

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    It's raining here in So Cal. We need it badly. Bring it Mother Nature
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    Michele in NC – someone else said this, and just wanted to make sure that everyone catches it. IF you choose, anyone can download the Kindle program for free to use on any computer, or tablet of any kind (as far as I know) as well as most smartphones. You don’t have to have a Kindle reader to download a Kindle book. That said, a whole bunch of people do not want to read a book on a computer, and I totally get it, and I swear I’m not pushing it. Just, don’t let it stop you if that’s what you really want to do.

    Linda in Cali – Sorry about the no notice quit on the part of your husband… It’s hard when they make those kinds of decisions without talking to you the partner. Marriage is tough enough without communication issues. Hope things are better today. And tomorrow.

    Joyce in Indiana – Glad you liked the column. The next one, tentatively, is on why Americans will eat shrimp but not bugs. Food’s such a funny thing.

    Gilly in Suffolk, UK – I actually lived in Suffolk, was stationed at Lakenheath RAFB when I was in the US Air Force. Lived in a caravan in the village of Lakenheath, and then lived in a farmhouse between Lakenheath and Mildenhall. It was lovely, but there were only seven sunny days the first summer I was there, and none of them were consecutive. That was kinda tough on a Texas girl! I do enjoy the beginning of the warmer days, like now, but by September, when you're coming up to the fifth month with week after week of 100F+(38C+) days and you just got mugged by a dust devil AGAIN when you walked out the kitchen door, it can wear on you. We’ve got a week and a half holiday in Montana planned in August, though, to see our son, and see my best friend’s daughter get married. It will be a nice break from the heat.

    Heather in the UK – enjoy your trip!

    Mary from MN – congrats on the contract!

    Janet – I was actually at writer’s workshop about five miles from one of tornado sightings, but it’s held in the library, in a room with no windows, which is a tornado and Red Cross emergency shelter when it’s needed, so couldn't have been in a better place. And, just happened to park my car under a tree, so even the accompanying hailstorms did no damage to my baby car, just covered it with battered leaves. One of the few times I leave the ranch, and I go where the tornados are. It’s enough to make you stay at home. Speaking of which, enjoy your trip ! ;)

    Meg – happy birthday!

    Barb, ddnavy, emcox, all other newbies, glad you’re here—I’ve been here all of two weeks and never felt more welcome in a group on the Internet. Hands down.

    Pip – sorry about your sis…they are something special, whether we talk to them every day or not.

    Carey – NICE graph! the higgledy-piggledyness matters SO much less than the where it starts and where it is now. It does show a battle – and it shows me you’re winning!

    Just finished cooling down from cutting up the brushpile in the yard. DH bought me an electric chainsaw a few months back, and I got the entire pile cut up, down to the last big log… and as soon as I touched it with the saw, the chain popped off. I hid the log, put everything away, and came in the house. I'm married to a mechanic, and he can fix the thing.

    Sometimes the universe is trying to send you a message to STOP. I don't usually pay attention. This time, I am.

    Off to the showers…

    Happy Friday, all!

    Lisa H in West Texas
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Meg Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Meg--Happy Birthday

    The day keeps getting better and better. Had some special treats at the hotel for breakfast. Cereal with yogurt and peanut butter with banana ---stuff I never eat at home. Then walked on the treadmill and found that there was mistake and the fitness center will be open 24 hours. Later walked around the neighborhood And later met a friend for a walk at the marsh. Had lunch with granddaughter at a Chinese restaurant. Time for a nap
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's jokes:


    1. I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that's not going to happen."

    2. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospital dying of nothing.

    3. The other night I ate at a real family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.

    4. Have you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they use to.

    5. According to a recent survey, men say the first thing they notice about a woman is their eyes, and woman say the first thing they notice about men is they're a bunch of liars.

    6. Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

    7. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

    8. Have you noticed that a slight tax increase costs you $200 and a substantial tax cut saves you 35 cents?

    9. In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

    10. Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.

    11. How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Ha! Thanks for the jokes... especially the first one. And on that note, here's a recipe, sort of. My husband convinced me to try it, and now I'm hooked. Seriously.

    Two eggs, scrambled, with a little kosher salt to taste. While still warm, put a tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter on top. Let it melt.

    That's it. Expected it to be horrible. It was kind of amazing. Very subtle, sort of Thai. Crunchy from the peanuts. Loved it. Worth a shot if you're tired of the usual suspects.

    If you use two large eggs, in a nonstick pan, scrambled with no fat, you end up with 235 calories, 19 grams of protein, and a really yummy breakfast or lunch. Very satisfying.
  • klriano
    klriano Posts: 24 Member
    wow....just wow. You ladies are really amazing. It's taken me 4 days to get through 15 pages of posts! I don't know if I introduced myself or just bookmarked this group. I'm relatively new to MFP.

    My name is Kerra, I'm from Sun City Center FL, a retirement community on the south shore of Tampa Bay. We've lived here for about 4 years. I'm married to a wonderful man and together we have a blended family that includes, 8 children + 4 spouses, 15.6 grandchildren and expecting our first great grandchild in August. Christmas is chaos, to say the least.

    I'm currently about 7lbs into a 25lb goal for my weight loss. It's the first time I've ever *personally* dieted and I'm finding it to be very challenging to say the least. Not in hunger or overeating, exactly the opposite. I'm atypical in the fact that I'm a serial meal-skipper and survived for years on coffee, cigarettes and taco bell. I'm a foodie at heart and fine-dining USE to be my hobby. Menopause, quitting smoking, retiring to a life of ease, gaming on the computer and basically the attitude of, "I'm retired...I don't have to do anything" caused 30lb gain in about 18 months. I stepped on the scale back in February and said, ")(&(****^*&%^*&(*(!!!!!". I looked at the Mister and said, "I either have to go on a diet or buy an entire new wardrobe." His response? "I'll support any diet you want to do". Jerk.

    He's actually very sympathetic and supportive, he's fought his weight his entire life. Currently he's 40lbs into his 100lb goal. His losses are accelerating now that I no longer have my "junk food" in the house for him to graze on. So, we started playing pickleball for 2 hours every day and I've started a 1200 calorie a day diet plan. Lot's of challenges there *sigh* but I'm trying. Got myself a fitbit and I'm averaging 9K steps a day. I have a bicycle, if it just didn't cause such soreness in my "lady-bits', I'd probably ride it more often.

    So much more...but too much to start. I feel like I know so many of you from following the chronology of your days, I admire the support and camaraderie that you have for each other. I'll slip back into the "lurk" and follow along for a bit :)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    well.. right now its 73 degrees in Tacoma (i'm in neighboring Puyallup) guess i'm riding home cuz Kirby got off earlier so I don't have to rush home.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday here and logged my food at 1543 cals. We have pizza for lunch Saturdays as i clean house, can only have 3 slices not 4,
    Training: Wii boxing before breakfast; JJ Bikini boot-camp I and JJ's kick-box boot-camp I shortly.
    My body fat is going DOWN again, have lost 1% in last 3 days. Day 4 today.
    Tom Venuto and jeannette Jenkins agree with my lower calories. i am doing MORE cardio and drinking MORE to burn fat before may 18 and tom's Big Burn. Also need to get in over 10,000 steps a day from now on
    Woke to rain again, cleaning house after lunch.
    We keep NO junk food in house and it is getting easier to stay within the 1400 and 1600 calories I am allowed and NOT eat back training calories. I see Brian or Luca again on Friday 15 May to see how I am going.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2015
    Losergood2011 - nice horse! Great job on your weight loss!

    Naomi - sorry to hear about your allergies. Hope your stress level drops. Go out and relax have some fun with a friend.

    Lisa - I hope to have time to read your book, Heather's, and Selena's as well. with us selling the house and getting ready to move it will not be until after July 3rd. at that time I will need help downloading it on to my Kindle. So in the future I will be asking the title and whatever other information I may need.

    Kerra - welcome! It sounds like you will have a lot of support from your DH. It also sounds like you have all the right tools ready for use. A lot of the ladies here use the Fitbit and many more walk a lot!

    Lesley - how do you know that you lose body fat? I do not know how to measure that. Is it something that I can do at home? I know that they can do it somewhere in a swimming pool. It sounds like you are doing awesome on your challenge.

    Just. got done working in the pole barn getting some things organized for our sale. Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good evening. We have a heat wave here in Ohio.From furnace to AC . Just glad house is well insulated & comfortable.No way I can read so many posts,mainly because I can't keep up wether reading or not.

    Funny how things go in cycles.....a lot of ppl were posting about buying shoes.Over the last few yrs,have returned too many shoes.Get them home & my odd feet say "no way".New Balance are basically the only shoes my feet are happy with.Got a new pair yesterday.We are lucky to have a NB store where they measure your feet.

    WOW....only 1/4th of my post showed up. Ah well.....Was too long anyway.Here's a nice note to close on.Pat

    Subject: Need to Read

    I need to read this daily..

    Life isn't fair, but it's still good. Life is too short-- enjoy it. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present and the future. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
    Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. If a relationship has to be secret, you shouldn't be in it.
    Take a deep breath, it calms the mind. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. It's never too late to be happy. But it's all up to you and no one else. When it comes time to go after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. Burn the nice candles, use the nice sheets, wear the nice lingerie, wear the nice clothes. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
    Over prepare, then go with the flow. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years will this matter?' Always choose life. Forgive but don't forget. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
    If we all threw our problems in a pile and we saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need. Yield. Friends are the family we choose. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.*
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Went to water aerobics today. The plan for tomorrow is to do ASAP Sculpt DVD

    Sylvia - gd#1's friend was so right -- you ARE an awesome grandma! it's so unfortunate but so true, if you want to find out anything at all about your past, run for president. you're probably right about the empty posts from pip....lol They probably WERE censored. I wanna play with clay, do I have to be a first grader????? How cute of gs

    Almost forgot to tell ya all about what happened to me at the lunch yesterday. I'd put my pocketbook on the back of my chair. Vince and I both went to the bathroom at the same time. When we came back, Vince said to me "where's your pocketbook?" Looked all over, couldn't find it. We thought for sure someone had taken it while I was in the bathroom. Seems one of the other Newcomers left and thought we both had left and I'd left my pocketbook so she took it with her. Fortunately, she came back into the restaurant. You have no idea how many times I hugged her! One good thing is that that made almost all the other women check to see where their pocketbooks were. Vince had left his cellphone at home so when the lady called his cellphone, he didn't get the message. Will teach me not to ever leave my pocketbook out of my sight!

    annr - I know that isn't a real comparison, but I can't help but think about the gals who were in the bellydance class I took one time. They were so comfortable with their bodies, too. It didn't bother them one bit to be wearing those skimpy outfits and have their bodies showing. Just like you don't have a problem showing your body, which is such a healthy attitude.

    Beth - so glad your friend came thru the surgery fine

    Linda in CA - so sorry hubby did that

    katla - sometimes I think that it isn't so much the Vince has food sensitivities, it's more that his body is just so used to bland plain food that it rebels when he has something with a bit of flavor. Just like my body rebels now when I have something high in fat. Vince finally admitted to a friend that the reason he eats the way he does is because his mother cooked so plain. Her idea of spices was salt, ketchup, and pepper. That's IT. You can add me to the list of women who feel they have a special hubby. Even tho I complain about him, there are so many wonderful characteristics he has. Like he'll go out of his way to take care of the pool because he knows that it's something I like. He'll out of the blue suggest places (some) that I'd like to go to. Like yesterday when we were in JC Penney and I wanted to use my coupon, he insisted I get the earrings I liked even tho I was willing to look for other earrings that were better priced. I agree with you, I think that a lot of the US's obesity problem is prepackaged food, too.

    Kim - let me know how your goal of "eat slower" is going. I need to do that. Do you have any tricks that you're using? Enjoy your mom

    Mary from MN - I always say that it's amazing how much water I drink when I'm in the pool and it's also amazing how much of a workout you can get in the pool. At the time it doesn't seem like you are working...but the next day. Now that's a totally different story we had to put in a new septic when we sold our house. It is a pain, but there's nothing you can do. there is a book called "Fix It and Forget It Lightly". It has all recipes for the slow cooker with the nutritionals. I've found some low cal ones in there. there are three ways to measure body fat, hydrostatic (this is the one in water, you sit on a giant scale and get dunked. Truthfully, I don't know of any place that does this). Then there are caliphers. Most gyms have these, but you usually have to ask a personal trainer. They usually have them in their office. I have one called AccuMeasure that I got from Amazon. It's not real real accurate, but close enough. Then there are the bioimpedience ones, these are the hand-held ones. They are the least reliable, they are influenced by such things as how hydrated you are. Usually caliphers are recommended.

    - I don't think I could ever have a snake on my body. I even hate just looking at them!

    ddnavy - you fit into this site right here! Absolutely, you will get lots and lots of support here. Just keep coming back.

    Barb in SE PA - welcome! What part of PA are you in? We moved here from Kennett Square.

    lhanon - really liked your graph I didn't know that you could download the Kindle program. That's something!

    Lillian - drive safely to Jasper and back

    barbie - I can imagine what a downer it was for you to find the fitness center closed. But in your true form, you found something else to do.

    Janet - you got it "one more bottle of bleach in the pool" to the tune of "99 bottles of beer on the wall" Vince just took another water sample and we'll probably have to put a few more bottles in since the sun burns off the chlorine. BooHoo...he said that he didn't think that the walls of the spa would need to be wiped down. Well..maybe I'll do it anyway (just to get in the water). You have no idea what a funny eater Vince is. There are many times (like tonight) when I make two dinners. Now, when I was growing up, dessert was always a piece of fruit. I don't remember having pie or cake or ice cream until I started dating Vince. Another three bottles..... Have a great time on your cruise. And big congrats on getting over the nicotine. It's a good idea to have a few patches "just in case"

    - happy birthday, have a great night out

    Carey - I'm so behind the times, I don't even have an android tablet. Just an android phone. One thing I do is keep my shopping list on my phone. Then when I purchase the needed item, I just delete it (until next time) I usually would get the minestrone soup at OG, but the last time I was there I thought "boy is this salty". Then I looked it up, yup, the salt content is astronomical. Awesome graph!

    Ann in MA - welcome!

    - what a shame you can't go to gd's graduation! I honestly don't think kids realize how important things like that are to us

    Just came in from making the supreme sacrifice of getting in the spa and wiping down the walls. No matter that Vince said they didn't need it, I needed an excuse to get in that spa. Then I swept some of the green stuff off the bottom of the deep end. I even made the real big sacrifice of getting into the pool in the swimout part and brushing from there. The swimout is in the deep end. Ahhh...life is good

    - my eyes have been burning, too.

    Kerra - welcome. Wow! 15 grandchildren. How wonderful that your hubby is supporting you so well and you're losing together. Makes things so much easier

    Michele from NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 12.09min, 14.4amph, 2.9mi = 93c
    ski machine - 20min, 5incl, 20-35resist. 1.09mi = 161c
    Ride gym 2 wk- 53.54min, 12.6amph, 11.3mi = 462c
    Ride wk 2 tan - 56.25min, 11.7amph, 11mi = 505c
    Ride tan 2 hm- 5.35min, 10.8amph, 1mi= 59c
    total cal 1280
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pat - I like NB shoes as well. I used to run in them. Very comfortable.

    Michele in NC - Thanks for the info on the slow cooker recipes. With having to get ready to move I think I would like to throw stuff together in SC and not have to worry about it all day. Pool and spa lucky woman! Maybe we should meet up at your house! 2018! I'm glad your friend had your pocket book. Scary! Thanks for the info on the calipers, I will have to check them out.

    Pip - that was quite the burn!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yes, ladies, this is Joyce posting before midnight. We leave at 8 AM sharp to go down to daughters to spend the day with her and kids. Michelle rarely goes with us but Christina told her that if we come down that she had better be in the car.Their new rental house has a 'primitive' fire pit in the back yard. We are going to try to build that up tomorrow afternoon and roast s'mores. I am limiting myself to 2 of them. If we can't get it built up, I will roast mine on their electric stove. I have done that enough times here to know exactly how to do it!!! But my stomach has been waiting for these s'mores for two weeks.

    ddnavy, you fit in here!!! You start out by telling us a little about yourself and what you want us to call you. You mentioned about the non food goals. Food is a very important part of our life and our life is also a very important part of what we eat. The key is to get those two things in balance. It may to reward yourself by not going over calories for a week. I may be to have time with your husband. This eating thing isn't the only thing we are working on. To get the eating down right, we may find some areas of our lives need changing.

    Heather, I beat you!!! I had my iPad out when you mentioned you were going to the Gower Peninsula. It looks beautiful. One thing that is mentioned about it is that it is a surfer's paradise! So are you going to be trying that?????

    Welcome to you also Barb. Oh, I just read my notes and it was you who asked about the non food goals. Well, read what I wrote to ddnavy. One of my better things I have written!!!! LOL :):po:)

    Barbie, I hope there was a chair in the bathroom for you to sit and catch up with all the posts. If not, you would be sitting on the potty reading. I also wonder if there was a security camera watching you do you line dancing. Well, to think of that, a security camera wouldn't be so good in a bathroom. Good for you for adapting

    Janet, we just kind of moved our old china cabinet into the middle of the room. Neither my brother or my husband have the ability to move it into the garage together. My brother has a pretty bad back, especially from he and his neighbor moving all the stuff into a truck, driving 3 hours and unloading it. Michelle is as strong as an ox. She has back problems also but it never stops her from doing any kind of work. The bigger and harder the job is, the more she wants to take it on. Mainly because she is relieving some one else's workload. For the top part of the cabinet, they got it onto the floor and let it roll down the stairs on a piece of carpet scrap. Then they had to pick it up :| The bottom part was lighter. Charlie thinks he is as strong as he used to be but the heart disease, Afib and Parkinsons's has taken a toll on his body. So now the sun can again shine into my kitchen!!! And I also have my floor and walking space back

    Happy birthday Meg. Hoping you do OK with this weather. I think our local weather guy said something about snow out your way but may be mistaken. I have been wrong before!!!

    jennylew, I have sen that blinking message before but have been on MFP long enough to know where our message notification is located. I am very paranoid about opening or clicking n anything, even videos on face book. My son in law is in IT and has had to bail me out by long distance before. He would like for me to buy only Apple products but they are to expensive.

    Corey, loved the poem. I assume it was written about a spouse but I just substituted my parents name in it, especially my Mom. I am really missing her this Mother's day. I guess it has been 4 years now since she died.

    Italy, yeah!!!!! Rain!!!!

    Lisa, Texas, I can you you writing a column about the chain saw in the future.

    Kerra, welcome to you also. You look like a dolphin trainer in your outfit and setting

    Am I the only one who slept well last night???? For all you UK gals, please don't tell me that kidney pudding is finely pureed kidney. :o:#

    Have to get up and the very early hour of 7AM tomorrow, so better hit the sack. Joyce, Indiana

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Mary in Minn – Happy to assist on the Kindle program download, whenever you would like to do so—same goes for anyone. And downloading Kindle software is free to almost any platform, whether PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android phone or tablet. I will admit that I stink for iPads or iMacs, I find them iConfusing and iNormously iRritating. Sorry, I’ll be good. I swear. Can you tell I’m a PC chickie?

    Also, I bought a digital Weight Watchers scale years ago that will give me my body fat percentage along with my hydration levels, and just as important to me, helps me keep tabs on my bone mass. It’s not super accurate, but it’s just as close as most of the ones in fitness centers. Most important, it gives me a place where I started to see if I’m making progress. Here’s a link to one. They’re only about $35 . It will keep tabs on up to four users.

    Michele from NC – glad you got your pocketbook back! I’ve had that horrible feeling more than once. One of the reasons I seldom carry one, and wear jeans with pockets most of the time.

    Kerra – I think you’ll fit in just fine. A fine balance of irreverence and blunt honesty is always welcome. And being honest with yourself helps that weight come off as well, apparently.

    Patceoh – I only wear New Balance shoes, as well, particularly for running. When I was super heavy (over 300) they were the only ones that had steel shanks, which helped my plantar fasciitis a lot. Now, they’re the only ones that fit the way my feet have settled out as I’ve gotten over 50. When I get dressed up, I wear Justin cowboy boots, which are always real leather, and they adjust to the weird way my feet are shaped.


    Venting-Am in the throes of switching laptops, from my work computer back to my personal one, which means all my shortcuts have to be moved back over and I just had to re-up for Office 365 again and I feel like such a big fat whiner, but it makes me want to just pull my hair OUT. I am on the computer about four or five hours every morning before I go for my run, and it makes me crazy to reach for something and it not be there.

    Happy-facing-That said, other than that, it’s been an AMAZING morning… I got past the twenty pounds lost mark, so I went ahead and changed the ticker, and I got past the 190 mark, as well, down to 189. We are so focused on hopping over those zero markers, or at least I am. I’m such a geeky grrrrrlll! I know I need to get off that stupid numbers focus, as when those stalls happen, and they do, as evidenced by that graph a few pages back in the forum, they KILL me. I get so ginky and cranky and hard to be around… But for now, I’m happy, and tomorrow’s official weigh-in day, and hopefully I keep the progress I made through today.

    Cogitating-In looking at the graph, I realized this recent plummet of weight loss happened exactly when I got laid off from work. I mean within 24 hours of the beginning of my first week of laid-off-ness (inventing words again). Now I can run when I want, for as long as I want. And then, while I’m still sweaty, I can go out and work in the yard for three to four hours, and have every single day. And, it’s been 95 to 100 degrees almost every day--I’m pretending it’s bikram yoga, you know, the hot, sweaty yoga stuff that I wouldn’t do on a bet. Don’t worry, I’m hydrating like mad—84 to 100 ounces of fluid minimum a day. The point being—I’ve always been better when I can focus on succeeding at one thing. And right now, it’s me. Kinda liking it here.

    Predictipating- Have I mentioned I have osteoarthritis, both knees? Yeah, maybe not. Have had since I was in my 40s. Nearly bone-on-bone in the right knee, and basically don't even have an anterior cruciate ligament in that knee. No laughing from the tall crowd, but I wrecked 'em playing basketball in high school. Then further wrecked them weighing 300+pounds after I got out of the Air Force. The ACL atrophied after I ruptured it on a trampoline. I never let being fat stop me from doing anything--even when it would have been wise to do so. :smile: But now, I'm careful when I run, another reason why I run slow, as I place my feet. I also take massive anti-inflammatories so I can run, the other reason I'm under medical care to do all this. The 21 pounds I've already taken off, per the studies, means 84 pounds of load I'm NOT putting on my knees with each stride. The other 50+ pounds I want to lose will take another 200 pounds of pressure off. Which means I might be able to postpone knee replacements 'til I'm in my mid-60s. Because honey, when I get them done, I only want to do it once. Just saying. More reasons to lose weight, as if I needed them.

    Happy Saturday, and Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate it tomorrow… I’m just looking forward to hearing from my young’uns, one’s in Missouri, one’s in Montana.

    Lisa H in West Texas

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Hello all! Just turned 50 on May 6th. People keep talking about it like it's the end of the world, giving me the head tilt and sympathetic look: "So....fifty, huh?"

    Honestly? It's not a big deal. People act like somebody died, LOL. I was talking about it with one of my friends (who is over 50) and she doesn't get it either. Inside, we feel pretty much the same as we always did! Like a smarter version of my 25 year old self.

    Had a rough few days. Drove down to NC (from Long Island) to pick up my daughter at school. Long trip, crappy food, a bit dehydrated, but back on the horse the minute I got back. Didn't help that at the hotel I walked into a window that I thought was door and banged up my nose pretty badly (but didn't break it!).

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you and being part of the group!

    ~Karen on Long Island (or, as we say it, "Lawn Guyland" ;) )

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Good Morning,

    Heather I got the Kindle version of your book Windows yesterday. I like to read my books on Kindle because I can increase the font and then I don't need to use cheaters (reading glasses).

    I am trying to stop the weight creep by logging again.

    Logging daily is my goal.

    "Just because I see the hook does not mean I have to bite"

    2015 word:

    :heart: MNMargarert
  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    Good morning all. Just sat here reading through the last few days of posts, I should fit right in here because given the chance I'll talk your ear off :smile: Your posts have made me smile, laugh, and cry a bit. It would be an honor and a pleasure to join in with you all.
    I'm Linda from Virginia (looks like I'm Linda from Virginia #2) I'll be 53 in July. I have 5 kids and 6 grand kiddies (#7 is due to join us in October ). Started on my journey to be healthier last August. No wraps, pills, surgery or quick fixes, just started walking and completely changed my eating habits . I must admit that it's a lot easier because this time hubby is on board so no buying two sets of groceries and fixing two different meals. I am happy to say that I have lost over 40 pounds so far. And although hubby is also on this journey, it would be great to have other women to share the struggles and triumphs with.
    Hope everyone has a fantastic day and a wonderful weekend.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Anne in SE MA: Welcome. Congratulations on losing 100 pounds. Great job!

    SSC1958: I see a graph that goes down. That is the whole idea, and faster is not necessarily better. It takes time to learn new habits and make them into a lifestyle. I think you’re doing great. Keep it up! Your taco chicken recipe looks yummy and healthy! Thanks for sharing a great poem.

    Carol: When my DD comes to visit it is like we’ve had an indoor hurricane. She only stays a few days to a week. How long will your DS be there?

    Losergood2011: Welcome.

    Meg: Happy Birthday!!! I hope this turns out to be a great year.

    Vicki: Thanks for your good thoughts. I had a great time riding yesterday. It was back to bareback trotting with the teacher randomly changing directions. She chose this because of the long time I’d been away due to her horse’s injury and my travel and illness. The horse I ride is absolutely in love with my teacher. She raised him from a weanling.

    Barbie: It is good news that the fitness center in your hotel is open 24 hours. It sounds like your vacation is going very well. Yay!

    Sylvia: I hope you eventually had a good time with your friend and I hope she likes Oregon. I love today’s jokes. Most made me laugh, but #7 has the ring of truth, “7. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.”

    Lisa: I read your description of your time in Suffolk and the comparison to TX. I have to admit I’d likely do better in Suffolk. Heat above 90F and dust are not my idea of pleasant. I’m afraid I’d be trapped inside sitting next to AC every day in TX, or I’d become a day sleeper who only comes out at night. How would I get my Vitamin D? I think we humans often adjust to our environment as little ones, and it will forever feel like home.

    Kerra: Lurk all you like, but you are also welcome to be an active participant here.

    Patceoh: Thanks for sharing “life isn’t fair.” It is full of wisdom.

    Michele: Vince is a keeper. You are lucky to have found one another. :heart:

    Joyce: You are blessed to have a supportive and close family. I suspect you’ve worked hard to make it that way. My MIL used to make steak and kidney pie. It is sort of a stew and she topped hers with mashed potatoes. It contained kidneys along with other beef parts. She lied to me about what was in it because she thought I was “a city girl.” Everything she cooked when I was there was awful, and that was deliberate. It is a good thing we lived 400 miles away and visited rarely. :ohwell:

    Karen on Lawn Guyland: I love your location! It makes me smile. Welcome to a great group.

    Margaret: DH loves his kindle app for the very reason you mentioned. He can make the font size fit his vision and is more comfortable. I still prefer paper but have the Kindle App on my computer and my iphone. The app is free and I’ve been checking out books from “library2go,” a service of our local and state libraries. I bought Windows in Kindle format because I didn’t want to wait for it to be shipped in paper. What I don’t like about Kindle is that it is difficult/impossible to share Kindle books with others but the library system checking out Kindle books is a bonus I hadn't expected. It is extremely convenient.

    Yesterday’s horseback ride was lovely. It was good to be back on the horse and I felt like my fitness level was improved enough that my back took the trotting more comfortably. I was on a bareback pad, so posting would not have been possible, even if I wanted to. The yoga and weight machine work I do is designed to help the muscles around my knee joint get stronger and my back to get more resilient and flexible. The knee joint itself seems unlikely to change for the better. Those of you who have a medical background may know more about the bursa. Once it has been aggravated, can it go back to a pre-injury level of health? (with or without surgery)

    We’ve decided to take a trip to the beach for DH’s birthday but haven’t made reservations yet. That is high on the todo list for today. I will have to skip yoga and the gym for a few days but it will be worth it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
