

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well. I think for the first time since joining this forum, I missed a day of reading. We left early yesterday morning and got back about 11:30 last night. I was exhausted. We have done this one day trip so many times I don't know what was different. I wanted to go to Sunday School but was fooling myself in thinking I could do it. I did go to church and enjoyed that. It gave me enough adrenalin rush that I thought I was OK. But the longer I was back home, the tireder I was. We were supposed to meet my sister and her son and wife at Cheddars but as usual, they were late. The whole meal was a fiasco. Cheddar's have big booths, small booths and then areas where they can put enough tables and chairs to fit a big group.There were only 7 of us but 3 of them are very large and one other isn't small. So 6 of us squeezed into the big booth and the biggest guy who can't fit into a booth sat on a chair at the end and got knocked by so many people as walked by. I forgot to tell them to leave the sauce off my grilled fish tacos and it jsut didn't taste the same.

    Allison, I am like you. At Christmas my family is all here so it doens't bother me so much that I don't get a gift from my husband. But there is no holiday that he does anything. Michelle was with me, Christina gave me a nice tribute on face book. But to her defense we did spend all day with her yesterday. But there are many, many holidays that I get nothing. Every holiday is just another day of the year. I miss my parents so much. Every day was a holiday for them.

    TNToni and Naomi, my husband rolled down the driveway one day and rolled over the mailbox. He had the car on the risers to change the oil. He had the drivers door open and the car rolled off the risers and went down the driveway. He was so worried about rolling up into the neighbors yard across the street, he didn't realize the door was open and he would hit the mailbox. Well, it took down the mailbox AND the car door! :o Now if I had made a mistake like that I hate to think of what all he would have done, the words he would have called me. But he laughed at himself and has told the story to many people. Husband can be one person at home and another one with friends.

    I did read all the posts but was to tired to make any notes. Have fun and safe travels to all of you traveling. heather I can swear you took that picture straight out of book. I'll be better tomorrow. This is the second day in a two week period I was this exhausted.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Buns and Thighs pilates DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of the 10 minute tummy toner DVD, hold my plank, and then do a 10 pound down DVD.

    Lisa from Vancouver
    - at the top of the page you will see a star. Click on that and it will turn yellow. That will tell you that you've bookmarked this site. Then, whenever you want to come here, just click on "bookmarks" and it'll be here. Click on that link and it'll bring you right here. Just remember at the end of the month when barbie makes a new thread that you unclick the star from the previous month and highlight the star for the present month

    - oh, trust me, I do the sweeping in the pool when it's hottest out. Usually we don't need to do it this often, but we're getting rid of that algae. The water is no longer green, it's just a cloudy blue. Big difference from a week ago, big big difference.

    Heather - lovely pic. How can you ever leave? Thanks for sharing

    Janet - so glad your friend made it. Hey, you probably burned a lot of calories exercising (your jaw), but that's good.

    Carey - I think you're right. Good idea. Now I just have to find a place that sells them....lol

    carol/peach - Vince had cataract surgery last year. Admitted he was VERY worried at first. But when he got the bandage taken off, his comment to the doctor was "when can we do the second one?" I think that is the first time EVER that he actually looked forward to an operation. I wish you the best, but I'm sure everything will be fine

    - My dilemma is that I just don't want to hurt feelings. That's just me. A year ago we had the bowling party and I had one of their hamburgers. I haven't had a hamburger since then. My stomach felt so horrible afterwards. I probably could have gotten by if it had been half as thick. I just have no desire to feel that horrible again.

    - you might want to get extra hardware. Maybe just one or two. What'll happen if in 5 years one breaks and they've been discontinued? You'll have to replace all the hardware. So if you just buy one or two extras now, at least you won't have to replace all the hardware. Don't worry, I didn't get any Mother's Day cards, either. Jessica and Denise did call. But, of course, Bryan didn't. Not that I even expected him to. Vince talked about taking me to Red Lobster, but that one didn't happen. Earlier today I told him that there were just 3 things that I wanted, to trim the trees at the back of the property so that when I cut the grass the branches didn't get tangled up in my hair, to inflate my raft for the pool (even tho I won't use it until we get the chlorine level to normal. At least it'll be ready for when I can use it) and to glue this piece of quarter round back. Actually, since Vince had the saw out, he trimmed these evergreen trees at the back of the property, too. Not that I had a problem with him doing that.

    annr - you did a wonderful job raising your sons, that I can tell. I like your saying "there is perfection in imperfection"

    I got this from the Hungry Girl site. Did you know???

    Consider yourself a calorie connoisseur? Here are five facts you may not know...

    1. Calories from fiber don't always count.
    Here's the deal: Your body doesn't absorb calories from insoluble fiber, a.k.a. indigestible fiber. So when you chomp on a 65-calorie cup of raspberries, you're only really taking in around 35 calories. WOW, right? Now, on some high-fiber products, these indigestible calories have already been subtracted from the total calories listed: Fiber One Original bran cereal, for example. To determine if the calories from fiber have already been subtracted, just multiply the number of fat grams by 9, the number of carbs by 4, and the number of protein grams by 4. Add those up to get the total calories. If that number is significantly higher than the calorie count listed, there's a good chance those fiber calories have already been subtracted. If not, go ahead and subtract 4 calories for each gram of insoluble fiber. Another source of indigestible calories? Sugar alcohols, like the kinds in certain low-carb and sugar-free products.

    2. The numbers on food nutrition labels are allowed to be inaccurate by up to 20 percent.
    This one is a bit unsettling, but it's true: The US Food and Drug Administration allows the nutrition facts on packaged foods to be up to 20 percent off. That means your 350-calorie frozen meal could have more like 420 calories. What can we do with this information, aside from cooking every single thing we eat from scratch? First of all, trust your instincts if something seems too good to be true -- especially when it comes to mom & pop companies touting diet-friendly stats. Supporting small business is great, but big brands often have better resources to ensure accuracy. And here's a smart way to check the accuracy of multi-serving snacks: Weigh out a portion to see if it matches the serving size listed on the label. Read more on this topic here...

    3. You burn calories doing nothing.
    Even if you were to just lie around doing nothing but existing all day long, you would still burn some calories. That’s because your body still needs energy to do things like breathe and circulate blood. Think of it this way: If you consume around 1,800 calories per day and maintain your weight, that means you're burning about 1,800 calories per day... even if you're not exercising. So if you burn 400 calories during an hour-long exercise routine, you won't break even by eating 400 extra calories. (There goes that excuse to overindulge!) Everybody's resting calorie rate (a.k.a. BMR) is different -- click here to calculate an estimate.

    4. Sometimes, a calorie isn't just a calorie.
    Sure, a Mango Coconut Soyjoy bar and a can of regular Coke both have 140 calories each... but one has protein and fiber, and the other is basically sugar. That protein and fiber will keep you satiated much longer than those sugary calories. Similarly, healthy fats (like avocado) and complex carbs (like whole grains) are the types of calorie sources that will stay with you for a while. On the other hand, refined simple carbs like corn syrup and white bread won't keep you satisfied for long. Keep these ideas in mind when selecting snacks and treats.

    5. Reduce your calorie intake by too much, and you could stop losing weight as a result.
    Cutting your calorie intake down to a low number might sound like the fastest way to drop pounds, but that's not necessarily true. When you consume too few calories, your body can go into "starvation mode," storing fat to conserve energy. In other words, your metabolism may get super slow, causing a stall in your weight loss. While there's some debate on this subject, most experts agree that dropping below 1,200 calories per day is never a good idea. Want to burn some extra calories without going overboard? Click here for some ideas...

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member

    Today no workout- we went to get tHe airstream and practice backing up. That poop is hard. I got it back into the stall!!!!! With his guidance and we didn't bite each other's heads off. Sheer support and best of all, no dings and didn't hit anything
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all my MFP friends, even the ones whose children have four legs!

    Alison, I'm in the same boat, it seems. My son and grandkids never even told me happy Mother's Day or ANYTHING. I even asked him about it, why he never acknowledges me on a Mother's Day, and he said, jeez, mom, it's nothing personal. (It sure feels personal. ) He said, I thought you would be gone today. Even then, when I told him how it hurt my feelings, he never said sorry, never said he loves me. Nothing. I felt like a big baby being bothered by it, but I cried off and on all the way to Kansas City. And we took them all out to dinner last night, too. He could have said it then. I wasn't asking for a gift or anything. Not even a card! And I feel like the kids are learning from him how to treat me, and I don't like it. I've been seeing Mother's Day stuff plastered all over Facebook and the internet, reminding me.

    Enough of the pity party.

    We are in a hotel near the airport, trying to go to bed early. Wake up call for 3am, shuttle at 4am, flight at 6am. My baby brother called me (and told me happy Mother's Day) and suggested I download google translate. Wow! That is going to be very helpful. I can use it on my phone when it's in airplane mode (thus offline), and it even pronounces things and lets me make my own phrase book. Very cool!

    Good night everyone!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Several of my happiness commandments came in useful today since we spent a big piece of it with Jake's kids and their families.

    *Act the way I want to feel.
    *Don't take things personally.
    *Don't expect praise or recognition
    *Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

    Early to bed then early to rise then breakfast with stepson's first ex-wife then North along the California and Oregon coasts.

    <3 Barbie who is looking forward to the rest of the trip North to Washington
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Hello lovely ladies. I hope you all had a happy mother's day.
    Mine has been good. Drove in rain most of the way to Charleston, but was sunny and bright when we got here. Looking forward to the cruise tomorrow and hope for good weather. Haven't had time to read all but wish you all only the best. <3

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Just checking in. I will comment on Toni hitting the garage door twice. I have backed into DH's truck twice backing out of my garage. Both times were on days when he was home when normally he would be gone, I was upset, and I just wasn't paying attention. Both times I hit him in the exact same spot and did $1200 worth of damage to his truck while not hurting my Toyota Camry at all. The end result is that he started parking far, far away from my backing out spot!

    The first time my brother fixed the truck for what the insurance paid and did not charge me the deductible. The second time, he told me he couldn't afford to keep doing that so I had to pay $500 out of pocket. Stupid, stupid tax!

    DH was nice about it both times, because I was so terribly upset. He does tease me about it now that time has passed. The insurance adjuster was super nice both times. One reason I stay with them.
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Thinking of you all today... mothers remembered, mothers forgotten and mothers at heart. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the people around you, and in the lives of those who gather here for friendship and support. You are spectacular!
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Grandmallie Sorry your shoping trip was so difficult. Our destination was actually Wareham but he meandered all the way to Brewster and got to see the herring running at an old grist mill turned into a nature preserve. Never did find the flea market but had a really nice day. Welfleet is beautiful. I havn't walked the beach there in a long time. BTW no need to 2nd guess yourself re:what you did when mothering your children. Sounds like you demonstrated your love for them in a number of ways.

    Lisa H I can really understand your Walmart experience. Our experiences as women are not one size fits all. I remember as a child we always had corsages for Mother's Day. White if your Mom had died. Red if she was living. The flowers were not dependent upon having children but aknowledged that one had a mother.

    Congrats on the final proof. Making your Mom's bread recipe is a nice way to honor and remember her. Mine's been gone almost 3 years. She became ill on Mother's Day 2009. No wonder the day bothers me so much. Hmm just put that together while typing. Hmmm.

    MNMargaret What a nice picture. Glad you shared it with us.

    Annr You domenstrate a lot of flexibility and acceptance. - 2 good qualities I would do well to keep in mind.

    Exermom With such an involved workout when do you find time to use the pool?

    Pip The pic of your might be a rare one but it is a good one. Props to you for having a connection w/her.

    The airstream looks great. I had a trailer at one time and loved it. Once I got the knack of driving it I was fine. I was driving it around in the 1980's. Took at trip from MA to NC and the manager of the trailer park asked me if I needed help getting it into the campsite. After I politely said no I noticed him and a couple of folks watching just to be sure I could. Hope you have a blast taking it on the road.

    Sylvia Except for MFP and 1post on FB I stayed off of social media today-too emotional for me to view all the sentimental MDay posts. Wishing you a great trip. Dr. Google makes a great traveling companion.

    Barbie I really like your happiness commandments.

    Janithope the cruise exceeds expectations.

    Naiomi2015 on a foggy 65F night in Massachusetts

  • LisaMighton
    LisaMighton Posts: 51 Member
    edited May 2015
    Called my mom today before heading out on a 2 hour hike with a friend & two teens. Sore lower back, now! Completely forgot about new eating habits out at friends after when bowls of tortilla chips and Miss Vickie's potato chips were put out, and I don't know how much I ate but it wasn't a little. Sigh. Later they offered nanaimo bar, and then I remembered, and said no.
    Still confused about the interactions between MFP and FitBit... I logged the hiking-hills-with-pack on MFP, but because I was wearing FitBit it was still counting steps (tho not elevation).

    LisaM from Vancouver
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Oh My Goodness... I did not have time to check in when I was in Jasper!! Lots of walking and sight seeing. A lot to see and do and we only had one full day.

    Carey - when we came through Edmonton on our way home today, we were on a time crunch ... the kids thought we should be at their house just east of Lloydminster for supper... so ..sorry no coffee this time.

    I think I did pretty good when we were in Jasper, two days over 10,000 steps. And I didn't over indulge and eat junkie food. So we will see what the scale has to say at TOPS on Tuesday night. Hopefully I make it back from Northern Saskatchewan in time...

    I best get off to bed - I will need to leave early in the a.m.

    I hope everyone had a great Mothers Day

    Take care
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Lillian - maybe another time. I occasionally get to SK too. Have a good trip home and hope that scale is going the right way on Tuesday.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited May 2015
    Morning ladies!
    We woke up to rain and heavy mist and the wind blowing! It's clearing up now and we are going out in the car to explore the local village stores. Need to buy a bit of food.
    Did my strength and weights this morning. 33 mins. 103 cals. Good start. We should be able to get out to Worm's Head later this afternoon so that will give me at least an hour's walk. You can only get there either side of low tide, so have to pick your time. :D
    Your Mother's Day reminds me of mine back in March. I did have a text from DS#1 which is a minor miracle and DS#2 phoned me late in the day, prompted by DDIL I have no doubt. Oh well, at least I'm not the only one! ! ! ! ! ! ! DH always refuses to do anything as he says I'm not his mother! ! ! When I was younger I used to poopoo the whole thing, but as an old lady I would love to be made a fuss of. Not that I was the best mother ever! ! ! ! !

    Barbie - sounds like your visit to in laws was a mixed blessing. :laugh: You approached it with a great attitude! Have a great journey back home. :)

    OK, got to get washed and brushed up.
    Lots of love, Heather in Wales, UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Alison (and Sylvia): sorry you were left out in the cold. I’m sure your kids appreciate you. I’ve forgotten Mother’s Day a couple of times...just had my head up my *** or something. And this year I sent Mom’s present too late and she hasn’t gotten it yet. :s Hope you feel better today! <3

    Pip: cute pic!

    Worked on the cemetery near here yesterday (for Find A Grave). Too much sun. I have freckles today, and I wear SPF 30 ALL the time (and dust with a powder with SPF 50). May have to wear my baseball cap the next time, though I don’t think that’s the best look for in a cemetery.

    Beautiful weather today. I will try to make it a good day.

    Hope we all have a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies~
    got some much needed sleep...
    well I have figured out some things...
    maybe it is the younger generation,they just dont care about anything except themselves...I dont really mean it in a rude way.. but it is true...I give my daughter alot of credit, she had Taliah at a young age and she is doing everything she can for her..after my daughter turned 8 and my son 13 , thats when things went haywire.. I divorced there father and the only thing I can say is that at the time my ex didnt do a damn thing except go to work.. I was working 2 jobs and taking care of everything.. so we went through mediation and I let him have primary residence.. That was MY mistake...he has mental illness like his mother did, and he basically let Tracy who was the wild one do what ever she wanted, she didnt get along with my husband and didnt want to come down here and when she did, it wasnt pretty..
    So she ended up at an early age having to help take care of her father,grandfather and brother.grandfather with dementia,and my son is a bit like his dad... so she resents me for that I guess.. and my son well.. he does have a good heart, but he does have his issues...
    Oh well enough about that... going to be 90 today so will close the house up soon
    go feed my DFIL and go to work at 12:30
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Such joy and pain all mixed together here about Mother's Day. You all had company in both sides of that emotional divide, bless your hearts.

    I've read all the messages... Pip, I loved that picture of your Mama smiling... My pictures of my mother were long before the digital age, I'd have to go back and dig them out of storage. I did include one picture below. Someday I'll get them all scanned. And the Airstream is on our bucket list.

    Not on our bucket list was yesterday's news. Found out my son's paternity test was positive from a relationship nearly three years old now that went in front of a judge in Wisconsin, and he is the father of a little girl my husband and I will most likely never meet... He is now paying $650 a month child support out of a paycheck that is barely twice that a month.

    This is while my daughter cannot get her idiot of an ex-husband to pay one single solitary dime in child support, but is sending their three-year-old son to him for the next three months to spend the summer.

    My son and daughter became mine at 15 and 17 years old respectively, and both call me "Mom," which makes my heart MELT every time they do, and I love them dearly. And I couldn't be more proud. They stand up to their legal, ethical and moral obligations in a world that doesn't reward that very much these days. My daughter is already in floods of tears and her son doesn't leave until the end of May. But it's in the agreement she signed. My son and the lovely girl he married in November are simply dealing with the results of the judgment, and moving on.

    This parenthood thing SUCKS. People do this when they're young, because when you get to my age, you just don't have the patience for this mess. I'm so glad I'm over 50, and all this took place over the phone, over text messaging back and forth. I was able to cover the phone receiver and take breaths, and I was able to delete what I was typing and retype it a couple (dozen) times. Lord help us.

    Enough of that.

    Sorry if this image shows up huge and grainy--it does on my system. It shows my mother in 1954, she would have been 28 years old.


    On to non-scale-victories.... The towel met at the bottom this weekend finally. In terms of my weight, and in terms of my measurements, I am a happy camper. :)

    And, while I was beating my head up against switching computers thing this weekend, I ran across this image on my personal laptop, thought y'all might like it:


  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    LHANNON ~ Your mother was beautiful and I love that scale.

    Pip ~ so glad you have this picture of all of you.

    My DIL dropped by with a pretty pot of flowers on Sunday. Didn't come in as I am still coughing/sore throat and didn't feel like company. Will get to see son and family on Saturday as we are all planning to go to my niece's wedding together.

    I am sorry to say that I have to wear the mom's pants with an elastic waist. My round middle just won't accommodate zip up pants. Shopped and shopped on Friday hoping to find a pair that fit with no luck since most of the stores don't carry them and when I do find them they are still ill fitting on my 5" 1" body.

    Janet & Sylvia ~ have a wonderful trips and come home safely.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited May 2015
    JOYCE,any computer is fine when your husband can fix them. In our family ,son in law is the same as your hub,but in all things Apple.To me,the price covers Apple Care.....they fix or replace. If I ever think of a diff brand,good sense kicks in when thinking of what happens when it needs fixed? No way,been down that road.This whole family loves all things Apple.

    Too much woulda,coulda,shoulda ........about Mother's Day,too much blaming of self.....Don't we all know in our hearts....we did the best we could with the circumstances we lived with?
    Grown "Kids" need to get over themselves & parents need to treat Use some $$ you spend on them to have a long wk-end......even at home with phones,electronics turned off.Let other ppl do as they will & you do the same! Enough preaching,just know someone feels your pain.

    Use some $$ you spend on them to have a long wk-end......even at home with phones,electronics turned off.Let other ppl do as they will & you do the same! Enough preaching,just know someone feels your pain.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited May 2015
    Have had Kindle on iPad for yrs,works great. Of course, I am better at saving books than reading them! Seem to be the same way with too many things.Thinking I could easily be a hoarder.Shame on me.
    Margaret,beautiful view,thanks for sharing.
    Sorry for 2 posts......was cut off. Pat
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    DH gone out for a walk before we go for a walk together later! I am saving myself for the walk across to Worm's Head later on. Two long walks yesterday nearly did for my poor hips! Of course it was great for calories!
    I'm slow cooking a pork belly on the stove in prep for Wednesday's meal. Might as well while I am lying here on the sofa, looking at our view. The sun is back! Tonight we're having Confit de Canard, which is preserved duck I brought back from France last year. It only needs heating through and we will have it with tinned flageolets and fresh broccoli.
    We've booked to eat out tomorrow night at a local pub that has been recommended. I've looked at the menu and it looks fine. Just a short car journey away. Some local dishes and produce. Got to get there at 6.30 as they do two sittings. I said it would be more like 6.45. Can't believe they will be packed out on a Tuesday. :noway:
    As I've got some spare time I will give myself a manicure. I've been biting my nails and the only way to stop myself is to file them and apply colourless varnish.
    Beautiful afternoon. I must wear my sun hat when we go out.

    Love Heather, enjoying the peace and quiet in Wales, UK