time riding! I hope your husband went with you to the gym.

    Pip - (((Hugs))) have a great celebration with your family. Remember the good times with your sis and you will be happy, laughing, sad, crying, and with a family that loves you. We are here for you!

    Jennylew - I reported that envelope about messaging to MFP and they responded yesterday that they hopefully got it off of the site I haven't seen it again personally but if you see it do not open it and report it to MSP so they know that it is still hanging around.

    Carey - do you have any slow cooker recipes that are low calories and healthy that you could share? I have a slow cooker but have only used it to make queso cheese dip or meatballs.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • krmsotherhalf68
    krmsotherhalf68 Posts: 122 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi there - I've been with MFP since last August. Love my MFP friends and family! Looking forward to chatting with you all.

    One of my April goals was to stay on track in spite of my birthday (done and done!)

    My May goals: hit the 100 lbs. lost mark (done!)
    Stay committed to moving more - a work in progress!
    Finish painting the bathroom - almost there. One more coat should do it.

    Talk soon!

    Anne - Southeastern Massachusetts
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    I've mentioned the struggles I've been having with the scale and using Lisa's example I thought I'd try a graph to see what it looks like. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here it is, not nearly as elegant as Lisa's but it certainly shows the battle :( Talk about a yoyo. However, I have not given up and I'm still working hard...yabba dabba! :laugh:

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! Mostly just marking my place. I have a migraine hangover today.

    Mary - Check out Skinnytaste to find some slow cooker recipes. I use mine all of the time to batch cook (Carey - I use more than once crockpot at a time, too, sometimes.) so that I can freeze in smaller portions.

    Lisa and Heather - I have gotten both books and will commence to reading this weekend.

    My son is home and, within 24-hours, he had grease stains on my living room carpet and egg all over my stove. This is not even counting the STUFF that is everywhere. He and I were going to have a "come to Jesus" meeting and get things sorted out tomorrow, but my mother announced last night that they are coming for a visit tomorrow. Love them all, but really would love some quiet time. Yes, I believe I am a female curmudgeon.

    I didn't catch up completely, so I will offer high fives to those with successes and hugs to those who are struggling.

    Carol in NC

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Mary, here's one of my favorite slow cooker recipes. I got this from www.budgetbytes.com

    Slow Cooker Taco Chicken

    Serves: 9 (1/2 cup serving on 1 cup rice)
    Calories: 222 for the Taco Chicken not including the rice

    • 1½ lbs. chicken breasts
    • 1 (16 oz.) jar salsa
    • 1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained
    • ½ lb. (8 oz.) frozen corn
    • 1 Tbsp chili powder
    • ½ Tbsp cumin
    • ½ Tbsp minced garlic
    • ½ tsp dried oregano
    • ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
    • ¼ tsp salt
    • to taste cracked pepper
    • 2 cups dry rice
    • 8 oz. shredded cheddar
    • ½ bunch cilantro (optional)

    1. Add everything except the rice, cheese, and cilantro to the slow cooker along with ¼ cup of water (for good measure). Give everything a good stir and make sure the chicken is covered in the mixture.
    2. Secure the lid on your slow cooker and cook on low for 8 hrs.
    3. Near the end of the cooking time, cook the two cups of rice according to the package directions (Bring the rice and 3 cups of water to a boil in a medium pot with a lid in place, as soon as it reaches a boil, reduced the heat to low and let simmer for 20 minutes. Fluff with a fork before serving). I cook mine in the microwave 2 cups water to each cup of rice on high for 10 minutes. Test after 10 minutes and if all the water hasn't evaporated add another 3 - 5 minutes (depends on the wattage of the microwave)
    4. After 8 hours of cooking, carefully remove the lid of the slow cooker. Stir with a fork to shred the chicken (it should be super tender and will shred easily). Build the taco bowls by placing rice on the bottom, then the taco chicken mix, shredded cheese and fresh cilantro.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2015
    SSC1958 -thank you so much for that recipe! it sounds delicious.

    Anne - congratulations on the 100 pound loss! that is awesome!

    Carol in NC - Thanks for the recipe Web site. I will check that out. I thought of Charlie Brown's, pig pen, when you were talking about your son and the mess he made. You are going to be a busy woman. Enjoy your time with your mom and son.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • losergood2011
    losergood2011 Posts: 172 Member
    April - I did great! Got back on track logged in every day - stayed in my range most of the time and am down the 10 that I gained - 3 away from Onderland.

    May - have surgery on the 19th so it has been working on diet mostly for me. I am able to get around better fright now so lots of walking - some yoga and hopefully some horseback riding later this week!!!
    My goals are - Water - Drink it!
    Calories - Eat it!
    Macros - Maintain it!
    Exercise - PT Do it!

    I think that will sum up May for me. Hopefully I can start more strength training in June post surgery.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Meg: Happy Birthday!!!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy birthday Meg.Happy fri all
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy Happy Friday. Can you tell I am off work the weekend. I am working 8 hours today. So looking forward to the weekend. Have to go pickup graduation gift for DGD and get mailed. She lives in Iowa and waited to long to let us know the date so can not go. Have graduation party tonight for one of our CMA friend's daughter. Then tomorrow night we have a party to stop at on the way to church. I also want to make cupcakes for church tomorrow evening. Then tomorrow they are doing food pickup by the mailman for the food pantry, so want to pick up somethings for that. I read something a while ago saying how some people will donate things they don't want instead of things people would need. Made me think so now I try and go out and get things that would help make a meal.
    DGS's graduation last evening was so cute. Those kids try so hard. There was 15 of them and they sang songs from Frozen. The girls were really into it. DGS and his sister watch that movie alot and he knew all the words. It was a nice evening.

    Sylvia--I do think it was because he was thinking about the funeral and what is important to him. I would just enjoy it. My DH will reach for my hand when we are walking sometimes, getting more often so I am just enjoying it. Wearing the tie was such a nice thing to do. Memories. Sounds like fun was had by all and the DGD telling her friend you are a great grandma. I will try and post of picture of the fitbit band. The lady at work orders them off ebay. Lots of different ones. She then sells them as a fund raiser for the hospital. I have about 7 now and really think I like this new one the best.

    The talk about ashes and where to put them. My real dad did wood working and he made a very nice box for our son when he died. He also made one for himself. Also he had made one for my sister. DH and I say we both want to be creamated and put together and then our oldest DS is to take us to the ocean.

    Beth--Glad to hear things went better then expected for your friend.

    Linda--Sending HUGS I would not handle it well if DH quit his job with no warning to me. He transfered to another store almost two years ago and took a cut in pay. With all the sh** going on at my job I kind of remind him that I have not alot of choice since we can not take another cut in pay and stay afloat.

    Mary--Please take sometime for you. Good news on the contract being signed.

    ddnavy--Welcome and you have come to a great place for support and friendship. Come often and get to know us and us to know you.

    Janet--Enjoy your trip and congrates on not giving in on the patches or smoking. Proud of you.

    Meg--Happy Birthday. Enjoy the time with family. We got heavy rain, but nothing flooded. Did have a sighted tornado west of town, but no damage. I said to DH last night is this what we get because we didn't have alot of snow this last winter??

    Katla--Hope you got to enjoy your horse ride today. Bet he has missed you as much as you missed him.

    pipcd--Hugs. I also lost my sister, will be 10 years this August and there are times I miss her so much, even thought we didn't talk often.

    Well time to finish up somethings and get ready to get off work. I have to do a couple errands on the way home. DH told me at lunch he might be off work early. He has a bad head cold and he needs to be home in bed. MEN!!
    Enjoy your day ladies. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Whenever I see an empty post from Pip I think the MFP censors must have gotten to her. >:)

    My friend insisted on meeting me for lunch today at 12:30. It was her idea, since I am going to be gone for two weeks and as soon as I get home she and her husband are moving to Oregon, so today was the last day we could do it. So, I sat there waiting and waiting, and finally called her and her first words were not Hello, it was "Oh *kitten*!" So, she was half an hour late. Oh well. I had a roast chicken sandwich and splurged on sweet potato fries. It was really good.

    My DGD's teacher is coming over at 3:30 to decorate the classroom in my studio for her daughter's birthday. Her party is tomorrow at 1:00. Should be fun. 12 first graders playing with clay.

    Tonight hubby goes to graduation. I told the DGS that grandpa can't take him to soccer practice today (I will be doing that) because he has to go to graduation. He said "Oh! If he graduates then he won't have to go to school any more!" I almost laughed myself sick. He's so cute.

    Meg, no we didn't get any severe weather down in our little corner of Kansas. We were lucky this time. It sounds like Nebraska got our share.

    Well, my to do list is not getting any shorter.

    Have a great evening, everyone!

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Pip: I wanted to share this poem with you and everyone else who has lost someone dear to them. - Carey

    Twice as Much
    by Linda Ellis copyright 2012

    I have felt the pain of heartache
    in the days since you have passed
    and never again will I take for granted
    how long a life will last.

    Each lifetime has a limit
    from the date of its creation.
    We only choose our life’s direction,
    not its beginning...nor duration.

    You lived and loved a lifetime
    within the years that you were blessed,
    and I mourn, because without you,
    I now must live the rest.

    It is I who suffer,
    I who grieve.
    You are gone, and now content.
    And if you could,
    I know you would
    erase these tears I’ve spent.

    It is I who loved so deeply
    and so much of me, is you,
    that when you left this earthly place,
    a part of me left, too.

    Though our hearts are joined forever,
    linked by invisible chains,
    the time has come for me to see
    that much of "me" remains.

    Every day you’re in my head.
    Every day you’re in my heart.
    Every morning through day’s end,
    you occupy a part.

    We walked this earth together;
    our lives are intertwined;
    so I shall live this life I have
    as two lifetimes...combined.

    Twice as long, I’ll gaze at sunsets.
    Twice as many times, I’ll laugh.
    Twice as hard, I’ll seize these moments
    I now live on your behalf.

    Twice as deeply, I will care.
    Twice as tough, I'll bear the sorrow.
    Twice as real I’ll live each day
    and thank God twice for each tomorrow.

    Twice as strong, I’ll smell the roses.
    Twice this vow, I will renew:
    Until we meet again one day,
    Twice As Much, I’ll Live For You...

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Allergeries are really bothering today. Haven't felt like this in a while. Over the years my allegories get worse the more stressed I get.

    Work has settled on a candidate for my bosses position. I have made a suggestion re:how the district leaders might be able to meet her and how the staff might meet her too. Don't know how my thoughts will be received... Time will tell.

    Sylvia It feels so good to hear something positive when no one knows we're listening.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Fanncy - thanks for da hug girlfriend.

    - awwwwww, lookie how cute da graph.... makes u look at your weight a lil differently huh.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    wowzers ssc1958 - good way to make me ball. maybe I shouldn't have read this while at work now that my eyes are all bloodshot! one day I will share the poems I wrote (used to write a lot of poetry) one to my current husband and the other to my late husband.

    - what the f(*&^ are you f^*&%$#@ talking about, I don't f%$#$%^# understand. I have a f%##@$%R% clean mouth
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @fanncy0626 Just wanted to give you some added info on the resort.. One of the safeguards their office has is that they take potentual new members a tour of the grounds, getting a sense of that person. They also do background checks to check for pedaphiles etc. There are about 200+ residents there fulltime, and they are quite protective of anyone under 21. Any weirdness sensed by anyone of the members results in them leaving the grounds and not allowed back in. So probably more safe at the resort, than lets say at a mall.

    So its going to be 80' woot! I am about to make a mega sandwich and I am HUNGRY lol Will look more closely at your wonderful threads later tonight...peace out.