

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Photo taken this morning. Severely cropped because of finger over lense. :*
    On the walk we saw wild orchids and yellow rock roses, bluebells, pink campions, speedwell, and a gorgeous lime green cow parsley type thing.


    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lesley: I am so sorry about your daughter’s diagnosis. I hope the healthcare system takes swift action to help her. If she takes birth control pills, encourage her to stop immediately & use a barrier method to prevent pregnancy instead. I know it is old fashioned, but I used a diaphragm throughout my childbearing years. It worked without exposing me to artificial female hormones. Condoms aren’t ideal, but they’re also better than taking hormones and don’t have to be fit by a medical professional.

    Heather: Your vacation by the shore sounds idyllic. I’d love to see the ponies and their foals. I’m not really a fan of sheep. Lambs are charming, but they grow out of their charm all too soon. Enjoy your walk and your pub meal.

    Sylvia: I’m so happy you’re safely in your hotel in Madrid. I hope you tell us all about your trip.

    Lisa in W TX: Thanks for the picture of your trees. They’re lovely. I was imagining a much more barren landscape.

    Mary form MN: Scotch Eggs are hard cooked eggs wrapped in sausage & fried or deep-fried. The cook is a magician because they’re still a tiny bit runny in the middle. How does he do that?

    Mary & Margaret: You can’t be too careful with tick bites. DH’s cousin died with what we believe was Lyme disease. It was his habit to go deer hunting every year and he would have been exposed to ticks. The disease stole his mind day by day. He was such a nice man, and the situation was tragic.

    I hope to go to the health club with my neighbor this morning so I can spin while she dances to the beat of zumba class. I haven’t heard from her yet, so I’m not sure.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    morning peepheads:

    lestan- so sorry to hear about your daughter. i've had a couple of friends that have had early stages of that and they are fine, so there is hope.

    fanncy - ewwww, does it itch?

    cityjane - purdy view!

    2 more days then I fly off to California, I so need time away from work., It will be nice to have a forced break from biking but when I get back on when I come back, I realize how much I miss it and it's a part of me. as usual when I am there I tend to still run, we'll see how I do, can't wait!
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Terri: Thanks for the tips on the deer repellent. The hot sauce doesn't harm the plants? Hot sauce seems to be more in my price range. Oh boy, I can't even imagine having to spray all the plants with something that has to be reapplied after rain. I live 3 hours away from my trees and orchard and I have hundreds of trees. I wonder if you can buy hot sauce by the gallon! :wink:

    Michele: Hope that water clears up soon, you and hubby are certainly putting in the effort! It's about time to enjoy it.

    Joyce: Poor quality sleep or C-pap machine, Smooth face or c-pap machine, waking up or c-pap machine...hmmm I think the c-pap machine wins. :smile:

    Lesley: You and Your daughter are in my prayers hopefully she receives treatment very quickly.

    Grandmallie: You do so much for others, don't forget to add yourself to that priority list :smile:

    Heather: So glad you told us that stonechats were birds. I was visualizing small stone cottages and/or stone cairns resembling cats. :laugh:

    Sylvia: Sleep well, sorry the flight and arrival was so rocky.

    Tai Chi is on the agenda for today. Still have a bunch of leftovers so maybe I'll make a turkey soup.

    Thought for the day: Don't brood. Get on with living and loving. You don't have forever. - Leo Buscaglia

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Lisa W TX – in my area, we can’t leave brush piles for long either, but that is because of all the rabbits. Since there are so many boys running around my neighborhood, I can’t afford to have one of them step into a rabbit hole and break an ankle or worse. But I understand the snakes by you can be dangerous, yikes!

    Joyce Indiana – I use melatonin during the winter, and I like the results. I will also take it on occasion if I don’t get outdoors at all during the warm months. It doesn’t actually make me sleep, but it helps me relax before falling asleep. I had a few people tell me you must use it every day regardless for it to help, and others who disagree and say it can be used only as needed and still help. Not sure what I believe. I hope you have positive results; let us know what you think.

    Lesley – hugs and prayers for your daughter, and your entire family regarding the breast cancer diagnosis.

    Heather – thanks for sharing the beautiful picture.

    It amazes me how much talk there has been about tick bites this week. We had 2 patients in a matter of hours call about that subject, and now you friends are also talking about it. I have only been bit once, and I think it was a wood tick, because it started out pretty big. I was picking wildflowers with my DD on my way to work, and it bit me on the calf right through my pantyhose. My boss cut around it and burned it off less than an hour later, and I had to work my entire shift styling hair with bare legs. I hope everyone who has been bit recently is able to escape Lyme’s.

    Baseball was cancelled yesterday, so DH made supper. He makes an amazing sloppy joes, so I had some without bread. But while I was cutting up a pickle, he scooped the last of the mac & cheese onto his plate, and I got offended that he wouldn't share with me, even though I should not eat it, so he put it on my plate and I ate it. Now I'm sorry because not only did it put me over in calories and carbs, but it flares my arthitis, so now my right knee and wrist are painful and swollen. Why must my brain work that way? I need to just get over it, and focus on ME.

    Today I got DS and myself out of the house in time for a quick work-out. 10 minutes on the bike, and 35 seconds each for all 3 planks. Today during lunch I will spend 10 minutes on the hand-bike. My big dilemna now is what treat to choose at the movie. I won 4 screening passes for "Pitch Perfect 2" for tonight. I usually risk the arthitis flare and have popcorn no butter, but since I ate pasta last night, I'm not sure I can tolerate increasing it with the popcorn. Hopefully I stashed a few almonds in my car. Does anyone have suggestions for a quick run into Walgreens that I can sneak in my pocket to the movie (no white wheat, corn, or potato) ?

    Weather is clear and cool here, about 50 for a high, but the winds are supposed to lessen over the day.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Heather ~ both you and the background are lovely!

    Leslie ~ Prayers that your daughter will receive treatment very soon.

    Sylvia ~ get rested and then enjoy your wonderful trip!

    Mary ~ Hope the tick bite does not turn out to be Lymes. Ticks in Georgia are very worrisome as are poison oak and mosquitoes.

    DS came by to get our lawn mower this morning. He now has our pressure washer, long ladder, and shop vac. It never ends. Just lucky that I have hired a couple of people to cut and blow. DH can't handle the outdoor stuff any more. Sent him home with a Knockout Rose for his wife and a bottle of ready to drink Margaritta from Costco for a belated Mother's Day present.


  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I am struggling today. It was 86 degrees in my house when I got home yesterday. Both of the children were there and neither thought of calling me to tell me there was a problem. Needless to say, I got even less sleep than usual! I called for repairs this morning, then my son calls to tell me it was just a thrown breaker. I should have checked that last night, I suppose. Arrgh! Today is the auctioning of my house. I will honestly be glad to be rid of it, and I know it's a good thing that I didn't go through the attic, but I woke up last night and remembered that both of the children's little rocking chairs are still in the attic. I keep reminding myself that they don't care and I don't have room to store all of that stuff, but it's still making me sad. I also am fighting the "failure" demon that arises every time I think about the place. I'm hoping that today will mark the end of the "what ifs" since it will be totally out of my hands.

    Lesley - I'm so sorry that your daughter is facing such a battle. Prayers for healing and for peace.

    Mary - Hope the tick was a plain tick and was carrying no diseases. They're nasty little buggers no mater what!

    Sylvia - So glad to know you arrived safely!

    Lisa - I'm headed to Dallas on Memorial Day. Anything I should be sure to do while I'm there?

    I truly want to crawl under my desk and take a nap. Hoping for some sleep tonight!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Carol in NC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    Carol in NC - here's a great website. Much depends on what you're into, of course. Going to Dealey Plaza was more stirring than I thought it would be. JFK was killed when I was three, so no memories for me, but it is all in such a small space, and it is somehow still the same as it was in the Zapruder films... hard to explain. The Sixth Floor Museum in the Book Depository should be seen if you're interested in that event. Dallas, to me, was simply concrete and steel piled on more concrete and steel.

    Honestly, I was always more fond of Fort Worth! Sundance Square is both scenic and shopworthy, the Botanic Gardens are usually just spectacular this time of year. There are cattle drives with honest-to-God longhorns twice a day in the Fort Worth stockyards every day (seriously). There is no public transportation worth a darn, so if you have your own car, or are visiting friends with a vehicle, I'd explore Fort Worth before I'd mess around in Dallas any day. Personal preference... but the downtown areas, if it's not rush hour, are only a little over a half hour apart. But there's a world of difference.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Tonight we are in Coos Bay, Oregon after a beautiful drive along the Pacific Coast. A walk on the treadmill helped me reach my step goal. I love traveling with Jake

    Thank you all for sharing your family stories

    <3 Barbie

    Its raining up here in Astoria area!!! boo..hoo.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    hello from a windy,Il
    hugs jane
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks, Lisa! I will be in Dallas for work and flying in so no car. I'd love to visit Ft Worth (some of my very favorite musicians are from there), but I'm not sure about the transportation aspect. I will be staying 1/2 mile from all of the JFK stuff, so that is definitely on my list. I'm trying to map out things that I can walk to and things that I won't mind doing by myself.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    MNMargaret- I hate Woodtick's! The female deer tick is 10 times the size of the male deer tick so quite a bit larger than the head of a pin. About the size of a small Woodtick. It does not have that white on its back and it is totally brown in color. The last time I got bit by a female and again this time it is a female. Did your Woodtick burrow under your skin from Sweden?

    Heather-rain is always a good reason to go in for a beer! You look great and so does the background!

    Katla- I think I had those eggs before but I think they were considered Irish on Saint patties day.

    Pip- it itches like crazy! Even with Benadryl on it. I've got a doctors appointment this afternoon to have them look at it. I got the little bugger in A small jar.

    Terri- you didn't mention chocolate for that is what I suggest! LOL

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Greetings Ladies...I am back from my 3 days in NJ.
    Lesley...so sorry to hear about your daughter. I'm sure you are reeling from this news and all it's implications. Please know that we are all wishing you, your daughter and her family all the best. The dear friend that I have spent the past 3 days with was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001 at the age of 44. She just celebrated her 59th birthday and is in the best of health.
    Mary in MN...ticks are scary and I hope this one does nothing more than cause you a good scratch. Take care.

    I went to NJ on Saturday to visit my mother in the assisted living. Lets just say it was not the best afternoon. I then went to spend the balance of the weekend with the aforementioned best friend. We went to Cape May on Sunday and it was a glorious day, I even had ice cream which I haven't had in 6 months! Enjoyed every lick!

    Back to work and the regular routine today.
    Chris in partly sunny MA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Mary from Minnesota: Yes the Swedish tick was on me for at least a couple of days. It was on my back so I didn't see it. Because it had been on me for a few days feeding that is why I went on antibiotic proactively. They have Lymes disease in Sweden too. I avoid grassy areas if possible and if I can't I wear boots and long pants. I do not like being on antibiotics unless it is absolutely necessary because of their side effects. Although compared to Lymes disease the side effects of antibiotics are not as serious.

    My brother who live in Missouri got Rocky Mountain fever from a tick bit.

    This is tick season in Minnesota. That is probably whky it is being talked about now.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited May 2015
    Well, our meal out was a wash out!
    I had high hopes when we arrived - lots of staff on, busy, and a big specials board. (Not a good sign in retrospect as there was also a big standard menu)
    My starter of cockles, laver bread and bacon was good. (Laver bread is a Welsh speciality- seaweed!!!!!!)
    DH ordered Potted Brown Shrimps. What arrived was prawns and a Marie Rose sauce. When we complained they said "oh we haven't got any potted shrimps left!" He ordered Whitebait, thinking they couldn't mess that up. It was overbattered and tasteless.
    We ordered Halibut in a chestnut mushroom and butter sauce. We got the halibut, but in a nasty tomato pesto sauce, When we complained they said "the chef has put the wrong sauce on". Then - "we haven't got any more halibut." We said, ok, but we want free desserts. He brought us the only homemade thing on the menu - lemon and lime posset. It was ok, but too chilled. Then I said I'll have the cheese board. Oh dear. They were Welsh cheeses, but only the blue was edible.
    So this is the third disaster in a row for us eating out. And the third time weve got free food! ! ! ! ! This was definitely the worst in a long time. Did they think we wouldn't notice it was not what we ordered? ? ? Even the chips were poor and undercooked!

    This was after the smoke alarms in the property had decided to keep going off all afternoon. In the end we just dismantled them. It certainly isn't smoky!

    Fabulous walk though in the windy sunshine. I did an extra 15 minutes. So altogether 2hrs 45 mins today. :D Plus my 30 mins strength training.

    Lots of love. Must write my review on Trip Advisor.

    Heather in Walles UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Omgosh I last was here on May 7th and 201 messages to catch up on… well, I’ll start reading in a second but for now a quick catch up...
    Happy Belated Mom’s day to the Moms, grandmoms, furrybaby moms, God moms, aunts… and others who care for kids in any and every way.

    I spent Saturday – Tuesday with my mom – a long time for us, but it went well. I have had two rounds of company and now have a 1 ½ week break and then another round of a 4 day visit from a friend.

    Did a lot of cooking, not all healthy, but I worked hard at fitting in some exercise, (never missed my 3 mile daily walk with Levi) and portion control. So got on the scale today, and exactly the same as pre-company my own SV (not non-scale – but a scale victory).

    So having my salad lunch with you.. I’ll read and comment as I go and see how far I can get.

    Mary – glad the house sale is working out… at $6K septic system repair! Yuck!!!

    Joyce – I think it is great that if you do the paper work you get the $$ or gift cards.

    Gilly – I don’t know how it is in the UK, but in the states we get a morning 15 min break, lunch and a 15 min afternoon break – and that is by law… if you get the breaks could you take a walk then?

    DDnavy and all the other newbies!– we are a supportive group of women, just join in!!!

    Heather, Gilly – lots of folks have cleaners here to… we just call them a housekeeper… and at least in my area delivery of groceries is very expensive…. So when I was in England, I never tried toad in a hole, but loved fish and chips and laughed so hard at the signs of “spotted dick ahead” as here the word dick is a nick name for Richard and slang for penis.

    Heather I too googled your vacation… the images of Worms Head –WOW beautiful
    Barbie – the image of you dancing in the bathroom is great!!!

    Meg – Happy very belated birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carol – I’m glad you and your son will have a discussion about the “neatness/cleanliness rules”

    Carey – I can barely type, that poem has me crying my eyes out.

    Kerra – you are welcome to lurk, of course, but I like your style, so jump and chat!

    Ok, got to May 9th, will start up again on page 16….

    May goals:
    Walk every day
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – had a friend visit for a couple of days – went to our big second hand store (Savers) and for $23 got 3 pair of walking shoes and a pair of hiking boots – all very gently used. Score!

    Week 2 – had Mom for a 4 day visit, tried some new recipes, salmon, shrimp and clams…. Yummy. Did a new walk with the dog that had a long tough hill, and we made it!

    Kim from N. California
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Everyone! I’ve been missing you! <3

    Katla: Thanks for the message! I’m just puttering along. My son is doing well. He has lost a little weight and seems to be eating healthier. I’ve been rather inconsistent for the last several months. As a matter of fact I posted a rather long venting rant for the month on my page. I’ll share it with y’all since it pretty much is the truth about my frame of mind – what little bit of one I have left!

    MY RANT FOR THIS MONTH! One of you commented on being inconsistent….I joined that club around two months ago. Life has been stressful and work has been super stressful – nothing new there. The SO and I had a little talk or I should say he talked and I got a serious attitude. The subject of his discourse was you need to drop 40 pounds and keep it off. I am not an arguer so he just rolled on picking up momentum as men seem to be so able to do  until he said “I am not going to marry you until you drop 40 pounds.” I had a rather rude response which resulted in me deciding that I was not going to marry him. After two months of hindsight…I am able to admit that he is really scared of me dying from an asthma attack and one of the principle problems is the stress carrying so much weight puts on my respiratory system. He has been with me though lots of small attacks and two major ones that I came through only by the grace of God. The other day I consciously weighed in and saw that I had gained 10 pounds since we had that discussion. I had to ask myself why I was participating in self-sabotage. Yes pals I did indeed do a close examination of whether or not I really wanted to get married! I also had to re-fresh myself with the concept that I am obese, that the weight is killing me slowly but surely and he is not the selfish you-know-what that I had decided he was. So I’m back to a healthier lifestyle. The SO is paying for a personal trainer to design a strength training routine for us and I am looking forward to it. For those of you in the Inconsistent Club remember that we all fall off from time to time but we need to remember to jump back on the wagon because every little bit helps.

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh my, what a day! We got to the hotel and took a three hour nap in a wonderful soft bed with wonderful crisp white sheets. Then got out and walked to the Metro station and rode down to the Opera House Plaza and walked around, exploring. We went to a big fancy market and sampled some tiny pastry items, then walked back to the Metro. We got off at the wrong station and had to double back a little, but finally made it back to our hotel. We walked 6.11 miles and I got a small sunburn. We also found a great fruit and vegetable store near our hotel, where I got a big bunch of cherry tomatoes, two apples and a huge orange, all for about $2. That's going to be my favorite store, I think. We wimped out and ate dinner at Burger King. I'm not ready to navigate the local cuisine just yet. I can't eat fish and refuse to eat veal and suckling pig, so I have to figure out what I CAN eat.

    Tomorrow we are taking a half day bus trip to Toledo. It's supposed to be almost 100 degrees tomorrow, and there will be lots of walking. I packed my huge sun hat, so I'll take that.

    Sorry I haven't had time to even skim the posts. I hope you are all having a great day.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here are today's jokes:


    At school one morning the teacher asked little Johnny what he had for breakfast.

    Little Johnny said, "Well, on my way to school I come cross this Apple tree, so I climbed up there and started eating apples."

    "I guess I eat about six," said little Johnny. "No," said the teacher, "it's ate!"

    Little Johnny said "Well it could've been eight, I don't remember."


    At a party of professionals, a Doctor was having difficulty socializing. Everyone wanted to describe their symptoms, and get an opinion about diagnosis. The Doctor turned to a Lawyer acquaintance, and asked, "How do you handle people who want advice outside of the office?"

    "Simple," answered the Lawyer, "I send them a bill. That stops it."

    The next day, the Doctor, still feeling a bit reserved about what he had just finished doing, opened his mailbox to send the bills; there sat a bill from the Lawyer.
