

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    Welcome Karen from Long Island (and happy 50th--I like it on this side, as well) and the new Linda from Virginia... and any other new ones I might have missed! We're glad you're here.

    And MNMargaret, being able to increase the font size and the Kindle Paperwhite being backlit so I didn't have to have a light on at night were the reasons I broke down and bought one about three years back. Plus, the hubby and I lived in an RV for about four months on our way back from Oregon to Texas, couldn't bring many books with us, so... it was inevitable. Library in a few ounces of space. I resisted as long as I could!

    Lisa H - West Texas
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm trying some new allergy meds. Just over the counter stuff one of my friends suggested. I feel a bit better and not as knocked out as yesterday.

    I'm starting to eat more protein. It is not at all easy for me to meet the guideline. However just trying has increased my weight loss.

    Linda Welcome! Glad you decided to share your journey w/us.

    MNMargaret I like the saying about seeing the hook and not biting. It's a good reminder for me since I have a work related function tonight. The head of this organization and I often disagree. I usually can disagree in an appropriate manner even in uncomfortable situations but not w/this man. I more often than not loose my temper and thus loose the debate. I hope tonight the only thing I take a bite of is my dinner.

    Karen Welcome!

    Lisa thanks for posting re:the relationship of lbs. and the load out feet and knees carry. When I put on weight I had to stop going barefoot. The only time I'm w/out orthotics is when I'm wearing New Balance sneakers or Birkenstock sanders or shoes. Maybe there is still hope that I again can feel the grass between my toes.

    Lost the rest of my post again. I wonder if it is tied to when I insert a graphic? Well bye for now.

    Naiomi2015 from 64F and sunny Massachusetts
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning ladies! I am going to go to my dd house today and spend the night so I can visit my DM tomorrow on Mother's Day. We will be meeting my brother and sister in law there and then go out to lunch with them.

    Lisa - thanks for the information about the Digital scale. Congratulations on your lost and under 190 yay! We do consider those zeros as a marker. I love your ticker! I still can't open up the ticker on my computer or phone.

    Karen - welcome! Happy Birthday! Being over 50 isn't that bad. like you say on the inside you feel 25. I think that since I have been working out I am stronger and healthier now then when I was 25.

    MNMargaret - I like your goal!

    Linda from VA - glad that you are here! congratulations on the 40 pounds lost so far. It is great when you're hubby is on board.

    Katla - love riding bareback! I'm glad that you're back was able to handle the ride. Have fun on your trip to the beach! Enjoy your DH'S birthday.

    Naomi - I hope the new allergy meds work for you. If you don't want to lose your post send yourself an email or make a word document and paste it onto the site. That way you have it if it accidentally print only part of what you write. Although I noticed that when I paste it I very seldom lose any.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone!

    Welcome to everyone new, you won't find a more supportive group of ladies. This bunch is caring, genuine and supportive. They all add sunshine to my day!

    Cynthia: I love the picture of the deer. I've planted a bunch of fruit trees and berries and flowering shrubs. The deer are eating off all of the new growth. Does anyone have ideas of how to keep them out of what I'm calling my "orchard". Fencing is out of the question since it is so expensive and will make it too difficult to work the ground easily with the tractor.

    Naomi: I sure hope the new allergy meds work better for you.

    Katla: One day I'd like to take up horseback riding, definitely something to put on the bucket list. I have issues with my knees too and I'm working to strengthen all the muscles that make it operate properly. Apparently that is everything except the knee itself :laugh:

    I was recycling all the packaging from my slow cooker and lo and behold I found a little itsy bitsy plastic lid for the "littl' dipper". I guess I better start wearing my glasses more often.

    I bought 2 pair of shoes yesterday and got 20% off. There was a mother's day sale! I bought some fushia and purple ones and some teal and black ones... just for fun (I normally only wear black or brown). My sons are rolling their eyes at me but they are smiling. :laugh:

    Thought for the day: Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others. ~Parker Palmer

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited May 2015
    Naiomi gave me a chuckle.

    Carey I totally agree with your quote.

    Lisa I like my old Kindle that does not have a light and it is lighter to hold.. We have a Kindle fire that does light up,but it is heavier. The other reason I like mine that has a grey (UK) gray (American) screen is I find it easier on my eyes. Plus they are starting to think the lit up versions are like watching T.V. right before you sleep and it might disrupt your sleep patterns like the light from T.V. does.

    We are having a wonderful day to work outside. Tomorrow rain. After lunch I will get busy outside.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    I'm here! ! ! ! :D<3

    Arrived about 2.30 pm. Lovely cottage with all the facilities. The most AMAZING view!
    We walked down to Worms Head, a famous beauty spot, so, added to my morning's exercise calories I have done 910 today! I will be rivalling Pip! Good job as we stopped for a pint of Welsh beer at the pub.
    We want to walk over the tidal causeway to the Worms Head this week, but you have to check the tides. Dylan Thomas, a famous poet, was once cut off and had to sleep the night on the rock.
    The views are stunning and I took a photo with my phone so I will have to see what it looks like and maybe post it. Couldn't see what I was taking in the sunshine! :laugh:

    Just about to start dinner. I brought one of my frozen chillis. Pointy cabbage and a tiny bit of rice. :D

    So glad I am here. :love:

    Heather in Rhossili Bay, Wales, UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    hey, everybody. Happy Saturday. I'm posting just to see if I can get rid of the annoying quote I accidentally pushed three days ago. I wish this board had a "cancel" button.

    It's happened before when I read on my iPad. You touch the screen in the wrong place, and boom! You've quoted someone.

    I'm exhausted. In addition,to my regular 3-mile walk, I cut the grass in 80 degree weather with a push mower. It took me two hours. I think that's enough exercise for today.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    You all are amazing....
    @klriano I have played pickleball before, (though it was at our resort in CA and I was nude) That is really a fun game! I play tennis, so sadly I was putting alot more effort into it than I had to. I had to just remember to have fun, and not to swing like a nude Chris Evertt....hahaha...You will love this group...they are addictive, and on the days when I totally don't feel normal, many of you are my voice of reason...

    @Lestan48 I wish I didn't have any junk food in the house, but I have a teenager, and I can't just cut him off everything. He is one that is tall and quite lean, so he NEEDS to put on some weight.. My view is that it isn't fair to impose my strict eating habits on him. In 3 yrs though, when he goes into the Navy the pantry will be totally mine. My husband will be in mourning for candy.... lol

    @patceoh Love That Saying....I copied it and will share it at my TOPS group next Wednesday :smiley:
    @exermom I think bellydancing would be such a thrill if I had enough confidence. One of my main reasons for my weight loss journey is that when I dance my body has one rhythm, and my belly another...THAT IS SO FRUSTRATING.... hahaha..So bellydancing is a definate no for me, but I admire anyone that does. :smiley:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Morning peep heads and welcome new peepsters
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I hate it when I go off target on the weekends....Is it because we are caring less for ourselves and more for friends and family? Yesterday my husband let me have alot of sunning balcony time, and he played one of his adventure computer games. My husband and I watched a thought provoking movie "The Promised Land" with Matt Damon all about a small towns involvement with fracking. Then he got back on the game involving my son that was home from school. I pretty much was left alone for the evening, and I ate about 3 granola bars. Sighes...so that was about 300+ calories over. I SHOULD have just turned off the TV, instead of watching the crap that was on. I SHOULD have just started my book that I rec'd from the donor pile from TOPS meeting. I SHOULD have maybe taken a bath etc...anything but snack. I settled on not making ANY decisions, typical weekend mindset... and I owe myself more than that. I work really hard during the week, eating right, exercising, and this is how I congratulate myself. Grrrr.... On top of it all, at 11pm while I was organizing the kitchen, wiping counters etc, a HUGE spider plopped down from the ceiling. I heard the plop! So I frantically was searching for something to smash it, and it had time to get to a corner on the floor.. Then I was yelling for my son to throw me a flipflop, he wiggled into a crack in the siding of the flooring. ACK! So today I am prancing all around the kitchen like a loon. I have a vision he will attack my toes. Last night I dreamed he was crawling up to put an end to me...hahaha. Did I tell you I have a phobia about spiders? If they are on the floor gasping because I have sprayed them with Frabreeze, then I can smash them no problem with a flipflop (always my husbands ha).
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.Rain is over for now,cooled down.We had 80`s and 90`s the last 2 days,too hot for this time of year.
    Have a good sat.
    hugs jane
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stats for the day, it was a good workout, riding to/from work for the last 2 days on top of this, my legs are saying, HELLOOOOO!!!!
    jacobs ladder- 30min, 67ft per min, 1994ft = 296cal
    ski machine - 20min, 7incl, 20-35resist., .98mi = 185cal
    rowing machine- 25min, 80aw, 4591meters or 2.85mi = 209cal
    other- stretch, 10min = 32cal
    total cal 722
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    HI all. I had a great birthday dinner yesterday; and I was good. Prime rib and king crab. Yum! Stayed away from the apps, the bread, and the dessert. Now I find out hubby has planned a “little” party for me in 2 hours! We are also supposed to get another big storm tonight, so keep your fingers crossed for no more floods or tornados.

    Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!

    Katla: hoping the horse is doing better! I just found out that the ADA act requires our dorms to accept service horses in the dorms…the miniature kind. I think that’s hilarious but our attorney doesn’t. Yes, the bursa can go back to normal, but usually doesn’t because it usually keeps getting irritated due to daily activities.

    Pip: (((hugs)))

    Heather: you pack like I do…gotta have a little bling to make a girl look nice!

    Carey: I love the little dipper crock pot side. I’ll have to look for one

    Chris: when my parents were in that state, I chose to believe they did, but could not express it. She does sense you love and presence.

    Janet: have a wonderful trip!

    SSC: the main thing is the downward trend…hooray!

    Carol: hope that headache hangover is gone

    Vicki: enjoy the weekend off. I agree….it’s probably our punishment for such a mild winter. Personally I’d rather have snow and cold than tornadoes

    Sylvia: good news about the weather. Now why did I think you lived in Joplin?

    Lisa; I had to laugh about the chain saw!

    Barbie sounds like you are enjoying the trip

    Kerra: welcome to the group. Um…what’s 15.6 grandchildren? One on the way? LOL

    Michele: good thing you got the pocketbook back!

    Joyce: snow????? ***swooning***

    Karen from Lawn Guyland: welcome to the group! I can just hear you saying that!

    Linda from VA #2: welcome to you too!

    OK, need to get ready for whatever is going on tonight. See you tomorrow! Meg from chilly OMaha
  • klriano
    klriano Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome, it's a blessing to have such a wonderful support group like you do.

    @ Fanncy0626 - DH is very supportive of me in all things, although we have very disparate opinions on weight loss and nutrition. I fix all his meals in accordance to what he believes is the "best way" for him to lose and then I fix my own separately. That's part of the reason I'm here now. After fixing his dinner, I was done and would just grab a bag of chips for mine. Working on fixing those habits. No chips in the past 2 months *gasping*

    @ Joyce, Indiana - My profile picture is from one of our trips to the Bahamas. In that one, I actually was a dolphin trainer ...for a day. One of the adventures I made sure I could check off my bucket list :)

    @ Lisa H., W.TX - Irreverent and bluntly honest? Yup, that about sums me up, LOL.

    @ Karen in Lawn Guyland - Welcome, I also just found this group of amazing women.

    @ Linda - I agree with doing it together with your DH makes it so much easier, it removes a lot of temptations out of the pantry!

    @ Ann R - Hope you at least had your court shoes on! We have a lot of ex-tennis players in our club. They seem to adapt really quickly and make the games very competitive. We just started playing in February, I absolutely love the game, it's so much fun! Plus the benefit of getting me OFF the computer and outside exercising.

    @ Pipcd34 - I broke a sweat just reading your stats.

    @ Meg, Omaha - Yep! the .6 grandchild is due in September. I'm looking forward to having another newbie!

    Hope the rest of your day is happy and fulfilling,

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good Saturday afternoon!

    Katla- My son is home from college and will leave on the 28th for his summer job. He will have 3 day breaks every 10 days and he will spend some of them here. I'm sure he will stay with my parents for some of them since they are more than 2 hours closer than I am to his job site. He will have to figure out better storage for his stuff before he leaves!

    Meg - Thanks! It is gone today after lingering all day yesterday. I hope you have fun at your sorta surprise party!

    Lisa - I would croak quickly in the heat that you work in. It stays hot here a lot in the summer but I really like my A/C.

    My parents and brother came down this morning to pick up the riding mower from the old house. I wanted someone besides the bank to get it when the house is auctioned next week. My parents bicker constantly and my father, in particular, has a flash temper. They ended up in a yelling match in the parking lot outside my new place. I'm really glad my brother parked in front of someone else's townhouse AND that he was the one stuck in the truck with them for the 2 1/2 hour drive back. :wink:

    Hope everyone has a good evening!

    Carol in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    edited May 2015
    Kiriano - lmao
    there is more to come. We go to red robin twice. Year, once for my friends bday meal and another for his. We r going to walk there for dinner, so more to the calorie burn count!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, I live very near Joplin, but on the Kansas side of the line.

    I'm so depressed! It's the first time in a long time that I've felt like crying. The dogs are at the kennel, and so there was no welcoming committee when I got home. It tears my heart out every time I have to leave them, but this time was the worst. We took them in one at a time, and Spot actually wrapped his front paws around my leg and didn't want to let go. And poor Molly trembles. Just happy go lucky Bruno went somewhat easily.

    We are going to dinner with the kids tonight since we are leaving tomorrow. I'm sad about leaving them too, of course.

    Today at the studio was the birthday party for DGD #1's Teacher's daughter. It went really well, and they all seemed to have a great time. I was hoping this would be my last birthday party, but the two aunts and the grandmother all talked about having parties at my place. One aunt asked if I would do a party for adults! I must not have charged enough to scare away the public! All the kids made a bowl and a soap dish, and several made Christmas ornaments. It will all be good and dry by the time I get back from Spain, so I will fire it and glaze it then.

    Now comes packing for the trip. Boo hiss.

    I hope you are all having a great day!


  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Just marking my spot. Welcome to all the newbies! Got in 6k steps so far today, loving my new Mother's Day Charge Fitbit gift! The sleep monitoring has been a real eye opener
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Keep losing my posts!
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Will try to write again later Enjoy the day Ladies! Italy in So Cal